Mathematical Methods for Analysis of Data

Textbook    basic study material

Slides          content of lectures       Slides supplement         supplements to slides

Knime Workspace  - download, unzip in your computer, set it in Knime: File|Switch Workspace|Other ...
List of Knime programs - Pictures showing programs as they look in Knime.
Scilab programs  - download, unzip in your computer and run in Scilab
List of Scilab programs   Scilab programs with hints how to experiment with them.
readme   advises how to work with the programs in Scilab and Knime

Laboratory - it is a handbook for stochastic systems. You can download it from the main page:    and follow the instruction. In the first half of our lectures
we will rely on it.

Tasks - tasks for verification understanding and for final evaluation by marks (data to Task 4)

Help to -  KNIME: KNIME_quickstartKNIME_workbench
             -  Scilab:    Scilab Introduction.pdf

Other supporting materials
- Explanation of tree in the method Decision Trees
- Elementary programs - help to the tasks
- Estimation of MD model - multidimensional regression model
- Quadratic forms - help to control
- Simple mixtures - estimation in detail