[Lecture 9] [Content] [Lecture 11]

Lecture 10

The presentation from the lecture 10 about inheritance and virtual methods: 14PAM_lecture7_inheritance.pptx.

Implementation of 2D and 3D vector from the presentation:
Library: TVector.h, TVector.cpp
Application: vector.cbp, vector.cpp
Implementation of tree (without virtual methods):
Library: TTree1.h, TTree1.cpp
Application: tree1.cbp, tree1.cpp
Implementation of tree (with virtual methods):
Library: TTree2.h, TTree2.cpp
Application: tree2.cbp, tree2.cpp
Implementation of class representing animals:
Library: animal.h, animal.cpp
Application: animal.cbp, main.cpp
Application of class representing animals:
Library: animal2.h, animal2.cpp
Application: animal2.cbp, main2.cpp