[Lecture 6] [Content] [Lecture 8]

Lecture 7

The presentation from the lecture 7 about structures is available to download: 14PAM_lecture7_structures.pdf.

Reading header of BMP file:
CodeBlocks:bitmap.cbp, bitmap.c, picture.bmp

The presentations from the lecture 7 about abstract data type are available to download: 14PAM_lecture7_ADT.pptx, 14PAM_lecture7_trees.pdf.

Phone numbers list as linked list:
Single linked list:Library:phone_list_single.h, phone_list_single.cpp
 Application: app_linked_list_single.cbp, app_linked_list_single.cpp
Double linked list:Library:phone_list_double.h, phone_list_double.cpp
 Application: app_linked_list_double.cbp, app_linked_list_double.cpp
Binary tree:
Codeblocks: tree.cbp, tree.c

The presentations from the lecture 7 about advanced recursion application is available to download: 14PAM_lecture7_recursion2.pptx.

Search path in the labyrinth:
Application: search_path.cbp, search_path.cpp
Files with labyrinth definitions: def_labyrinth1.txt, def_labyrinth2.txt, def_labyrinth3.txt
8-Queens problem:
Codeblocks: queens_problem.cbp, queens_problem.c
Domino game:
Application: domino.cbp, domino.c
File with tile set: domino_input.txt

The presentations from the lecture 7 about algorithms and complexity: 14PAM_lecture7_algoritms_searching_sorting.pptx.