Master's degree programme:
The key strategy of the Faculty of Transportation Sciences in recent years has been to expand the possibility of master's degree studies in the form of joint-degree programmes, ie completing a specific field of study at several co-operating universities with the possibility of obtaining a diploma both at the CTU in Prague and at another co-operating foreign university.
The system of joint-degree programmes has proven to be successful in the "IS – Intelligent Transport Systems" study field in which the Faculty of Transportation Sciences co-operates with the Linköping University in Sweden.
Since 2020, the Faculty also offers study in the master´s double-degree program "SC - Smart Cities", where teaching is carried out in co-operation with the Faculty of Architecture at Czech Technical University and abroad with The University of Texas at El Paso in the United States.
The exact amount of tuition fees for study programs taught in English in the form of double degree is determined by a contract with the cooperating foreign university: