The Joint Laboratory of Tunnel Systems (JLTS) was established in 2009 in order to create a competence centre that would systematically work on optimization and continuous improvement of the tunnel systems’ safety in the Czech and Slovak Republic, namely by raising the level of knowledge in the field of basic and applied research with the consequential interconnection between theory and practice. For this purpose the members of the laboratory submit and solve various research projects for relevant public authorities. The JLTS connects the academic environment represented by the FTS CTU and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Žilina with the most important Czech supplier of tunnel technologies and control systems.
In 2013 the project of the Technology Agency ZET (2011 – 2013) was solved. The project was focused on simulators of emergency situations in tunnels, the use of physical models for optimization of air-conditioning control and a new way of informing people trapped in the tunnel. The HADES project (2013 – 2015) provided a theoretical grounding of the risk analysis using the principles of artificial intelligence.
In addition, the JLTS serves as a knowledge base for information on the safety and technological equipment of tunnels on the roads. Its representatives work actively in the International Committee on Road Tunnels of the PIARC.
The JLTS participates in the training of young specialists in both Master’s and Ph.D. studies. One of many objectives is the training of operators of tunnels and systematic preparation for performing safety checks of tunnels as required by the Directive 54/2004/ES.