ukraine ifo

Foreign Language - German 3

Course Code:
Academic Degree:
Study Programme:
Technology in Transportation and Telecommunications (B 3710)
semesterlanguagestudy field / specialization
5czech flagDOS Transportation Systems and Technology - 3708R009
5czech flagITS Intelligent Transport Systems - 3711R004
5czech, english flagLED Air Transport - 3708R031
5czech flagLOG Logistics and Transport Processes Control - 3708R046
Technology in Transportation and Telecommunications (B1041A040001)
semesterlanguagestudy field / specialization
5czech flagDOS Transportation Systems and Technology - B-DOS
5czech flagITS Intelligent Transport Systems - B-ITS
5czech flagLOG Logistics and Transport Processes Control - B-LOG
course for Erasmus and Exchange students in winter semester
Form of Study:
full-time and part-time
Number of Hours:
0 + 4 hours per week - in full-time study
10 hours per semester - in part-time study
Type of Course:
Course Completion:
Course Tutor:
roh  Training Course:
Mgr. Eva Rezlerová
roh  Part-time Study:
Mgr. Bc. René Skalický
Supervising Department:
Department of Languages and Humanities (16115)
Grammatical structures, communicative skills, written and oral discourse, professional texts, vocabulary, professional terminology.
Grammar and stylistics. Selection of conversation and professional topics based on the language level and study focus at the Faculty. Improvement of language structure knowledge and perceptive and communicative skills, vocabulary development. Basic stylistic forms. Presentation of own knowledge in oral and written form. Work with (professional) text and its features. Practice of oral and written presentation.
Increase of language competence of the student, acquiring communicative skills, presentation of general and professional contents on a particular language level.