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Department of Smart Cities and Regions

Head:doc. Ing. Tomáš HORÁK, Ph.D.
Deputy Head:Ing. Petra SKOLILOVÁ, Ph.D.
Treasurer:Ing. Jana TALOVÁ
roh for Education:Ing. Petra SKOLILOVÁ, Ph.D.
roh for Projects:Ing. Rudolf Franz HEIDU, Ph.D.
Secretary:Ing. Jana TALOVÁ

The structure of pedagogical and research pattern of the department results from technical engineering principle evolving it by designing transportation theory on a broader economical background that is a frame for logistics systems. Thus the department ensures education in basic disciplines of technological reality: Transportation theory - Technology of Transportation - Logistics within the bachelor, graduate and postgraduate study programs. Logistics is taught in two levels - basics of logistics and transportation management in logistics systems

The department ensures many professional oriented students projects in the bachelor and graduate study programs and within the education of postgraduate students in transportation processes management and logistics.

Research patterns:

  • In the scope of transportation theory the research is focused on the development of intensification functions of transportation processes.
  • In the technology and transportation processes management the research is oriented to applications of the fundamental research of the transportation theory into each technical mode of transport and their combination in multimodal transportation systems.
  • In the domain of logistics the research deals with general principles including management of logistics systems and transportation logistics.
Surname Name, degree
Drnec Daniel Ing. et Ing. (full-time studies)
Fridrišek Petr Ing. (part-time studies)
Glaserová Eliška Ing., MSc. (full-time studies)
Chýle Martin Ing. (full-time studies)
Juřík David Ing. (full-time studies)
Metelka Stanislav Ing. (part-time studies)
Štěpánek Petr Ing. arch. Ing., Ph.D. (part-time studies)
Websites of the Department
photo of the building horska


Address of the Department
Department of Smart Cities and Regions
Horská 3
128 03 Praha 2
Post address
CTU in Prague Faculty of Transportation Sciences
Department of Smart Cities and Regions
Konviktská 20
110 00 Prague

Phone: +420 224 359 155, +420 224 359 164

Way to us
map + street view

Photos from the Department