The Laboratory of NDT (non-destructive testing and material diagnostics) is currently using the test methods MT, UT/BT, VT, ET and PT. The instrumentation of the laboratory is chosen in such a way as to reflect current requirements for aircraft equipment maintenance at a global level. The major part of the instrumentation is mobile, which makes it possible to carry out a whole set of measurements directly inside the aircrafts on the operators’ premises. At the present time the laboratory is also used as the technical facility for students of the Technology of Aviation Maintenance study field. In the laboratory they can carry out practical measurements and testing when working on their final Bachelor’s or Master’s diploma theses. In addition, a block of practical exercises for individual testing methods for students attending courses that deal with the NDT is held every year. The laboratory also has its own altitude chamber that is used by the Department of Air Transport to calibrate flight recorders, namely for the purposes of evidence for sports performances in gliding. The laboratory has been certified by the Aero Club of the Czech Republic and acknowledged by the World Air Sports Federation.
Phone: 224 359 185, 224 359 371
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