The Laboratory of Energy Efficiency in Transportation (LEET) falls under the Department of Vehicle Technology and it is specialized in energy and energy related issues in transportation systems. The laboratory serves to enhance the learning process and experimental work of students, and also for research activities of the academic staff in the field of energy in transportation processes. In addition, the LEET offers its services to other research and development institutions, production plants and governing bodies of the state or regions. In the laboratory it is possible to simulate the functional structure of vehicles as well as infrastructure, which enables testing the variant solutions in different situations. Besides, the laboratory can be used for analysing the impact of technical solutions in vehicles, especially their propulsion and control systems, and the related infrastructure on energy efficiency within the selected operating modes. Other tasks of the laboratory include adjusting the timetables in order to minimize energy consumption and optimize technical characteristics of the vehicles according to the purpose of transport activities. The LEET is also involved in creating a database for economic evaluation of variant solutions and creating SW tools for determining the economic efficiency of the analysed technical solution under specified operating technological conditions based on various computational methodologies. All this forms the support for the decision-making processes during planning of investments, reconstruction and innovation of vehicles and relevant transportation infrastructure with respect to the lifetime costs of all crucial components of the system.