ukraine ifo

Algorithm and Data Structures

Course Code:
Academic Degree:
Study Programme:
Technology of Aviation Maintenance (B0716A040001)
1czech flag
Technology in Transportation and Telecommunications (B1041A040001)
semesterlanguagestudy field / specialization
1czech flagcommon part of studies
1czech flagLOG Logistics and Transport Processes Control - B-LOG
Form of Study:
full-time and part-time
Number of Hours:
0 + 2 hours per week - in full-time study
8 hours per semester - in part-time study
Type of Course:
Course Completion:
classified credit
Course Tutor:
roh  Training Course:
doc. Dr. Ing. Tomáš Brandejský
doc. Ing. Vít Fábera, Ph.D.
Ing. Mgr. Michal Jeřábek, Ph.D.
Ing. Marek Kalika, Ph.D.
Ing. Alena Kubáčová
doc. Ing. Zdeněk Lokaj, Ph.D., LL.M.
Ing. Jan Mejstřík
Ing. Jan Procházka
Ing. Martin Šrotýř, Ph.D.
roh  Part-time Study:
Ing. Jan Mejstřík
Supervising Department:
Department of Applied Informatics in Transportation (16114)
algorithm, flowchart, data structures
Students will be familiarized with selected basic and derived data structures, algorithms, their properties and their design procedure. Students will analyze problems, propose theoretical solutions to the set task and the resulting algorithm write by means of flowcharts, practice in reading algorithms recorded by means of the flowchart and use the basics of Boolean algebra with forming the conditions for the algorithms.
Overview of data structures, design of algorithms for solving selected problems and their record by means of flowcharts, logical thinking and theoretical training for programming.