ukraine ifo

Public Sector Economy

Course Code:
Academic Degree:
Study Programme:
Technology in Transportation and Telecommunications (B1041A040001)
semesterlanguagestudy field / specialization
1czech flagDOS Transportation Systems and Technology - B-DOS
1czech flagITS Intelligent Transport Systems - B-ITS
1czech flagLED Air Transport - B-LED
5czech flagLOG Logistics and Transport Processes Control - B-LOG
Form of Study:
Number of Hours:
2 + 0 hours per week - in full-time study
Type of Course:
Course Completion:
classified credit
Course Tutor:
roh  Lectures:
Ing. Veronika Faifrová, Ph.D.
Supervising Department:
Department of Logistics and Management of Transport (16117)
public sector, public finance, public choice, public goods, externalities, public tenders, PPP projects, transport, efficiency, CBA, MCA, CEA
Economic and financial theory of public sector, public choice theory, externalites, decisions about public finance allocation, economic assesment of public projects (CBA, MCA, CEA), tax system of the CR, state budget, management of public projects a their economic efficiency assessment, way of elaboration of PPP projects, funding from EU funds, program HDM-4.
The aim of the course is to deeper acquaint students with the problems of the public sector and finance. The concrete content of the course are the problems of the public choice theory, tax system, state budget, allocation of public finance, management of public projects a their economic efficiency assessment, way of elaboration of PPP projects.