Project detail: Advanced Experimental Methods for Engineering Materials and Structures
Advanced Experimental Methods for Engineering Materials and Structures
The project is focused on design of experiments and development of
testing devices and software tool at field of experimental mechanics.
The workflow is based on development standards of technological
companies. Together or on demand of our industrial (AŽD, ŠKODA
TRANSPORTATION, ŘSD) and research (VÚZ, ITAM, University of Maribor,
Universität des Saarlandes) partners standalone applications or complete
solutions in the automotive and aerospace industries, regenerative
medicine, and security technologies are developed. High-tech components
for automation, control, measurement and signal processing are employed
in our solutions. During the team oriented work each team member should
join to any part of the development process including set up of the
experiment, conceptual and structural design of experimental devices and
control units and software development.