Project detail: HMI and interactive simulation in the area of transportation means
HMI and interactive simulation in the area of transportation means
The project deals with interdisciplinary problems of HMI, focused primarily on vehicle drivers. Interactive simulators are the main and effective tools for measurements of HMI. These have been developed within the Driving Simulation Research Group for almost two decades.
The project involves all levels of such a research starting with experiment design, specification and design of devices needed for quality measurements (research driving simulators as well) ending with final analyses and classifications. It covers problems of simulations, virtual reality, system analyzes, psycho-physiological measurements, mathematical analytical methods, data mining and data classification. Topics of virtual reality cover mainly modeling and rendering of virtual objects and sceneries, real-time rendering using a modern hardware, creation of spatial sounds, as well as design of particular peripheral devices used within the scope of the virtual reality.
Students can practically participate within large spectra of works staring with modeling of 3D testing scenarios up to evaluations and classifications of measured data. The project is tightly coupled with recent research tasks of the department and is done in cooperation with industry partners Škoda-Auto, VW, Dekra Automobil, Pragolet etc.