ukraine ifo

Modern Trends and Development of the Airports for PIL

The project Modern Trends and Development of the Airports is thematically focused on the issues of planning, construction and modernization of the airports according to CS-ADR-DSN and current requirements for aircraft operations. Additionally, the project focuses on two areas, Airport digital twin and Smart airports. Activities in the area of Airport digital twin are focused on the creation of a digital model of the airport that should serve as a simulation and optimization perform. The work area called Smart airports is focused on a research and design of innovative solutions applicable in airport operations. This involves the application of the specific sensors in the different areas of operations to improve the ability to plan and control processes at the airports. A work on the project starts with the discussions on the selected topics, which are jointly formulated by students and mentors during the first meetings. Students within the project work in groups, typically of 3-4 students, according to the chosen topic and under the guidance of the mentors. Students work on this chosen topic throughout their studies in order to define and analyse the identified problem and then propose an appropriate solution. Important outputs of their work on the project are the assignments of their final thesis, and at a later stage, the final bachelor’s or master’s thesis.
Department of Air Transport (16121)
Head of project:
Ing. Petr Had
Ing. Petr Líkař
Ing. Peter Olexa
Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.

BACHELOR’S Degree Programme
Professional Pilot - B1041A040003

Code | Language | Shortcut:
21X1MT | czech | B_PIL_CZ_spec (Professional Pilot)
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There is no elective courses type B for study.
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