ukraine ifo

Geography of Transport Systems

Course Code:
Academic Degree:
Study Programme:
Technology in Transportation and Telecommunications (B1041A040001)
semesterlanguagestudy field / specialization
6czech flagLOG Logistics and Transport Processes Control - B-LOG
Form of Study:
full-time and part-time
Number of Hours:
2 + 0 hours per week - in full-time study
8 hours per semester - in part-time study
Type of Course:
Course Completion:
classified credit
Course Tutor:
roh  Lectures:
doc. RNDr. Miroslav Marada, Ph.D.
roh  Part-time Study:
Ing. Milan Kříž, Ph.D.
Supervising Department:
Department of Logistics and Management of Transport (16117)
transport, regionalization, local and regional development, spatial interactions, mobility, spatial differentiation, transport geographical analysis
Regional differentiation of the transport system. Sociogeographic regionalization and its relation to transport. Transport and local and regional development. Spatial interaction - theoretical and methodological framework. Mobility research - travel behavior, mode choice and the influence onto "modal-split." Modal competition. Practical use of transport-geographical analysis in transportation planning.
The aim is to introduce students to the transport-geography issues in particular in relation to transport planning. In addition to acquiring theoretical knowledge a part of the course also deals with the basic methods of transport geography research (e. g. regionalization, measurement of accessibility, regional transport service, and mode choice).