
informace pocházejí z univerzitní databáze V3S

doc. Ing. Bc. Vladimír Socha, Ph.D.; Ing. Erik Ingeduld; Ing. Tomáš Malich; Ing. Lenka Hanáková, Ph.D.; Ing. Liana Karapetjan; doc. Ing. Luboš Socha, Ph.D. et Ph.D.
2022, 2022 New Trends in Aviation Development (NTAD), Prague, Czechoslovakia Section IEEE), p. 206-212), ISBN 979-8-3503-2036-7
Ergonomically appropriate placement of flight instruments reduces the crew’s workload and reduces the likelihood of misinterpretation of displayed information. There are established instrument layout standards adapted by aircraft manufacturers that allow pilots to more easily transition from one aircraft to another. However, in certain phases of the flight, increased attention of the crew to the external environment is required. However, the instruments are located on the dashboard and the pilot must still switch between the instruments and the view from the cockpit. This problem is partially solved by the Head-mounted display located in front of the windshield. It is thus possible to follow the displayed information while looking ahead. In this respect, the existing Head-mounted display technology could be surpassed by technology implementing augmented reality into glasses (in some cases into a helmet) as a head/helmet-mounted display. The aim of this article is therefore to design an instrument layout for head-mounted devices. An important part is the conducted pilot testing and evaluation of feedback, which was evaluated using a questionnaire survey. The results point to the possibilities of flight information presentation, which could be configured within the possibilities of the available software and at the same time meet the ergonomic concepts and requirements of the pilots.
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Ing. Liana Karapetjan; doc. Ing. Bc. Vladimír Socha, Ph.D.; Ing. Roman Matyáš, Ph.D.; Ing. Lenka Hanáková, Ph.D.; Petříček, J.; Oniščenko, B.; doc. Ing. Luboš Socha, Ph.D. et Ph.D.; Došel, P.
2022, Transportation Research Procedia, Amsterdam, Elsevier B.V.), p. 222-229), ISSN 2352-1457
Although illusions may be very common and dangerous, they do not receive enough attention in civil pilots training in terms of identification and experience. In contrast to military aviation, there is not any aeromedical training focused on flight illusions concerning civil aviators to this day. Therefore, the aim of this research was to determine whether to implement vestibular illusion simulator training into IR (Instrument Rating) training. Subsequently, specific parts of IR training along with a particular flight profile were chosen. This was based on the design of a practical experiment, which included induction of specific illusions in various flight profiles and situations. Using spatial disorientation simulator, twenty-five instrument rating instructors were exposed to three flight profiles containing four vestibular illusions. Specifically, it was somatogravic, somatogyral, Coriolis and the leans illusion. After each flight profile, a questionnaire concerning subjective responses regarding specific illusions and flight profiles was filled. Twenty-four out of twenty-five instructors were in favour of implementing vestibular illusion simulator into IR training, either mandatory or on voluntarily basis. The potential integration phase was chosen to be the beginning part or the final part of the IR training. This could lead to an overall improvement for safety of aviation.
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doc. Ing. Bc. Vladimír Socha, Ph.D.; Ing. Lenka Hanáková, Ph.D.; Weiss, J.; Ing. Roman Matyáš, Ph.D.; Ing. Liana Karapetjan; Ing. Terézia Pilmannová, MBA; Ing. Stanislav Kušmírek, Ph.D.
2022, Transportation Research Procedia, Amsterdam, Elsevier B.V.), p. 275-282), ISSN 2352-1457
Proven by accident statistics, a tired pilot poses a threat to safe flight operations, especially in its critical phases, such as the approach to landing. In the context of the fatigue's impact on the accurate execution of the approach to landing, no research has yet been carried out to experimentally confirm/deny the impact of this factor on the pilot's performance. Therefore, this study examines the impact of fatigue on the final approach phase through a 24-hour flight simulator experiment. Eight subjects participated in the study, performing 15 instrument approaches over the time period defined above. In order to quantify the stabilised portion of the approach, a time-based approach was defined. The approach was based on identifying the portion of the approach executed in the prescribed descent region of pyramidal shape expressed in percent. The results show a link between the precision and accuracy of the instrument approach execution and the level of pilot fatigue, which can lead to unstabilised approaches that negatively affect overall safety. Therefore, the experimental setup, methodology, and results can serve as an evidence-based approach for a more concrete definition of fatigue risk management or as a knowledge base for further development of this issue.
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Ing. Lenka Hanáková, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Bc. Vladimír Socha, Ph.D.; Ing. Stanislav Kušmírek, Ph.D.; Ing. Liana Karapetjan; doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.; Ing. Kateřina Stuchlíková; Ing. Michaela Kalivodová; Ing. Tomáš Malich; Ing. Oldřich Štumbauer, Ph.D.
Cílem projektu bylo vytvoření konceptu měření, analýzy a vyhodnocení psychofyziologické kondice pilotů jako potenciálního indikátoru selhání v závěrečné fázi přiblížení a přistání na letišti, s hlavním ohledem na analýzu variability srdečního rytmu, kvantifikaci EEG a modelování vizuální percepce. Koncept cílil na zvyšování bezpečnosti letecké dopravy tím, že umožní vyhodnocení psychofyziologické kondice a kognitivních schopností posádky ve fázi letu, která patří mezi nejrizikovější a nejvíce náchylné na nedostatky leteckého personálu. Dosažení konceptu umožní další zlepšování úrovně provozní bezpečnosti v letectví pomocí snížení rizika souvisejícího s jednotlivými úkony při přistání na letišti. Pro tyto účely byl vytvořen simulátor, který je schopen prostřednictvím virtuální reality simulovat let se společným sledováním pohybu očí ve scéně a sběr fyziologických dat. Výzkumná zpráva ukazuje na aktivity spojené s realizací tohoto zařízení, předzpracování zaznamenaných dat/signálů, jejich význam, způsob interpretace těchto dat a v neposlední řadě nastavení experimentálních měření a jejich evaluaci. Projekt probíhal od 06/2019 do 05/2021. V rámci řešení projektu vzhledem k pandemii Covid-19 neměl řešitelský tým kontinuální přístup na pracoviště a nebylo tak možné realizovat některé aktivity v plném, zamýšleném rozsahu. Tato situace trvala od 03/2020 do 03/2021 a dopadla především na měření zahrnující lidské subjekty, jejichž realizace nebyla možná vůbec nebo za velmi omezených podmínek. I přes uvedené problémy, vynaložil řešitelský tým značné úsilí pro úspěšné ukončení projektu a splnění všech závazků s ním spojených.
Oponovaná výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Bc. Vladimír Socha, Ph.D.; Ing. Liana Karapetjan; Bořil, T.; Ing. Lenka Hanáková, Ph.D.; Socha, L.; Havel, T.
2020, 2020 New Trends in Civil Aviation, Praha, IEEE Czechoslovakia Section), p. 117-121), ISBN 978-80-01-06726-0, ISSN 2694-7854
The article deals with the factors contributing to the emergence of a visual illusion, the so-called black hole approach. Among all the visual illusions that can jeopardize the course of a flight in its particular phases, this illusion is quite specific. This illusion arises in cases of visual approach at night. The risks of this illusion, such as hitting the terrain, are known. However, the causes of this illusion and other influencing factors that may result in this illusion are not sufficiently investigated. Therefore, a systematic review was performed in order to summarize the existing knowledge on this issue. The results show that in the case of black hole approach, only basic research is carried out worldwide and there is a lack of studies. However, the studies carried out partially confirm the well-known hypotheses about the origin of this illusion.
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doc. Ing. Bc. Vladimír Socha, Ph.D.; Socha, L.; Ing. Lenka Hanáková, Ph.D.; Ing. Liana Karapetjan; Ing. Viktor Valenta, Ph.D.; Ing. Stanislav Kušmírek, Ph.D.; Ing. Terézia Pilmannová, MBA; Ing. Peter Olexa
2020, Transportation Research Procedia, Linz, Elsevier BV), p. 252-260), ISSN 2352-1465
There is a great emphasis on safety in the field of aviation. Advanced technologies open new possibilities and allow objective measurements of specific safety factors. One of these factors is undoubtedly human performance which is already a significant element within a training of aviation personnel. The area of the highest interest is focused on pilot training. The aim of this study is to examine whether a specific psychological training can be considered as a positive performance influencing factor. Subjects underwent an experimental training schedule which was designed for the purpose of this study. Subjects were divided into control (n=20) and experimental (n=20) groups. The experimental group underwent Jacobson progressive relaxation psychological training. Both groups were evaluated during the experimental training schedule; accuracy and precision of piloting was measured during the second and eleventh hour of training. This study focused on basic flight maneuvers, i.e. straight and level flight, 360° horizontal turn with 30° bank and 180° climbing/descending turn with 15° bank and vertical speed of ± 500 ft/min. For the purpose of maneuver identification, Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise algorithm was used. Each maneuver was evaluated for precision and accuracy and at the same time and used for a performance comparison between groups. Paired and between subject statistical testing were performed using appropriate statistical methods at the level of significance p<0.05. The results indicated that the implemented psychological training did not affect the performance of pilots in terms of precision and accuracy.
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