2023, PIARC XXVIIth World Road Congress Proceedings of the Congress, Paris La Défense cedex, World Road Association (PIARC) Technical Committee C.3.3), ISBN 978-2-84060-837-0
State Found for Transportation Infrastructure have started to implement digitalization in 2017. This paper summarizes achieved results in cooperation with Czech Road and Motorway Directorate, Railway Administration and Waterways Directorate since then. Paper describes principles applied on Czech national level through national standardization and methodologies and its relations and common principles with international standardization (CEN and ISO) and open data formats. This paper as well summarizes the cooperation of national administration with private companies through dialog, chambers and established platforms and processes of collaboration which led to development of national standards which correspond to the current state of knowledge and competence in both private and public sectors. Paper describes the key factors of infrastructure project digitalization and their correlation to efficiency in projects preparation, execution and administration. Paper includes selected aspects of the Common Data Environment standard, which based on British PAS 1192 and German DIN 91391-1, was developed including national construction projects and regulation needs. Further selected parts of Employer’s information requirements, based on ISO 16739-1:2018 and open data format IFC 4.3., BIM Execution Plan, based on ISO 19650-1, and BIM Protocol meant for FIDIC contract conditions, are addressed in this paper. Paper focuses on aspects that needed to be developed, or differences, on national level, due to national law, design and construction principles and public administration regulations, in comparison with international standards. It is show that current international standards (CEN and ISO), in the field of building information modeling, are in many aspects exceedingly general and quite an effort has to be made to implement them in construction projects. These methodologies and standards have been used in more than 60 construction projects, and the article describes the experience gained, which was further reflected in new versions of the documents. Paper describes as well further plans that need to be executed for the increased utilization and benefits of digital technologies and established process of current standards innovation based on the experience from innovated processes and technologies applications in transportation construction projects.
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