
informace pocházejí z univerzitní databáze V3S

doc. Ing. Jakub Hospodka, Ph.D.; Ing. Jindřich Sadil, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Ing. František Kekula; Mgr. Oldřich Hykš; RNDr. Magdalena Hykšová, Ph.D.; Neubergová, K.
2024, Infrastructures - Open Access Journal, 9 (1), ISSN 2412-3811
We present a comprehensive methodology for a two-step approach to address the task at hand. The first step involves the optimal placement of charging stations, while the second step focuses on determining the necessary capacity of the charging stations based on traffic factors. This methodology is applicable to countries, states, or specific areas where the placement and optimization of charging stations for truck road transport are being considered. We identify the key inputs required for solving such a task. In the results section, we demonstrate the outcomes using a model example for the Czech Republic.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Kaločayová, M.
2022, Perner's contacts, 17 (1), ISSN 1801-674X
The air transport network is one of the most important and critical infrastructures in today's global economy. Air transport would not be able to operate without the air network. This fact significantly contributed to interest in a closer study of the issue of air network status assessment. The aim of this article is to evaluate the European air network by identifying and evaluating major European airports based on scheduled flights. Robustness of this air network was determined with regard to its evaluation. According to research, a suitable methodology was chosen which is describing the organization of data, specification of the research area and selection of method. Civil international airports which are located in European countries recognized by their entire size and handled at least 1 million passengers in 2018, were chosen as the basis for the creation of the European air network model and following evaluation. For these airports, individual scheduled flights were searching including their frequency during the selected period on 11-17 November 2019. The method of centrality used in the field of graph theory was chosen to evaluate the air network of these selected airports with regard to their connectivity. The obtained results identified the most important airports of the European air network and thus represent status assessment of air network during the winter flight schedule 2019/2020. These results were used to monitor the robustness of the European air network as a whole. The robustness of the air network was monitored based on a simulation of the sequent closure of the most important airports in the network with regard to the change of average path length and the size of the giant component. The European air network becomes inoperable when 19-20% of the best evaluated airports in the network are closed.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Táboříková, K.; Ing. Michaela Kalivodová
2022, 2022 New Trends in Civil Aviation (NTCA), Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 135-139), ISBN 978-80-01-06985-1, ISSN 2694-7854
The subject of the study “Research of the Employment in Air transport in the Czech Republic” is to analyze employment in the aviation with an emphasis on its contribution to the Czech Republic. In the context of employment, this study deals with the position of air transport in relation to the transport industry and the whole market in the Czech Republic. The main aim of this study was to find out how many people work in the aviation, what is the development of employment in aviation over time, but also to compare employment in the aviation versus the transport industry and the whole market in the Czech Republic. This study used quantitative analysis, which helped to fulfill another goal of this study, namely, to analyze the efficiency of employment in aviation. In air transport, the following quantities were found: the number of employees, average monthly gross salary, total turnover and its effect on gross domestic product, turnover per employee, total profit and profit per employee, the ratio of labor costs to turnover, profitability, and efficiency of employees. The source of data on the transport sector or the market in the Czech Republic was mainly the database of the Czech Statistical Office. In general, it can be said that air transport follows the development trend of the entire market. During the research period (2014–2018), growth in the number of employees, average gross monthly wages, total profit, and thus profitability in the aviation industry was recorded. Still, the share of air transport in the gross domestic product also grew. Air transport thus contributes not only to the level of employment and thus also to the general well-being of people but also contributes to the creation of GDP, which indicates the performance of the economy of the entire Czech Republic.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Mgr. Oldřich Hykš; RNDr. Magdalena Hykšová, Ph.D.; Neubergová, K.; Ing. Jindřich Sadil, Ph.D.; Ing. František Kekula
2021, International Scientific Conference "Horizons of Railway Transport 2020", Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Cairo University), p. 289-304), ISSN 2352-1457
The paper deals with electric charging concept for road freight transport and discusses various kinds of charging stations and their categorization with respect to the connection to a vehicle and type of voltage, fundamental aspects of the design of the electric vehicle charging infrastructure and connection options to the distribution system. The issue of noise, landscape fragmentation and the barrier effect of roads and highways, and emphasizes the influence of freight transport on air pollution, in particular its significant contribution to the production of nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, sulfur dioxide, dust particles and other pollutants are mentioned in the paper. A special attention is paid to emissions of carbon dioxide, a significant greenhouse gas, again in the context of freight transport. The methodologies of Well to Wheels (WTW) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) are also presented in the paper.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

doc. Ing. Jakub Hospodka, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Mgr. Oldřich Hykš; RNDr. Magdalena Hykšová, Ph.D.; Ing. František Kekula; Neubergová, K.; Ing. Jindřich Sadil, Ph.D.
2021, Proceedings of the “Transport Means 2021”, Kaunas, Kaunas University of Technology), p. 1047-1053), ISSN 1822-296X
The article presented here discusses the possibility of use of alternative sources of energy in road freight transport. It deals with emissions from road freight transport and their modelling including the description of emission models, it further introduces a simulation model for fuel consumption and emission calculation, the process of design of optimization of a network charging stations and a concept of charging stations and hydrogen power. The aim is to determine a proper way of implementing alternative energy sources (AES) in freight road transport, to create a simulation model for fuel consumption and emission calculation and therefore to compare the impact of different types of alternative fuels on the environment and to assess emissions in a broader cycle. The work further aims at proposing a method of optimization of a network of charging stations and discussing the concept of charging stations and hydrogen power.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; Ing. Sarah Van Den Bergh; JUDr. Ing. Radoslav Zozuľák, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2020, MAD - Magazine of Aviation Development, 8 (4), p. 12-19), ISSN 1805-7578
The initial motivation for studying and researching air transport socio-economic impacts is quantifying the value that air transport brings to the Czech Republic. The main challenge is to explore a methodology that would describe the macroeconomic and microeconomic relations within the Air transport industry. These relations will define the directions of the market forces flow and thus the Czech Republic’s value. The authors of the paper use an approach that follows methods and standards for collecting and processing economic and statistical data introduced by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Eurostat, and the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO). The authors incorporate economic definitions and standards published by the United Nations under the World Trade Organization (UNWTO) and other accounting and statistical entities, which results in creating a methodical description of chosen relations. The methodical description leads to the quantification of the value. In a practical sense, it is a matter of determining the origin of the data sets according to which the selected relations will be defined. The paper focuses on the expression of Air transport’s primary and secondary effects and the description of the proposals, which will be part of the methodology.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Jakub Hospodka, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Ing. Stanislav Pleninger, Ph.D.
2020, Energies, 13 (23), ISSN 1996-1073
The purpose of this paper is to describe the upcoming changes that will bring the transition from piston engines to all-electric aircrafts. The article focuses on the differences in operation of small general aviation aircrafts. This topic is timely, as the first all-electric aircraft was certified by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) in 2019. As there are no data concerning this new type of operation available, the data have been derived from other applicable sources. At first, we compared the energy consumption of the same aircraft with the piston engine, and then afterwards with the retrofitted all-electric variant. Our results focus on the difference in fuel price, which is discussed in the context of electricity price comparison with AVGAS prices. Moreover, we discuss the environmental impacts, especially concerning electricity source mix and emissions produced (we estimate both with and without life-cycle assessment). In the discussion, we compare the results and identify the benefits of an all-electric solution. Furthermore, several operational restrictions of all-electric aircrafts are discussed.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2019, ISBN 978-80-01-06660-7
Monografie je zaměřena na problematiku integrace v dopravě a využití předností jednotlivých druhů dopravy s cílem uspokojit zákazníka a dosáhnout synergického efektu v přemisťovacích procesech. V integraci železniční a letecké dopravy je velký potenciál řešení dopravních, kapacitních, ekologických a dalších problémů. Základním předpokladem ovšem je železniční napojení spádových letišť, které může být řešeno trojím způsobem: • letiště je napojeno na město drážní dopravou městského charakteru, která je plně zapojená do technologického i tarifního systému městské dopravy, • na letiště vede drážní doprava speciálního charakteru – monofunkční, která je do systému městské hromadné dopravy zapojena částečně, nebo vůbec ne, • na letiště vede drážní doprava včetně dálkových relací a HST (High Speed Train) vlaků. Je zdůrazněna potřeba podpory rozvoje železnice.
Vědecká kniha česky

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Hnát, V.; Mráček, V.
2019, CLC 2018: Carpathian Logistics Congress, Ostrava, Tanger Ltd.), p. 102-109), ISBN 978-80-87294-88-8
Containerisation of goods is a trend, which is constantly increasing in a meaning of volume of transported goods. The most of bulk goods are transhipped through container terminals in seaports. Concerning this fact, it is necessary to define logistics operations for loading, transhipping and unloading in every port. A base is an analysis of a current state of a container transhipment in seaports and a definition of bottlenecks in logistics chains. Thanks to this a functional logistic terminal model can be established.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2019, Silniční síť základ civilizace a prosperity, 2019 (2), p. 40-43), ISSN 1805-403X
Problematika nedokončených dopravních staveb je důležitým tématem, které je zejména v současnosti velmi aktuální. Obsahem článku je popis přípravy stavby včetně použití rizikové analýzy a metody VE, dále identifikace vybraných negativních vlivů. Důraz je třeba klást také na kvalitní přípravu. Dopad liniových dopravních staveb není nikdy pouze lokální, ale je mnohem rozsáhlejší a ovlivňuje různé sféry života obyvatel. V případě nedokončené stavby se negativní vlivy projevují i na vzdálenějších místech, proto je dokončení staveb velmi důležité. Jako příklad nedokončené stavby je uveden silniční okruh kolem Prahy.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Mráček, V.
2018, New Trends in Civil Aviation 2018, Žilinská univerzita v Žilině), p. 5-10), ISBN 978-80-554-1530-7
The aim is to determine a forecast of a future development of air freight transport using selected prognostic methods. Development of air transport is an interesting and important topic nowadays. Its intensity is growing especially between Asia and Europe. Asia, more precisely The People's Republic of China, exports products to the entire world as a dominant major trading partner. It is important to identify all effecting factors for development of any mode of transport, including air transport, that may cause growth or decline of transport such as global financial crisis, social impacts, GDP development and geographical conditions. Possibility of using different prognostic methods for Asia-Europe route is discussed in this contribution. Results of relevant prognosis are presented in this contribution for comparison.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Březina, E.; Mráček, V.
2018, VII. International Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Transport Engineering, Pardubice, University of Pardubice), p. 57-64), ISBN 978-80-7560-152-0
Container transport of goods between China and Europe, respectively between China and Czech Republic, is an important part of trade betweent these countries and its volumeis still increasing. This contribution contains analysis of the current state of two modes of transport, namely maritime and rail transport between Far East and Europe, respectively between Far East and Czech Republicv. Both of these modes of transport are environmentally friendly and should be used for transport of goods in the future. One part of this contrubution contains comparison of selected aspects. Selected aspects are prices, time of transport and safety. Comparison of the two modes, maritime and rail transport is reasonable, because prices, time of transport and safety are important for a decision, which mode of transport to use.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Heralová, D.; Vokáč, R.
2018, New Trends in Process Control and Production management, London, CRC Press), p. 47-52), ISBN 978-1-138-05885-9
Transportation indicates the state of society in the areas of consumption of raw materials, resources or finished products or their parts. The existing imbalance of incomes of the population on a global scale leads to the transportation of products with low production value, and if travel costs are included, these products are cheaper than the products in the country of consumption. The result is a growing volume of freight transport, increasing environmental pollution and social and economic impacts. The level of con-gestion and how the transport system works thereby impacts the social and economic climate. Given that freight transport is operated on a scale that transcends the borders of individual countries, the specified im-pacts and effects have an international importance. In light of these facts, it is very important to choose means of transport which must meet the required criteria. Requirements for changes in trans-portation and logistics systems and the use of appropriate modes of transport can also develop, which in turn causes economic changes. In the future, it will be necessary to seek out transportation systems that will function optimally, efficiently use possible and acceptable sources, and will be environmentally friend-ly and safe.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Heralová, D.
2018, New Trends in Civil Aviation, Leiden, CRC Press/Balkema), p. 25-30), ISBN 978-0-8153-7602-6
Air transport is experiencing a sustained growth in volume—whether this relates to passenger or freight transport. The number of aircraft is increasing, as well as the number of operated routes, and target destinations are changing. As a result, in some cases a heavy burden may be placed, or is already being placed on the air space and the airports concerned. In addition to other demands put on this type of transport, it is necessary to ensure also a high standard of safety and security, which is becoming an increasingly important factor. This paper emphasizes the importance of airport checks before passengers board or goods are loaded on the plane. The paper identifies risks that might endanger transportation safety and presents proposals for minimisation of these risks. Moreover, the paper presents a diagram of procedure to be taken during an airport check in order to eliminate critical points prone to failure of the human factor or errors occurring where technological elements are used in control processes. It may be stated that if the proposed procedures and measures are followed, any possible risks will be minimized, with the result of an increased safety in air transport.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Heralová, D.
2017, Risks of Processes and their Management, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta dopravní), p. 63-79), ISBN 978-80-01-06186-2
It is very important to compare the risks in transportation of goods in multimodal transport. Today, multimodal transport is preferred because by combining a number of separate transportation modes, one can transport goods at great distances, even at a global scale. Multimodal transport is defined as transport using two or more transportation means. This means that trans-loading of goods occurs, and can occur several times. And it is at these times when risk is higher, both of damage and theft. In order to simplify trans-loading, containers are used which can be used on all transportation types. This eliminates the risk of damage to the goods while handling during the trans-loading. At the same time, however, demands on securing the container grow, as this security must meet the conditions of all transportation means which will be used during the course of transportation. Damage to the transported goods can be a highly risky affair, such as when carrying hazardous goods and in this case protection must be secured to prevent any danger to human health or life, damage to the environment, or theft of the goods. It is necessary to mention the importance of the human factor as a risk during the transportation of goods. It is necessary to evaluate it together with the other risk factors that occur during transport. It is essential to compare and assess the system of checks and identify weak points in the safety and security of goods in the multimodal transportation process.
Kapitola v knize s nadnárodní působností

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Kaňka, M.
Problematika návrhu vysokorychlostních tratí je velmi aktuálním tématem, zejména z důvodu napojení ČR na evropský systém VRT. Problematika návrhu se však netýká jenom přípravy technologických částí stavby. Nejdůležitější je příprava území aby navržená stavba mohla být naplánována, tzn. je nutno uvést do souladu navrženou trasu s dotčenými územními plány, posoudit vliv na životní prostředí a další faktory. Součástí článku je uplatnění těchto hledisek při posouzení návrhu modelové trasy VRT v úseku Praha Drážďany, což ve výsledku bude znamenat propojení letiště Václava Havla Praha a letiště v Drážďanech.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Heralová, D.
2017, Řízení rizik procesů spojených s technickými díly, Praha, ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta dopravní, Ústav bezpečnostních technologií a inženýrství), p. 22-32), ISBN 978-80-01-06351-4
Like every project, a transportation project must be prepared in several variants, which are evaluated in terms of the number of risks and negative impacts thereof. All phases must be addressed during the preparation and execution of a transportation project, i.e. initiation, preparation, execution and commissioning phases. In each of these phases, certain risks may emerge; however, a certain risk may be present during all project phases. Accordingly, a risk analysis must be carried out over the duration of the project period, even repeatedly. Identification, evaluation and comparison of risks in all phases of a transportation project play an important role for decision-making as to whether the given project should be implemented, but also for the subsequent phases until the project is successfully completed. The present paper includes a model example of a risk analysis in the individual project phases.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Kalina, T.; Jurkovic, M.; Sapieta, M.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Sapietova, A.
2017, AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 7 (2), p. 274-281), ISSN 1804-7890
EU legislation in the field of transport and energy is focused on the safety of transport and storage of LNG, environmental friendliness, but above all to protect the health of the population. LNG is an important alternative to conventional ship fuel. Under current IMO guidelines and ADN, LNG fuel tanks installed in the vessel must meet the criteria of the LNG tank from a group of independent types A, B, or C. Specifically, the fuel tanks of inland waterway vessels are the type C. One method for determining the strength characteristics of the LNG is the tank finite element method (FEM), which is evaluated using the HMH stress hypothesis. The result is a set of the maximum stress characteristics and assessment of the suitability of LNG tanks on inland vessels and floating terminals.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném WoS mimo SCIE, SSCI a AHCI, cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Ing. Eva Endrizalová, Ph.D.
2017, Carpathian Logistics Congress 2016 - Conference Proceedings, Ostrava, Tanger Ltd.), p. 238-250), ISBN 978-80-87294-76-5
The Czech Republic has been historically a major producer of engineering products that includes unique products, although their size usually exceeds standard dimensions or weight. These types of products have high value added and are important for export. In the heavy machinery it is e.g. mining and metallurgical equipment, and other components for installation of turn-key investment units. So called light engineering also produces machinery and equipment, which can be categorized as oversized items. Locations with manufacturing plants that produce products for the chemical industry. Energy and also the automotive industry are located all over the Czech Republic. Important areas of production are especially the Ostrava region, the Pilsen region, The Central Bohemia region, the Usti region and also the South Moravian region. The transportation of these oversized items is from logistical, transportation and organizational point of view such a complicated process into where not only a manufacturer and a carrier enter. Also relevant government authorities and other organizations are having high influence. Although the transportation of oversized items is only a small part of the total volume of traffic to and from the Czech Republic, it is a very important part, specifically for export. It is necessary to pay a special attention to this type of transportation also in terms of possibility of using different transportation modes.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Ing. Eva Endrizalová, Ph.D.; Heralová, D.
2017, Proceedings of The 10th MAC 2017, Praha, MAC Prague consulting, s.r.o.), p. 229-242), ISBN 978-80-88085-13-3
Transportation of goods in cities in modern times is causing a situation that leads to traffic congestions and a disproportionate burden on the environmental by transport externalities. It is necessary to design transportation of goods in “Smart Cities” in such a way as to ensure that the lives of citizens are affected as little as possible in terms of a friendly and functioning society. It is possible and necessary to utilize all modes of transport for transportation of goods, i.e. rail, road, air and inland waterway transport so that a follow-up and continuous logistic chain can function. Another very important factor is the organization of supplying in cities in a way that burdens the living space of the population as little as possible.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2017, ISBN 978-80-01-06176-3
Monografie je zaměřena na řešení modelu výběru dopravních módů v logistickém systému. Je zde uvedeno i použití multikriteriální analýzy při výběru dopravních módů a řešení pomocí ekonomického modelu. Model výběru dopravních módů v logistickém systému ČR – Asie – Evropa je zpracován na základě podrobné analýzy. S tímto modelem úzce souvisí i analýza technicko – ekonomických parametrů stávajících i prognózovaných navazujících dopravních sítí. Je zdůrazněna potřeba podpory rozvoje železnice jako významného dopravního módu pro přepravu zboží. Při výběru dopravních módů je třeba vyhodnotit optimální cestu, tedy informace o případných změnách v rozvoji a orientaci železničních koridorů, silničních sítí i námořních přístavu v Evropě, Asii a USA, dále možnosti letecké dopravy, současné a prognózované využívané trasy použitelných dopravních módů, nové technologie i hospodářskou stabilitu zemí, kterých se doprava týká. Analýza železničních, silničních a vodních evropských dopravních koridorů a výhledů evropské železniční sítě pro přepravu zboží je nedílnou součástí tohoto nového řešení výběru a kombinace dopravních módů.
Vědecká kniha česky

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Jurkovic, M.
2016, CLC 2015: Carpathian Logistics Congress - Conference Proceedings, Ostrava, TANGER), p. 126-131), ISBN 978-80-87294-64-2
In connection with the new focus on the European transport network TEN-T is very important to focus the logistics research on proposal of public logistics centres with access to the intermodal transport network. In terms of transport externalities and the capacity of existing transport infrastructure, for future transportation of goods within the EU are very perspective inland waterways and rail network. Especially for inland water transport, there are capacity reserves for the transport of other commodity flows. The Czech Republic prepares projects for full navigability of the river Elbe and Vltava, which will enable full navigability from Czech ports to the seaport of Hamburg and other northern European seaports. Inland waterway ports may become important intermodal terminals. During the project of a new public logistics centre in Pardubice, East Bohemia, which will be end port on the Elbe waterway, a new methodology of design was created and is described in this paper.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Bulej, P.
2016, New Trends in Civil Aviation 2016, Žilina, Žilinská univerzita v Žilině Fakulta prevádzky a ekonomiky dopravy a spojov), p. 12-15), ISBN 978-80-554-1252-8
Issues with Intercontinental Operation of Low-cost Airlines is very current topic. Low-cost Airlines are currently having significant share in the air transport on short and medium haul flights. This trend has not that widely shown on longer intercontinental routes. Classical airlines in particular in Europe and North America are maintaining their position on long-haul flights. We can expect to grow Airlines that will deal with long-distance transport in the future. The aim is a proposal of intercontinental operation of Low-cost Airlines on selected routes.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. česky

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Březina, E.
2016, Nová železniční technika, 24 (6), p. 11-14), ISSN 1210-3942
Logistika je v Evropě významným odvětvím, které ovlivňuje ekonomiku a je její podstatnou součástí. jedním z důsledků růstu přepraveného zboží je to, že prudké zvýšení přepravy kontejnerů a liniové dopravy vede k velkému zatížení některých dopravních koridorů. Dle dokumentu Evropské komise "EU energy and transport in figures Statistical posketbook" (2015) je doprava páteří ekonomiky EU, zahrnuje skoro 5% pracovních míst v celé EU a zaměstnává cca 11,2 mil lidí (v roce 2011), z toho cca 55% v pozemní dopravě (silnice, železnice, potrubní vedení) a cca 24% v souvisejících dopravních aktivitách. Na dopravních koridorech je nutné podporovat součinnost více dopravních módů z důvodu narůstajících objemů přepravy zboží. V Evropě je železniční doprava až na druhém místě (11,7% v roce 2012 i 2013), a to za silniční dopravou (48,6% v roce 2012, 49,4% v roce 2013). Vizí do budoucna by mělo být převedení částí přepravovaného zboží ze silnice na železnici. Je nutno sledovat trendy ve vývoji železniční přepravy a zejména napojení České republiky na evropský prostor.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2016, ISBN 978-80-01-06003-2
Kniha je zaměřenáí n řešení modelu a metodologie expertního návrhu logistického centra v návaznosti na zbožové toky, navazující dopravní sítě a výpočet ekonomické efektivnosti a dále na metodu řízení a hodnocení dopravních projektů metodou Value Engineering. Výstavba intermodálních veřejných logistických center je velmi náročnou investicí zejména z hlediska napojení na dopravní infrastrukturu, zejména na železnici, silnici a případně vodní dopravu. Velká část je věnována významnému postavení železniční dopravy, resp. možnosti převedení části nákladní přepravy ze silnice na železnici. V knize je uveden stav sítí logistických center v EU a dále současnost a výhled v ČR a nutnost napojení logistických center na železniční dopravu. Je zde uvedeno i logiské schéma modelu, který je dekomponován do jednotlivých, z hlediska řešení navazujících segmentů.
Vědecká kniha česky

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Ge, F.
2016, Zborník zo 7. medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie CMDTUR 2016, Žilina, Žilinská univerzita v Žilině Fakulta prevádzky a ekonomiky dopravy a spojov), p. 7-14), ISBN 978-80-554-1265-8
Dangerous goods transportation is a very important part of freight transport, although in terms of volume, it plays only a small role. Consequences arising from not observing the rules, human errors or force majeure events, may have fatal consequences. This paper deals with risk modeling that may occur during dangerous goods transportation. The first part describes the mode of dangerous goods transportation including regulations and rules that must be followed and what rules is necessary to follow during transportation. Correct description of principles and regularities of dangerous goods transportation has to be taken into account especially. The second part is focused on modeling effects of an accident of dangerous goods. Two computer software for modeling are used – an American software ALOHA and a Czech software TerEx including comparison of their outcomes and evaluation of work with this specific technology. Another part includes an analysis of the current state of dangerous goods transportation. A proposal of the optimal way of transportation is based on multi-criteria decision analysis.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Heralová, D.
2016, Risks of business and territorial processes, Ústí nad Labem, Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem), p. 17-25), ISBN 978-80-7561-021-8
The present contribution is engaged in the evaluation and comparison of risks in transportation of goods in multimodal transport. During the securing process of goods, all means of transport that are to be used as well as any anticipated risks must be assessed. The contribution lists the types of risks that might incur during the transportation of goods, and, in addition, usable methods of securing goods. Furthermore, the contribution provides an account of methods of protection against damage (safety) and theft (security). The individual measures are drawn from characteristics of the transport modus that is used in the logistics chain. For this reason, the contribution compares characteristics of individual types of transportation.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Oliberius, V.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2016, Perner's Contacts, 11 (3), p. 139-155), ISSN 1801-674X
Článek se zabývá silničními kamerovými dohledovými systémy, a to z pohledu jejich legálního zřízení na základě konkrétní právní normy, konkrétní využitelností a praktickými poznatky z jejich provozu. Na konkrétních situacích a příkladech upozorníme na různá bezpečnostní rizika spojená s chodem a obsluhou těchto systémů, která vyplývají z právních omezení a rizika plynoucí z porušení těchto právních povinností, zejména z pohledu zákona o ochraně osobních údajů.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Ing. Eva Endrizalová, Ph.D.
2016, Carpathian Logistics Congress - Book of Abstracts, Ostrava, TANGER), p. 11-11), ISBN 978-80-87294-70-3
The Czech Republic has been historically a major producer of engineering products that includes unique products, although their size usually exceeds standard dimensions or weight. These types of products have high value added and are important for export. In the heavy machinery it is e.g. mining and metallurgical equipment, and other components for installation of turn-key investment units. So called light engineering also produces machinery and equipment, which can be categorized as oversized items. Locations with manufacturing plants that produce products for the chemical industry. Energy and also the automotive industry are located all over the Czech Republic. Important areas of production are especially the Ostrava region, the Pilsen region, The Central Bohemia region, the Usti region and also the South Moravian region. The transportation of these oversized items is from logistical, transportation and organizational point of view such a complicated process into where not only a manufacturer and a carrier enter. Also relevant government authorities and other organizations are having high influence. Although the transportation of oversized items is only a small part of the total volume of traffic to and from the Czech Republic, it is a very important part, specifically for export. It is necessary to pay a special attention to this type of transportation also in terms of possibility of using different transportation modes.
Abstrakt ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Dluhoš, J.
Logistika se podílí velkou měrou na zvyšování životní úrovně obyvatelstva a představuje významnou složku HDP, z globálního hlediska je považovaná za důležité odvětví světové ekonomiky. Na podnikové úrovni zabezpečuje optimální tok výrobků, služeb a informací. S rozvojem informačních technologií a nárůstem objemu světového obchodu pak dostala velký význam. Hlavním tématem článku je logistika – strategie a trendy, které se mohou objevit v budoucnu. Důležité je posouzení současného stavu nákladní dopravy v ČR, v EU a ve světě, a to s ohledem na aktuální stav jednotlivých dopravních módů. Důležité jsou však i strategie rozvoje nákladní dopravy mezi Asií a Evropou a využitelnost jednotlivých dopravních módů s ohledem na základní kritéria. Výsledkem pak je porovnání uvedených tras, hledání optimální trasy přepravy mezi Asií a Evropou.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Kalina, T.; Jurkovič, M.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Gardlo, B.
2016, Communications, 18 (2), p. 26-29), ISSN 1335-4205
An important factor in choosing the transport mode in the automotive industry is not only the current price but also the shipping time. In some cases the later one is even crucial and significantly affects the choice of the transport mode. Geographical location of the port of Bratislava port allows its direct connection to the North and Black Sea. The study provides a comparison of transportation time from the selected Slovak car producers and shows advantages of water transport. Time of delivery is a criterion that can be easily quantified and mutually compared. The fastest transportation mode – the road transport saves the time of delivery eight times more on average than the water transport in the European transport network. The waterway on the other hand is cheaper and environmentally friendlier.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus

Jizba, M.; Cheu, R.L.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Horák, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2015, Journal of Transportation Security, 8 (3-4), p. 79-97), ISSN 1938-7741
In response to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, the United States government passed legislations in 2006 and 2007 that require all maritime containers heading to the United States be screened by non-intrusive inspection and radiation detection devices at the foreign ports prior to departure. This means that foreign ports and customs authorities need to invest resources in settng up and operating the screening checkpoints. The screening process may also cause traffic delay and congestion in the port. Several pilot tests conducted a foreign ports have so far confirmed several opertional and technical issues. So far, no published report has been found in the public domain that investigate the extent of the impacts and experiment with an alernative solution. This research formulates three screening processes, termed risk-based approach, 100% approach and hybrid approach, based on the practices at the Port of Hamburg, the Port of Houston and the new legislations. Discrete event simulations were performed to analyze the delays and queue lengths at the checkpoints and at critical stations within the checkpoints. The results have shown that screening all the containers by both radiation detection and non-intrusive inspection will create significntly delay and queue length. Adding an extra lane for non-intrusive inspection helps to reduce these negative impacts. The hybrid approach, which screens a small fraction of high-risk containers by non-intrusive inspection, but all the containers by radiation detection, is an alternative that will result in even smaller delay and shorter queue length
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus

Štědroň, B.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2015, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, 2015, p. 1-6), ISSN 2319-1163
The article deals with 3 key trends in the future and their general implications including 3D, RFID, Business Intelligence and new managerial positions. 3D by 2020 could replace conventional mass-production. The basic trends in the RFID aplications will be: RFID Wearables,RFID On Merchandise, Host Card Emulation (HCE) Payment Solutions,Printed RFID Technology, RFID chip tracking everyone everywhere in the near future. Business intelligence will be transformed to the general intelligence.The contribution covers the the following topics: selected Aspects of economy and social Aspects of Information Systems, complex technological and human Issues in today’s globalized and interconnected World and presents new results in the diffused way.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Jurkovič, M.
From the ports in the northern Adriatic Sea (ports of Ravenna, Venezia, Trieste, Koper, Rijeka) a route from European ports of North Sea to the Far East is shorter by about 2000 nautical miles. It means a reduction of 6 to 8 days in shipping. These ports are reachable from commercial and industrial centers of Central and Eastern Europe. An assessment of the current situation and future development of the European transport corridors North - South, including possible interconnection by multimodal corridors Baltic ports in the north and Adriatic ports in the south, is included in this paper. This corridor is one of the ten basic corridors included in the new conception of the TEN-T European transport network with the assumption of financial support from the EU in the period of 2014-2020. Further, the paper also includes an analysis of a modal assessment (Modal Split) of transport connections of Central Europe with the Far East. The heart of the paper is a proposal of connection of chosen seaports that serve as logistics terminals to current European multimodal corridors and further to proposed multimodal corridors.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Jurkovič, M.
2015, TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONS, II (2), p. 1-7), ISSN 1339-5130
From the ports in the northern Adriatic Sea (ports of Ravenna, Venezia, Trieste, Koper, Rijeka) a route from Europe-an ports of North Sea to the Far East is shorter by about 2000 nautical miles. It means a reduction of 6 to 8 days in shipping. These ports are reachable from commercial and industrial centers of Central and Eastern Europe. An as-sessment of the current situation and future development of the European transport corridors North - South, includ-ing possible interconnection by multimodal corridors Baltic ports in the north and Adriatic ports in the south, is in-cluded in this paper. This corridor is one of the ten basic corridors included in the new conception of the TEN-T Eu-ropean transport network with the assumption of financial support from the EU in the period of 2014-2020. Further, the paper also includes an analysis of a modal assessment (Modal Split) of transport connections of Central Europe with the Far East. The heart of the paper is a proposal of connection of chosen seaports that serve as logistics terminals to current Eu-ropean multimodal corridors and further to proposed multimodal corridors.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
Většina letišť v Evropě i ve světě je napojena na železniční síť různými způsoby: Do budoucna je žádáno řešení, které umožní synergii letecké a železniční (i VRT) dopravy, a to na všech kontinentech. Plány Evropské Unie: 19. října 2011 oznámil Siim Kallas Vice‐President and Commissioner for Transport zásady pro novou transevropskou síť TEN‐T. Letiště s více než 0,1% podílem cestujících na celkových výkonech evropských letišť by měla být do roku 2050 napojena na dálkovou železniční dopravu.
Technická zpráva cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2015, Silniční síť zaklad civilizace a prosperity, 2015 (2), p. 40-43), ISSN 1805-403X
Většina letišť v Evropě i ve světě je napojena na železniční síť různými způsoby: Do budoucna je žádáno řešení, které umožní synergii letecké a železniční (i VRT) dopravy, a to na všech kontinentech. Plány Evropské Unie: 19. října 2011 oznámil Siim Kallas Vice‐President and Commissioner for Transport zásady pro novou transevropskou síť TEN‐T. Letiště s více než 0,1% podílem cestujících na celkových výkonech evropských letišť by měla být do roku 2050 napojena na dálkovou železniční dopravu.
Článek v jiném periodiku (denním tisku) česky

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Ing. Bc. Petr Kumpošt, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Padělek, Ph.D.
2015, Perner's Contacts, 10 (3), p. 6-14), ISSN 1801-674X
Rozvoj mobility obyvatel daného území má stránku kvantitativní i kvalitativní. Je třeba zajistit uspokojivou mobilitu všech obyvatel žijících na konkrétním území zpravidla a je také nutné zajistit bezpečnost – do tohoto tématu patří i řešení předcházení dopravních nehod. Při řešení této problematiky je třeba vyhodnotit i takové aspekty, jako je nezbytné vlastnictví určitého dopravního prostředku (automobil, motocykl, jízdní kolo) a zároveň způsobilost k jeho používání (řidičské oprávnění, dobrá fyzická kondice apod.). Někteří obyvatelé nejsou schopni splnit tyto podmínky, a to z objektivních i subjektivních důvodů. Je tedy potřebné zajistit podmínky i pro rozvoj veřejné osobní dopravy, a také zajistit použití kooperativních dopravních systémů včetně řešení předcházení dopravních nehod a dalších dopravních externalit.
Článek v periodiku z pozitivního seznamu RVVI česky

Teichmann, D.; Dorda, M.; Golč., K.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2015, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, ISSN 1024-123X
This paper focuses on solving the problem of how to assign locomotives to assembled trains optimally. To solve the problem, linear programming is applied. The situation we model in the paper occurs in the conditions of a transport operator that provides rail transport in the Czech Republic. In the paper, an extended locomotive assignment problem is modeled; the transport operator can use different classes of the locomotives to serve individual connections, some connections must be served by a predefined locomotive class, and the locomotives can be allocated to several depots at the beginning. The proposed model also takes into consideration the fact that some connections can be served by the locomotives of external transport companies or operators. The presented model is applied to a real example in order to test its functionality.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Jurkovič, M.
2015, Congress Proceedings of the Carpathian Logistics Congress CLC 2015, Ostrava, Tanger), ISBN 978-80-87294-61-1
In connection with the new focus on the European transport network TEN-T is very important to focus the logistics research on proposal of public logistics centers with access to the intermodal transport network. In terms of transport externalities and the capacity of existing transport infrastructure, for future transportation of goods within the EU are very perspective inland waterways and rail network. Especially for inland water transport, there are capacity reserves for the transport of other commodity flows. The Czech Republic prepares projects for full navigability of the river Elbe and Vltava, which will enable full navigability from Czech ports to the seaport of Hamburg and other northern European seaports. Inland waterway ports may become important intermodal terminals. During the project of a new public logistics center in Pardubice, East Bohemia, which will be end port on the Elbe waterway, a new methodology of design was created and is described in this lecture.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Toman, P.
2015, Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 9 (4), p. 475-484), ISSN 1934-7359
Maritime transportation is one of the most important and extensive transportation modes in the world. Maritime transportation is the backbone of contemporary world trade and therefore special attention should be paid to all subjects concerning this mode of transportation. It is also necessary to complement maritime transportation by other modes, such as rail and/or truck (road). This article deals with the problems of maritime transportation and provides the summary of recent developments, trends and statistics mainly on transatlantic maritime routes (Europe to US). Besides maritime transportation, this thesis also reviews the trends and statistics of rail and truck (road) transportation in US and Europe. The authors considers four Czech biggest cities (points of origin), five European ports, eight US ports and 10 biggest cities in US (points of destination). The adapted TCMMSP (transnational collaborative multi-mode shipping problem) is applied to this case study and it seeks to solve the transportation of a set of five shipments with unique O-D (Origin-Destination) pairs and volume. The end of the thesis summarizes the results and analyses the average costs, optimal set volume, optimal shipment routing and port analysis.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2015, Neural Network World, 25 (2), p. 203-217), ISSN 1210-0552
Air transportation between Europe and the U.S. is becoming more and more significant. It can only hardly be replaced by other means of transportation, since its biggest advantages include speed and reliability. Air transportation forecasting is important for planning the development of airports and related infrastructure, and of course also for air carriers. Therefore, it is important to forecast the number of flights between selected airports in Europe and the U.S. and the number of transported persons. A gravity model is usually used for this forecasting. Determination of coefficients which significantly affect results of the formulas used in the gravity model is crucial. Coefficients are, as a rule, computed by an iterative algorithm implementing the gradient method. This technique has some limitations if the state space is inappropriate. Moreover, the exponent parameter in the formula is obviously fixed. We have chosen the new method of differential evolution to determine the gravity model coefficient. Differential evolution works with populations similarly to other evolution algorithms. It is suitable for solving complex numerical problems. The suggested methodology can be helpful for various airlines to forecast demand and plan new long-haul routes.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Teichmann, D.; Dorda, M.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Ludvík, M.
2015, PROMET - Traffic&Transportation, 27 (1), p. 69-75), ISSN 0353-5320
A typical trait of public transport is a spatially scattered demand. A route net that is operated by a carrier (or several carriers) has to be adapted for the demand. Public transport vehicles that are not used during a period of a day are usually parked at defined parking lots that have a given capacity. When the vehicle goes from the place where its shift ends (usually a terminus of the last connection served by the vehicle) to the place where the vehicle should be parked, an unproductive journey occurs. The main goal of the article is to present a mathematical model that enables to minimize a total length of all the non-productive journeys. Functionality of the proposed mathematical model was tested in conditions of real bus public transport network.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Březina, E.
2015, LOGI, Scientific Journal on Transport and Logistics, 2015 (1), p. 13-25), ISSN 1804-3216
For financial model of the operation of regional trains in the Pilsen Region input data of transport services of its technical security were necessary. Based on these data it was necessary to process variant proposal of transport services and options have to be consider using right the financial model. Submitted financial model of operation can be applied also in other regions, on condition the use of specific input data.
Článek v periodiku z pozitivního seznamu RVVI cizojazyčně

Kostrecová, E.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2015, PARIPEX - Indian Journal of Research, 4 (2), p. 119-120), ISSN 2250-1991
The importance of IT security grows year by year. Cyber-attacks are getting more sophisticated, less detectable and our only option is to make the defense stronger and stronger. These attacks are executed from various places in the world and the nature of the Internet itself predicts their global impact. To be successful in detection of such attacks, we need to utilize every possible source of information. The useful source of information is represented by log files that are generated by every major application, service or component of system. For analysis and management of these log files we can use much kind of tools. One of them - Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) - is the subject of this contribution. SIEM is an inseparable part of every information system, which contains sensitive (client) data and can provide one layer of defense, for example zero-day threat detection and immediate alerting. These abilities are inseparable part of every modern security system.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Štědroň, B.
2015, PARIPEX – Indian Journal of Research, 4 (2), p. 226-228), ISSN 2250-1991
The paper deals with the prognosis of development of maritime transport in the world. This topic is very current. Until now there was an increase of maritime transport, except in the years 2008 - 2009 when there was a decline due to the global crisis. According to objective knowledge, it is clear that the volume of transport cannot increase endlessly, because of stagnant needs of new goods and also because of the development and use of new technologies. This paper assesses planned constructions, which could significantly affect the development of maritime transport.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Ing. Bc. Petr Kumpošt, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Padělek, Ph.D.
2015, Smart Cities Symposium Prague 2015 Proceedings - Czech Technical University in Prague, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta dopravní), p. 83-87), ISBN 978-80-01-05742-1
Urban mobility of people and goods in major cities is crucial for sustainable economical growth and the corresponding life standard. Increase in both transport of people and goods in large conurbations is currently affecting mobility of people and goods and causes environmental deterioration. Not only are the vehicles held up in traffic congestions but they are also blocking the way to vehicles of public transport. This results in decline in mobility of the city residents. Excessive noise and exhaust fumes produced by road transport affect particularly city centres, changing their character as well as making them less attractive and more harmful places to live. The cities try to provide both their residents and visitors with a quality cultural and social life, convenient shopping, supply the shops and restaurants with goods, provide public transport services, education. And this requires a flexible and reliable transport system. To be able ensure these services, cities need quality logistics, which, however, involves an immense number of trips made by the delivery vehicles. The number of such trips has to be efficiently reduced, or at least regulated.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Březina, E.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2015, ISBN 978-80-01-05752-0
manažer a jeho tým; výběr členů týmu; práce v týmu; trénink komunikačních schopností; operativní/strategické/dlouhodobé plánování; motivace; organizování; organizační struktury; projektový management (PPP); podpůrné nástroje při rozhodování v dopravě Management Tools;
Vysokoškolské skriptum v češtině

Březina, E.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2015, ISBN 978-80-01-05753-7
manažer a jeho tým; výběr členů týmu; práce v týmu; trénink komunikačních schopností; operativní/strategické/dlouhodobé plánování; motivace; organizování; organizační struktury; projektový management (PPP); podpůrné nástroje při rozhodování v dopravě Management Tools;
Vysokoškolské skriptum v češtině

Bína, L.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Březina, E.; Teichmann, D.
2015, ISBN 978-80-01-05699-8
Smart cities – quality of life; Project management - investment; Organizational structures; Staging of the designing process, SWOT analysis; EIA, SEA; Design of logistics systems - transport logistics; City logistics and solutions to its current problems; Transportation in smart cities; Traffic telemetry systems in smart towns; Models and Methods of Mathematical Theory of Transport as a tool for Designing of Public Transport in "smart cities„; Methodology of the Logistic Centres Design; Projects of Air ports links, case studies of the large and sophisticated projects; Value engineering; Investment project – hub logistic terminal in Pardubice linked to European transport corridors; Atlantis Project No.2010-2843; European project – QUALIST;
Vysokoškolské skriptum cizojazyčně

Bína, L.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Březina, E.; Teichmann, D.
2015, ISBN 978-80-01-05698-1
Smart cities – quality of life; Project management - investment; Organizational structures; Staging of the designing process, SWOT analysis; EIA, SEA; Design of logistics systems - transport logistics; City logistics and solutions to its current problems; Transportation in smart cities; Traffic telemetry systems in smart towns; Models and Methods of Mathematical Theory of Transport as a tool for Designing of Public Transport in "smart cities„; Methodology of the Logistic Centres Design; Projects of Air ports links, case studies of the large and sophisticated projects; Value engineering; Investment project – hub logistic terminal in Pardubice linked to European transport corridors; Atlantis Project No.2010-2843; European project – QUALIST;
Vysokoškolské skriptum cizojazyčně

Bína, L.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Březina, E.; Ing. Bc. Petr Kumpošt, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Padělek, Ph.D.
2014, European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 3 (4), p. 127-136), ISSN 2235-767X
The long-term trend in freight transport shows a predominant use of road transport even on long-haul routes. Within a study created at Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Transporting Sciences was developed a comparative model of the costs of road and rail freight transport which lets you search parameters and conditions under which the competitiveness of rail transport increases. The paper describes the model including input parameters, output values and model workflow.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2014, Transactions of the VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Civil Engineering Series, 14 (2), p. 93-100), ISSN 1213-1962
For a very long time the river Labe belongs to the transport ways with an unmistakable impact. Along the river Labe as well as along other inland water ways the commerce was spread and the towns lying on the river of Labe got the state of Hanza towns.. In the first half of the 19th century the railways transport in corridor Hamburg – Berlin – Dresden – Ústí nad Labem – Praha began competing with the water transport in this relation. So far the water cargo transport in this relation did not have competition. At present the water transport is on the edge of interest from the side of the government, investors and transporters. The reasons are clear. That is why that the infrastructure quality does not respond the transport requirements for the 21th century, the highway and railway networks are not finished, the trimodal reloading terminals absence. Usually that is why the inland water transport is not included into the logistic processes.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Šťávová, I.
2014, Proceedings of MAC-EMMT 2014, Praha, MAC Prague consulting s.r.o.), ISBN 978-80-905442-4-6
The theme of quality of life in small towns and the whole project QUALIST has contributed to achievement of the general objective of the whole European program CENTRAL EUROPE - "Enhancing competitiveness and attractiveness of cities and regions". In the framework of this program, 142 projects was supported, involving participation of partners from six countries of Central Europe, and the average size of projects is financially € 1.9 million (ERDF contribution). QUALIST project partners have tried to deal with thematic areas affecting quality of life in towns - particularly revitalization of centers of small towns, transport in sparsely populated areas and regional marketing for small towns. Because the project involved partners from three different countries, they could learn from each other, share experiences, and receive suggestions. The QUALIST project started in July 2010 and was completed in November 2013
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf. cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2014, Perner's Contacts, 9 (1), p. 14-26), ISSN 1801-674X
V současné době není na území ČR k dispozici žádné veřejné logistické centrum. Silniční infrastruktura v ČR je přetížena nákladní dopravou, přičemž železniční nákladní doprava není dostatečně využívána, vodní cesty jsou pro nákladní dopravu využívány zanedbatelně z důvodu stále odkládané realizace celoroční splavnosti Labe. Je třeba provést analýzu možností realizace a najít optimální variantu. Budoucí koncový přístav na řece Labi v Pardubicích (Česká republika) je dlouhodobě připravovaným projektem, který velmi úzce souvisí s projektem zajištění celoroční splavnosti Labe a zajištění vodní cesty do námořního přístavu Hamburk a dalších severoevropských námořních přístavů. Evropská komise předložila dne 19. 10. 2011 plán ke zlepšení evropských dopravních, energetických a digitálních sítí (new Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). V tomto plánu je zařazena labská vodní cesta s koncovým přístavem v Pardubicích mezi projekty hlavní sítě.
Článek v periodiku z pozitivního seznamu RVVI česky

Bína, L.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Ploch, J.; Žihla, Z.
2014, ISBN 978-80-7402-855-7
Cílem autorů této práce je přiblížit aktuální leteckou problematiku s využitím teoretických přístupů aplikovaných na mezinárodní úrovni.
Vysokoškolská učebnice v češtině, aspoň 100 výtisků

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2014, EKONOMICKÝ ČASOPIS, 62 (2), p. 219-220), ISSN 0013-3035
Nakladatelství Sdělovací technika vydalo novou knihu Technologické prognózy a telekomunikace
Recenze monografie

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2014, Proceedings of MAC-EMMT 2014, Praha, MAC Prague consulting s.r.o.), ISBN 978-80-905442-4-6
According to the United Nation (2005) "Regional Shipping and Port Development Strategies: Container Traffic Forecast" prognosis that transport relations Europe - Asia will represent in 2015 more than 33% of global marine container transportation of containerized goods in the total amount, which will be a total of 25 mil. TEU in 2015. We speak about a container of accurate and standardized dimensions - length of 20 feet (6,1 m), height of 8 feet 6 inches (2,59 m) width of 8 feet (2,44 meters). 1 TEU is a twenty-foot equivalent unit of container. It corresponds to selection of transport modes from a network following the European transport corridors and commodity flows in the transport relation CR – Asia.
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf. cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2014, Transactions on Transport Sciences, 7 (2), p. 59-72), ISSN 1802-971X
All large projects, from their inception to their completion, follow certain processes, undergo evaluations of different designs, while at the same time, they ensure project functionality at certain costs acceptable to the owner. The most effective process to manage costs is a process which puts emphasis not only on functionality, but also keeps prices and schedule in check from the project beginning to the completion of construction. To keep project costs within certain parameters, there is a need to begin the project with a realistic budget and to have reliable pricing data. In addition, during the development phase, the project costs must be recalculated and, if necessary, adjusted (Bína et al., 2011). Another tool to increase the project value or decrease costs is to perform Value Engineering, i.e. an analysis of project functionality, specifications, tender documents and other project aspects, by a team of experts. This paper describes Value Engineering and how such experts’ efforts would be applied on transportation projects.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

Bína, L.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Ing. Bc. Petr Kumpošt, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Padělek, Ph.D.
2014, Perner's Contacts, 9 (3), p. 19-26), ISSN 1801-674X
Článek se zabývá popisem vlivů tří významných dopravních staveb – tunelového komplexu Blanka, prodloužení trasy metra V.A. a modernizované železniční trati č. 120 s odbočkou na ruzyňské letiště; na dopravní situaci v oblasti městské části Praha 6. Posouzení těchto vlivů bylo provedeno v Dopravní koncepci zpracované na ČVUT FD.
Článek v periodiku z pozitivního seznamu RVVI česky

Březina, E.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2014, ISBN 978-80-01-05612-7
Dopravní politika EU, ČR , krajů a obcí; Dopravní prostředek; Dopravní infrastruktura a technologie; Informační systémy v dopravě a logistice; Dopravní obslužnost; Metodika optimalizace dopravní logistiky; Progresivní přepravní systémy; Telematické aplikaeí v dopravní logistice;
Vysokoškolské skriptum v češtině

Březina, E.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2014, ISBN 978-80-01-05613-4
Dopravní politika EU, ČR , krajů a obcí; Dopravní prostředky; Dopravní infrastruktura a technologie; Informační systémy v dopravě a logistice; Dopravní obslužnost; Metodika optimalizace dopravní logistiky; Progresivní přepravní systémy; Telematické aplikace v dopravní logistice;
Vysokoškolské skriptum v češtině

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2013, Proceedings of MAC - TLIT 2013, Praha, Mag Consulting), p. 14-21), ISBN 978-80-905442-0-8
Roads in the Czech Republic (CR) are for several reasons overloaded with truck transport. According to the Yearbook of Transport in CR, international automobile carriage of goods increased between the years 2005-2011 by 62% while rail and water transport remains at a constant level of carriage of goods by these modes. Use of waterways for CR is concentrated on the Elbe waterway. For many years, ensuring of year-round navigability of the river Elbe to the desired level for efficient shipping is not possible, due to the resistance of environmental activities. Fully utilizable Elbe waterway has a minimum capacity of 8 million tons of goods per year, which is approximately 20% of the international transport of goods to / from the Czech Republic and is properly usable for the transport of certain commodities, especially into maritime ports in the North Sea. Part of this paper is also an overview of the existing network of container terminals in the Czech Republic and connecting network of container trains to European seaports and inland hub terminals. A perspective for goods transport to the Far East is to use maritime ports in the northern Adriatic Sea as well as use of Trans-Siberian way. Along the Elbe River are located ports; some of them have also major container terminals. To fully utilize the Elbe waterway it is essential to build a port and trimodal logistics terminal in Pardubice as end port of Elbe waterway (part of the new TEN-T network). This port which is pretty much related to the project of the permanent navigability of the river Labe and providing the inland waterway connection with Hamburg and other north European ports. Part of the upcoming trimodal logistics terminal of Pardubice is a container terminal.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2013, Journal of Systems Integration, 4 (3), p. 30-37), ISSN 1804-2724
All large projects, from their inception to their completion, follow certain processes, undergo evaluations of different designs, while at the same time, assuring project functionality at certain costs acceptable to the owner. To keep project cost within certain parameters, there is a need to begin the project with a realistic budget and to have reliable pricing data. In addition, during the development phase, the project cost must be recalculated and, if necessary, adjusted. Another tool to increase project value or decrease cost is to perform Value Engineering, i.e. an analysis of project functionality, specifications, tender documents and other project aspects by a team of experts. This paper describes Value Engineering and how such experts’ efforts would be applied and benefits transportation projects. The methodology of design of logistics terminal is presented, including related transport network as an example of a large transport project for the use of Value Engineering.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

Ploch, J.; Žihla, Z.; Bína, L.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2013, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference Modern Safety Technologies in Transportation, Košice, PERPETIS S.R.O.), p. 11-20), ISBN 978-80-971432-0-6, ISSN 1338-5232
Air Transportation Safety & Security is the long term monitored area. Following September 11, 2001, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) was created to strengthen the security of the nation’s transportation systems and ensure the freedom of movement for people and commerce. Today, TSA secures the nation’s airports and screens all commercial airline passengers and baggage. From the air transportation these proceedings were implemented to the other transportation modes. Similar actions were done for ships, maritime facilities, containers and Highspeed train systems. Such methods will be accepted in other country as well. Special project in the area of Air Transportation Safety & Security has been started in the Czech Republic headed by expert team on University of Business in Prague. Real situation in Air Transportation Safety &Security and impact on the other transportation modes is described including project of University of Business in Prague.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Bína, L.; Ploch, J.; Žihla, Z.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2013, Journal of Tourism and Services, 4 (7), p. 52-67), ISSN 1804-5650
Air Transportation Safety & Security is the long term monitored area. Following September 11, 2001, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) was created to strengthen the security of the nation’s transportation systems and ensure the freedom of movement for people and commerce. Today, TSA secures the nation’s airports and screens all commercial airline passengers and baggage. From the air transportation these proceedings were implemented to the other transportation modes. Similar actions were done for ships, maritime facilities, containers and Highspeed train systems. Such methods will be accepted in other country as well. Special project in the area of Air Transportation Safety & Security has been started in the Czech Republic headed by expert team on University of Business in Prague. Real situation in Air Transportation Safety &Security and impact on the other transportation modes is described including project of University of Business in Prague.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

Bína, L.; Cempírek, V.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Březina, E.; Ing. Bc. Petr Kumpošt, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Padělek, Ph.D.; Landa, J.; Komínek, M.; Tříska, L.; Tothová, D.; Zrzavý, M.
Předmětem díla je zpracování níže specifikovaného rozsahu „Srovnávací studie jednotkových nákladů mezi silniční a železniční nákladní dopravou se zaměřením na ceny dopravní cesty, elektrické energie, nafty, kolejová vozidla, mzdy, posun v zemích EU a Švýcarsku“.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Bína, L.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Březina, K.
Studie pro nabídkové řízení na provoz vlaků v Plzeňském kraji na tratích 170 a 190. Fáze II. Rozbor ekonomiky provozování regionálních vlaků a definice podmínek nabídkového řízení.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Bína, L.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Novák Sedláčková, A.C.; Ferregut, C.; Cheu, R.L.; Aguirre-Covarrubias, S.
2013, ISBN 978-80-905432-0-1
Description of the Transtalantic dual masters degree program in transportation and logistics systems in the frame of EU-U.S. program ATLANTIS. History and Three Years of Implementation of this program in Czech Technical University, University of Zilina and University of Texas at El Paso.
Vědecká kniha cizojazyčně

Cheu, R.L.; Ferregut, C.; Bína, L.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Horák, Ph.D.; Novák, A.; Hudák, A.; Aguirre-Covarrubias, S.
2013, Transportation Research Record, 2013 (2328), p. 1-8), ISSN 0361-1981
In August 2010, The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), Czech Technical University (CTU) and University of Zilina (UNIZA) jointly launched the Transatlantic Dual Masters Degree Program in Transportation and Logistics Systems. Under this program, a graduate student spends one year of study at UTEP and a second year at CTU or UNIZA and vice versa. Upon the successful completion of the two-year program, the student earns two master degrees. This project required two years of effort that led to a successful proposal submitted to the funding agencies in the United States and the European Union, followed by one year of administrative preparation before the actual student mobility began in August 2011. The first cohort of eight students has successfully completed the program in June 2012. This article reports the sequence of events that led to the proposal submission and award, major issues surfaced and challenges overcome during the administrative preparation phase. This paper also documents the experiences of the students and professors who have participated in this program, and shares the key factors that have led to the successful implementation in the initial years.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Ferregut, C.; Cheu, R.L.; Bína, L.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Horák, Ph.D.
2013, Proceedings of the 11th European Transport Congress, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta dopravní), p. 331-341), ISBN 978-80-01-05321-8
Transportation and logistics plays an important role in transatlantic economic collaboration. In 2010 the University of Texas at El Paso, USA (UTEP), the Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic (CTU) and the University of Zilina, Slovak Republic (UNIZA) started a common Transatlantic Dual Master’s Degree Program in Transportation and Logistics Systems (ATL). The program is supported by the European Union and the U.S. Department of Education in the framework of the ATLANTIS program. This paper describes the project and proposes solutions for the project’s sustainability. Within the ongoing collaboration a foundation for the future faculty and PhD student exchanges between partner universities was created as well as the faculty’s participation in educational and research programs.
Vyzvaná předn. uvedená ve sborníku z mezinárodní konf. cizojazyčně

Moos, P.; Bína, L.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Ing. Bc. Petr Kumpošt, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Padělek, Ph.D.
1. Část ucelené dopravní koncepce a návrh priorit rozvoje dopravní infrastruktury na území Prahy 6 pod názvem „Analýza současného stavu“ (14.12.2012) se zabývala analýzou a zhodnocením současného stavu ve vazbě na dostupné podklady hl. m. Prahy týkající se této problematiky. V rámci 2. Části byla provedena integrace 1. Části projektu do finální dokumentu „Ucelená dopravní koncepce a návrh priorit rozvoje dopravní infrastruktury na území Prahy 6“.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2012, Multidisciplinary academic research 2012, Praha, AV Consulting o.s.), ISBN 978-80-260-2184-1
In August 2010, Czech Technical University (CTU) and University of Zilina (UNIZA) and The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), jointly launched the Transatlantic Dual Masters Degree Program in Transportation Science and Logistics Systems in frame of EU-U.S. ATLANTIS program. Under this program, a graduate student spends one year of study at UTEP and a second year at CTU or UNIZA and vice versa. Upon the completion of the two-year program, the student earns two master degrees. This project required two years of background work that led to a successful proposal submitted to the funding agencies in U.S. and the European Union, followed by one year of administrative preparation before the actual student exchanges began in August 2011. The first cohort of eight students has successfully completed the program in June 2012. This article reports the sequence of events that led to the proposal submission and award, major issues surfaced and challenges overcame during the administrative preparation phase.
Vyzvaná předn. uvedená ve sborníku z mezinárodní konf. cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Bína, L.
2012, Proceedings of International scientific-practical conference (March 27-28, 2012, Krasnoyarsk), Krasnoyarsk, Sibirskij gosudarstvennyj aerokosmičeskij universitet), p. 45-55), ISBN 978-5-86433-522-2
Part of the development of transport infrastructure for the transport of goods is the development of intermodal logistics terminal in relation to the European intermodal corridors. This issue was solved within a large EU project called The Adriatic-Baltic Landbridge Project from 2006 till 2008. Furthermore, between 2006 and 2011 in the Czech Republic has been solved a research project of the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade No. 2A-1TP1/047 named: Development of hub intermodal terminals in the Czech Republic in relation to intermodal terminals in Germany and CADSES area and European intermodal transport corridors.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Bína, L.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2012, Proceedings of The 9th International Conference on Logistics & Sustainable Transport, Celje, University of Maribor, Faculty of Logistics), p. 365-371), ISBN 978-961-6562-53-9
In the paper the solution realized in the Czech Republic is described. There are also discussed the results of above mentioned implementations. In the event of possible system extension of the roads of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd class (ca 55,000 km), the satellite technology will be used. The feasibility of such a combination of these two technologies, microwave and satellite, is subject to the compatibility of both systems in terms of the control equipment. For the microwave toll system, economic analyses according to EU directives were prepared for the Czech Ministry of Transport. Special attention is paid to the problems of traffic congestion, noise and damage to the environment, on the basis of the "user pays" and "polluter pays" according to the Eurovignette Directive principles.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Bína, L.
2012, LOGISTIC SYSTEMS in global economy, Krasnoyarsk, Sibirskij gosudarstvennyj aerokosmičeskij universitet), p. 45-55), ISBN 978-5-86433-522-2
Roads in the Czech Republic are overloaded with truck transport. Rail isn't used adequately for freight transport. Waterways are used very little for freight transport, because of never ending postponing realization of permanent navigability of the waterway Labe. The future final port terminal on the river Labe in Pardubice (the Czech Republic) is a long prepared project which is pretty much related to the project of the permanent navigability of the river Labe and providing the inland waterway connection with Hamburg and other north European ports. Part of the upcoming trimodal logistics terminal of Pardubice is a container terminal. Part of this paper is also an overview of the existing network of container terminals in the Czech Republic and connecting network of container trains to European seaports and inland hub terminals.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Bína, L.
2012, Carpathian Logistics Congress Proceedings, Ostrava, TANGER), ISBN 978-80-87294-36-9
Roads in the Czech Republic are overloaded with truck transport. Rail isn't used adequately for freight transport. Waterways are used very little for freight transport, because of never ending postponing realization of permanent navigability of the waterway Labe. The future final port terminal on the river Labe in Pardubice (the Czech Republic) is a long prepared project which is pretty much related to the project of the permanent navigability of the river Labe and providing the inland waterway connection with Hamburg and other north European ports. Part of the upcoming trimodal logistics terminal of Pardubice is a container terminal. Part of this paper is also an overview of the existing network of container terminals in the Czech Republic and connecting network of container trains to European seaports and inland hub terminals.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Bína, L.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2012, Carpathian Logistics Congress Proceedings, Ostrava, TANGER), ISBN 978-80-87294-36-9
Main goal of air transportation industry is transportation of passengers and freight (Cargo). IT and logistics in air transportation industry are on the very high level and could be an example for the other applications of IT in logistics especially in Supply Chain Management (SCM). The essential IT systems for airlines and airports are described. In the airport the Safety & Security with top IT applications are playing very important role. In this matter research and education on university´s level are very important. Some experiences from the ATLANTIS EU - U.S. program are presented.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Bína, L.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; doc. PhDr. Mária Jánešová, CSc.
2012, Transactions on Transport Sciences, 5 (3 2012), p. 151-168), ISSN 1802-971X
In the paper the Czech toll system and its future are presented. The paper describes also the ITS solutions for use of the possibilities of electronic toll system for reducing congestion on the highway network of the Czech Republic, as well as solutions of differentiated toll tariffs and their impact on changes of fleet towards ecological vehicles with EURO V and higher engines. In conclusion, it is presented a new certified methodology used to determine the toll tariffs in terms of EU directives.
Článek v periodiku z pozitivního seznamu RVVI cizojazyčně

Bína, L.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Moos, P.; doc. Ing. Josef Kocourek, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Horák, Ph.D.; Skurovec, V.; Umlauf, T.
Odborné posouzení obsahu prezentace nové metropolitní sítě pod názvem ,,Metropolitní linky v Praze" a dalších souvisejících podkladů k navrhovaným změnám (dále jen ,,Návrh"), kterou HMP předložil Regionální organizátor Pražské integrované dopravy (ROPID) dne 14.6.2012.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Bína, L.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Horák, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2012, Logistic NEWS, 5 (10), p. 44-45), ISSN 1802-3746
V rámci rozvoje transatlantické spolupráce na poli univerzitního vzdělávání a společných výzkumných programů existuje mezi EU a USA program ATLANTIS. V rámci tohoto programu je podporován směr dvoudiplomového (dual-degree) studia, kdy absolventi programu získají dva diplomy, po jednom z každé partnerské univerzity. Na straně EU je tento program řízen agenturou EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency) se sídlem v Bruselu a na straně USA agenturou FIPSE v rámci U.S. Department of Education se sídlem ve Washington D.C.
Článek v odborném nerecenzovaném periodiku česky

Moos, P.; Bína, L.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Josef Kocourek, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Horák, Ph.D.
Odborné posouzení obsahu prezentace nové metropolitní sítě pod názvem "Metropilitní linky v Praze" a dalších souvisejících podkladů k navrhovaným změnám (dále jen "Návrh"), kterou HMP předložil Regionální organizárot Pražské integrované dopravy (ROPID) dne 14.6.2012.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Bína, L.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Černý, V.
2012, Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 6 (5), p. 562-568), ISSN 1934-7359
In the paper the Czech toll system and its future are presented. E-toll Czech project: Facts and Figures (today) are included and the next steps in the process of developing microwave infrastructure are mentioned. In the event of possible system extension of the roads of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd class (ca 55,000 km), the satellite technology will be used. The feasibility of such a combination of these two technologies, microwave and satellite, is subject to the compatibility of both systems in terms of the control equipment. For the microwave toll system, economic analyses according to EU directives were prepared for the Czech Ministry of Transport. Special attention is paid to the problems of traffic congestion, noise and damage to the environment, on the basis of the "user pays" and "polluter pays" according to the Eurovignette Directive principles. A complete survey of the EU toll system is included in the list of information sources.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

Bína, L.; Lehovec, F.; Moos, P.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Karlický, P.; Šnévajs, I.; Vítek, J.; Lomská, D.
Metodika a kalkulace maximálního váženého průměrného mýtného pro notifikace mýtného systému v ČR u Evropské komise. Tato zpráva byla připravena jako součást notifikace elektronického mýtného systému ČR do roku 2017 pro Evropskou komisi. Zpráva je určena výhradně pro potřeby Ministerstva dopravy ČR k výše uvedenému účelu. Dokument byl připraven na základě dostupných informací a odhadech, které byly v době zpracování zprávy k dispozici.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Bína, L.; Lehovec, F.; Moos, P.; Skurovec, V.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Karlický, P.; Vítek, J.; Lomská, D.; Šnévajs, I.; Apfelthaler, J.
Na základě pracovních výsledků z celostátního sčítání dopravy 2010 byla zpracována analýza výnosů a nákladů při zavedení mýtného na silnicích I., II. a III. třídy. Byly zpracovány dvě varianty výnosů. Ve variantě A je předpoklad zahájení zpoplatnění silnic I. až III. třídy od roku 2013, ve variantě B od roku 2017.
Oponovaná výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Nestler, S.; Bína, L.; Šťávová, I.
2011, Doprava a Logistika, 2011 (9), p. 547-556), ISSN 1451-107X
Within the transnational cooperation, the QUALIST project is designed. Focus is on demographically oriented concepts transport in small towns. From the comparison of the situation in the Waldviertel region, in the Czech Republic and Saxony (Vogtland and ZVON regions), we can see the same problems. The solution is offered with a flexible transport system for an aging population and other groups. Best Practice represents RF-buses in the village near the town of Kittlitz Löbau. Apart from description of QUALIST project, in Chapter 5 is presented the situation in railway transport in Germany, in the Czech Republic and in Austria in comparison with Switzerland. According to the authors' opinions railway transport is the future basic transport system. Access to the railway network is the future basis for improving the mobility of inhabitants of smaller towns.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Nestler, S.; Bína, L.; Šťávová, I.
2011, Proceedings of the Carpathian logistics congress, Košice, Technical University of Košice), p. 547-555), ISSN 1451-107X
Within the transnational cooperation, the QUALIST project is designed. Focus is on demographically oriented concepts transport in small towns. From the comparison of the situation in the Waldviertel region, in the Czech Republic and Saxony (Vogtland and ZVON regions), we can see the same problems. The solution is offered with a flexible transport system for an aging population and other groups. Best Practice represents RF-buses in the village near the town of Kittlitz Löbau. Apart from description of QUALIST project, in Chapter 5 is presented the situation in railway transport in Germany, in the Czech Republic and in Austria in comparison with Switzerland. According to the authors' opinions railway transport is the future basic transport system. Access to the railway network is the future basis for improving the mobility of inhabitants of smaller towns.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Horák, Ph.D.; Bína, L.; Skurovec, V.
2011, Dopravní noviny, 2011 (4), p. 2-2), ISSN 1210-1141
V článku je popisována spolupráce mezi ČVUT, Univerzitou Žilina a University of Texas at El Paso v rámci programu EU-U.S. ATLANTIS
Článek v populárně vědeckém periodiku česky

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Bína, L.
2011, Doprava a Logistika, 2011 (9), p. 233-240), ISSN 1451-107X
Existence of the Public Logistic Centre (PLC) network is the basic prerequisite for division of transportation labour between individual transport modes. It is also a feasible way for moving a part of freight transport from roads to railway. One of the advantages of the proposed methodology is that it can elaborate, with the assumed deviation of 10-30%, basic technical and economic materials of logistic centres in variants for the decision-making processes including the risk analysis without costly and time-consuming preparation of engineering documentation (deviation up to 30% follows from the methodology of the World Bank for this level of decision-making) [2]. This methodology is economically significant because all costs of the preparation works before the decision on implementation or cancellation of the project are so called "sunk costs" which are not usually included in the project costs of publicly supported projects.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Bína, L.
2011, Proceedings of the Carpathian logistics congress, Košice, Technical University of Košice), p. 233-240), ISSN 1451-107X
Existence of the Public Logistic Centre (PLC) network is the basic prerequisite for division of transportation labour between individual transport modes. It is also a feasible way for moving a part of freight transport from roads to railway. One of the advantages of the proposed methodology is that it can elaborate, with the assumed deviation of 10-30%, basic technical and economic materials of logistic centres in variants for the decision-making processes including the risk analysis without costly and time-consuming preparation of engineering documentation (deviation up to 30% follows from the methodology of the World Bank for this level of decision-making) [2]. This methodology is economically significant because all costs of the preparation works before the decision on implementation or cancellation of the project are so called "sunk costs" which are not usually included in the project costs of publicly supported projects.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Bína, L.; Trnka, M.
Návrh na nové umístění říčního přístavu Komárno byl zadán městem Komárno. Ve studii je provedeno variantní posouzení této nové lokality. Nová lokalita umožní velký rozvoj přístavu v budoucnosti.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Bína, L.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2011, Implementacia vedecko-technických poznatkov do leteckej dopravy, Žilina, Žilinská univerzita v Žilině Fakulta prevádzky a ekonomiky dopravy a spojov), p. 33-38), ISBN 978-80-970583-1-9
Přednáška popisuje moderní metody kolejového napojení letišť. Globální ekonomika a navazující požadavky na mobilitu vyžadují nové přístupy pro kolejové napojení letišť. Integrace kolejového napojení letišť vyžaduje přístup na vysokorychlostní tratě. Moderní projekty integrace bezobslužného metra v areálu letiště na systém metra nebo příměstské regionální železnice jsou popsany na příkladu letiště JFK v New York a Barcelona. Velmi důležitou otázkou při provozu těchto systémů je otázka bezpečnosti a ochrany proti protiprávním činům
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf. česky

Landa, J.; Komínek, M.; Hofhansl, P.; Tříska, L.; Sázavská, D.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Bína, L.
V této výzkumné práci je prezentován rozvoj spádových intermodálních terminál (veřejných zbožových center) v návaznosti na spádová zbožová centra v SRN a prostoru CADSES a evropské intermodální dopravní koridory. Jedná se o výzkumný projekt Ministerstva průmyslu a obchodu ČR číslo 2A-1TP1/047. Doba řešení byla 08/2007-04/2011. Projekt byl ukončen oponentním řízením dne 22.7.2011.
Oponovaná výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Bína, L.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Srkal, M. K.
2011, Silnice železnice, 6 (5), p. 43-46), ISSN 1801-822X
Každý rozsáhlý projekt od svého zrodu až do realizace prochází předem stanovenými procesy a také návrhy, které zaručují funkčnost projektu v určité cenové relaci dle přání zadavatele. Nejúčinnějším procesem řízení a kontroly nákladů je takový proces, který klade důraz nejen na účel projektu, ale také na harmonogram a cenu od úvodní inženýrské dokumentace až po jeho realizaci. Nástrojem jak udržet náklady v předpokládaných mezích je počáteční expertní odhad realistického rozpočtu na základě kvalitních dat pro výpočet nákladů. Během řešení projektu je nutné kontrolovat náklady a případně projekt revidovat. Nástrojem pro zvýšení hodnoty projektu nebo snížení nákladu projektu je Projektové přehodnocení týmem expertů - Value Engineering, což je analýza funkčnosti, specifikací, tendrových dokumentů a s tím spojenými náklady. Možnosti uplatnění Projektového přehodnocení zejména u dopravních projektů jsou obsahem tohoto článku.
Článek v periodiku z pozitivního seznamu RVVI česky

doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
V předložené disertační práci řeším vypracování metodologie návrhu logistických center v návaznosti na analýze zbožových proudů v místě výroby a spotřeby, tranzitních zbožových proudů v návaznosti na dopravní sítě a jejich prognózu rozvoje. Pro tuto koncepci jsou velmi vhodná navazující výrobně technologická uskupení (technologické parky, průmyslové zóny). Takováto uskupení jsou realizována v některých zemích EU (např. v Itálii). Tato návaznost umožní navrhnout efektivně spolupracující logistická a dopravní řešení.
Disertační práce (PhD)

Landa, J.; Bína, L.; Uhříček, V.; Brabcová, M.; Šibravová, S.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Tříska, L.
Studie je součástí evropského kooperačního projektu ChemLog, jehož řešení se zúčastnily regionální organizace, asociace chemického průmyslu a vědecké instituce z Německa, Polska, ČR, SR, Maďarska a Italie s cílem posílit konkurenceschopnost chemického průmyslu a dodavatelský logistický řetězec ve střední a východní Evropě. Hlavní cíl studie je specifikace podmínek pro zlepšení labské vodní cesty pro dopravu chemických produktů ze střední Evropy do severoevropských námořních přístavů
Oponovaná výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Bína, L.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2009, Logistika, 1 (12), p. 18-18), ISSN 1211-0957
Projekt Arlanda Express - vysokorychlostní železniční spojení letiště Arlanda a města Stockholm, jehož provoz byl zahájen v listopadu 1999. Vládní souhlas v roce 1990 s výstavbou třetí vzletově přisávací dráhy byl podmíněn zřízením železnice mezi letištěm a vlastním Stockholmem. Je popsán současný stav tohoto projektu.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Bína, L.; Skurovec, V.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2007, University a ekonomický rozvoj, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta dopravní), p. 17-18), ISBN 978-80-01-03954-0
In this paper Centre of Technology Transfer (CTT) and Technological Parks in Central Bohemia Region are described. Special attention is concentrated to CTT in Central Bohemian Innovative Center (SIC) Zlatníky-Hodkovice. The projects partners, research activity and real situation at present are presented. Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Transportation Science is the leading partner of that project.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Bína, L.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.; Skurovec, V.
2007, Národohospodářské aspekty dopravního systému, Praha, ČVUT, FD, Katedra ekonomiky a managementu v dopravě a telekomunikacích), p. 8-8), ISBN 978-80-01-03706-5
Harmonizace letecké a železniční dopravy. Odbavení letových cestujících na železniční stanici. Kombinovaný jízdní doklad.
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf. česky

Mojžíš, V.; Bína, L.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2006, CZ INTERMODAL - EUROKOMBI "Trendy intermodality v Evropě", Praha, ARIP), p. 51-54), ISBN 80-7194-874-8
Příspěvek připomíná záměry Bílé knihy Komise ES v oblasti intermodální přepravy, shrnuje reálný stav, uvádí prioritní kroky k zlepšení intermodality, akcentuje roli výzkumu a pojednává o vizích pro další období.
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf. česky

Bína, L.; Mojžíš, V.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2006, EURNEX - Žel 2006 "Ku konkurenceschopným železničným systémom v Európe", Žilina, Žilinská univerzita), ISBN 80-8070-550-X
Je popsán městsko-regionální kolejový systém hromadné osobní dopravy Praha/Střední Čechy a železniční napojení Letiště Praha-Ruzyně.
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf. česky

Mojžíš, V.; Bína, L.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2006, EURNEX - Žel 2006 "Ku konkurenceschopným železničným systémom v Európe", Žilina, Žilinská univerzita), p. 158-164), ISBN 80-8070-550-X
V přednášce je charakteristika evropského prostoru CADSES (Central, Adriatic, Danubian and Southeastern European Space, tj. Středoevropské, Jadranské, Podunajské a Jihovýchodní evropské území). Zároveň je podán stav koncepce a postupné realizace železničních koridorů a vysokorychlostních tratí v tomto prostoru i v návaznosti na usnesení Evropského parlamentu z dubna 2004. Z konkrétních řešení je prezentován stav řešení železničních koridorů a VRT v ČR v návaznosti na síť v EU.
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf. česky

Mojžíš, V.; Bína, L.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2006, neuvedeno
Veřejná logistická intermodální centra v České republice ve vazbě na evropská logistická centra a multimodální koridory
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf. cizojazyčně

Mojžíš, V.; Bína, L.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2006, CZ INTERMODAL - EUROKOMBI "Trendy intermodality v Evropě", Praha, ARIP), p. 132-139), ISBN 80-7194-874-8
Příspěvek se zabývá systémovým řešením veřejných logistických intermodálních center v ČR ve vazbě na evropská logistická intermodální centra a multimodální koridory. V těchto souvislostech je představen Projekt A-B Landbridge 2 v rámci iniciativy INTERREG IIIB a aktivity mezinárodního sdružení T-NEG.
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf. česky

Bína, L.; Mojžíš, V.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2006, Financování dopravy-možnosti a realita, Praha, ČVUT FD, Katedra ekonomiky a managementu dopravy a telekomunikací), p. 50-50), ISBN 80-01-03493-3
V přednášce je popsána současná situace projektu železničního spojení centra Prahy - letiště Praha Ruzyně - Kladno a jeho financování. Zvláště financování a připravený rozpočet je hlavním cílem pro realizaci projektu železničního připojení letiště Praha Ruzyně a jeho modernizace železniční trati doKladna
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf. česky

Bína, L.; Mojžíš, V.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2005, Zborník prednášok 8. Medzinárodná konferencia EUROKOMBI - INTERMODAL 2005 - rozvoj kombinovanej dopravy po rozšírení EÚ, Žilina, University of Žilina), p. 49-53), ISBN 80-967358-5-3
Doprava je jedním z faktorů, které limitují rozvoj lidské společnosti. Je předpoklad, že podíl intermodální dopravy v celkovém dopravním objemu komodit výrazně vzroste v budoucí periodě.
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf. česky

Bína, L.; Mojžíš, V.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2005, Sborník 12. mezinárodního symposia EU - ŽEL 2005, Železnice na prahu tretieho tisícročia,, p. 30-35), ISBN 80-8070-400-7
This text in article is about conception of regional city rail of system in Prague and Central Bohemia. Part of this system is air link to Prague International Airport. In Czech Republic same regional rail system is supposed to built around another large cities.
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf. česky

Bína, L.; Mojžíš, V.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2005, Doprava, 1 (6), p. 27-28), ISSN 0012-5520
V článku je popisován evropský projekt A-B Landbridge z hlediska přínosů pro řešení intermodální dopravy ve středoevropském prostoru. Současně jsou uvedeny analogické aktivity České intermodální asociace ARIP.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Bína, L.; doc. Ing. Helena Bínová, Ph.D.
2004, Doprava, 46 (6), p. 18-19), ISSN 0012-5520
V článku je popsán systém železničního připojení vídeňského letiště. Provoz zajišťuje privátní společnost, která byla založena rakouskými drahami a letištěm. Dosavadní ekonomické výsledky jsou velmi perspektivní.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky