
informace pocházejí z univerzitní databáze V3S

Ing. Milan Koukol, Ph.D.; Ing. Marek Kalika, Ph.D.; Ing. Jan Krčál, Ph.D.; Ing. Radek Holý, Ph.D.; Ing. Jana Kaliková, Ph.D.
2016, 5th International Symposium on Next-Generation Electronics, ISNE 2016, Piscataway, IEEE Operations Center), p. 112-113), ISBN 978-1-5090-2439-1
The project deals with the implementation of new security elements to an access system designated for sites and premises that have to be protected against unauthorised entry or where access to certain parts of the site should be restricted. The electronic access system can substitute single key systems. The system offers a wide range of applications (registration and signalling of non-standard entries, forced entries, failure to close) and combination with external security systems. The access control system can be deployed separately or as a part of an attendance control system registering arrivals or adherence to prescribed working hours.
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Ing. Bc. Vladimír Faltus, Ph.D.; Ing. Milan Koukol, Ph.D.; Ing. Milan Sliacky, Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Ing. Martin Langr, Ph.D.
Technická zpráva v češtině

Ing. Milan Koukol, Ph.D.
2016, ISBN 978-1-5090-1116-2
Sborník z mezinár. konf.

prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; Ing. Milan Koukol, Ph.D.; Ing. Jana Kuklová, Ph.D.
2015, PROMET - Traffic&Transportation, 27 (5), p. 439-450), ISSN 0353-5320
Highway management systems are used to improve safety and driving comfort on highways by using control strategies and providing information and warnings to drivers. They use several strategies starting from speed and lane management, through incident detection and warning systems, ramp metering, weather information up to, for example, informing drivers about alternative roads. This paper provides a review of the existing approaches to highway management systems, particularly speed harmonization and ramp metering. It is focused only on modern and advanced approaches, such as soft computing, multi-agent methods and their interconnection. Its objective is to provide guidance in the wide field of highway management and to point out the most relevant recent activities which demonstrate that development in the field of highway management is still important and that the existing research exhibits potential for further enhancement.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Jan Krčál, Ph.D.; Ing. Milan Koukol, Ph.D.; Ing. Jana Kaliková, Ph.D.
2015, Smart Cities Symposium Prague 2015 Proceedings - Czech Technical University in Prague, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta dopravní), p. 18-18), ISBN 978-80-01-05742-1
A goal of this article consists in demonstrating the eCall system enhancement. We propose to enhance the system by next relevant information for emergency services - exact number of persons in a vehicle including recognising adults and children, number of disabled persons and their disability kind. Further, the system will enable to identify a driver.
Abstrakt ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Ing. Jan Krčál, Ph.D.; Ing. Milan Koukol, Ph.D.; Ing. Jana Kaliková, Ph.D.
2015, 2015 Smart Cities Symposium Prague (SCSP), New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-4673-6727-1
A goal of this article consists in demonstrating the eCall system enhancement. We propose to enhance the system by next relevant information for emergency services – exact number of persons in a vehicle including recognising adults and children, number of disabled persons and their disability kind. Further, the system will enable to identify a driver.
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Ing. Milan Koukol, Ph.D.; Zajíčková, L.; Marek, L.; Tuček, P.
2015, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015 (2015), ISSN 1024-123X
Since 1965 when the fuzzy logic and fuzzy algebra were introduced by Lotfi Zadeh, the fuzzy theory successfully found its applications in the wide range of subject fields. This is mainly due to its ability to process various data, including vague or uncertain data, and provide results that are suitable for the decision making. This paper aims to provide comprehensive overview of literature on fuzzy control systems used for the management of the road traffic flow at road junctions. Several theoretical approaches from basic fuzzy models from the late 1970s to most recent combinations of real-time data with fuzzy inference system and genetic algorithms are mentioned and discussed throughout the paper. In most cases, fuzzy logic controllers provide considerable improvements in the efficiency of traffic junctions’ management.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Milan Koukol, Ph.D.; Ing. Jana Kaliková, Ph.D.; Ing. Jan Krčál, Ph.D.
2015, Future Energy Electronics Conference (IFEEC), 2015 IEEE 2nd International, Piscataway, IEEE Operations Center), p. 1-4), ISBN 978-1-4799-7655-3
Concurrently, depending on increasing number of vehicles in cities, importance of incentive car-parks on peripheries, parking houses within shopping centres, airports, etc. constantly arises. At the same time, also demands on intelligent control such of these car-parks arise by reason of effective use of every parking spot. The proposed Parking Management Control System (PMCS) provides overview not only from the point of number of free spots but also number of spots intended for parents with children, handicapped persons, or XXL vehicles. In case, the vehicle is identified as one with permanently disabled persons, parents with children, or XXL vehicle then PMCS purposefully navigates this vehicle to a dedicated spot. During the certain time, the system knows actual positions of every vehicle, time spent on a car-parks, and its type.
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Ing. Milan Koukol, Ph.D.; Ing. Jana Kaliková, Ph.D.; Ing. Jan Krčál, Ph.D.
2015, PARIPEX - Indian Journal of Research, 4 (12), p. 26-28), ISSN 2250-1991
The objective of the article is to describe the equipment of a state–of–art vehicle with a passive people detection system. The detection is based on IR cameras installed in the vehicle interior. The system can identify the exact number of people in the car, distinguish adult persons from children and identify the driver. Moreover, the system goes with a RFID card reader that requires an active cooperation of passengers but it makes it possible to report to the system some other information such as passengers handicap, serious sickness or blood group. The system may be integrated to Smart Cities applications or eCall system.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

Ing. Milan Koukol, Ph.D.; Ing. Radek Holý, Ph.D.; Ing. Jana Kaliková, Ph.D.; Ing. Jan Krčál, Ph.D.
Projekt se zabývá implementací nových bezpečnostních prvků do přístupového systému, který je určen pro objekty a prostory, kde je třeba zamezit vstupu neoprávněných osob, případně omezit vstup do určitých částí objektu. Elektronický přístupový systém slouží jako náhrada systémů jednotného klíče. Systém poskytuje široké možnosti využití (evidence a signalizace nestandartních vstupů-násilné vniknutí, nezavření) a napojení na externí bezpečností systémy. Přístupový systém může být nasazen samostatně nebo jako součást docházkového systému, který umožní vstup při evidenci příchodu nebo podle předepsané pracovní doby.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Ing. Milan Koukol, Ph.D.; Ing. Jan Krčál, Ph.D.; Ing. Jana Kaliková, Ph.D.
2015, Proceedings of The 4th International Symposium on Next-Generation Electronics, Piscataway, IEEE Operations Center), ISBN 978-1-4799-4208-4
At CTU FTS we are currently developing BioTest, an authentication system for testing students using state-of-the-art information technology and unambiguous Biometric authentication for each user. We use this system for identification during exams and testing. The BioTest software operates on the basis of a student's face recognition comparing the pattern with data on the student's ID card, while informing the relevant teacher about the student's identity.
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Ing. Jana Kaliková, Ph.D.; Ing. Milan Koukol, Ph.D.; Ing. Jan Krčál, Ph.D.
2014, Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Intelligent Green Building and Smart Grid, Piscataway, IEEE Operations Center), p. 1-3), ISBN 978-1-4673-6123-1
Safety in public buildings is obtained by technical means employed in hazardous situations (accident, fire etc.). In case of an emergency, endangered premises can be evacuated by emergency exits, while the monitoring center monitors the situation and activates the pre-prepared contingency plans to enable safe (managed) evacuation. Special attention needs to be paid to the handicapped persons. Their impediments (blindness, restricted movement etc.) pose extra challenge, when in the ensuing chaos or panic they try to find emergency or barrier-free exits. This article describes a proposal for expansion of the existing evacuation systems by elements of localization of the handicapped persons in buildings. The aim is to provide this information to the rescue teams and thus improve the evacuation capacities for the handicapped.
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Ing. Jan Krčál, Ph.D.; Ing. Milan Koukol, Ph.D.; Ing. Jana Kaliková, Ph.D.
2014, PARIPEX - Indian Journal of Research, 3 (XI), p. 127-129), ISSN 2250-1991
In road tunnels, safety is ensured by technical means (sensors, emergency exits), whose purpose is to help resolve dangerous situations. In case of emergency, people can escape from the dangerous areas through emergency exits, while the Tunnel Control Center (TCC) monitors the situation and triggers previously developed emergency scenarios to carry out controlled evacuation of all persons. This paper describes a proposal of extension of the existing evacuation systems with vehicle localization elements including monitoring the number of persons in given tunnel section with the aim of providing this information to the emergency services and enhancing the possibility of escaping from the tunnel safely.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

prof. Ing. Pavel Přibyl, CSc.; Ing. Milan Koukol, Ph.D.; Šilar, J.; Michek, J.
Zpráva projektu "Optimalizace technologického vybavení tunelů pozemních komunikací se zřetelem na bezpečnost (HADES) popisuje využití AI ve formě fuzzy linquistického systému pro hodnocení technologií v tunelu - metodiku SAFECALC. Dále navrhuje metodiku pro scénářově orientovanou analýzu rizik CAPITA.
Oponovaná výzkumná zpráva v češtině

prof. Ing. Pavel Přibyl, CSc.; Ing. Milan Koukol, Ph.D.; Apeltauer, T.
Výzkum metod pro hodnocení heterogenních technologických celků v silničních tunelech. Hodnocení je založeno na metodách umělé inteligence. Program je konkrétně zpracován jako fuzzy lingvistický systém. Kalibrace pravidel využila fyzikálních modelů.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Ing. Milan Koukol, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2013, Transactions on Transport Sciences, 6 (4), p. 177-184), ISSN 1802-971X
Fuzzy logic has been a popular tool to address advanced control tasks lately. This is true even in transportation, where it has been used for tasks such as ramp metering, control of traffic lights as well as, for example, within highway management. In this paper, we demonstrate that PTV VISSIM can be used for the evaluation of advanced control algorithms, even without usage of API. In this way, even without knowledge of classical programming languages such as C ++ or Java, any fuzzy control algorithm can be implemented directly in the microsimulation tool and its effect on traffic directly evaluated.
Článek v periodiku z pozitivního seznamu RVVI cizojazyčně

Ing. Milan Koukol, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2013, Transport Systems Telematics, Silesian University of Technology), p. 58-58), ISBN 978-83-927504-5-1
In this paper is demonstrated, how a fuzzy control system can be implemented and verified directly in a microsimulation tool from the company PTV, VISSIM. A new fuzzy algorithm for speed harmonisation is developed and its implementation is explained in details. The main advantage of this solution is in the direct implementation of the control algorithm in the microsimulation tool without the need to deal with an API and external software. Additionally, the configuration and optimisation of the control algorithm is performed quickly in the tool and directly responds to the microsimulation results. This has an impact on the time to implement such a solution as well as the overall cost, since a single resource able to work with the microsimulation tool can do the work and no programming experience are required.
Abstrakt ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Milan Koukol, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2013, Activities of Tranport Telemactics, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, GmbH), p. 459-467), ISBN 978-3-642-41646-0, ISSN 1865-0929
In this paper is demonstrated, how a fuzzy control system can be implemented and verified directly in a microsimulation tool from the company PTV, VISSIM. A new fuzzy algorithm for speed harmonisation is developed and its implementation is explained in details. The main advantage of this solution is in the direct implementation of the control algorithm in the microsimulation tool without the need to deal with an API and external software. Additionally, the configuration and optimisation of the control algorithm is performed quickly in the tool and directly responds to the microsimulation results. This has an impact on the time to implement such a solution as well as the overall cost, since a single resource able to work with the microsimulation tool can do the work and no programming experience are required.
Vyzvaná předn. uvedená ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Ing. Milan Koukol, Ph.D.
2013, XIV. dopravně-inženýrské dny, Praha, Česká silniční společnost), p. 67-73), ISBN 978-80-02-02466-8
Článek popisuje aplikaci mikrosimulačních dopravních modelů na dvou praktických příkladech z dopravně inženýrské praxe
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. česky

Ing. Milan Koukol, Ph.D.
Publikace uvádí stručný přehled vědecký článků (1977-2012) zaměřujíc se na použití fuzzy logiky k řízení světelného signalizačního zařízení na úrovňových křižovatkách.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Josef Kocourek, Ph.D.; Ing. Milan Koukol, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Padělek, Ph.D.
Technická zpráva v češtině