
informace pocházejí z univerzitní databáze V3S

2024, 2024 Smart City Symposium Prague (SCSP), Prague, IEEE, THEY, CTU), p. 1-6), ISBN 979-8-3503-6095-0, ISSN 2691-3666
In today's steadily urbanizing landscape, cities continue to expand at a rapid pace. Alongside the improvement in quality of life, there's a notable increase in the number of private cars. However, the limited capacity of roads in densely populated urban areas remains unchanged. To ensure smooth operation and enhance the quality of public transport as a backbone of urban mobility, the implementation of public transport priority measures is imperative. One such measure is the establishment of dedicated bus lanes. This paper delves into the design options for the endpoint of a dedicated bus lane before an intersection, focusing on the perspective of public transport. Specifically, it examines four different designs for this endpoint, employing simulations conducted through the PTV Vissim program.
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2024, 2024 Smart City Symposium Prague (SCSP), Prague, IEEE, THEY, CTU), p. 1-5), ISBN 979-8-3503-6095-0, ISSN 2691-3666
Effective transport planning, utilizing available data to promote sustainable modes of transportation, is a fundamental aspect of the Smart City concept. This paper introduces an optimization of the the level-of-service-based evaluation method for quality of public transport operation, which assesses reliability and travel speed/time. Although initially introduced in 2017, the method lacked a sufficient sample of data from diverse transport networks for testing. Subsequently, with the acquisition of such data, extensive testing became feasible, leading to the method's optimization for improved reliability and practical usability.
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2023, 2023 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 979-8-3503-2162-3, ISSN 2691-3666
Public transport priority is a key transport engineering tool for moving towards sustainable urban mobility. This paper explores the design options for an end of a dedicated bus lane ahead of a single lane roundabout, looking for the optimal design from a public transport perspective. Two possible designs of an end of dedicated lane were simulated using the PTV Vissim program. The parameters of average delay of public transport services and number of unnecessary stops of public transport vehicles were evaluated to determine the optimal design and contribute to a quality for public transport operation in practice.
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2023, LOGI - Scientific Journal on Transport and Logistics, 14 (1), p. 239-250), ISSN 2336-3037
Public transport priority is an essential transport engineering technique for the transitionto sustainable urban mobility. This article presents a case study that simulates the effects ofintroducing a queue jump lane followed by a bus lane beyond an intersection compared to adedicated lane only in the section beyond the intersection (without introducing a queue jump lane).The monitored parameters were speed and reliability of public transport. The simulation wasperformed using the PTV Vissim program. The case study was evaluated in terms of publictransport operation, as well as selected effects on other road traffic with the aim to determine theoptimal traffic engineering design and improve public transport operation in practice. This casestudy provides valuable insights into the effects of these priority measures. The results cancontribute to the improvement of public transport operations.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus cizojaz.

2023, Young Transportation Engineers Conference 2022, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 8-14), ISBN 978-80-01-07224-0, ISSN 2336-5382
Smart transport planning based on the use of available data while supporting sustainable transport modes is an integral part of the Smart city concept. This article presents a critical analysis of the Level of Service of Public Transport Operation Assessment Method, which is based on two indicators - the reliability index and the travel speed index. The method is applied to a larger sample of data from several different cities, it makes it possible to evaluate the possible shortcomings of the method, since the method has not yet been applied to such a large number of case studies.
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Ing. Nikol Richterová, Ph.D.; Ing. Vojtěch Novotný, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Richter, Ph.D.; Ing. Markéta Jirmanová
2022, 2022 Smart City Symposium Prague, Piscataway, IEEE Signal Processing Society), ISBN 978-1-6654-7923-3
Fast and reliable public transport is one of the pillars of sustainable urban mobility. Creating good conditions for its operation in urban road network is a fundamental task for transport engineers. The PREFOS Research Group has long been involved in evaluating the conditions for public transport operation in urban roads. One of the key parameters is the impact of the car traffic flow on public transport operation. This paper describes a pilot study of the possibility of using Google traffic data to evaluate the characteristics of traffic flow and its comparison with the achieved travel speed of public transport in a given section. This pilot study is part of a broader research plan to develop a comprehensive method for evaluating the conditions for public transport operations on a street network.
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2022, Chytrá řešení pro zvýšení bezpečnosti a komfortu v dopravě -Využití dopravně inženýrských přístupů a provozních zkušeností pro nové dopravní projekty, Brno, Česká silniční společnost (pobočka při a. s. Brněnské komunikace), p. 59-69), ISBN 978-80-908409-0-4
Vyhrazený jízdní pruh pro autobusy/trolejbusy veřejné dopravy je základním a prakticky nejefektivnějším prvkem preference veřejné dopravy na síti městských komunikací. Existují však různé přístupy k nastavení dopravního režimu těchto vyhrazených jízdních pruhů, ať už z hlediska jejich časové platnosti, možnosti jejich využívání i dalšími specifikovanými vozidly (jízdní kola, taxi, motocykly) či jejich vedení po tramvajovém tělese, i k jejich vyznačování. Příspěvek shrne aktuální stav této problematiky ve vybraných českých a zahraničních městech a nabídne doporučení pro jednotný přístup k této problematice v českých podmínkách.
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Ing. Vojtěch Novotný, Ph.D.; Ing. Nikol Richterová, Ph.D.
2020, Young Transportation Engineers Conference 2020, Praha, Fakulta dopravní), p. 15-22), ISBN 978-80-01-06793-2
Determining the conditions for the public transport operation in urban roads is an important part of the developed public transport priority decision-making tool based on the dependence between the quality of public transport operation (cruising speed and reliability) and infrastructure conditions created for public transport in street space. This article presents the results of a case study using the method on line 16, the backbone trolleybus line of the Plzeň public transport system. The aim of the case study was to verify its applicability and determining the direction of further development and calibration of the decision tool itself.
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