2013, ICMT'13 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Military Technologies, Brno, Univerzita obrany), p. 1331-1338), ISBN 978-80-7231-917-6
Fourth generation (4G) of cellular wireless standards includes small base stations, located at individual buildings as homes or other separated areas, called femtocells. They provide higher transfer rate and level of received signal. These small and low-power cellular base stations can provide a wide-range of military applications – while they can easily be set for closed and from environment isolated areas (or buildings) such as headquarters, ships, airplanes, trains etc. [1]. This technology allows to extend service coverage indoors or at the edges where direct access would be unavailable or limited. The safe and secure internal communication and data exchange channels are offered with possibility of external (internet) connection. Several standards bodies, such as 3GPP, WiMAX Forum, and IEEE 802.16, have started to develop standard solutions to enable and optimize femtocells operation [2]. Despite of possible advantages of WiMAX solution [3] the whole technology is solved by 3GPP group, including emergency call cases. However, they are not described and published in deep detail for close subscriber group (CSG). The paper focuses on proposal of two control procedures which allow an access to CSG in the case of emergency calls.
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