2013, Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Roma, Roma Tre University)
In the brain of each driver driving a road vehicle are realized many very complex and complicated signal interactions between stimuli impacting from human senses, stimuli of the humoral and psychical nature, stimuli coming from car function and stimuli coming from the environment. On the reliability and safety of these interactions depends the total reliability of driver operation with car and safety of car moving the road. It is well known, that the faults in these complex interactions cause the significant part of all the accidents, appearing daily on the roads of all countries around the world, reaching terrible height. It is also known, that the deeper understanding of the mechanisms of these interactions can open the way to the reducing this unhappy state. The differences in these losses which appear in the world statistics underline the significance of acquiring relevant knowledge and utilizing it. In this contribution the mechanisms of the most important interactions between standard brain functions and impacting sensual, artificial (by car function caused) and environmental stimuli are discussed with respect to their reliability and operation safety. A special attention is given to higher brain functions realized in the prefrontal parts of neo-cortex which interact with majority of other, evolutionary older brain parts. This concerns also the sub-cortical areas, hypothalamus and amygdale. While in neocortex the important rational functions prevail, these sub-cortical parts influence the particular subject emotional status before all. For well operation of the car driving subject, all these interactions must be kept in good balance. This is a complicated procedure, influenced by many internal and also external factors, both of the physical and psychical nature. Among them significant place have before all the shocks, mood, fear, stress and physical inconveniences of respective driving person.
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