
informace pocházejí z univerzitní databáze V3S

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; Michal Kovaljov
2023, ISBN 978-80-11-03295-1
We present a brief description of some mechanism of brain activity and a list of the analyzes used and the considerations resulting from them. In order to better navigate the complex structure and function of the brain for both practical and scientific reasons, we use a variety of methods. On the other hand, it is anamnesis, clinical examination and follow-up, and structural and functional diagnostics. Finally, it is the creation of parabolic equations, i.e. simulation, modeling, e.g. we compare some properties of the brain with mathematical logic models (MLM) and vice versa. The brain and MLM teach each other. The simulation process is independent of the material and structural nature of the model. Models are usually electronic and digital.
Jjiná kniha cizojazyčně

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Michal Kovaljov; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; Růžek, M.
2022, ISBN 9788011009939
Cil práce je zlepšovat psychologickou diagnostiku pomoci porovnání kvalitativně a kvantitativně analyzovaného EEG záznamu s aktivovaným chovaným. Jde o směr zkoumaní vývoje vědomi čili noogenese. Používáme řadu analýz EEG křivky a současně zkrácených psychotestů a obě metody vzájemně korelujeme. Pokud možno přidružujeme další metody jako je PET, fMR, plysomnografii nebo NIRS. Domníváme se, že lze v EEG křivce nalézt definovatelné změny, které souvisí s vyššími psychologickými funkcemi. V životě dítěte jsou občas okamžiky přinášející pochyby o jeho správném vývoji, a proto by bylo dobré vyjádřit se odborně o jeho stavu u lékaře i v pedagogicko-psychologické poradně.
Jiná kniha česky

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Novák, M.; Michal Kovaljov; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Chalupová, R.
2019, Neural Network World, 29 (6), p. 427-445), ISSN 1210-0552
There is no methodical approach suitable for definition of the periodical or non-periodical, stationary or nonstationary curves of brain signals with a help of amplitude, frequency, phase etc. values. It is difficult to determinate the wave shape, i.e. the problem is how to solve the respective pattern recognition. Therefore, we tried to propose a simple method for praxis by help of measurement two main wave time components, interpreting a sinusoidal alpha wave as a triangle, where there is an anterior and a posterior part of wave ascending and descending abscissas in a hope that the sufficient measure are presented by the "legs" only or distances between upper and bottom peak of the wave. All the values of total ascendants are divided by all values of total descendants. For the method validity estimation it was made for this computation separately in two different psychical states - the relaxation and the calculation activity, both with eyes closed. Results are presented as quotient (quotus alpha) which means alpha waves symmetry. If the quotient is equal to 1, or is near to 1, is the alpha wave full or almost symmetrical. When the quotient is lower than 1 the ascendant is shorter than descendent, then alpha wave is asymmetric and has inclination to the left side. In contrary if the quotient is higher than 1 the ascendant is longer than descendent, alpha wave is again asymmetrical, but inclination is oriented to the right side. During mentation is usually quotient lower one and the ascendant is still more lover, alpha waves are sheer, the inclination to the left is more expressive.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Ing. Jindřich Sadil, Ph.D.; Michal Kovaljov
2017, ISBN 978-80-270-1554-2
The brain is a supersystem. Thalamocortical reverberation system (TCRS) and its cognitive abilities are chosen for an experiment. Analogies of psychology of learning and model developed for visualization of energy function of artificial neural networs are presented in the book. Influence of different applied noise levels to the process of learning is analysed and evaluated.
Jjiná kniha cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Novák, M.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Ing. Alina Mashko, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.
2016, international journal of systems applications, engineering & development, 2016 (10), p. 205-210), ISSN 2074-1308
Individual human behavior makes a significant impact to the road and traffic safety. The necessity of minimizing the human factor influence is rather obvious. A detailed study of different aspects of human-machine interaction shall make it possible to determine reasons of faulty human behavior and develop methods for its prevention. Complex approach for problem solution is suggested. A truck simulator laboratory described in this article shall suggest wide range of possibilities for the relevant research. Observation of various aspects of faulty driver behavior using different methods, namely combination of brain activity observations (EEG) together with data obtained from readings of other tools such as ocular movements, heartbeat, mimics, muscular activity, gestures, driving behavior and vehicle behavior is to be run for data collection and its further analysis. A set of pilot experiments has been relevant research of both electroencephalographic (EEG) and near infra-red (NIRS) signals analysis of drivers, exposed to influence of various kinds of attention load on adaptive driving simulator is presented. The results are expected to be a basis for recommendation for further deeper and wide scale analyses of various load influences on driver brain.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Novák, M.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; Michal Kovaljov
2016, Activitas nervosa superior, 58 (1-2), p. 28-44), ISSN 1802-9698
The electroencephalographic (EEG) curve is a highly complex formation representing cerebral system activities. On the one hand it may resemble featureless oscillations in alpha activity, on the other hand it looks like a very irregular tangle of mostly quite random lines even when the proband or patient is in a waking state. Recent findings also indicate that the EEG signal can be studied as a complex numerical series using signal analysis in terms of chaodynamic processes and describe its outcome as fractals or attractors. Using spectral Gabor analysis (GA), local coherence (LCA) and amplitude analyses (AA) we report results with regard to clinical experience and atractor character of epileptic activity. We have developed a simple coefficient method showing the state of EEG synchronisation and, at the same time, also the actual state of integration or complexity of the systems in the brain. Amplitude analysis shows the fractal feature of alpha activity and attractor descriptions related to of epileptic activity. These results might be useful for detection of mental states related to levels of wakefulness or somnolence. © 2016, Neuroscientia o.s. All rights reserved.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus cizojaz.

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Novák, M.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Ing. Alina Mashko, Ph.D.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Kadlecová, J.; Ing. Dmitrij Rožděstvenský, Ph.D.
2015, ISBN 978-80-01-05872-5
The driver behavior is a complex problem of the road traffic safety. It is influenced by numerous factors. Drowsiness, fatigue, health issues, influence of alcohol, irritated or aggressive behavior , arrogance etc. - all contribute to dangerous behavior of drivers on the roads and lead to traffic excesses. Driver faults happen all the time, so their prevention and mitigation of unwanted consequences is a necessary step in improving road traffic safety. The book covers analysis of different aspects of dangerous driving behavior, from drivers' faults due to lack of experience, the influence of drugs (in a general sense), driver's age etc., up to intentional offensive and aggressive driving.
Vědecká kniha cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Novák, M.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.
2015, Recent Research in Mechanical and Transportation Systems, Salerno, WSEAS), p. 78-82), ISBN 978-1-61804-316-0, ISSN 2227-4588
Analyzing the reliability and safety of transportation, one can find that the activity of human being is the weakest point. Technical reliability of almost all transportation tools has improved quite a lot in recent years, however the human subject interacting with them has not changed too much, as concerns his/her reliability and safety of the respective necessary interaction. All driver faults, without respect to their seriousness project themselves on driver brain signals, before all on those, which are of electromagnetic nature. For minimizing the danger of such human caused accidental events appearance, a deeper analysis of those signals is to be considered as very important tool. In this contribution a set of pilot experimental results reached at simultaneous analysis of both electroencephalographic (EEG) and near infra-red (NIRS) signals analysis of drivers, exposed to influence of various kinds of attention load on adaptive driving simulator is presented. These results are expected to be a basis for recommendation for further deeper and wide scale analyses of various load influences on driver brain.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Jayakumar, A.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.
2014, Driver-Car Interaction & Safety 2014 - Proceedings, Praha, Dopravní fakulta ČVUT v Praze, Ústav dopravních prostředků), ISBN 978-80-01-05663-9
This paper is based on the research which studied the vigilance level of a fatigued driver in a long tunnel. The vigilance of the driver is monitored using Electroencephalography (EEG) in a driving simulator under different scenarios namely Normal road and Tunnel road. The hypnagogic, relaxation and vigilant phase of each driver is analysed from their EEG data. The experiments projected a negative impact on driver vigilance in long tunnels. A comparative study on the driver vigilance inside the tunnel and to that of a normal road is presented. In addition, the impact of coloured tunnel to that of a regular tunnel was also studied and results are presented.
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Jayakumar, A.; Novák, M.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2014, Latest Trends in Energy, Enviromental and Development, Salerno, WSEAS), p. 251-256), ISBN 978-960-474-375-9, ISSN 2227-4359
This paper studied the vigilance level of a fatigued driver in a long tunnel. The vigilance of the driver is monitored using Electroencephalography (EEG) in a driving simulator under different scenarios namely Normal road and Tunnel road. The hypnagogic, relaxation and vigilant phase of each driver is analyzed from their EEG data. The experiments projected a negative impact on driver vigilance in long tunnels. A comparative study on the driver vigilance inside the tunnel and to that of a normal road is presented. In addition, the impact of colored tunnel to that of a regular tunnel was also studied and results are presented.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Novák, M.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.
2013, Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Roma, Roma Tre University)
In the brain of each driver driving a road vehicle are realized many very complex and complicated signal interactions between stimuli impacting from human senses, stimuli of the humoral and psychical nature, stimuli coming from car function and stimuli coming from the environment. On the reliability and safety of these interactions depends the total reliability of driver operation with car and safety of car moving the road. It is well known, that the faults in these complex interactions cause the significant part of all the accidents, appearing daily on the roads of all countries around the world, reaching terrible height. It is also known, that the deeper understanding of the mechanisms of these interactions can open the way to the reducing this unhappy state. The differences in these losses which appear in the world statistics underline the significance of acquiring relevant knowledge and utilizing it. In this contribution the mechanisms of the most important interactions between standard brain functions and impacting sensual, artificial (by car function caused) and environmental stimuli are discussed with respect to their reliability and operation safety. A special attention is given to higher brain functions realized in the prefrontal parts of neo-cortex which interact with majority of other, evolutionary older brain parts. This concerns also the sub-cortical areas, hypothalamus and amygdale. While in neocortex the important rational functions prevail, these sub-cortical parts influence the particular subject emotional status before all. For well operation of the car driving subject, all these interactions must be kept in good balance. This is a complicated procedure, influenced by many internal and also external factors, both of the physical and psychical nature. Among them significant place have before all the shocks, mood, fear, stress and physical inconveniences of respective driving person.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Novák, M.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.
2013, 20th Anniversary of the Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Czech Technical University in Prague - Selected Papers, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta dopravní), p. 325-340), ISBN 978-80-01-05320-1
In this paper the extended analysis of the human electroencephalographic signals (EEG) in the region of alpha rythms combined with an investigation of transparency and dispersion of electromagnetic waves in near infrared region (NIRS) measured in front brain parts is presented. The existence of spindle-like (fusiform) shape appearing in the alpha band of EEG signals are discussed and verified by the set of experimental measurements. The hypothesis of possible interrelations of the EEG signals forming the so called alpha fusus with tested person psychical state and its reactions when driving the vehicle is presented.
Stať ve sborníku z fakultní konference cizojazyčně

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.
2013, ISBN 978-80-260-4418-5
Stručná historie objevování mozku a myšlení od dob faraonů po současnou neuroinformatiku.
Jiná kniha česky

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Novák, M.
2013, Cognitive Remediation Journal, 1, p. 6-24), ISSN 1805-7225
Thalamická sensorická jádra spojující smyslové orgány s kortexem, obsahují asociační neurony, které zároveň představují rytmické generátory (RTG). Mezi RTG a kortexem krouží nervové impulsy trvale, tj. ve vigilitě i ve spánku a po celý život, jen vzorec čili uspořádání výbojů se mění při různých stavech vědomí (klidná nebo motoricky či psychicky aktivní vigilita, spánek NONREM nebo REM). Mluvíme o halamokortikálním reverberačním systému (TKRS). V EEG se tato cyklická aktivita projeví frekvencemi 1 - 30 Hz. Alfa frekvence (8 - 13 Hz) je typická pro vigilitu a má většinou tvar netlumených oscilací, které se po několika alfa vlnách mění na oscilace tlumené. Proto nabývá alfa rytmus vřetenového, tj. fusiformního tvaru. Jedna alfa vlna trvá kolem desetiny v teřiny a odpovídá jednomu cyklu v TKRS, kterého se zúčastňují desítky miliard neuronů a stovky miliard jejich impulsů. Již z tohoto kvantitativního hlediska je možné, že nebudou všechny impulsy podřízeny determinované organizaci s mnoha složitými rytmy. Proto předpokládáme, že kromě eriodických jsou přítomny pravděpodobnostní i stochastické procesy.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Novák, M.
2012, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Mathematical, Biology and Bioinformatics, Moskva, Lomonosov Moscow State University), p. 168-169), ISBN 978-5-317-04214-1
EEG and oxidation measurement appear to be mutually complementary methods to a certain extent. A comparation of EEG, NIRS graph and physiological as well as psychological activities brings out the following facts: increased attention, while pronounced in EEG, has a little effect on the NIRS curve.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Novák, M.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; Kolda, T.; Faber, V.
2011, Neuroinformatics 2011 - Abstract book, Stockholm, International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility), p. 335-336)
Abstrakt ve sborníku z lokální konf.

Novák, M.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2011, Reliability of Driver Car Interaction, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta dopravní), p. 213-216), ISBN 978-80-87136-12-6
This article summarizes the perspectives in the interaction of drivers and vehicles and their reliability in the coming years.
Kapitola v jiné knize cizojazyčně

Novák, M.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.
2011, Neural Network World, 21 (2), p. 169-192), ISSN 1210-0552
In this paper, an extended analysis of the human electroencephalographic signals (EEG) in the region of alpha rhythms is presented. The consequences of the existence of spindle-like (fusiform) shape are discussed and verified on the set of experimental measurements. The hypothesis of possible interrelations of the EEG alpha fuses with a tested person's psychical state and restrictions is presented.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.
2010, Neural Network World, 20 (2), p. 249-260), ISSN 1210-0552
Biofeedback is a treatment technique in which people are trained to improve their physiological functions by using different signals from their own bodies, e.g. from skin, heart (ECG), muscles (EMG), brain (EEG) etc. Psychotherapeutists use it to decrease intrapsychic tension in anxious and depressive patients and epileptics or learn to relax boys who suffered from attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders. The main system for consciousness (thalamocortical reverberation circuit) generates whole brain electromagnetic frequencies permanently (1-30 Hz = EEG activity). But we choose a specific frequency band, e.g. SMR (Sensory Motor Rhythm = 13-18 Hz) and these SMR episodes are rewarded by success in a simultaneously watched TV game. SMR is then repeated still more often and brings into electrogenesis and into psyche tendency its own property, which is motor inhibition and increasing attention. This is the aim of the therapeutical learning process.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Novák, M.; Pěkný, J.; Piekník, R.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Kovaljov, M.
2010, XXIII. český a slovenský epileptologický sjezd, Olomouc, SOLEN, s.r.o.), p. 18-18), ISBN 978-80-87327-44-9
Stále nejsou vyřešeny vztahy mezi elektrickou a metabolickou aktivitou mozku. Je zde velká obecná otázka korelace metabolizmu a EEG pásem. Příspěvek se zabívá právě tímto vztahem.
Abstrakt ve sborníku z lokální konf. česky

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.
Malý EEG atlas je vhodný především pro neurology, psychyatry, psychology, internisty a další odborníky včetně vzdělaných laiků. Obsahuje řadu popsaných a komentovaných EEG signálů, které umožňují rychlé srovnání analogové a verbální dokumentace. Kniha je zaměřena více prakticky než teoreticky.
Jiná kniha česky

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; doc. Ing. Pavel Hrubeš, Ph.D.; Matoušek, V.; Novák, M.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Pěkný, J.; Piekník, R.; Přenosil, V.; Svoboda, P.; Sýkora, O.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.
2010, ISBN 978-88-548-3550-4
This book involves description and discussion of knowledge and results reached in 2008 and 2009 by members of considerably large consortium of people in the Czech Republic, taking part on solution of problems concerning the methods and tools for limitation of the probability and frequency of accidents of vehicles moving on road.
Jiná kniha

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Novák, M.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.
2010, Deterioration, Dependability, Diagnostics, Brno, Univerzita obrany, Fakulta vojenských technologií), p. 51-62), ISBN 978-80-254-8377-0
Human brain can be considered as very specific, complicated and both in its structure and in its operation very variable alliance of many partials systems. More- over, it has to be considered as the complex of many such system alliances. Though the theory of system alliances, usually considered as alliances of artificial systems was developed significantly in last several years, our present knowledge is still not at that level, which is necessary for modeling the whole human brain. Nevertheless, as concerns some specific parts of brain, especially the visual tract, something can be done. Such attempts are of course stimulated also by the need of better understanding the problems of the reliability of interactions between human subject and transportation vehicles, namely the cars. These are in the focus of our interest within the range of both mentioned projects.
Krátká kapitola v vědecké knize cizojazyčně

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Pěkný, J.; Piekník, R.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Novák, M.; Faber, V.
2010, Neural Network World, 20 (4), p. 539-557), ISSN 1210-0552
Electric and metabolic brain activities were controlled for 49 persons by means of EEG and NIRS different physiological and psychological states, e.g. eyes open or closed, hyperpnoea or apnoea and during calculation or Raven's test - set A or more difficult set C or TAT. Both diagnostic methods confirm one another. But sometimes there are more expressive changes in one method than in another, e.g. during HV it is a more prominent deoxyhemoglobin increase than an alpha frequency band increase in EEG curves. On the other side, very marked alpha frequency decreasing in EEG during eyes open is followed by only a weak oxyhemoglobin rise. Synchronous activities are clearly visible during psychic test: increasing O2Hb in NIRS and increasing delta frequency band in EEG spectrum. Decreasing alpha with increasing theta activity during relaxation and somnolence is accompanied by decreasing O2Hb and prominent increasing CO2Hb. Inter individually differences are often but not big.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA
2009, Neural Network World, 19 (1), p. 109-118), ISSN 1210-0552
The paper technically describes the principles of incorporation of the biofeedback system into the system of a driving simulator. After a brief introduction of the basic features of EEG biofeedback, the most important scenarios where such simulator enhancement can be successfully used are described. The system is introduced with the use of an analysis of the major technical and construction aspects, such as the software design, hardware realization and its incorporation into the driving simulator system. Finally, the paper sketches pilot experiments which were performed using EEG biofeedback incorporated into the driving simulator.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Novák, M.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.
2009, Proceedings of the 2009 Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems: New Opportunities to increase Digital Citizenship, New York, ACM), ISBN 978-1-60558-398-3
In this contribution are discussed the following questions, related also to presentation [1]: a) which kinds of human decision are most important when he/she interacts with artificial system, b) how the parameters of such decisions can be improved as concerns the reliability of human subject interaction with artificial system. Some of the presented ideas, measured results and proposed approaches are based on results obtained in 2008 and few past years in the range of project ME 949 of the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic, of the project 1F84B042520 of the Ministry of Transportation of the Czech Republic, of the project 102/07/1191 of the Grant agency of Czech Republic and of the project IAA201240701 of the grant agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. This concerns also both the PhD. Theses [2] and [3].
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Brodský, M.
2008, Driver Car Interaction & Interface 2008, Praha, AV ČR, Ústav informatiky), p. 91-97), ISBN 978-80-87136-04-1
This work deals with biofeedback and behaviour (ADHD) and its use for drivers training. Neurofeedback is a form of behavioural training aimed at developing skills of brain activity. It describes statical view to learning and also dynamic point of view. It also describes functional and structural point of view to learning and memory process.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

doc. Dr. Ing. Tomáš Brandejský; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.
2008, Kognice a umělý život VIII (sborník), Opava, Ediční středisko FPF SU), p. 55-60), ISBN 978-80-7248-462-1
Práce se snaží porovnat závěry některých neurologických experimentů s vybranými modely kreativního myšlení známými z oblasti kognitivních věd a teorie designu.
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf. česky

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Novák, M.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Kolda, T.; Sýkora, O.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Svoboda, P.; Faber, V.; Ing. Jindřich Sadil, Ph.D.; Ing. Zuzana Bělinová, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Vít Fábera, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Martin Leso, Ph.D.
2008, ISBN 978-80-7387-194-9
We present a certain explanatory, as yet non-systematic, vocabulary of "equivalent" notions taken fom neurosciences and cybernetics. Mutual stimulation is understood to mean not only modelling but also interdisciplinary stimulation and inspiration.
Jjiná kniha cizojazyčně

Novák, M.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA
2008, Driver Car Interaction & Interface 2008, Praha, AV ČR, Ústav informatiky), p. 83-89), ISBN 978-80-87136-04-1
At present, there are known the following main ways for diminishing the danger of traffic accident caused by the unsatisfactory level of driver attention: - Improvement of the car cockpit arrangement with respect to the driver comfort and to the reliability of driver interaction with cockpit furnishing driving tools and assistance systems, - Optimization of the alliance of assistance systems installed in the car cockpit so that their negative influence on driver attention splitting from stimuli functional for driving activity is minimal, - Development and in car installing of warning systems, continuously testing the level of driver attention and warning him/her (in case that that level fall down below certain limit, - Improvement of driver training for better resistance to attention decrease and/or other disturbing factors like the influence of alcohol or other drugs and the conversion from tolerant to aggressive character of driver behavior.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Novák, M.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Pěkný, J.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Kozumplík, M.
2008, ISBN 978-80-87136-02-7
Poklesy pozornosti řidičů motorových vozidel působí obecně velmi vysoké ztráty ekonomické i zdravotní. Podle údajů EU je to každoročně na silnicích států EU asi 100 miliard Euro a 20000 mrtvých. V ČR lze hovořit asi o 40 miliardách Kč a 450-500 mrtvých ročně. Tyto poklesy pozornosti jsou ovlivněny radou faktorů. Jedním z nich je věk řidiče. V knize je diskutována otázka uplatnění věku řidiče na spolehlivost a bezpečnost jeho interakce s vozidlem a nároky, které věk řidiče klade na jeho řidičské schopnosti, vybavení vozidla a možnosti a metody tréninku.
Vědecká kniha česky

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA
2008, Neural Network World, 18 (2), p. 89-104), ISSN 1210-0552
EEG activities with open eyes in a quiet state (OA), during the pseudo-Raven's test (PRA), in hypnagogic state (HYP) and in the course of REM sleep (REM) are characteristic by nearly flat curves. We observed the states with eyes closed (OC), with hyperventilation (HV), during mental activity of calculation (CAL) and in NONREM 1 sleep (NR 1). 24 tested persons (probands) were investigated. We have found 8 typical states of EEG signals, which all have relation to attention and mental activity. Consequently, the EEG analysis can help in the differentiation between the above eight states. Using similar analyses, it is possible to discriminate all stages of NONREM and REM sleep without polysomnography.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Novák, M.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; Piekník, R.
2007, Proceedings of the International Conference TRANSTEC, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 312-321), ISBN 978-80-01-03782-9
Advanced Training of Drivers for Improved Resistance to Attention Decrease and other Disturbing factors
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Novák, M.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; Matoušek, V.; Rothkrantz, L.
2007, Současnost a budoucnost krizového řízení 2007, Praha, T-Soft), p. 5-5), ISBN 978-80-254-0727-1
Detection and Analysis of Aggressivity Factors in Transportation
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.
2007, ISBN 978-80-7254-985-6
Our view of noetics in terms of psychophysiology: in the sensory organs, every image of the sourrounding world is converted into sequences of neuronal impulses (SNI) in the sense of an interface mechanism, thus enabling information to enter the brain. This SNI coding is further processed in the thalamo-cortical reverberation circuit system (TCS) and septo-hippocampal system (SHS) in the form of differently arranged SNI relative to their quantity, i.e. their firing rate and quality, i.e. firing patterns and spatial organisation. As a result of reitereted sensory intake of information, a characteristic type of those discharges is formed (SNIiring), thus giving rise to a general pattern or notion for each subject, object, action and state.
Jjiná kniha cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.
2007, ITS Prague 2007, Praha, Wirelesscom), ISBN 978-80-239-9311-0
Rozpoznání mikrospánku s využitím fuzzy metodiky
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf. česky

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Novák, M.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Jindřich Sadil, Ph.D.; Ing. Zuzana Bělinová, Ph.D.; Faber, V.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.
2007, Proceedings of the International Conference TRANSTEC, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 275-289), ISBN 978-80-01-03782-9
EEG activities with open eyes in a quiet state (OA), during pseudo-Raven´s test (PRA), in a hypnagogic state (HYP) and REM sleep (REM) are marked by similar, nearly flat curves. Further we observed states with eyes closed (OC), with hyperventilation (HV), with calculation (CAL) and in NONREM 1 sleep (NR 1). During OA, the EEG spectrum contains some delta and but rudimental alpha activity while during PRA and in HY there is an increase in delta-theta and a significant decrease in alpha activities. Hence, not even Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) can differentiate between the states with fkat curves. This made us introduce another EEG curve analysis for coherence function (CF).
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Novák, M.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; Pilařová, L.; doc. Ing. Martin Leso, Ph.D.; Faber, V.; doc. Ing. Vít Fábera, Ph.D.
2007, 54. společný sjezd České a Slovenské společnosti klinické neurofyziologie, Praha, Česká společnost klinické neurofyziologie), p. 24-24), ISBN 978-80-254-0420-1
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (TDCS) Controlled by EEG Analysis and Psychotests
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Krása, J.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Sojka, J.; Bláha, J.
2006, Proceedings of Workshop 2006, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), ISBN 80-01-03439-9
Brain Activity and Behaviour Analysis of Pilot by Electroencephalogram
Stať ve sborníku Workshop ČVUT

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Novák, M.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Svoboda, P.; Tatarinov, V.
2006, Neural Network World, 16 (1), p. 25-39), ISSN 1210-0552
EEG activities with open eyes in a quiet state (OA), during pseudo-Raven's test (PRA), in a hypnagogic state (HYP) and REM sleep (REM) are marked by similar, nearly flat curves. Further we observed states with eyes closed (OC), with hyperventilation (HV), with calculation (CAL) and in NONREM 1 sleep (NR 1). During OA, the EEG spectrum contains some delta and but rudimental alpha activity while during PRA and in HY there is an increase in delta-theta and a significant decrease in alpha activities. Hence, not even Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) can differentiate between the states with fkat curves. This made us introduce another EEG curve analysis for coherence function (CF). We investigated 24 healthy volunteers aged 22 - 55 years, 19 men and 5 women, in the above mentioned eight states with simultaneous EEG recording.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Novák, M.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.
2006, NavAge´06, Praha, Technology&Prosperity), p. 135-142), ISBN 80-239-6685-5
Interaction among Neuroinformatics Brain Science and Transportation Science
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Novák, M.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.
Interactions among Neuroinformatics, Brain Science and Transportation Science
Výzkumná zpráva cizojazyčně

Svoboda, P.; Tatarinov, V.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.
2005, Neural Network World, 15 (2), p. 165-174), ISSN 1210-0552
Detection and early prediction of hypnagogium based on the EEG analysis is a very promising way how to deal with different states of vigilance.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Novák, M.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Svoboda, P.; Tatarinov, V.
EEG activities with open eyes in a quiet state (OA), during pseudo-Raven´s test (PRA), in a hypnagogic state (HYP) and REM sleep (REM) are marked by similar, nearly flat curves.
Výzkumná zpráva cizojazyčně

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Novák, M.; Svoboda, P.; Tatarinov, V.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA
2005, České pracovní lékařství, 6 (4), p. 208-211), ISSN 1212-6721
Autoři referují o vývoji metody, která na podkladě EEG korelátu stavu vědomí umožňuje monitorovat úroveň vigility řidiče.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus česky

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Svoboda, P.; Kolda, T.; Dvořák, M.
2004, Neural Network World, 14 (3-4), p. 233-246), ISSN 1210-0552
The functional structure of our new network is not preset; instead, it comes into existence in a random, stochastic manner. The anatomical structure of our model consists of two input "neurons", hundreds up to five thousands of hidden-layer "neurons" and one output "neuron". The proper process is based on iteration, i.e., mathematical operation governed by a set of rules, in which repetition helps to approximate the desired result.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus cizojaz.

doc. Ing. Pavel Hrubeš, Ph.D.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Novák, M.
2004, IEEE SMC'2004 Conference Proceedings, Delft, Delft University of Technology)
In the paper the design and testing of efficiency in recognizing vigilance drifts and EEG-patterns, which precede micro-sleep onset, will be described. These algorithms, which are based on Gabor filtering and other approaches, will be discussed. In the analysis of EEG signals pseudo-spectra usually four frequency bands are considered. Brain waves change during different states of somnolence. The typical patterns will be analyzed and the results of this analysis will be presented.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Novák, M.; prof. Ing. Pavel Přibyl, CSc.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Vysoký, P.
This report deals with the problems of the reliability and safety analysis of the problem of the of road tunnels operation with respect to human behavior aspects. After general analysis the attention is given dominantly to the differences of the driver behavior in the tunnel and on the open road, and to the splitting of driver attention by internal and external stimuli. Open problems and recommendations for further research are discussed.
Výzkumná zpráva cizojazyčně

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Donát, J.; Novák, M.; Svoboda, P.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; Tatarinov, V.
Výzkumna zpráva podává přehled metod pro posouzení spolehlivosti interakce řidiče s vozidlem a je provedeno zhodnocení jednotlivých známých indikátorů pozornosti
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.; Novák, M.; Nedoma, P.; Hajný, M.; Vasil, J.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Borzová, C.
V této výzkumné zprávě je popsána vypracovaná metodika pro analýza vlivů použití dotykových panelů na spolehlivost interakce řidiče s vozidlem, jsou uvedeny výsledky úvodních měření na vozovém simulátoru a je provedena diskuze dosud získaných poznatků a doporučení dalšího postupu.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Svoboda, P.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Tatarinov, V.
2004, Neural Network World, 14 (1), p. 87-96), ISSN 1210-0552
Impaired wakefulness of machine operators presents a danger not only for themselves, but often for the public at large as well. While on duty, such persons are expected to be continuously, i.e. without interruption, on the alert.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus cizojaz.

Svoboda, P.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Tatarinov, V.
2004, SSGRR - 2004, NNW 14, Piacenta, ICS UNIDO), p. 87-96)
The artickle solves problems of descriptive measures of EEG signal with respect to hypnagogium
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.
2004, Neural Network World, 14 (3-4), p. 285-290), ISSN 1210-0552
Impaired wakefulness in machine operators poses a danger not only to themselves but often also to the public at large. While on duty, such persons are expected to be continuously, i.e., without interruption, on the alert.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus cizojaz.

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Novák, M.; Svoboda, P.; Tatarinov, V.
2004, SSGRR-2003, Piacenta, ICS UNIDO), p. 41-54)
The article solves problems of electrical brain wave analysis during hypnagogium
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Novák, M.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.
2004, Neural Network World, 14 (1), p. 49-65), ISSN 1210-0552
Transportation of people and goods represents a still more significant component of the human culture. Its influence is extremely high today and will increase greatly in the future. Almost all the contemporary transportation systems are based on the necessity of interaction between the transportation tool (vehicle, plane, ship), the transport control system and the human subject.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus cizojaz.

Novák, M.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.
2004, SSGRR-2003, Piacenta, ICS UNIDO), p. 49-56)
The letter concerns itself with problems of impacts of driver attention failures on transport reliability and safety and possibilities of its optimizing
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.
V této zprávě je podán přehled psychofyziologických indikátorů pozornosti
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Borzová, C.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; doc. Ing. Pavel Hrubeš, Ph.D.; Machan, J.; Nedoma, P.; Novák, M.; Vasil, J.
In the report the problems of the influence of so called marginal stimuli on the driver attention level was discussed. Here also the respective methodology was proposed, which can be used for both quantitative and qualitative analysis of the impact of such stimuli on human subject driving activity. On the base of this the series of experimental measurements was realized in the course of March 2004 on the request of Š-A Co., the main aim of which was to classify the three possible location of window control buttons for the new model of Šk. Superb car with respect to their impact to driving safety. Though the formulation of the problem was stimulated by the very practical needs of the Š-A Co. constructors, the actuality of which was underlined by the strong requirements on the date in which the results were requested, the application of considerably new methodology leads to the necessity to solve a while set of very interesting questions of both fundamental and practical significance.
Výzkumná zpráva cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.; Novák, M.; Nedoma, P.; Borzová, C.; Vasil, J.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.
Cílem prací, jejichž výsledky jsou shrnuty v této výzkumné zprávě bylo prodloužit poznatky získané na předchozím vzorku pokusných osob při měření vlivu umístění okenních tlačítek v osobním automobilu (viz výzkumná zpráva č. LSS 192/04) metodikou, popsanou ve zprávě č. LSS 191/04 na dalším vzorku pokusných osob (s jiným věkovým rozvrstvením) a pokusit se najít v příslušných indikátorech vyplývajících ze zaznamenaných EEG signálů korelát změny vigility řidičů na simulátoru při jízdě zvolenou trasou při řízení a zátěží.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Pavel Hrubeš, Ph.D.; Machan, J.; Nedoma, P.; Novák, M.
This report deals with the problems of car driver attention splitting into the part focused to stimuli Sf corresponding direct to driving activity and into the part, corresponding to the stimuli Sm of marginal significance. The recommended measuring methodology is presented and verified on two examples. Open problems and recommendations for further research are discussed.
Výzkumná zpráva cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.; Novák, M.; Nedoma, P.; Hajný, M.; Vasil, J.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.
V této výzkumné zprávě je nejprve proveden rozbor problematiky vlivu použití mobilního telefonu řidičem za jízdy na spolehlivost a bezpečnost jeho řízení, je popsána vypracovaná metodika pro analýzu vlivu telefonních hovorů uskutečňovaných řidičem automobilu mobilními telefony za jízdy a jsou uvedeny výsledky úvodních měření. Dále je uveden návrh postupu pro další soustavné experimenty v této oblasti. Tento výzkum byl prováděn v r. 2004 na základě požadavku Škoda-Auto a.s. s použitím poznatků, získaných při řešení výzkumného záměru MŠMT ČR č. VZ 21000024 a projektů MŠMT ČR č. ME 478 a ME 701.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Honců, M.; Novák, M.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.
2004, Pojistný obzor, 81 (11), p. 4-5), ISSN 0032-2393
Současné umělé systémy nemohou úspěšně fungovat bez interakce s člověkem. To se týká zejména systémů dopravních, kde se setkáváme s úlohou člověka nejen jekožto řidiče, resp. strojvedoucího či pilota, ale též v roli přepravovaného subjektu.
Článek v odborném nerecenzovaném periodiku česky

Honců, M.; Novák, M.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.
2004, Pojistný obzor, 81 (11), p. 4-5), ISSN 0032-2393
Článek se zabývá následky poklesu pozornosti řidičů a možností jejich předvídání pomocí analýzy EEG signálů.
Článek v odborném nerecenzovaném periodiku česky

prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; Novák, M.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.
2004, ISBN 80-903298-1-0
The monography contains articles about problems of micro-sleep of drivers in relation to traffic safety
Jjiná kniha cizojazyčně

Novák, M.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Vysoký, P.
2004, ISBN 80-01-03052-0
V této knize je uveden přehled problematiky poklesu pozornosti lidského činitele interagujícího s umělým, především dopravním, systémem.
Vysokoškolské skriptum v češtině

Novák, M.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.
2003, Spolehlivost 2003, Brno, Vojenská akademie), p. 50-56)
Problematiky spolehlivosti a bezpečnosti jízdy vozidel.
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf. česky

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.
2003, ISBN 80-246-0755-7
The work deals with problems of non-linear dynamics of ormators and complexes in the central neural system
Jjiná kniha cizojazyčně

Novák, M.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Svoboda, P.; Tatarinov, V.; Tichý, T.
2003, Sborník lékařský, 104 (4), p. 375-385), ISSN 0036-5327
Tento článek řeší problematiku podstaty mikrodpánku.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus česky

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; Novák, M.; Honců, M.
2003, Doprava a telekomunikace pro 3. tisíciletí, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta dopravní), p. 43-52), ISBN 80-01-02741-4
Problematika interakce člověka se strojem a požadavky na zkušenost a schopnosti řidiče.
Stať ve sborníku z fakultní konference česky

Novák, M.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.
2003, Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Bilogical Sciences, Las Vegas, CSREA Press), p. 247-255), ISBN 1-932415-04-1
EEG analysis represents on of the most significant tool for detection, analysis and prediction of degradations, appearing in th ehuman subject (driver) attention in the course of his/her interaction with artificial system (vehicle). The problems and limitations of this methodology are discussed. Some ways for their replacement and experimental resilts are presented.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Novák, M.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Kovanda, J.; Svoboda, P.; Tatarinov, V.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
In this report the problems of the design and construction of the laboratory for human - vehicle interaction reliability investigation are discussed. The concept of this laboratory is based on implementation of the hardware and software tools for EEG based analysis of human subject (driver) interaction reliability with the car control and telematic tools, involved in the car cockpit simulator.
Výzkumná zpráva cizojazyčně

Novák, M.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; Přenosil, V.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Svoboda, P.; Tatarinov, V.
2002, Acta Polytechnica, 42 (3), p. 31-40), ISSN 1210-2709
Spolehlivost lidského subjektu s aspektem na dopravu
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Novák, M.
2001, AUTOS 2001, Brno, neuveden), p. 125-128), ISSN 1212-5709
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf. česky

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; doc. Ing. Martin Leso, Ph.D.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Novák, M.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Novák, M.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Vlček, M.
2000, Proceedings of Workshop 2000, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 671-671), ISBN 80-01-02229-3
Reliability of interaction between human subject and artificial system is discussed. The key phenomenon of "micro-sleep" is discussed in detail.
Stať ve sborníku Workshop ČVUT

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Novák, M.; Přenosil, V.; Vydra, L.
2000, Silniční obzor, 61 (3), p. 68-74), ISSN 0322-7154
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Novák, M.; Přenosil, V.; Vydra, L.
2000, Silniční obzor, 61 (2), p. 35-38), ISSN 0322-7154
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Novák, M.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.
Výzkumná zpráva cizojazyčně

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Novák, M.; Vydra, L.; Přenosuil, V.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Tyl, J.; Pilařová, M.; Vučková, Z.; Vyšata, O.; Boehmová, D.; Dobošová, L.; Ptáček, R.
1999, Clinical Neurophysiology, 110 (9), p. 11-11), ISSN 1388-2457
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

Bob, P.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.
1999, Neural Network World, 9 (4), p. 365-370), ISSN 1210-0552
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Kupka, K.
1999, Epilepsia, the Journal of the International League Against Epilepsy, 40 (2), p. 7-7)
Článek v populárně vědeckém periodiku

Novák, M.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Přenosil, V.; Valach, I.; Vydra, L.; Hlavínová, J.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině