2022, 2022 New Trends in Aviation Development (NTAD), Prague, Czechoslovakia Section IEEE), p. 237-241), ISBN 979-8-3503-2036-7
The airport and in its surroundings is a necessary condition for maintaining high air traffic safety. For this purpose, airports establish their own Fire Brigades. The article analyses in detail the regulations and documents related to the mandatory provision of rescue equipment at airports in case of an air accident or incident. These are exclusively ICAO Annex 14 and the adopted document L14. Based on the analysis, shortcomings were identified in terms of the required equipment, where the regulations only provide for fire and aircraft extrication. This result was found to be insufficient as there are other threats in air traffic which are not mentioned in the current legislation and the Fire Brigades must rely on their previous experience or the experience of other brigades in the world. The model airport V. H. Prague, where we performed a comprehensive verification of rescue equipment in relation to the regulatory base, demonstrated a significantly higher level of equipment than prescribed by the current legislation. This has led to the development of several general recommendations for the provision of rescue equipment to cover hitherto neglected risks. As part of the recommendation process, sub-parameters of airports were considered to increase efficiency. If some of these recommendations can be implemented in future legislation, the ways in which the Fire and Rescue Service can deal with emergencies will be developed and thus the safety of the whole system will be improved.
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