2004, XIth Congress of Mathematicians of Serbia and Montenegro. Book of Abstracts, Podgorica, University of Podgorica), p. 97-98)
In a mathematical sense, game is a model of any decision situation, the result of which depends on the decision of at least two different subjects. Since such situations can be found in almost all fields related to our lives, the domain of applications of game theory is exceptionally rich. It covers economics, industry, political and social sciences, transportation, warfare, biology, ethics and many other branches. Not only represents game theory an outstanding opportunity to persuade a wide audience of the importance, usefulness and even attractiveness of mathematics, it leads mathematicians and technicians to such fields as ethology, evolutionary biology, political sciences, sociology, psychology, ethics, etc., that would otherwise remain marginal for many of them. The aim of the contribution is to highlight game theory as an outstanding opportunity to motivate students for mathematical education, to show them that mathematics is an interesting and worthwhile subject.
Abstrakt ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.