
informace pocházejí z univerzitní databáze V3S

Vojtíšek-Lom, M.; Ing. Jonáš Jirků; Pechout, M.
2020, Atmosphere, 11 (6), ISSN 2073-4433
The paper summarizes exhaust emissions measurements on two diesel-electric locomotives and one diesel-hydraulic railcar, each tested for several days during scheduled passenger service. While real driving emissions of buses decrease with fleet turnaround and have been assessed by many studies, there are virtually no realistic emissions data on diesel rail vehicles, many of which are decades old. The engines were fitted with low-power portable online monitoring instruments, including a portable Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) spectrometer, online particle measurement, and in two cases with proportional particle sampling systems, all installed in engine compartments. Due to space constraints and overhead electric traction lines, exhaust flow was computed from engine operating data. Real-world operation was characterized by relatively fast power level transitions during accelerations and interleaved periods of high load and idle, and varied considerably among service type and routes. Spikes in PM emissions during accelerations and storage of PM in the exhaust were observed. Despite all engines approaching the end of their life, the emissions per passenger-km were very low compared to automobiles. Tests were done at very low costs with no disruption of the train service, yielded realistic data, and are also applicable to diesel-hydraulic units, which cannot be tested at standstill.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Vojtíšek, M.; Beránek, V.; Pechout, M.; Ing. Jonáš Jirků
2017, EAC 2017 - European Aerosol Conference, GAEF)
Exhaust emissions were measured on 1100 kW and 1460 kW diesel-electric locomotives and a 588 kW diesel-hydraulic motor car during regular scheduled passenger service. It is not feasible to measure exhaust flow directly. It can be estimated from engine data or by other means & verified. Instrument choice is restricted by relatively severe constraints. Combination of on-road and stack (stationary) testing instrumentation & approaches. This study: Calculated exhaust flow & verification of calculations MiniPEMS: NO, NO2, CO, CO2, estimated PM (similar also used by Graver, North Carolina State Univ. in U.S.) FTIR: Additional gaseous pollutants N2O,CH4,NH3… NanoMet: Non-volatile particle number emissions Key findings: Even emissions from engines near the end of their useful life were, per passenger, comparable to newer diesel automobiles. It is expected that emissions will decrease with retrofit/repower/replacement using low-emissions diesel technology, proven on heavy-duty on-road vehicles
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Vojtíšek, M.; Pechout, M.; Beránek, V.; Ing. Jonáš Jirků
2017, OVZDUŠÍ 2017 BRNO 10.–12. 4. 2017 PROGRAM A SBORNÍK KONFERENCE, Brno, Masarykova univerzita), p. 128-132), ISBN 978-80-210-8544-2
Práce se zabývá technikou měření výfukových emisí hnacích motorů drážních vozidel během jejich běžného provozu, s cílem rozšířit měření za provozu zavedené legislativou pro silniční vozidla na nesilniční motory s výkonem nad 560 kW. Dvě dieselelektrické lokomotivy a jeden dieselhydraulický motorový vůz byly osazeny přenosnými aparaturami vlastní konstrukce, kterými byly měřeny emise částic a oxidů dusíku během běžného provozu na trati Praha – Tanvald. Poslední testovaná lokomotiva byla rovněž osazena pokročilou aparaturou pro měření počtu částic a emisí amoniaku, oxidu dusičitého, formaldehydu a dalších rizikových látek a skleníkových plynů metanu a oxidu dusného. Všechny tři testované motory vykazovaly i přes vysoké kilometrické proběhy relativně nízké emise částic a oxidů dusíku, které byly v přepočtu na sedadlo a kilometr srovnatelné s novějšími automobily.
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Vojtíšek, M.; Ing. Jonáš Jirků; Pechout, M; Beránek, V.
2017, 21th ETH Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles, Niederrohrdorf, TTM A.Mayer)
Particulate matter from local heating appliances and internal combustion engines is one of the leading causes of premature deaths in many urban areas, as particles are small, carcinogenic, and are distributed at nearly the ground level. Particle emissions from on-road vehicles have been successfully reduced, at least in wealthier regions, by the widespread introduction of particle filters. Legislation targeting especially very small and very large non-road engines has been lagging. Targeting of large - over 560 kW – engines has been also difficult due to longevity of the engines and due to very limited and rather expensive options for laboratory testing. This study summarizes results and experiences with on-rail tests of two diesel electric locomotives and one diesel hydraulic motorized car, which were fitted with portable on-board monitoring instrumentation and their emissions were measured during regular scheduled operation on passenger train service to demonstrate the feasibility of such approach and to establish a baseline.
Abstrakt ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Vojtíšek, M.; Ing. Jonáš Jirků; Pechout, M.
2015, 19th ETH Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles
In this work, real driving emissions from a diesel-hydraulic motorized car with a twelve cylinder, turbocharged engine were investigated during its regular passenger train service. Preliminary results suggest that such measurement is challenging but feasible.
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Vojtíšek, M.; Ing. Jonáš Jirků
2012, Proceedings of the ASME 2012 Internal Combustion Engine Division Spring Technical Conference ICES2012, New York, American Society of Mechanical Engineers - ASME), p. 101-110), ISBN 9780791844663, ISSN 1529-6598
This paper examines experimental data collected by portable, on-board monitoring systems on truck, tractor, construction equipment, marine and locomotive diesel engines with rated power ranging from 130 to 1550 hp and displacement ranging from 4 to 163 liters. In engines operated extensively at low load, such as some locomotive engines, substantial amounts of solids and liquids accumulate inside of the engine and in the exhaust system.These deposits are then driven off during subsequent operation at high load. As a result, the emissions of particulate matter may be elevated for a rather long time, on the order of tens of minutes, which is longer than the duration of the individual modes of most field emissions tests. Therefore, the emissions of fine particles measured during short (units of minutes per mode) tests may be affected by the accumulated deposits. If this phenomenon is overlooked and not properly accounted for, the measurements may be less repeatable or comparable, and the particulate matter emissions based on such measurements may be overestimated. On the other hand, it is not clear that the problem can be remedied if the engine is diligently preconditioned prior to the measurement – in this case, the measured values do not account for „excess“ emissions associated with extended low-load operation.
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Vojtíšek, M.; Ing. Jonáš Jirků; Pechout, M.
2012, SBORNÍK XIII. VÝROČNÍ KONFERENCE ČESKÉ AEROSOLOVÉ SPOLEČNOSTI, Praha, Česká aerosolová společnost), p. 65-68), ISBN 978-80-86186-40-5
Příspěvek se zabývá měřením emisí drážních vozidel řady 854 poháněných spalovacími motory během reálného provozu na trati.
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Vojtíšek, M.; Ing. Jonáš Jirků; Opava, J.
2010, 14th ETH Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles, Zürich, ETH), p. 110-119), ISBN 978-3-033-02531-8
Exhaust emissions were measured on a Czech Railways 749 series diesel-electric locomotive. On-track NOx, PM, CO and CO2 emissions were measured by a portable, on-board system, placed in the engine room of the locomotive, and sampling undiluted exhaust from the stack. PM emissions were measured online by a semi-condensing integrating nephelometer, calibrated by simultaneous gravimetric measurement during steady-state operation. The test was successful and demonstrated the feasibility of the approach chosen. The operation of the engine was very different than during traditional load bank tests, and consisted of interleaved periods of idle and higher load, defined by train mass and track profile (posted speed and track grade), and relatively quick progression through lower power settings. Transient emissions during load increases, and PM deposition at idle and reentrainment at higher load are important factors that should be considered in locomotive emissions tests.
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