
informace pocházejí z univerzitní databáze V3S

MSc. Halil Cevik; Ing. André Maia Pereira, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2024, ETC Conference Papers 2024, Association for European Transport), ISSN 2313-1853
Understanding travel demand patterns is crucial for effective traffic management, policy-making, and transportation evaluations. Digital twins have emerged as a significant tool in tackling this challenge, where accurate traffic simulation outcomes depend on high-quality data. Essential to most transportation analysis is the knowledge of road users’ origin and destination (OD), enabling route planning, traffic pattern assessment, and system optimization. This information is typically represented in an Origin-Destination (OD) matrix. However, direct observation of every traveler’s origins and destinations is impractical, necessitating the estimation of time-dependent OD flows from available data — a persistent challenge in the field. Direct methods like measurements, interviews, or surveys are often too costly and challenging to implement. Instead, aggregation methods using traffic counts and other data sources offer reasonable estimates. This paper reviews several approaches for estimating OD matrices for vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians. This review considers various data sources, methodologies, and preprocessing techniques tailored to each mode of transportation. Subsequently, we propose an integrated framework for OD estimation across these modes, factoring in the unique travel demand influencers and available data for each. We acknowledge practical constraints and provide a meaningful contribution to demand modeling that serves as a baseline for digital twins
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Dingil, A.; Ing. André Maia Pereira, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; Vorel, J.
2023, Transportation, ISSN 0049-4488
There is a raise in public awareness on environmental and health issues in recent years, therefore many municipalities changed their transport policy direction to become more sustainable, especially active mobility based. This study makes use of an activity-based demand model to simulate urban mobility and policies for sustainable transport modes in the Usti nad Labem district using an agent-based model simulator driven by a co-evolutionary algorithm. Two policy scenarios were created by considering the transport literature and analyzing the characteristics and behaviors of citizens as well as the properties of the study area. Three scenarios—the actual situation, a cycleway-infrastructure case, and a bus priority case—were simulated for the study area with MATSim software. Both policy scenarios resulted in a decrease in car usage, with a higher drop seen in the cycleway-infrastructure scenario. 9.11% higher public transport ridership and 2.45% more of public transport modal share are observed in the bus priority compared to the actual situation, however the car-related emissions did not decrease. 6.36% more of cycling modal share was also noticed in the cycleway-infrastructure scenario which, the transport modal shift is enhanced by 2.6 more times than in the bus priority scenario. Car driving hours were significantly reduced in the cycleway scenario (5535 h less in a day) where 445.3 tons of car-related CO2 emissions would be saved annually, therefore environmental benefits of cycling modal share increase in the study area is undoubtable in long-term.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. André Maia Pereira, Ph.D.; Dingil, A.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; Myška, V.; Vorel, J.; Ing. Milan Kříž, Ph.D.
2022, Applied Sciences, 12 (19), ISSN 2076-3417
In this study, an activity-based travel demand model of the Ústí nad Labem district (Czech Republic) is created. To do this, an advanced travel demand synthesis process is presented by utilizing the Eqasim framework, which is a pipeline-processing, initial raw data to simulation step. The framework is extensively modified and extended with several algorithms in order to utilize multiple data points for increasing realism in mobility for travel demand models. Two major extensions are provided. First, the pipeline framework is improved to estimate inbound and outbound trips of the study area, comprising a main city and 23 surrounding municipalities. The extended framework assigns synthetic gates for the study area as hubs for the inclusion of inbound and outbound trips. Second, the pipeline framework is advanced to provide a more compatible match of travel destination and activity location state. To do this, the extended framework assigns a capacity for each facility identified for the study area, the expected number of visitors to each facility, and the number of residents in each building. The resulting demand model is presented and the generated trips are evaluated based on locational, transport mode, and sociodemographic characteristics with origin–destination (OD) bundling. Additionally, distribution analyses of the present model are conducted to understand the matching results on a detailed level. The results demonstrate that the present model provides a reasonable output for transport researchers when testing different mobility scenarios and the provided extensions helps them to reduce implausible reflections of the distribution of travel and activity characteristics in household travel surveys while creating demand models, thus increasing realism. Lastly, open-source playground and code repository for further future improvement of synthetic travel synthesis methods are created, which enhances a deep understanding of the preparatory and methodological backgrounds required for complex activity-based simulations in order to inspire transport planners.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. André Maia Pereira, Ph.D.; RNDr. Magdalena Hykšová, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; Maerivoet, S.; Overvoorde, R.; Paruscio, V.; Mylonas, Ch.; Vega, C.; Recolons, P.; Covelli, C.; Nomes, E.
2022, 2022 Smart City Symposium Prague (SCSP), Vienna, IEEE Industrial Electronic Society), ISBN 978-1-6654-7923-3, ISSN 2691-3666
The paper presents a new data model linking the key terms within the mobility filed to show the flexible multidimensional relations among them, reflecting new trends and needs and following the service-oriented approach. Moreover, it provides a summary of the state-of-the-art assessment of mobility analysis for selected mobility services.
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Daniel, M.; Ing. Roman Dostál, Ph.D.; Ing. Sergei Kozhevnikov; Ing. Aneta Dostálová; Moudrá, K.; Ing. André Maia Pereira, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
2021, 2021 Smart Cities Symposium Prague (SCSP), New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-0-7381-3158-0
The field of smart cities and the latest problems in this area of expertise accent the need for interaction among different areas, such as transportation, energy management, education, buildings and others. New technologies and new methods allow for a fast development of each of the areas and of the city itself. At the same time, there is a need for further involvement of citizens and different stakeholders in the decision-making process within cities. In order to demonstrate the impact of a new policy (e.g., building a new shopping center) on certain city aspect (e.g., transportation), simulation models have been recognized as probably the best approach. Unfortunately, there is still no tool that would allow the stakeholders to evaluate the impact of such a policy on a city as a whole and from multiple perspectives. Dedicated simulation frameworks should be used in cooperation, one for transportation, one for energy grid management, another for its impact on the environment until all important aspects are covered. This paper describes a complex tool aiming on overcoming such complicated demands and giving the policy makers one tool to assess impact on different interconnected fields. It combines existing dedicated simulation frameworks into a complete software suite that can combine even contradictory results into one or more performance indicators. This can be used as a decision support system and help in involving citizens into the city government and planning. This article focuses on the utilization of mobility modelling in such a software.
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Ing. André Maia Pereira, Ph.D.; Anany, H.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; Dr. Ing. Jan Přikryl
2017, 2017 Smart Cities Symposium Prague (SCSP) - IEEE PROCEEDINGS, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-5386-3825-5
Automated driving has become an important research trend in the field of cooperative intelligent transportation systems and their applications in smart cities. Automated driving both increases road capacity and eliminates human errors, one of the most common reason of traffic accidents. Both these aspects influence significantly the quality of life, which is a major goal of smart city initiatives. Management of automated vehicles by urban road infrastructure is a rather new subject and not so much practical development has been reported yet. Unfortunately, the available information is spread over fragments within other resources dealing with automated vehicles. In this paper, we provide an overview of major functionalities that have to be provided by both road infrastructure and an automated vehicle so that the vehicle can optimally navigate through an urban network with signalized intersections and we review the state-of-the-art publications providing approaches relevant to these core functionalities.
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