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2025, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, ISSN 2590-1982
The Coase Theorem holds a pivotal role in the theory of environmental economics and regulation. Its relevance for addressing real-world externality issues continues to be a topic of debate. Initially, we situate this groundbreaking contribution within its historical framework. We explore a range of applications of the Coase Theorem to real environmental challenges in the Czech Republic, differentiating between scenarios where the polluter or the pollutee bears the cost. Most significant instances of Coase-like negotiations involve more than two parties. It remains uncertain whether the results of these negotiations were Pareto optimal or merely Pareto improving. Despite its limited scope, Coasian bargaining over externalities provides a practical solution to problems that are challenging to resolve by other means.
Článek v periodiku, který teprve vyjde

Ing. Alena Rybičková, Ph.D.; Ing. Teodor Bureš; Ing. Petra Skolilová, Ph.D.
2024, 2024 Smart City Symposium Prague (SCSP), Prague, IEEE, THEY, CTU), p. 34-40), ISBN 979-8-3503-6095-0, ISSN 2691-3666
The optimization of winter maintenance operations is a multifaceted challenge, influenced especially by legal frameworks and requirements that differ among countries. As a result, algorithms for optimal road maintanace often include a number of specific constraints and therefore are not generally applicable to different environments. This paper focuses on the algorithmic techniques employed to increase efficiency and effectiveness of winter maintenance strategies, while addressing the challenges posed by legal requirements in Czechia, that include road hierarchy and maximum time limits for the service.
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Ing. Petra Skolilová, Ph.D.; Ing. Eliška Glaserová, MSc.; Ing. Alena Rybičková, Ph.D.
2024, 2024 Smart City Symposium Prague (SCSP), Prague, IEEE, THEY, CTU), p. 48-53), ISBN 979-8-3503-6095-0, ISSN 2691-3666
Following on our research project that is focused on the use value of a product and externalities arising from the application of the new tariff policy in passenger air transport, we have proceeded to study another segment within this environment. This segment is private jets companies. This paper analyses the position of private air transport with a focus on a specific business model - Business Jets. Topic that is currently widely used in corporate environments with production entities spread across Europe. The paper focuses on a comparison of private jet companies segment and scheduled air transport under the conditions where the end user is of the passenger air transport is a company or enterprise. The comparison of these two segments is a relevant way how to prove our thesis. Recently, there is a significant deterioration in quality of the air transport service. And above, as a result of the application of the new tariff policy, there is an allocation of several costs of scheduled passenger air transport operators to the end customer.
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Ing. Petra Skolilová, Ph.D.; Honek, V.; Ing. Eliška Glaserová, MSc.
2023, 2023 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 979-8-3503-2162-3, ISSN 2691-3666
After the price reducing pressure from the low-cost carriers, the standard airlines also leaned forward toa dramatic change in the price decrease approach. This step affected the entire passenger air transport service. The passengers now face many responsibilities, i.e., costs, that the airlines shifted to the end users. This trend can be unequivocally marked as negative externalities on the passenger's side. All of that, generated by behavior and decision making of the air transport service providers. The main goal of this project is to identify the externalities and its relations mentioned above. The overall efficiency of a transport system is one of the main attributes of the Smart Cities concept. This transformation shall be done with a use of economic-mathematical modeling tools. In the next phase, he project aims to propose the internalization into the service providers’ cost structure using The Coase Theorem.
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Ing. Petra Skolilová, Ph.D.; Ing. Eliška Glaserová, MSc.; Ing. Patrik Horažďovský, Ph.D.
2023, TRANSPORT MEANS 2023 Sustainability: Research and Solutions PROCEEDINGS OF THE 27th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE PART II, Kaunas, Kaunas University of Technology), p. 700-704), ISBN 9781713879534, ISSN 1822-296X
Designing new Smart City approaches complemented by modern technologies is always a very difficult and lengthy process. The implementation of these proposed Smart solutions into real operation is often even more difficult. This is due to the need to communicate with the political and municipal authorities concerned and, most importantly, with the citizens themselves. This communication is an important separate task that is often neglected, and it is this task that is the focus of this technical text. Since March 2022, a group of students and experts from the FTS have been working together to implement an area-wide project on the territory of the country called Transport Opportunities for Region 2050+ in the Czech Republic. This involves the creation of a transport vision for all 14 counties for the period 2050 and beyond, where the Faculty of Transportation Sciences is the principal investigator of the part with the working title: Student Workshop. The part carried out by the FTS aims to define the needs of the inhabitants of a given region in 2050 in the context of the sustainability of the development of the region, but especially the employability of young people in the region and their quality of life. Understanding transport in a broader context that is a key step towards building a functional transport system that meets the needs of citizens in line with economic sustainability and, above all, the development of the region. This task therefore corresponds exactly to the requirement for a correct and logical implementation of Smart solutions based on prior communication with the inhabitants of the area. © 2023 Kaunas University of Technology. All rights reserved.
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Ing. Petra Skolilová, Ph.D.
2017, DRIVE-CAR INTERACTION & SAFETY CONFERENCE, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 104-107), ISBN 978-80-01-06336-1, ISSN 2336-5382
Article maps some human factors affecting the operation and safety of passenger air transport given the massive increase in the use of the VLA. The impact of the CO2 world emissions is one of the key design goal for the new aircraft. Main wave is going to reduce the burned fuel. So the eco-efficiency engines commonly with economic reasonable operation of the aircraft are the very important for an aviation perspective. The forecast for the year 2030, is telling about 90% of the flying people, which will use a long-haul to, from or between these mega cities. So exactly for these times was the A380 designed. The right capacity, right operating cost and right fuel burn per seat. There are no aircraft today with better fuel burn commonly with eco-efficiency per seat, than the A380. Very large aircraft (VLA) are the future of the commercial passenger aviation. Operating cost vs. safety or CO2 emissions vs. increasing automation inside the new generation aircraft. Closely 80% of the world aircraft accidents are caused by human error based on wrong action, reaction or final decision of pilots, the catastrophic failures of aircraft systems, or air traffic control errors are not so frequent. So, we are on beginning of the new age in passenger aviation and the role of the human factor being is more important than ever
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Ing. Petra Skolilová, Ph.D.
2017, DVWG AKTUEL, 2017 (39), p. 26-27)
The Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Transportation Sciences in cooperation with the Energy Efficient Buildings Platform organized on May 25, 2017 and May 26, 2017 the third international scientific conference Smart Cities Symposium Prague 2017. Experts from 13 countries discussed not only new trends in the field of Smart Cities, but also the need for global concept of sustainable transportation and buildings.
Článek v odborném nerecenzovaném periodiku

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří First; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.; Ing. Alina Mashko, Ph.D.; Ing. Petra Skolilová, Ph.D.
Sborník z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Ing. Petra Skolilová, Ph.D.; Říha, Z.
2016, Proceedings of 20th International Conference Transport Means 2016, Kaunas, Kauno technologijos universitetas), p. 840-845), ISSN 1822-296X
The first scheduled flight taking off in January 1914. This Airboat service carried passengers, one-by-one, between St. Petersburgh and Tampa in Florida. It took 23 minutes and cost 5 dollars one way, the equivalent of 116 dollars in 2014. Today, the global airline industry performs around 32 million commercial flights a year, transporting 3 billion passengers and 50 million tonnes of freight. Tampa International Airport handled 17 million passenger in 2014, an incredible evolution in the relatively short time since this first commercial air service. New, emerging markets continue to drive impressive growth, their airlines cutting journey times massively for millions of new travelers. ATAG (the Air Transport Action Groups) recently assessed the industry‘s global economic impact at $2.4 trillion annually, providing employment for nearly 60 million people. Affordable air transport is not purely a consequence of economic growth but is one of its great enablers. What are the key factors – demographics, trade and tourism flows, oil price, environmental issues and competition will define future industry. New and evolving technologies continue to make travel simpler, from the booking process to the airport experience and of course, on the aircraft itself. In mature markets flying is now taken granted, which is not the case for forecasters and planners helping to ensure that air transport can continue to fulfill its potential.
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Ing. Petra Skolilová, Ph.D.; Říha, Z.
2015, Transport Means 2015, Kaunas, Kauno technologijos universitetas), p. 363-367), ISSN 1822-296X
The urbanization rate and the level of economic development in a country are correlated. People looking for employment opportunities or better living conditions will move to big urban economic centers. On the other hand, large urban areas create economies of scale, lower transportation costs, favor technological development, a grater division of labor, enabling better dissemination of information, skills, goods and services. According to the World Tourism Organization a billion people travelled outside their own country in 2012, mainly by air (52%) and for leisure or visiting friends and relatives (78%), this number will nearly double to 1.9 billion by 2032, according to estimates .As a result of WTO, in ten years China is expected to become the number one contributor to travel and tourism GDP, overtaking the USA. Business travel represented 24% and for better understanding the crucial role of business travel in the economy, the WTTC launched a study with Oxford Economics to evaluate the impact on global GDP and employment of a 25% budget reduction in business travel during two consecutive years.
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2015, QUAERE 2015 - recenzovaný sborník příspěvků interdisciplinární mezinárodní vědecké konference doktorandů a odborných asistentů, Hradec Králové, MAGNANIMITAS), ISBN 978-80-87952-10-8
Air traffic has doubled every 15 years in the past, and is expected to double again in the next 15. How much, how quickly and where air transportation will grow is driven by a number of factors. Some are economic and other linked to demographics development. Aviation connect people to business and brings products to markets. This is life blood of the modern economy and it is generating wealth-both material and of the human spirit. There are a number of reason why people choose to travel-leisure, visiting friends and relatives or business and professional travel. But all of these different type of travelers have one common condition for travel: SECURITY. This article aimed the growth of air travel market and prognoses for the future especially on Middle East, but it looks how it could be fragile
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Ing. Petra Skolilová, Ph.D.
2015, 2015 Smart Cities Symposium Prague (SCSP), New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-4673-6727-1
It is well known that economic growth is a key factor of air traffic growth, but another explanatory variables playing a major role in air traffic evolution are: population growth, urbanization and new middle-class emergence in developing countries. Another level of air traffic is the increasing connectivity between people and regions. At first, it can be viewed as a consequence of economic growth but it is also a facilitator: directly with the multiplication of new routes and the increasing capacity in airports which extend the supply for future journeys and indirectly by stimulating the economy through infrastructure investments and the business attract. While the world total population will increase from 7 to 8.3 billion people in 2030, the urbanization growth rate is expected to be 2% per year, representing 60% of the world population or 5 billion people in 2030. Migration is also an air traffic vector. With the globalization of the economy, more and more students feel that studying abroad is positive for their future careers. One million international students come from East Asia & Pacific area to study in North America and Western Europe, which is the number one hosting region with 2 million international. Finally, simplifications of visa policies, with visa on arrival programmes replacing the traditional visa, a form of deregulation, is also having a positive impact on air traffic growth.
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Říha, Z.; Ing. Petra Skolilová, Ph.D.
2014, TRANSPORT MEANS 2014, Kaunas, Kauno technologijos universitetas), p. 296-299), ISSN 1822-296X
Air transport has transformed the world. Air transport clearly creates substantial value for consumers and that value creation is why, over the past forty years, air travel has expanded ten-fold. Main aims of airlines have only been able to generate sufficient revenues and profit to pay their suppliers and service their debt but they have been under pressure, pressure named willingness to pay of consumer. To maximize revenue an airline ideally needs to know how much each passenger would be prepared to pay in order to travel on a particular flight. Discriminatory pricing is a tool which is to ensure it.
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Ing. Petra Skolilová, Ph.D.
2014, Driver-Car Interaction & Safety 2014 - Proceedings, Praha, Dopravní fakulta ČVUT v Praze, Ústav dopravních prostředků), ISBN 978-80-01-05663-9
Air Transport is a critical component of the global economy-supporting some 57 million jobs and USD 2.2trillion in economic activity. Moreover, the impact of aviation-enabled connectivity is even broader. Aviation connect people to business and brings products to markets. This is life blood of the modern economy and it is generating wealth-both material and of the human spirit. There are a number of reason why people choose to travel-leisure, visiting friends and relatives or business and professional travel. But all of these different type of travelers have one common condition for travel: SECURITY. This article aimed the growth of air travel market and prognoses for the future especially on Middle East, but it looks how it could by fragile regarding of the new wave of terrorism coming.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

2014, 5. mezinárodní Masarykova konference pro doktorandy a mladé vědecké pracovníky, Hradec Králové, MAGNANIMITAS), p. 1048-1056), ISBN 978-80-87952-07-8
This article is dedicated to use of price discrimination in transport and the related issue of market segmentation. First, the concept of price discrimination is clearly defined, and then gives examples of rail and air transport. While pricing policy of the railway transportation is strongly influenced by legislative regulation of the state in the air transport prices are set by market principles. The conclusion is therefore devoted to examples from air transport, where this method of valuation is widely used.
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doc. Ing. Josef Kocourek, Ph.D.; Ing. Vladimír Pušman, Ph.D.; Ing. Martin Jacura, Ph.D.; Ing. Petra Skolilová, Ph.D.
Protože veřejná hromadná doprava je financována převážně z veřejných rozpočtů, je nezbytné dbát na její vysokou efektivitu, aby byla zátěž pro tyto rozpočty co nejnižší, ale zároveň byla veřejná doprava nabízena v přijatelné kvalitě a byla konkurencí dopravě individuální. Autoři se jednoznačně kladně vyjádřili k doporučení zřídit společného koordinátora veřejné hromadné dopravy pro celé území Prahy a Středočeského kraje.
Oponovaná výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Ing. Petra Skolilová, Ph.D.; Říha, Z.
2013, TRANSCOM 2013 - 10th European Conference of Young Researchers and Scientists - Section 4, Žilina, Žilinská univerzita), p. 205-209), ISBN 978-80-554-0693-0
The tariff structure is a tool of a carrier to influence his profit and to react on competitors respectively. It is a strategically planned sophisticated system of offered seat capacity for specific prices depending on many variables. The tariff structure has considerably changed in last years, above all as a consequence of the entry of low cost carriers.
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Ing. Petra Skolilová, Ph.D.; Říha, Z.
2013, Proceedings of the 11th European Transport Congress, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta dopravní), p. 238-242), ISBN 978-80-01-05321-8
Our planet is more connected than at any time in its history. Especially in air travel industry we can see that 2011, some 2,8 billion people traveled on 35,000 routes connecting 3,800 commercial airports. Together they flew 5.1 trillion km. Tariff structure is a tool of a carrier to influence his profit and to react on competitors respectively. It is a strategically planned sophisticated system of offered seat capacity for specific prices depending on many variables. The tariff structure has considerably changed in last years, above all as a consequence of the entry of low cost carriers.
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Říha, Z.; Honců, M.; Ing. Petra Skolilová, Ph.D.
2013, TRANSBALTICA 2013 - 8th International Scientific Conference, Vilnius, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University), p. 70-72), ISBN 978-609-457-470-2
The paper will address the influence of macroeconomic indicators on the development of passenger air transportation in years 2010–2012 with the future development for the next 20 years. Passenger air transportation is an extremely competitive environment that is highly influenced not only by current petrol market price movements, which is almost unpredictable in the last five years, but also by various uneconomic factors, such as global security situation. Prognosis of future trends will be outlined upon recent year data analysis. What kind of impact do all the above facts mean to passengers? Whether positive or negative? This paper aims to identify the factors influencing the above mentioned elements and their impact on current development of passenger air transportation.
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Říha, Z.; Ing. Petra Skolilová, Ph.D.
2013, Recent Researches in Applied Economics and Management, Athens, WSEAS), p. 50-53), ISBN 978-960-474-324-7, ISSN 2227-460X
Our planet is more connected than at any time in its history. Especially in air travel industry we can see that 2011, some 2,8 billion people traveled on 35,000 routes connecting 3,800 commercial airports. Together they flew 5.1 trillion km. Tariff structure is a tool of a carrier to influence his profit and to react on competitors respectively. It is a strategically planned sophisticated system of offered seat capacity for specific prices depending on many variables. The tariff structure has considerably changed in last years, above all as a consequence of the entry of low cost carriers.
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Ing. Petra Skolilová, Ph.D.
2012, ARSA - PROCEEDINGS IN ARSA - ADVANCED RESEARCH IN SCIENTIFIC AREAS, Žilina, EDIS), p. 377-381), ISBN 978-80-554-0606-0, ISSN 1338-9831
The following text presents a detailed analysis of cost and revenue baseline of a carrier in passenger air transport, that is used to calculate tariff units, as well as a procedure for tariff structure generation. Passenger air transport is a highly competitive environment that has undergone very turbulent changes in the last ten years. An identification of the cost structure and a description of managerial decision-making in this area of transportation make us understand air transport is fundamentally dependent on fluctuating oil prices, global security factors and world-wide economic progress.
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Říha, Z.; Ing. Petra Skolilová, Ph.D.
2012, Diagnostika podniku, controlling a logistika, Žilina, ŽU Žilina - EDIS), p. 421-429), ISBN 978-80-554-0175-1
The company´s external environment in last years from an economic point of view can be expressed by one word: turbulent. The article focuses on European airlines problematics, with an emphasis on identifying the main factors affecting their business and profit. Undoubtedly, one of the main factors is the oil. This article therefore deals with the development of oil prices and with implications for the transportation with special emphasis on air transport. There are also other significant environmental influences, such as expanding low-cost air transport model and finally significant change of air transport demand character. All these ffects are included in the article and illustrate the current state of passenger air transport.
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Říha, Z.; Tichý, J.; Ing. Petra Skolilová, Ph.D.
2012, TransComp, XVI medzynarodowa konferencja naukowa Komputerove systemy wspomagania nauki, przemyslu i transportu, XVI medzynarodowa konferencja naukowa, Radom, Uniwersytet technologiczno-humanystyczny im. Kazimierza Pulaskiego), p. 463-469), ISSN 1232-3829
Oil prices one of the main factors influencing the national economy in the long run. Their development has been unpredictable in the last years and it will likely continue in the future. They will be influenced by the geopolitical situation, the development of the world economy and the problems of the European currency union can also have an impact. The paper aims at the development of oil and fuel prices and their impacts on carrier costs and the transport sector as a whole.
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Ing. Petra Skolilová, Ph.D.
2012, QUAERE 2012, Hradec Králové, Magnanimitas), p. 1-10), ISBN 978-80-905243-0-9
Článek se zabývá analýzou vlivu ekonomických ukazatelů na vývoj osobní letecké dopravy. Kromě zkoumání závislosti základních ekonomických ukazatelů jako je elasticita poptávky, příjmy a ztráty z osobní letecké dopravy, zkoumá dopad změn výše popsaných veličin na cestující z pohledu cenové hladiny.
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