
informace pocházejí z univerzitní databáze V3S

Ing. Miroslav Špák, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Líkař
2018, Young Transportation Engineers Conference 2018, Praha, Fakulta dopravní), ISBN 978-80-01-06464-1
To achieve safe and efficient utilization of available airport capacity at times of operational deviations, it is neccessary to expand A-CDM platform in a manner that ensures thorough technical, technological and informational interconnection of all stakeholders present in the airport operations. The result of such a common effort is called Total Airport Management (TAM), basis of which are nestled in the Airport Operations Plan (AOP). The main objective of the article is to describe a technique leading towards a successful TAM implementation and subsequent translation of its cardinal functional principles into day-to-day operations. In general, the attention shall be paid to all data and information stored in the AOP as only proper administration and monitoring process of the latter might deliver anticipated benefits.
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Ing. Petr Líkař; doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.; Ing. Miroslav Špák, Ph.D.
2018, BulTrans-2018 Proceedings, Sofia, Technical University Academic Publishing House), p. 43-46), ISSN 1313-955X
This article discusses the influence of an aircraft stand width on turnaround time of a typical short-to-mid haul airplane. The first part of the paper describes a typical arrangement of ground vehicles during the process of airplane terminal servicing. This is followed by an identification of possible difficulties that can occur when those services are performed on the aircraft with maximal wingspan for its class, parked on the NOSE-IN stand designed precisely to the minimum requirements of the regulation that is not equipped with a hydrant system. The second part compares turnaround times for the same aircraft type being serviced with or without those collisions that has been identified. The comparison is done both for a base station and an en-route station, where some ground vehicles are not involved. The final part of the paper is dedicated to the discussion of the influence of the aircraft stand width on the minimal turnaround time
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Hůlek, D.; Absolon, S.; Ing. Petr Líkař
2016, Sborník příspěvků konference Young Transportation Engineers Conference 2016, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), ISBN 978-80-01-06016-2
Recent expansion of unmanned systems known as RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems) or UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) is enormous. The unmanned vehicles can be found not only in a military sector but also in recreational flying, building industry, terrain mapping, courier service and farming industry. Unmanned aerial vehicles can be applied as well in aviation, especially at the airports. The paper describes and compares recent projects that deal with use of the RPAS at the airports for commercial air transport. There is a summary of the applications of RPAS at the airports, an essay and a future development of the unmanned system. The article is written in a form of a research. Its purpose is to summarize information on the given topic and serve as a basis for a further research.
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Ing. Petr Líkař; Hůlek, D.; doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.
2016, Acta Avionica, 18 (2), p. 1-6), ISSN 1339-9853
The article addresses a possible use of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) in airport operations. The following processes are of interest: the perimeter surveillance, biological protection, and surface inspection of movement areas. Firstly, we analyzed current state of selected processes at the Vaclav Havel Airport Prague. Secondly, the implementation of RPAS into the processes is evaluated along with defining tasks and ways of their integration.
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