
informace pocházejí z univerzitní databáze V3S

Ing. Anna Polánecká, Ph.D., MBA; Nováčková, K.; Baláž, T.; Rydlo, Š.; Kolář, D.
2024, New Trends in Civil Aviation: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on New Trends in Civil Aviation 2024, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 119-124), ISBN 978-80-01-07181-6, ISSN 2694-7854
The misuse of lasers against aviation is a growing concern, highlighting the need for effective detection methods. Accessing laser emitters in their present form is facile these days, with no stringent regulation over their power. This paper aims to discuss the method of detecting laser beams in open space for source localization. It also investigates the detection of these beams and demonstrates their behaviour, including dispersion influenced by atmospheric conditions, through experimental analysis. The article examines the challenge of targeting an aircraft with a laser and the duration of illumination. Furthermore, the impact of different meteorological conditions on laser beam intensity is explored.
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Ing. Anna Polánecká, Ph.D., MBA
2024, JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS, 20 (5), p. 828-836), ISSN 1112-5209
This paper introduces a method of determination of zones around and beneath an aircraft’s flight path where it is reasonable to believe that a laser attack would be successful, i.e. from where a laser beam pointed towards an aircraft can reach the eye of the pilot and lead to a potential safety risk. The method is based on the determination of lines of sight led from the ideal pilot eye position as recommended by the aircraft’s manufacturer and a simplified model of aircraft windows derived from aircraft technical drawings published by the manufacturer. The paper demonstrates the change of the shape of these zones and the distance between the aircraft and the emitter as a function of the aircraft’s pitch, allowing the zones to be adjusted according to the targeted area to be protected such as the final approach path or the intermediate approach segment. The use of such a method is demonstrated on a sample application of determination of such zones at 2500 ft above terrain, a height representing the transition from the intermediate approach segment to the final approach descent.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném WoS mimo SCIE, SSCI a AHCI

Ing. Anna Polánecká, Ph.D., MBA
2023, 44th World Conference on Applied Science, Engineering & Technology, Institute For Educational Research and Publication), p. 20-20), ISBN 978-93-92105-89-0
This paper introduces a method of determination of zones around and beneath an aircraft’s flight path where it is reasonable to believe that a laser attack would be successful, i.e. from where a laser beam pointed towards an aircraft can reach the eye of the pilot and lead to a potential safety risk. The method is based on the determination of lines of sight led from the ideal pilot eye position as recommended by the aircraft’s manufacturer and a simplified model of aircraft windows derived from aircraft technical drawings published by the manufacturer. The paper demonstrates the change of the shape of these zones and the distance between the aircraft and the emitter as a function of the aircraft’s pitch, allowing the zones to be adjusted according to the targeted area to be protected such as the final approach path or the intermediate approach segment. The use of such a method is demonstrated on a sample application of determination of such zones at 2500 ft above terrain, a height representing the transition from the intermediate approach segment to the final approach descent.
Vyzvaná předn. uvedená ve sborníku z mezinárodní konf.

Ing. Anna Polánecká, Ph.D., MBA; doc. Ing. Jakub Hospodka, Ph.D.
2022, 2022 New Trends in Civil Aviation (NTCA), Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 75-80), ISBN 978-1-6654-5190-1
This article analyses European aviation safety reports submitted in reaction to occurrences involving laser attacks on aircraft in the period from 2016 to 2022. It discusses the data available for identifying trends in the use of laser pointers aimed at flying aircraft. The identification of the properties of such devices is a key prerequisite to the development of detection technology enabling law enforcement forces to locate the source of transmission endangering air traffic. Such technology, once developed, is expected to increase the number of prosecuted events in order to discourage future offenders and limit the amount of such occurrences. From the data presented in the article, it can be concluded that there is one prevailing laser colour being widely used, green, and that the devices used to target aircraft are much more powerful than those laser devices that are expected to be sold without restrictions to the general public.
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Ing. Anna Polánecká, Ph.D., MBA
2021, Proceedings of the “Transport Means 2021”, Kaunas, Kaunas University of Technology), p. 877-881), ISSN 1822-296X
This article describes the phenomenon of illegal commercial air transport and identifies the forms it can take. It further discusses the risk involved in legal and illegal air transport as well as provides an overview of recent accidents in the European Union where illegal air transport might have been a contributing factor. The last part compares the lack of initiatives to identify and deal with the problem at the European Union level as compared to the approach adopted by selected national authorities in other parts of the world.
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doc. Ing. Jakub Hospodka, Ph.D.; Ing. Anna Polánecká, Ph.D., MBA
2015, Proceedings of 19th International Scientific Conference Transport Means, Kaunas, Technologija), p. 555-558), ISSN 1822-296X
GNSS has been the standard in instrument flying for several years and both Eurocontrol and the FAA assume that it will become the primary means of navigation. However, the situation in VFR flying is more complicated. National aviation authorities are reluctant to formally approve the use of GNSS in VFR flight despite the fact that its use by properly trained VFR pilots with adequate knowledge would significantly improve the safety of air traffic. Currently most pilots are not taught the principle of operation of GNSS in their PPL training.
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Ing. Anna Polánecká, Ph.D., MBA
2012, Proceedings of the Electronic International Interdisciplinary Conference 2012, Žilina, ITALL s.r.o.), p. 1-5), ISBN 978-80-554-0551-3, ISSN 1338-7871
This article looks into the safety and operational aspects of operator-customized vertical profiles for nonprecision continuous descent final approaches. The idea of using increased final descent gradients is based on the fact that various types of aircraft used in commercial air transport have their performance characteristics better than those required by the standardized procedures currently in use. Operators would benefit from a possibility of implementing their own procedures in terms of fuel cost savings but the conditions and requirements for those procedures have to be examined carefully so as not to decrease the level of safety. Several aspects including the compliance with the regulatory environment are addressed in this text.
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Ing. Anna Polánecká, Ph.D., MBA
2012, Proceedings of the Electronic International Interdisciplinary Conference 2012, Žilina, ITALL s.r.o.), p. 1-4), ISBN 978-80-554-0551-3, ISSN 1338-7871
This article discusses the use of an operator-designed final approach descent profile aimed at fuel consumption and noise reduction due to the use of nonstandard descent gradients adequate to individual aircraft type performance and manoeuvrability. The following text summarises the legal requirement for operators to establish their approach and landing minima and assesses the benefits of steeper approaches against their additional considerations with respect to safety and operational concerns.
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Ing. Anna Polánecká, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Ladislav Capoušek, Ph.D.
2011, New Trends in Civil Aviation 2011, Praha, ČVUT v Praze a OSL ČR), p. 104-106), ISBN 978-80-01-04893-1
The continuous growth of aviation is necessarily accompanied by environmental issues that need to be addressed to achieve sustainable development of the business. One of the challenges is to start reducing air pollution immediately through a method that is already available. Such a method may be the Continuous Descent Approach that reduces emissions by optimizing aircraft descent profiles and minimizing required thrust. This procedure has been verified at Prague airport using data from Airbus A320/321 flights. Although more research needs to be done to precisely evaluate the impact, this article confirms the expected benefits and justifies further work on the topic.
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Ing. Anna Polánecká, Ph.D., MBA
2011, IV. mezinárodní konference doktorandů a mladých vědeckých pracovníků, Opava, Slezská univerzita), p. 1115-1119), ISBN 978-80-7248-711-0
This article describes the challenges faced by airlines in relation to the inclusion of aviation into the EU Emissions Trading System from year 2012 and outlines changes to operational procedures that have the potential to reduce aircraft-produced emissions and therefore relieve the additional cost to operators and subsequently passengers incurred by the EU ETS. The main focus of this article is on the Continuous Descent Approach concept and its in-flight trials at Prague Ruzyne Airport.
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