
informace pocházejí z univerzitní databáze V3S

Kania, J.; Hůlek, D.; Daňko, P.; Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.
2020, New Trends in Aviation Development 2020, The XV. International Scientific Conference - PROCEEDINGS, Prague, Czechoslovakia Section IEEE), p. 127-130), ISBN 978-1-7281-7324-5
The aim of this article is a better organization of an aircraft maintenance equipment in the hangar stand of the Line Maintenance of the Czech Airline Technics company. The theoretical part of the article is about introduction of a situation and a description of used methods. The practical part is about the better organization itself and it arose from a requirement to propose an order for the current unorganized placement of the equipment. Effective organization of the workplace is proposed with regards to set criteria which were processed with the use of a coordinate method and multi-criteria decision making. The coordinate method finds ideal placement for the equipment presented in the hangar. It takes into consideration the places of use as well as other places affecting the placement. The multi-criteria decision making is used to evaluate the benefit of each equipment. With the consideration of the 5S method principles, the output of the article is a practical implementation of the described process of the better organization of the equipment in the newly built hangar S at the Václav Havel Airport, Prague, Czech Republic. The implementation achieved standardization of the inner organization, setting of rules and solving tasks needed for getting the new hangar into operation.
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Soušek, R.; Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.; Nemec, V.
2019, 2019 New Trends in Aviation Development (NTAD), IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)), p. 135-138), ISBN 9781728140780
Assesment of materials used in aircraft interiors
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Hůlek, D.; Brázda, S.; Hercik, K.; Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.
2019, 2019 Konference - 25 let Fakulty dopravní, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 16-18), ISBN 978-80-01-06545-7
Bezpilotní létající systém Ústavu letecké dopravy byl projekt, jehož cílem bylo postavit a dále testovat i jinak využívat UAS (Unmanned Aerial System). Projekt byl rozdělen na několik částí. V první části projektu bylo úkolem vybrat pozorovací a přenosové vybavení jako jsou kamery, termovizní kamera, zařízení pro bezdrátový přenos video signálu aj. Při výběru vhodných zařízení byla použita metoda vícekriteriálního rozhodování pomocí rozhodovacích tabulek. V další části projektu bylo řešeno upevnění kamery s možností natáčení do 2 směrů. Třetí část projektu řešila umístění, upevnění a zprovoznění vybraných zařízení na UA (Unmanned Aircraft). Poloha jednotlivých zařízení na UA byla vybrána po zvážení několika parametrů, jako jsou zachování funkčnosti zařízení nebo vliv na vyvážení. Na závěr článku jsou popsána možná využití ústavního UAS.
Stať ve sborníku z fakultní konference česky

Hůlek, D.; Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.
2019, TRANSPORT MEANS 2019 - PROCEEDINGS OF THE 23rd INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE, Kaunas, Kaunas University of Technology), p. 959-962), ISSN 1822-296X
The goal of this article is to introduce an expediency analysis of unmanned aircraft systems that has been created at the Department of Air Transport CTU in Prague FTS by its employees. A principle of the expediency analysis is to determine if a usage of the unmanned system is suitable for a certain activity. The unmanned system is compared both with the usage of a piloted aircraft and without usage of any flying machine. The unmanned aircraft system is compared from the safety, environmental (including sociological) and financial points of view. The first part is about a current situation in a field of the unmanned aircraft systems and three mentioned points of view. The next part describes most important research methods that have been used for an analysis creation. The third part of the article describes the expediency analysis itself and its creation. There are validation of the analysis and its overall evaluation in the final part of this article.
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Kerum, J.; Hůlek, D.; Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.
2019, 2019 Konference - 25 let Fakulty dopravní, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 63-65), ISBN 978-80-01-06545-7
Cílem předkládaného článku je seznámit čtenáře s kalibrací elektronických palubních zapisovačů. Kalibrace probíhá na Ústavu letecké dopravy Fakulty dopravní. Tyto zapisovače slouží jako záznamové zařízení, které zaznamenává průběh letu. V první části článku je stručně vysvětlen pojem palubní (letový) zapisovač. Dále je popsán samotný postup kalibrace. Poslední část článku se věnuje pověřeným laboratořím, které mohou kalibraci palubních zapisovačů provádět.
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Ing. Eva Endrizalová, Ph.D.; Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.; Mgr. Iveta Kameníková, Ph.D.
2018, New Trends in Process Control and Production management, London, CRC Press), p. 119-124), ISBN 978-1-138-05885-9
Article describes innovations in business models driven by high competitive markets. It unfolds the reasons behind Hybrid Business Model uprising and describes periods of air transportation evolution which triggered changes in business models of air transport providers. It is focused on segment structure and air transport de-mand changes. Article introduces transformation of business models on case studies and outlines possible future predictions.
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Absolon, S.; Hůlek, D.; Ing. Tomáš Lipták, Ph.D.; Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.
2018, TRANSPORT MEANS 2018 - PROCEEDINGS OF THE 22nd INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE, Kaunas, Kaunas University of Technology), p. 803-806), ISSN 1822-296X
The aim of the article is to introduce a medical analysis of injuries caused by propulsion units installed in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and assess whether the current classification of the UAVs by the Czech legislation is appropriate from the safety point of view. Correspondingly, such evaluation is done also with respect to legislation of the European Union. Since the experiment methods and initial evaluation were discussed in a preceding paper, the article summarizes its most important findings in the introduction part. Afterwards, the medical injury analysis and a brief description of treatment procedure are provided focusing on to what extent the injuries are serious and what treatment is necessary in case a person has been wounded by UAV's propulsion units. Finally, the current as well as future proposals of the UAVs classification are evaluated. Finally, an authors' proposal of the classification is presented with regard to the experiment results and the EASA standards.
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Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.; Hůlek, D.
2018, New Trends in Process Control and Production management, London, CRC Press), p. 377-381), ISBN 978-1-138-05885-9
Current logistics is dynamic and it requires using of modern technologies. It is ensured that packages are delivered in time and for a price that is as low as possible thanks to these technologies. Unmanned aerial vehicles are the modern technology that is capable to fulfil these requirements. This article deals with possibilities of using the unmanned vehicles at the modern logistics focusing on a choosing of suitable type of the unmanned vehicle. The first part of the article summarizes a current state of using the unmanned vehicles at the logistics. Suitable types of the vehicles are chosen in the next part of the article. The choice of the suitable type depends on several factors. The last part of the article is about a model situation and its economic assessment. The package transport by the unmanned vehicle is compared with a common way of the transport using a surface transport.
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Shiliakova, O.; Hůlek, D.; Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.
2018, Acta Avionica, 20 (1), p. 57-61), ISSN 1339-9853
This article is about Master’s thesis that focuses on more detailed use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the area of agriculture and livestock breeding. It deals with the definition and use of unmanned vehicles in general, with its history, their advantages and disadvantages using SWOT analysis for preventing threats in the future. Then it looks at the legislative aspects and the legal norms, especially it includes a description of the main document containing the unmanned flying rules, Appendix X of the state regulation L2. It proposes to change the existing rules defined in legislation within the Czech Republic which aims to facilitate the rules of flying in a professional way. The part dealing with the risks and limits arising from the use of unmanned vehicles in agriculture defines its importance and role in performing operations in agriculture and in general. In addition, it includes possible solutions for reducing risks in the industry. The other part focuses on various reasons why to use a special unmanned aerial vehicle specifically for given target and area. Composition of a model example with livestock at farm and already selected unmanned vehicles are also problematic issues. The conclusion summaries the described, analysed and achieved points and goals mentioned at the beginning of the Master’s thesis.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

Ing. Lenka Hanáková, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Bc. Vladimír Socha, Ph.D.; Socha, L.; Szabo, S.; Kozuba, J.; doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.; Rozenberg, R.; Kalavský, P.; Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.; Schlenker, J.; Ing. Stanislav Kušmírek, Ph.D.
2017, Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Military Technologies (ICMT), Brno, Ministerstvo obrany, Univerzita obrany), p. 500-506), ISBN 978-1-5386-1988-9
At present, several studies exist describing the relevance of human factor in air transport with main focus on pilots and flight safety. Within such studies, monitoring of physiological functions is used. There are lot of physiological parameters and methods of their assessment; however, they are mostly based on principles originating from clinical practice. Yet, sensitivity and specificity of these methods with regard to assessment of aviation professionals - pilots is unknown. Therefore, this paper is oriented towards description of the most common methods for physiological parameters assessment. The paper also describes evaluation methods, which are on experimental level in terms of physiological data evaluation, namely recurrent quantification analysis. Within the research carried out, sample group of pilots was subjected to measurement for evaluation of their psychophysiological condition and performance. Selected evaluation methods were applied on the collected data and importance of those parameters and methods, which provided best classification for level of psychophysiological stress, was evaluated by means of statistical analyses. The results indicate that the most important physiological parameter for psychophysiological condition assessment of pilots is heart electrical activity where the possibility to perform signal processing whilst preserving its importance is provided by linear methods in the time and frequency domain, or alternatively by non-linear methods utilizing recurrent quantification analysis.
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Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.; Hůlek, D.
2017, TRANSPORT MEANS 2017 - PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE, Kaunas, Technical University), p. 631-635), ISSN 1822-296X
A current development of unmanned aerial vehicles has caused that the vehicles gradually find themselves in a field of courier services. This article is focused on defining of a suitable structure for the unmanned aerial vehicles used for the courier services. The first part of the article is about summarizing a current state of this topic. Basic requirements for a consignment transportation are defined in the first part too. These requirements are characteristic of a consignment, transport distance, delivery place and addressee identification. The next part of this article focuses on describing structures of the vehicles (airframe) that are suitable for the courier services and it focuses on describing types of power units. The final part is about presupposed operational requirements to unmanned aerial vehicles operations. These requirements can be for autonomous flight, safety or requirements for a structure of transport boxes.
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doc. Ing. Jakub Hospodka, Ph.D.; Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.
2017, TRANSPORT MEANS 2017 - PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE, Kaunas, Technical University), p. 597-600), ISSN 1822-296X
Paper dissertates about upcoming impacts of changes in EU legislative in area of IFR flying. Changes proposed by EASA committee aims to change approach for instrumental flying. Change of paradigm aims into improving theoretical training and to make instrumental training more achievable by general aviation pilots. Upcoming changes will introduce new instrumental rating as well as changes in the existing ratings. Paper is mostly based on NPA 2016-03 and NPA 2016-14.
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Petrýdes, P.; Hůlek, D.; Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.
2017, MAD - Magazine of Aviation Development, 5 (4), p. 20-23), ISSN 1805-7578
This paper is about bonding meters, their principles, specifications and usage of bonding meters in aviation. The bonding meter is essentially a milliohm meter. It is used for measuring small values of resistance. The word “bonding” means that conductive parts of aircraft are bonded together by a conductive connection. The bonding meter tests, if the conductive connections are really conductive. This paper is, in its essence, a study how to use bonding meter and its usage. The usage is focused on the aviation. The first part of the paper describes bonding meter´s purpose and its specifications. There are several types of the bonding meters and every type has different specifications. The next part describes bonding meter´s usage, its application and measuring principles. The bonding meters can be used by different ways so it is good to explain the most used principles. The last part of this paper summarizes all mentioned knowledge and shows authors opinion to a development of the bonding measurements.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.; Zapach, M.; Daňko, P.
2016, Acta Avionica, 18 (1), p. 1-7), ISSN 1339-9853
This paper deals with a success of aircraft engines during their tests and it searches ways how to improve conditions. The conditions improving is always very desirable and benefit activity. The paper also deals with a data collection, their detailed statistical analysis and it deals with an implementation of the gained conclusions into the experience too. These conclusions must be checked and it must be found out if they are suitable for the experience. There is a small comparison between an old and a new type of an engine pennant at the end of the paper. Results of the comparison are quite interesting.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.; Pinková, P.; Hůlek, D.; Mgr. Iveta Kameníková, Ph.D.
2016, Acta Avionica, 18 (1), p. 1-6), ISSN 1339-9853
This paper deals with the incorporation of the Centralized Approved Training Organization into the structure of flight training facilities in the Czech Republic. The work summarizes all requirements for the training organizations after a release of new regulations. The most significant changes in the requirements relate to a glider pilot training and therefore this work is focused on this particular topic. In the first part of the work we wanted to recap all the requirements and compare them with the original legislation to emphasize the changes. Then, it is discussed about a newly established flight training organization which is an Approved Training Organization or an ATO. In the third chapter, we deal with the specific requirements which must an operator complies when applying for the issuance of the ATO certificate. At the conclusion of the work we deal with the realization of the establishment of a centralized ATO for the glider pilot training. This proposal gives an example how the centralized ATO could solve the problem with a cooperation with other aero clubs as supplier organizations.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.; Majnušová, K.
2016, MANAGEMENT 2016 - International Business and Management, Domestic, Particularities and Emerging markets in the Light of Research, Prešov, Prešovská univerzita v Prešově), p. 555-561), ISBN 978-80-8165-155-7
The goal of this article is to interconnect a MRO system with an airline information system in order to increase the efficiency of information flow between these two objects. The article contains MRO-system provided data that are useful for a flight planning, information usability model and for requirements of the MRO system and an airline operation system interface.
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Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Jakub Hospodka, Ph.D.; Ing. Eva Endrizalová, Ph.D.
2016, Proceedings of 20th International Conference Transport Means 2016, Kaunas, Kauno technologijos universitetas), p. 180-184), ISSN 1822-296X
The main goal of this paper is a process that should have effectively implemented a NDT (Non Destructive Testing) into approved maintenance organizations that maintain aircraft. The opening part of the paper is about a description of a current situation in an area of the NDT in a relation to the maintenance organizations. The main part of the paper designs a possible process of the NDT implementation. The process should be easy, effective and financially acceptable. The next part describes various processes that must be done for the proper implementation. These processes result from a decision of the organization, from aviation regulations and from standards that are about the NDT. Then the processes are described detail. This is because of a reader so he/she can clearly understand a basic concept of the implementation and he/she can understand requirements resulting from the legislation.
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Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.; Mgr. Iveta Kameníková, Ph.D.; Podhadský, J.
2016, MAD - Magazine of Aviation Development, 4 (17), p. 5-8), ISSN 1805-7578
The purpose of this article is to design a software that enables an integration of modern communication devices in the process of general aviation aircraft maintenance. The theoretical part deals with the legislative requirements of both maintenance and management processes for continuing airworthiness. The practical part focusses on software design and automation of the processes. An important part of the article is a chapter about economic evaluation based on the proposal of the solution
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.; Hergessel, J.
2016, Transport Problems 2016, Proceedings, Katowice, Wydział Transportu Politechniki Śląskiej), p. 776-782), ISBN 978-83-935232-8-3
The goal of this project was the application of non-destructive testing using the bond tester Zetec S-21R on a primary structure of aircraft made from composite materials. To meet the target it was necessary to examine the features of the device. For this purpose a set of testing scales for determination of minimum detectable dimension at given materials was created. An integral part of the project was also a preparation of tasks for laboratory measurements intended primary for the Laboratory of Non-Destructive Testing at the Faculty of Transportation Sciences of the Czech Technical University in Prague. The test tasks cover basic types of defects, occurring at composite structures, such as delamination in monolithic and sandwich structures and improper adhesive bonding of two pieces. The functional measurement was carried out on a prototype of wing for category of ultralight aircraft.
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Hůlek, D.; Absolon, S.; Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.
2016, New Trends in Civil Aviation 2016, Žilina, Žilinská univerzita v Žilině Fakulta prevádzky a ekonomiky dopravy a spojov), p. 36-39), ISBN 978-80-554-1252-8
The paper is focused on spotters and their influence on the safety at airports. The spotters are people who observe and photographs aircraft in any phase of flight or ground movement. The paper is about a mathematical model which models a number of spotters during one day at the Václav Havel airport in Prague. The program models spotters' movement between places (or spotter points) too. The spotter point is a place at the airport which is designed for good view to the aircraft. The model considers the spotter places as places behind an airport fence. These places are often founded by the spotters. The program could be used for gaining better information about a people movement around the airport.
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Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.; Daňko, P.; Lukavský, M.
2016, MAD - Magazine of Aviation Development, 4 (18), p. 14-17), ISSN 1805-7578
This article is about a design of new technological instructions for an aviation industry. The goal of the new technological instructions is to replace the old ones. The old instructions are less clear and less suitable for new workers. A change and an upgrade of the new instructions is shown on the technological instructions for disassembling of free turbine´s blades during general overhaul. The free turbine is from the M601 engine. The new instructions should be more efficient and enhanced general overhaul.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

Hůlek, D.; Augustová, L.; Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.
2016, Interdisciplinarity in Theory and Practice, 4 (9), p. 99-103), ISSN 2344-2409
This paper is about designing a solution of a logistic problem with a transportation of documents and other standard and also special material between two scientific areas. Both areas are at a suburb of the Czech Republic Capital (Praha 4 – Krč and Vestec u Prahy) and their distance is several kilometres. The paper is, in its essence, a study how to solve this logistic problem. A current solution uses a car transport and this study should propose a new one. The base of the new solution is to use unmanned aerial vehicles. The first part of the paper describes the problem itself, its cause and economic aspects related to the transportation. Another part of the paper compares different aspects of the study and of the current situation. The next part of the paper deals with an unmanned vehicle flight path, a technical design and an aviation legislation connected to this topic. The technical design consists of a RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aerial System) type proposal and a proposal of a technical background. The legislative part deals with a summarization of the current regulations and prospective draft of a solution resulting from incompatibility between the regulations and study requirements. At the end of the paper there is a theoretical design of a transportation extension with another types of the material which are related to the transportation of the dangerous goods regulation.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.; Hůlek, D.; Absolon, S.
2015, Interdisciplinarity in Theory and Practice, 2015 (8), p. 258-261), ISSN 2344-2409
This paper deal with a room for an examination of aviation personnel. In this case, the aviation personnel means aircraft maintenance technicians. The first part of the paper is about general description of the aircraft maintenance technician examination. The main part of the paper deals with a designing of a new examination room and new procedures of a teaching and an examining the technicians. The examination room should be built at Department of Ait Transport (DAT), Faculty of Transportation Sciences (FTS), Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague. The main part of the paper deals with size of the room, technical and common equipment and a commissioning of all the room too. An economical viewpoint and requirements on examiners are take into account too. Thanks to the change of places, where the examination should be practiced, the testing procedures must be changed. These changes must be implemented into the MTOE (Maintenance Training Organization Exposition) and must be accepted by CAA (Civil Aviation Authority).
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

Staněk, M.; doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.; Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.
2015, MAD Special, 2 (2), p. 20-25), ISSN 2336-2677
This article deals with pre-screening and possibilitiesof newly created technologies. Their implementation into the prescreeningof airline passengers would be the quickest and easiestoption to increase aviation security. However, it is necessary toevaluate them for this use. Specifically, this article deals withtechnologies under development in the INDECT project.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Jakub Hospodka, Ph.D.; Szabo, S.; Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.
2015, International Review of Aerospace Engineering, 8 (5), p. 179-184), ISSN 1973-7459
The paper deals with the possibilities of application of autonomous transport means in logistics. The first section describes the current options and usage. Below there are the key areas of transport, where the development of these resources is described with the best logistics perspective. The third part is devoted to road transport costs, which is identified as the most significant source of potential future economic benefits for logistics in the previous section. In this section the potential economic impacts of the introduction of autonomous vehicles are estimated. Definite calculation is estimated by formula for road transport in the CR, but also with a view to the EU area. In addition to the benefits, the costs that will be associated with the introduction of new technologies in various fields of transport are discussed. In addition to the benefits are discuss about the costs that will be associated with the introduction of new technologies in various fields of transport. Entire article is conceived as presentation of the options and risks associated with the introduction of autonomous vehicles to the logistics chains with an emphasis on identifying risks and opportunities. © 2015 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l.-All rights reserved.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus

Ing. Miloš Strouhal, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; Křemen, P.; Ing. Vladimír Plos, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Milan Lánský, DrSc.; Szabo, S.; Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.; Ing. Eva Endrizalová, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Štumper, M.; Kostov, B.; Ledvinka, M.; Holubec, J.; Kasl, T.; Zavřel, L.
Odborná zpráva obsahuje shrnutí prací vykonaných na prjektu v rámci roku 2015. Seznamuje s provedenými pracemi na 7 pracovních balíčcích. Zpráva obsahuje průběh řešení jednotlivých balíčků a výstupy řešení.
Oponovaná výzkumná zpráva v češtině

prof. Ing. Věra Voštová, CSc.; Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.; Jeřábek, K.
2014, Technická diagnostika, XXIII (z1), p. 44-44), ISSN 1210-311X
Význam a dostupnost NDT (Non Destructive Testing) metod v letectví stále stoupá. Tyto metody se uplatňují především v oblasti provozu a údržby velkých letadel (typ Boening, Airbus). Ve všeobecném letectví převládají tradiční postupy s pevnými lhůtami pro výměnu částí s omezenou životností a pevnou životností draka. Rozšíření aplikace NDT metod v údržbě letadel všeobecného letectví by umožnilo časově i finančně zefektivnit stávající postupy údržby, stejně jako zajistit bezpečný provoz starších letadel i po uplynutí původní předepsané životnosti. Příspěvek se zabývá vytvořením podpůrných nástrojů pro zavedení moderních diagnostických metod do údržby letadel v reálném provozu.
Abstrakt v časopisu

Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.
2014, Bezpečnost a doprava, Pardubice, Institut Jana Pernera), p. 70-72), ISBN 978-80-86530-92-5
Nedestruktivní testování patří do široké skupiny způsobů analyzování a vyhodnocování vlastností materiálu, bez nutnosti jejich destrukci. V leteckém průmyslu se používá zejména proto, že dovoluje najít defekty rychle a efektivně a umožňuje tak dodržení plánu předepsaných prohlídek a včas navracení nijak neponičeného dílu zpět do provozu. Letadlové celky jsou všeobecně navrhovány s ohledem na co nejnižší hmotnost materiálu, ale tak, aby si stále udržely svou navrženou provozní funkčnost. To všeobecně znamená, že jsou vzhledem k použití pevnosti materiálu vystavovány velkému zatížení a každá drobná vada může způsobit selhání této součásti a vést k fatálním důsledkům. Ve spolupráci se společností Orbis Avia s.r.o. naše pracoviště vytvořilo studii, která měla za úkol analyzovat a případně navrhnout implementaci NDT kontrol na letoun SMG-92.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. česky

doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; Ing. Vladimír Plos, Ph.D.; Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.
2013, Air Transport Security 2013, Praha, Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze, o. p. s.), p. 37-40), ISBN 978-80-86841-44-1
This article focuses on increasing security at aerodromes in two ways. The first one comprises processes of data gathering, analysis and optimization of emergency plans from the perspective of gradual changes in aviation. The aim of this section is to describe systems engineering approach used to deal with setting up this significant function of airport. The second way how to increase aerodrome security is to employ sensor networks as a measure to secure various types of actions, including natural, unlawful and operational processes. This attitude will allow completely new kind of supervision.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.; Šlofar, J.
2013, MAD - Magazine of Aviation Development, 1 (3), p. 23-27), ISSN 1805-7578
This article provides an overview of practical work exercises for the WALTER M601B engine. The work exercises are divided into several sections, each being with description and it is accompanied by diagrams and images. This article explains each section in brief and refers to the thesis titled Practice training for WALTER M601 engine.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

Hejný, M.; Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.; Němec, V.
2010, Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific Conference : New Trends in Aviation Development, Prešov, Pavol Štáhlavský - Akcent Print), p. 153-156), ISBN 978-80-553-0475-5
This article discusses the situation of NDT application in aircraft maintenance in the Czech Republic. The first part deals with an overview of current authorization needed to perform these tests. The second part describes the real state in the need of NDT. The next section describes how the most common of eddy currents method is used in aircraft maintenance. At the end of this article the intentions of Department of Air Transport at Faculty of Transportation Sciences CTU in Prague in the area of NDT are presented.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Němec, V.; Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.
2010, Horizonty Dopravy, 18 (3), p. 14-15), ISSN 1210-0978
Metoda vířivých proudů umožňuje provádění nedestruktivních defektoskopických zkoušek na všech vodivých konstrukcích a meteriálech. Touto metodou lze tedy provádět zjišťování vad bez jakýchkoliv fyzických zásahů do materiálu nebo konstrukce.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.; Němec, V.
2009, Zvyšovanie bezpečnosti a kvality v civilnom a vojenskom letectve, Žilina, Žilinská univerzita), p. 112-117), ISBN 978-80-554-0007-5
Tento příspěvek pojednává o současném stavu využívání nedestruktivních zkoušek. Stručně popisuje základní diagnostické metody, udává současný stav této problematiky v ČR.
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf. česky

Němec, V.; Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.
2009, Zvyšovanie bezpečnosti a kvality v civilnom a vojenskom letectve, Žilina, Žilinská univerzita), p. 118-123), ISBN 978-80-554-0007-5
Příspěvek je uveden problematikou stanovení předpisové základny pro výcvik techniků údržby letadel. Organizace výuky techniků údržby letadel na Fakultě dopravní ČVUT v Praze. Systém zajišťování výcviku a zkoušek při výcviku a řízení subdodavatelských vztahů.
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf. česky

Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.
2008, Nové trendy v civilním letectví, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta dopravní), p. 18-25), ISBN 978-80-7204-604-1
Tento článek pojednává o přístupu FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), k problematice volného vedení elektrických a optických kabelů v leteckých konstrukcích a v leteckých systémech. Článek popisuje základní pravidla údržby a konstrukce při práci a instalaci nového nebo stávajícího kabelového rozvodu.
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf. česky

Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.
2008, Zvyšovanie bezpečnosti a kvality v civilnom a vojenskom letectve, Žilina, Žilinská univerzita v Žilině Fakulta prevádzky a ekonomiky dopravy a spojov), p. 107-111), ISBN 978-80-8070-829-0
Inspekce a údržba na letadlech provozovaných dle předpisů FAA
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Němec, V.; Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.
2007, MOSATT 2007, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Modern Safety Technologies in Transportation", Košice, Slovak Transport Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences), p. 191-196), ISBN 978-80-969760-2-7
Application of Requirements of Commision Regulation (EC) No. 2042/2003 to Practical Training for Aircraft Maintenance Technicians at CTU
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Němec, V.; Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.
2007, Zvyšovanie bezpečnosti v civilnom a vojenskom letectve - 2007, Žilina, Žilinská univerzita v Žilině Fakulta prevádzky a ekonomiky dopravy a spojov), p. 57-61), ISBN 978-80-8070-665-4
Bezpečnost leteckého provozu z pohledu antikorozní ochrany
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Němec, V.; Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.
2007, Nové trendy v letectve 2007, Žilina, Žilinská univerzita), p. 99-104), ISBN 978-80-8070-768-2
Filozofie dělení, vzniku a detekce koroze společnosti BOEING
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf. česky

Němec, V.; Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.
2007, Zvyšovanie bezpečnosti v civilnom a vojenskom letectve - 2007, Žilina, Žilinská univerzita v Žilině Fakulta prevádzky a ekonomiky dopravy a spojov), p. 52-56), ISBN 978-80-8070-665-4
Metody výcviku a zkoušení při pokračovacím výcviku leteckého pozemního personálu
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf. česky