
informace pocházejí z univerzitní databáze V3S

Ing. Daniel Pilát; Ing. Karel Ječmen; Ing. Andrea Hrníčková; doc. Ing. Dušan Teichmann, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Denisa Mocková, Ph.D.
2023, Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific Conference COMPETITION, Jihlava, Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava), p. 180-190), ISBN 978-80-88064-71-8, ISSN 2788-0605
Rozsah a kvalita dopravní infrastruktury má signifikantní dopad na rozvoj společnosti a kvalitu života, zejména pak v oblasti ekonomického rozvoje a zvýšení konkurenceschopnosti. Pro dosažení těchto efektů je třeba investovat značné finanční prostředky do výstavby a modernizace formou realizace investičních projektů dopravní infrastruktury. Výše prostředků určených pro tyto investiční projekty je však zpravidla nižší než náklady na realizaci všech připravovaných staveb, a proto je nutné přistupovat k výběru pouze některých investičních projektů k jejich následné realizaci. Tento výběr musí probíhat tak, aby realizované investiční projekty splňovaly požadavky definované dopravní politikou a pravidly investičních fondů, kde přínosy projektů jsou reprezentovány definovanými indikátory. Za účelem nalezení vyhovujícího rozdělení plnění indikátorů je potom v praktických úlohách často opakováno řešení výběru portfolia se změnou vstupních podmínek. Cílem příspěvku je prezentace možnosti optimalizace portfolia investičních projektů dopravní infrastruktury pomocí přístupu založeného na agregaci optimalizačních kritérií v kombinaci s transformací části optimalizačního kritéria na omezující podmínky. Pomocí tohoto postupu je umožněno zadavateli ovlivnit plnění sledovaných indikátorů apriorními i aposteriorními preferenčními požadavky za účelem dosažení požadovaného rozložení.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. česky

Ing. Karel Ječmen; doc. Ing. Dušan Teichmann, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Denisa Mocková, Ph.D.; Ing. Olga Mertlová, Ph.D.; Ing. Daniel Pilát
2023, Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics, Praha, Česká společnost pro operační výzkum), p. 166-173), ISBN 978-80-11-04132-8, ISSN 2788-3965
Along with the development of the society, emphasis is placed on the moderniza-tion and development of quality transport infrastructure. Investing in infrastructure is implemented using investment projects, which are financed in the vast majority from public sources. The amount of the available budget is usually lower than the amount of funds needed to implement all the projects being prepared, and therefore it is necessary to select a portfolio of investment projects for implementation. Dur-ing the selection process, indicators representing the quantified societal benefits re-sulting from the implementation of projects, as well as their financial demands and the available budget, are assessed. However, the selection is carried out in the initial phase of the preparation of investment projects, and due to the preparation period of several years, the implementation takes place in a few years. The development of the economic situation has been very turbulent and fluctuating in recent years, while the situation at the time of project implementation often does not correspond to the expected market development in the initial phase of project preparation. As a result, the amount of financial indicators and the estimated available budget at the time of implementation are significantly different than what was assumed during the selection. This can have a negative effect on the output of the optimization of the selection of the project portfolio from the point of view of fulfilling the overall societal benefit. The aim of the article is to present an approach to optimizing the selection of a portfolio of transport infrastructure investment projects for implementation, includ-ing elements of uncertainty in the area of the available budget and the estimated amount of funds needed to implement individual investment projects. Uncertainty is modeled using fuzzy logic, and the goal of optimization is to maximize the cumu-lative value of social benefits represented by monitored indicators.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Ing. Karel Ječmen; Ing. Daniel Pilát; doc. Ing. Dušan Teichmann, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Denisa Mocková, Ph.D.; Ing. Olga Mertlová, Ph.D.
2023, Proceedings of the 15 th International Conference on Strategic Management and its Support by Information Systems 2023, Ostrava, VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Economics), p. 176-184), ISBN 978-80-248-4687-3, ISSN 2570-5776
The quality of the transport infrastructure has a significant influence on the development of the society, especially in the area of the economy growth. In our conditions, it is necessary to further develop and modernize the infrastructure. For this purpose investment projects are prepared by state management authorities. However, the financial value of all planned transport infrastructure investment projects is usually higher than the available budget, and it is therefore necessary to approach the selection of a portfolio of projects for implementation. The selected projects must meet not only the amount of the budget, but also the requirements arising from the transport policy and the rules of the investment funds represented by the required indicators. In the tasks of optimizing the portfolio of projects, in practice, it is often approached to repeat the selection of the portfolio with modification of the input conditions so that the distribution of the performance of the indicators more closely meets the expert requirements. This can be better solved using evaluation methods, the application of which is, however, lacking in the selection of the project portfolio. The aim of the article is to present a solution to the task of optimizing the selection of a portfolio of transport infrastructure investment projects using the STEM method. This interactive method based on the alternation of computing and decision-making phases enables the application of expert requirements during the calculation in order to find the optimal solution in cases where not all combinations of fulfilment of the monitored indicators are known in advance.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

Ing. Karel Ječmen; Ing. Daniel Pilát; doc. Ing. Dušan Teichmann, Ph.D.; Ing. Olga Mertlová, Ph.D.
2022, QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN ECONOMICS (Multiple Criteria Decision Making XXI), Bratislava-Nové Mesto, Letra Edu), p. 119-124), ISBN 978-80-89962-93-8
Financial needs of the prepared transport infrastructure investment projects are generally very high and exceed the available budgets. Therefore, it is necessary to set the selection process to find a project portfolio to be proposed for realization. Due to the significant socio-economic impact of transport infrastructure investments, the selection of projects for realization is a crucial decision-making step at the level of the central state authorities. The article compares two approaches to mathematical programming, which can contribute to the optimization of the portfolio of transport infrastructure investment projects to be financed. Optimization of the selection aims at the maximization of the benefits of the projects and the efficient use of allocated funds. The paper focuses on the differences in application of the use of the linear and goal programming models and compares the outputs of both optimization approaches.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Ing. Daniel Pilát; Ing. Karel Ječmen; doc. Ing. Dušan Teichmann, Ph.D.; Ing. Olga Mertlová, Ph.D.
2022, MME2022 : Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics, Jihlava, Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava), p. 280-285), ISBN 978-80-88064-62-6
Transport infrastructure investment projects are usually very costly and time consuming. The limited capacity of resources does not allow the implementation of all prepared projects at the same time; therefore it is necessary to select a portfolio of projects for implementation. The selection must be made in such a way that not only the requirements of transport policy are met, but also the rules of the investment funds from which the projects are financed. The quality of the selected project portfolio is crucial due to their significant socio-economic impacts represented by indicators representing the usefulness of the buildings in the effective use of available funds. The aim of optimization is to minimize the maximal negative deviations from the minimum values of indicators representing the degree of non-fulfilment. The article presents one of the possible approaches to solving this problem based on linear programming with the addition of a cascade approach providing improved results.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

2021, Moderní železnice (1), p. 6-6), ISSN 1805-7667
Efektivnější využívání seřaďovacích nádraží a snížení počtu stanic s nákladným spádovištním zařízením – to jsou jen některé cíle nové koncepce seřaďovacích stanic v České republice, která je momentálně v procesu schvalování.
Popularizační článek v českém časopise

2021, Vědeckotechnický sborník Správy železnic, 4, p. 64-75), ISSN 2694-9172
Příspěvek představuje novou koncepci seřaďovacích stanic na síti Správy železnic, státní organizace a deskripci důvodů vedoucích k její realizaci. Je uveden vývoj nového interního systému hodnocení vlakotvorných stanic, včetně vysvětlení analýzy potřebných charakteristických prvků a vlastností související infrastruktury. Jsou představeny výsledky těchto analýz a z nich vyplývající souhrnná koncepce správy jednotlivých seřaďovacích stanic.
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