
informace pocházejí z univerzitní databáze V3S

Palatková, M.; doc. Ing. Jindřich Ploch, CSc.
2023, The 2023 International Conference on Marketing and Technologies Prague, Basel, Springer), p. 100-114), ISSN 2190-3018
The aim of the paper is to analyze and compare the smart city destination models and strategies of selected smart city destinations in Europe. The development of tourism after the covid pandemic, combined with already advanced and ever-growing urbanization, puts pressure on the management of cities and tourism destinations. The concept of smart cities was originally perceived as a technological matter. Today, it represents a comprehensive technology-based approach to the management of cities and city tourist destinations. Three city destinations, València, Vienna and Prague were included in the research sample. The method of quantitative and qualitative content analysis was used dealing with selected strategic materials and other sources of content relevant to the analysis of smart city destination models. The analysis focused on two main areas of the SMART city concept, namely Strategy and governance and Technological solution. The starting point of the analysis was overview of destination governance. The analysis of the setting, content and interconnection of strategic documents showed that discrepancies and issues can be identified in the case of Prague. The examined scope and quality of digitization projects showed the dominancy of València and underdevelopment of Prague.
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Palatková, M.; doc. Ing. Jindřich Ploch, CSc.
2023, The international scientific conference XI International Scientific Conference Current trends in spas, hospitality and tourism, Wroclaw University of Economics and Business), p. 103-114), ISBN 978-83-67899-21-5
The paper deals with the practical implementation of the sustainability principles on the example of the city destination of Prague using the city destination of Vienna as a benchmark. The aim of the paper is to evaluate and compare sustainability management measures taken to limit and eliminate the negative phenomena of international tourism in Prague compared to Vienna. The attention is turn to evaluating of the quantitative development of international tourism in Prague, its impact on the residents and the adopted sustainability strategy, monitoring and evaluation and residents´ involvement in the tourism management, planning and development. The multiple case study method including the quantitative and qualitative analysis is applied using the publicly accessible quantitative data and relevant documents. Basic quantitative indicators defining the tourism demand (number of international arrivals) and supply (bed capacity in collective accommodation facilities and selected collaborative platforms) and quantitative data on the number of residents in selected Prague districts are used to characterize mid-term impact of tourism on residential community. Two topics were chosen for comparison, namely sustainability strategy, management, monitoring and evaluation and second, residents´ involvement in the tourism planning and development. Since the international tourism market has undergone significant changes, the approach of private as well as public sectors to sustainability management changed towards to “the new normal” as mentioned in strategic documents and research studies published by the UN World Tourism Organisation and World Travel (UNWTO, 2021) and Tourism Council (WTTC 2021a, 2021b). Although Prague shows a higher tourist load compared to Vienna, its strategy, international tourism management and activities lack systematic approach incl. networking to other partners and their sustainability concepts, basic KPIs for sustainability measurement, basic data describing the tourism development and the communication towards local residents.
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Ploch Palatková, M.; doc. Ing. Jindřich Ploch, CSc.
2023, Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific Conference COMPETITION, Jihlava, Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava), p. 191-204), ISBN 978-80-88064-71-8, ISSN 2788-0605
The interruption of the dynamic development of international air transport and tourism in the period 2020 - 2021 was replaced in 2022 by growth associated with issues of sustainable development. In addition to their positive economic effects, according to estimates, air transport and tourism contributed significantly to global CO2 production in the period before the pandemic. The article deals with the sustainability strategies and concepts of selected players from the international air transport sector. The goal of the paper is to analyze and compare sustainability concepts and the way of sustainability principles implementing in management and supply chain of selected European low-cost airlines. The principal method used is a content analysis using publicly available materials and research studies. The results of the content analysis are compared in terms of environmental sustainability concept and its projection into the strategic management and governance and a supply value chain. The final results show the importance of environmental sustainability for strategic decision-making, creation of strategic competitive advantage and existence of the low-cost carriers.
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Palatková, M.; doc. Ing. Jindřich Ploch, CSc.
2022, CURRENT TRENDS IN SPA, HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM - 10th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics), p. 186-199), ISBN 978-80-87411-41-4
The main goal of the article is to compare the approach to crisis management and strategic planning in tourism and air transport in two selected European tourism destinations – Austria and the Czech Republic. The article focuses on the tools and recommendations for solving the crisis on the international market from the position of the relevant international organizations pointing at the digitization. Methods of content analysis, case study and comparison are used.
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Palatková, M.; doc. Ing. Jindřich Ploch, CSc.
2022, Aktuální problémy cestovního ruchu/Topical Issues Of Tourism - 16. mezinárodní konference // 16th International Conference, Jihlava, Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava), p. 260-272), ISBN 978-80-88064-57-2
The aim of the article is to identify the principal changes in the requirements of employers (private and public sector) for the professional profile of future workers in the tourism and air transport services. Post-covid quantitative and qualitative changes will be reflected in all activities of tourism and air transport management, such as strategic management, marketing communications or fast implementation of modern technologies. The already visible changes in demand and supply in both mentioned sectors are considered to affect fundamentally the future human resources management, training and education. Supply and demand trends in both sectors were analyzed to determine the main changes in the skill set requirements. Therefore, the method of analysis of basic strategic documents, research studies and statistical figures published by relevant international organizations is applied. The UNWTO, WTTC, ICAO, IATA and ILO organizations were selected to examine the issue. The ongoing revitalization of the air transport and tourism sector to the level of 2019 will last until 2023 - 2025. There is a need to link theoretical and practical training, multifunctional and international partnerships as well as to coordinate the public, private and educational sectors in crisis management (Triple Helix Model). The unifying key element in both sectors is the emphasis on safety and security, health and hygiene measures, reflecting the use of technology, digitalisation, sustainability, management skills and other aspects. The requirements for soft skills, especially creativity, communication, flexibility or the ability to cope with crisis situations, certainly deserve special attention of educational service providers. The leading global organizations consider education and learning to be a key element of recovery plans.
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