
informace pocházejí z univerzitní databáze V3S

2024, New Trends in Civil Aviation: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on New Trends in Civil Aviation 2024, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 275-281), ISBN 978-80-01-07181-6, ISSN 2694-7854
For decades, records have been kept in the field of air traffic services on every issued ATC clearance based on the service performance directive. There are various information carriers used for this recording. Technological progress has shifted this operation from paper to digital records. This article compares two of the most commonly used methods of recording issued permissions: the traditional method of paper flight strips and the modern stripless system. This research aims to conduct a comprehensive analysis and assess the impact on flight management efficiency emphasizing air traffic controller situational awareness. In the case of the conventional method, it is necessary to monitor more values outside the scope of the situational display, physically move the flight strip holders, located outside the field of view, and tilt the head down. In the second case, the system offers the necessary functions for data entry as an integrated part of the software. Therefore, diverting the view outside the display unit is not necessary. Using both recording methods, an experiment was set up to measure the air traffic controller's situational awareness level. The Situation Awareness Global Assessment Technique (SAGAT) system was used for situational awareness assessment. The research and real life experience indicate, that the stripless recording method has smaller negative impact on situational awareness and is more user friendly. Subjects maintained a better situational overview compared to the paper-based method. This article presents the strengths and weaknesses of individual methods and contributes to the discussion of cognitive functions in air traffic control.
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2023, 2023 New Trends in Aviation Development (NTAD), Praha, IEEE Czechoslovakia Section), p. 217-221), ISBN 979-8-3503-7042-3, ISSN 2836-2756
With the ever-increasing demand for air travel, airspace capacity in the vicinity and relative proximity of airports is reaching its limit. With the progressive development of new technologies and their advancement, industry has reached a situation where it is physically possible to have a large number of aircraft in the airspace. Unfortunately, under current operational conditions, reaching these theoretical capacity values is impossible as it is outside human capability to handle such extreme numbers of aircraft safely and efficiently. This limitation is mainly obvious at peak times when runway and sector capacity is at its limit. This article focuses on the capacity of Václav Havel Airport in Prague (LKPR) and the airspace in its vicinity. It presents a proposal to apply a reduced horizontal separation minimum on the final approach phase of instrument flight rules (IFR) flights down to 2.5 NM. Also, it evaluates the impact of this reduction and describes the necessary changes in airport infrastructure, legislation, and air traffic control unit procedures. The implementation proposal is based on the practices at airports abroad with a reduced 2.5NM spacing already applied. The experiments carried out showed that the idea of reduced spacing at LKPR is feasible and brings an increase airspace capacity while maintaining an adequate level of safety. Under ideal conditions and traffic composition, an increase in the number of aircraft handled by more than 10% per hour can be reached.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

Danihelová, Z.; Ing. Vladimír Machula
2023, Apps - Academic Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages, 1 (1), p. 35-76), ISSN 2729-9805
The present paper deals with the specifics of terminology of both powered and glider aerobatics. In addition to English terminology and Slovak and Czech equivalents, the paper presents also selected aspects of professional jargon and typical phraseology applied in international aerobatic contests from the perspective of judges. Although the Slovak-English terminology equivalents in terms of flight aerodynamics and mechanics are tackled in the work Slovenský letecký slovník, terminologický a výkladový by Nedelka a kol. (1998), it is possible to identify certain elements of the terminology, which are not discussed in the mentioned work. The aim of the paper is to expand on the terminology listed in the aforementioned dictionary and define terms commonly used in aerobatic practice. Moreover, the additional expressions are briefly analysed and compared in terms of word formation.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

Chlumský, P.; Kocur, Z.; Ing. Vladimír Machula
2013, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 89 (2b/2013), p. 199-204), ISSN 0033-2097
This article deals with the optimization of data transmission from the fast-moving objects. Optimization is performed on the second layer of the RM OSI and uses multiple transmission channels. For simulation were created two cases using multiple transmission channels. These cases were compared with case of common wireless system with a single channel. Proposed cases reached better error rates and proved their usefulness. They are also independent on the transmission technology (due to implementation on the second layer of RM OSI), therefore are versatile.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus

Ing. Vladimír Machula; Neruda, M.
2012, Access server, 11. (201212), ISSN 1214-9675
Článek seznamuje s poslední verzí řešení komunikačního systému na české antarktické stanici. Popisuje především poslední verzi systému, který převzal funkci centrálního komunikačního prvku a aktuální řešení komunikace a sběru dat na stanici. Závěrečná část popisuje řešení komunikace v rámci antarktické stanice, tj. automatizovaný sběr dat z měřicích stanovištích vzdálených od základny několik metrů až kilometrů.
Článek v periodiku z pozitivního seznamu RVVI česky

Ing. Vladimír Machula; Neruda, M.; Šafránek, M.
2011, 13th International Conference on Research in Telecommunication Technologies 2011, Brno, VUT v Brně, Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií), p. 66-69), ISBN 978-80-214-4283-2
The paper focuses on description of design, development and testing of autonomous device used for data gathering from various types of sensors by proposed design and implementation methodology. The methodology ensures performance of initial requirements, device testing during design and deployment and successful setting in full operation. Device also serving as communication point for measurement part and also for other connected remote units.
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Ing. Vladimír Machula; Kocur, Z.; Chlumský, P.
2011, Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Management, Dallas, TX, American Telecommunications Systems Management Association Inc.), p. 35-38), ISBN 978-0-9820958-4-3
This paper describes a part of experimental project focused on inertial position measurement. Paper aims to filtering process of position and attitude estimation. In addition, the position evaluation process contains three filtering steps. Those steps are described separately. Inertial measuring unit (IMU) use a MEMS (Microelectromechanical Systems) technology sensors in specific application. This application is a tracking of the aerobatic aircraft flight path. Measurement by MEMS inertial sensors in this application is influenced by many types of noise. Described three step filtering process is trying to remove position and attitude error as much as possible.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Chlumský, P.; Kocur, Z.; Ing. Vladimír Machula
2011, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference Knowledge in Telecommunication Technologies and Optics, Ostrava, VŠB - TUO, FEI, Katedra elektroniky a telekomunikační techniky), p. 113-116), ISBN 978-80-248-2399-7
This article deals with the optimization of data transmission from the fast-moving objects, typically video signals from aerobatic aircraft. Optimization is performed on the second layer of the RM OSI and uses multiple transmission channels. The simulation was designed in network simulation tool OMNeT++ and is based on the wireless standard IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi). For simulation were created two cases using multiple transmission channels. These cases were compared with case of common wireless system which uses a single transmission channel. Proposed cases reached better error rates and proved their usefulness. They are also independent on the transmission technology (due to implementation on the second layer of RM OSI), therefore are versatile.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Kocur, Z.; Vacula, L.; Ing. Vladimír Machula
2010, Elektrorevue, 13 (2010/68), p. 68-1-68-7), ISSN 1213-1539
Tento článek popisuje základní rysy celosvětového akademického projektu eduroam. Čtenář je obeznámen nejen s jeho historií, ale i se současným stavem a jeho dalším vývojem na území ČR.
Článek v periodiku z pozitivního seznamu RVVI česky

Kocur, Z.; Ing. Vladimír Machula; Kulda, J.; Vojtěch, L.
2010, TSP 2010 - 33rd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, Budapest, Asszisztencia Szervező Kft.), p. 292-296), ISBN 978-963-88981-0-4
This article is focused on the analysis of the interference effect in the Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN). The aim of the article is to design concretely the methodology for the optimal wireless device configuration. The optimal parameters can be preciously suggested thanks to the methodology versatility for each of the wireless connection compatible with the IEEE 802.11 standard. The methodology is also applicable to other wireless technologies like IEEE 802.16, radio relay connections, optical links etc.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Vladimír Machula; Kocur, Z.
2010, Access server, 8 (4), p. 1-6), ISSN 1214-9675
Článek seznamuje s principy řešení bezdrátového přenosu digitálních toků z rychle se pohybujících objektů. Uvádí problémy spjaté s řešením a představuje konkrétní možnost realizace.
Článek v periodiku z pozitivního seznamu RVVI česky