
informace pocházejí z univerzitní databáze V3S

Ing. Pavel Vrtal, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Kohout; Ing. Zdeněk Svatý, Ph.D.
2024, Soudní inženýrství, 35 (1), p. 40-49), ISSN 1211-443X
Tento příspěvek představuje inovativní metodu automatického rozpoznávání a vektorizace snímků dopravní infrastruktury bez použití algoritmů hlubokého učení. Hlavním přínosem je schopnost vektorizovat pouze vybrané segmenty obrazu, což šetří čas a zvyšuje efektivitu při zpracování dat. Nově vyvíjený software nabízí efektivnější zpracování a extrakci informací, což je přínosem pro projektanty a auditory bezpečnosti silničního provozu.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Ing. Zdeněk Svatý, Ph.D.; Ing. Luboš Nouzovský, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Kohout; Ing. Tomáš Blodek
Testování technologie hybridního sběru dat na principu fotogrammetrického a lidarového snímání s přesným polohovým určením pro účely ohledání v rámci policejní praxe. Výsledek je zaměřen především na ohledání míst dopravních nehod (DN) se zohledněním potřeb, požadavků a možností dopravní policie či soudních znalců.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Ing. Tomáš Blodek; Ing. Pavel Vrtal, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Kohout; Ing. Zdeněk Svatý, Ph.D.; Ing. Luboš Nouzovský, Ph.D.
2024, Proceedings of the 2024 24th International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE), VSB - Technical University of Ostrava (TUO)), p. 119-123), ISBN 979-8-3503-4877-4, ISSN 2376-5631
This article focuses on road safety in low visibility. Research is dedicated to the method of performing night road safety inspections and to comparison of its effectiveness and to the achieved outputs with measured data by the luminance analysis. The main objective of this study is to verify whether inadequate lighting of roadways can be identified solely through subjective visual perception. Both methods were compared in three test measurements in selected municipalities in the Czech Republic with different road lighting designs. Measured data from the luminance analyser were compared with technical standards defining the class of road lighting and subsequently compared with recorded traffic safety defects. The results confirm that it is possible to assess the lighting conditions of sites based on subjective perception of the night traffic area and can be considered valid. The final output also included a new graphical method of data interpretation in the form of implementation of the luminance analysis into cadastral maps.
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Ing. Pavel Vrtal, Ph.D.; Ing. Bc. Karel Kocián, Ph.D.; Ing. Jakub Nováček, Ph.D.; Ing. Zdeněk Svatý, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Kohout
2023, Applied Sciences, 13 (1270), ISSN 2076-3417
The aim of this article is to improve road safety. Specifically, it deals with the development of a mathematical model that will more accurately define the severity of a defect in a road restraint system. Currently, that evaluation is based only on the subjective perception of individual safety auditors. The mathematical model was developed based on the principle of Bayesian statistics. The determination of the specific risk was made by comparing the results of the model for two datasets. In the first case, the model was based on accident data correlated with recorded defects in road restraint systems. In the second case, the dataset represented accident events with crash barriers where no defect was identified. Based on the comparison, a total of 64 risk combinations were identified. The mathematical model confirmed 26 combinations (41% of all selected combinations of the defect levels of the crash barriers). Although not even half of the identified combinations were confirmed, more than 90% of all correlated records are found in these exposures of confirmed combinations. The verification was able to clearly define the risk of safety defects and thus brings potential accuracy to subsequent decision-making related to the repair of road restraint systems.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Zdeněk Svatý, Ph.D.; Ing. Pavel Vrtal, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Kohout; Ing. Luboš Nouzovský, Ph.D.
2023, ISPRS Archives, Munich, ISPRS), p. 111-116), ISSN 2194-9050
This paper proposes, describes, and applies an algorithm for the automatic detection of selected elements of road infrastructure, along with the option to determine their spatial information. The principle is based on the evaluation of the color spectrum of the selected object on orthographic images. As a source image used for the processing, output from low-altitude aerial photogrammetry or terrestrial laser scanning can be used, together with the option to implement digital elevation models into the processing. The approach is based on the detection of the color composition of the selected element of the road, followed by clustering of the identified elements within the image and mathematical transformation of the clusters into a spatial vector form. Prior to the processing, the target objects are filtered out based on user input, for which vectorization is performed. The outputs are in the form of contours or the determined basic structure of the object. The main difference compared to existing methods is that the vectorization is only performed on the selected, pre-filtered parts of the raster image with identified target objects, not the whole image. This approach makes it possible to effectively and automatically identify and analyze, e.g., the edge of the road, road markings, or road features. This enables the subsequent implementation of the identified outputs into more complex spatial models of the road or its proximity. Additionally, the processing of the data to create a digital model of the environment can be automated, with a significant saving of time and related costs.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

Ing. Lukáš Vacka; Ing. Tomáš Kohout; Ing. Pavel Vrtal, Ph.D.
2023, Young Transportation Engineers Conference 2022, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 83-88), ISBN 978-80-01-07224-0, ISSN 2336-5382
Cycling is a dynamically expanding transport mode of today. At the same time, cycling is an alternative to individual car transport as well as to public transport. The basis of a good cycling infrastructure is a comprehensive network of safe cycling routes linking transport sources and destinations in the area. The partial objectives of the project are to evaluate the management of the existing cycle routes according to the way cyclists are guided and according to the surface of the individual route sections, as well as to determine the basic sources and destinations. The main objectives of the project are to design a network of bicycle routes with a focus on keeping them separate from motorized traffic and linking the identified resources and destinations, as well as determining the difficulty of each newly proposed route.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

Ing. Pavel Vrtal, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Kohout; Ing. Luboš Nouzovský, Ph.D.; Ing. Zdeněk Svatý, Ph.D.
2023, Vol. 42 (2023): 18th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 83-86), ISBN 978-80-01-07237-0, ISSN 2336-5382
The purpose of this paper is to present a series of dynamic tests for testing the protective and security barrier of the PROBAR system, developed by STRIX Chomutov, a.s., according to the PAS 68:2013 standard. The goal of the tests was to assess how the obstacle resist impacts and whether it can absorb the energy exerted on it. Verification of the mechanical properties of the device was performed in two types of impact configurations. Emphasis was placed on the behaviour of both the obstacle and the vehicle during the impact and in the short time interval after the collision. In terms of criteria for evaluating the impact tests, it can be stated that Test 2 exceeded the Theoretical Head Impact Velocity (THIV) criterion by 20 km h−1, while Test 1 did not exceed the limit value. However, all values for other criteria (ASI, PHD, HIC, 3ms) were within the specified limits, and the safety barrier met the required criteria which allows to be certificated.
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2023, Sborník příspěvků konference Junior Forensic Science Brno 2023, Brno, Ústav soudního inženýrství), p. 13-20), ISBN 978-80-214-6165-9
Článek se zaobírá bezpečností nejzranitelnějších účastníků silničního provozu, kterými jsou pěší a cyklisté. Konkrétně je zaměřen zejména na bezpečnost chodců. Největší pravděpodobnost výskytu těchto účastníků se nachází v zastavěných území obcí. Pro zajištění jejich bezpečnosti je nutné splnění mnoha faktorů a jedním z nich je zajištění dodržování předepsané nejvyšší dovolené rychlosti řidiči motorových vozidel v těchto oblastech. Důležité je přimět řidiče, aby touto rychlostí již vjížděli do zastavěného území a nepřekročili ji v rámci celého intravilánového území, respektive v rámci celého průtahu obcí. Snahou autorů tohoto příspěvku bylo vytvoření principu jednotného návrhu zklidňujících opatření, a to zejména na vjezdech do obcí. Tento princip byl založen na datech získaných o rychlostech vozidel před vjezdem do obce, výškového a šířkového uspořádání komunikace v obci a její blízkosti, výskytu adekvátní infrastruktury pro pěší a cyklisty a rovněž na základě významnosti dané komunikace. Výsledkem odborného projektu ve spolupráci s ŘSD ČR je nástroj pro výběr vhodného zklidňujícího vjezdového opatření. Nástroj funguje na principu rozhodovacího stromu, který nabízí přednosti jako je přehlednost a snadná interpretace. Na základě znalosti parametrů pozemní komunikace a jejího okolí, dokáže rozhodovací strom snadno dovést posuzovatele k odpovídajícímu zklidňujícímu opatření či jejich kombinaci.
Stať ve sborníku z fakultní konference česky

2023, Vol. 42 (2023): 18th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 37-45), ISBN 978-80-01-07237-0, ISSN 2336-5382
The aim of the paper is to verify the applicability of the T2GO skiddometer for measuring the coefficient of friction for forensic practice in accordance with the legislative framework of the Czech Republic. In the introduction, the article discusses the problem of friction coefficient measurement. The results of the comparison with dynamic measuring devices used in the Czech Republic and the determination of the mutual compliance rate with these devices, based on data obtained within the National Comparative Measurement Action, are presented. The article concludes with an interpretation and discussion of the results. In cases where no sufficient mutual compliance was found, an analysis and reasoning of these results is provided. Last but not least, based on the results, a procedure is proposed for future use of the T2GO skiddometer in practice within the legislative conditions of the Czech Republic.
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Ing. Tomáš Kohout; Ing. Luboš Nouzovský, Ph.D.; Ing. Pavel Vrtal, Ph.D.; Ing. Bc. Karel Kocián, Ph.D.
2022, Moderní železnice pro 21. století, Studentská vědecká konference, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 57-61), ISBN 978-80-01-06996-7, ISSN 2336-5382
This conference paper discusses a new analytical approach to the evaluation of trafficsafety at the railway crossings. The new method is based on the use of ontological principles. Theontological tools present a comprehensive decision-making tool, will can be applied to any potentialhazardous railway crossing on a road or rail network. The ontology can be considered as a knowledgebase that not only stores the data itself, but also defines the relationships between these data, and cantherefore be described as a clearly suitable tool for describing risks at level crossings
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

Ing. Jakub Nováček, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Kohout; Ing. Pavel Vrtal, Ph.D.; Ing. Zdeněk Svatý, Ph.D.; Ing. Bc. Karel Kocián, Ph.D.
2022, The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLVI-5/W1-2022, Munich, ISPRS), p. 159-164), ISSN 2194-9034
Sustainability is one of the main scientific and public topics of today. This includes the sustainable transport and infrastructure. One of the ways how to achieve higher level of sustainability is through the implementation of BIM (Building Information Modelling) into the road design process. However, to create a safe road network, which is also necessary for achievable sustainability, it is essential to consider the Road Safety Audit (RSA) principles throughout the BIM applications. The paper discusses the possibilities of involving the RSA in the process road design in I-BIM (Infrastructures Building Information Modelling). Within the individual phases of the preparation of a transport project and the application of the safety audit tools in BIM applications, it is possible to achieve a significant increase in the level of safety. This approach is shown within the paper on the implementation and use of supplementary road safety devices, specifically the road restraint systems. Currently, the individual components are defined by their main parameters in specific libraries. However, their definition is only as a general object where many of the supplementary parameters or fundamental design characteristics, such as working width or minimal length, are not included. This may lead to potential design flaws or safety hazards which have to be subsequently corrected in further phases. The objective of the paper is to identify the current deficiencies, primarily the missing road safety perspective within the BIM process. The aim is to enable appropriate selection of safety equipment during the design or to provide sufficient information for the mandatory RSA.
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Ing. Luboš Nouzovský, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Kohout; Ing. Pavel Vrtal, Ph.D.; Ing. Jakub Nováček, Ph.D.
2022, Driver-Car Interaction and Safety Conference 2021, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), ISBN 978-80-01-07105-2, ISSN 2336-5382
Severity of a vehicle impact into solid obstacles alongside of the road can be annually illustrated by means of accident statistics. One example of such solid obstacles is drainage ditch culvert faces. Within the research at the Faculty of Transportation Sciences of the Czech Technical University new equipment has been designed in a form of a modular system of the drainage ditch culvert faces construction. Qualities of this equipment have been tested by means of crash tests with a passenger vehicle Škoda Fabia making use of criteria of biomechanical endurance of the vehicle passengers. The results have been compared with the test carried out by means of a vehicle crash into concrete culvert faces.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

Ing. Pavel Vrtal, Ph.D.; Ing. Jakub Nováček, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Kohout; Řepová, K.
2022, Sborník příspěvků konference Junior Forensic Science Brno 2022, Brno, Vysoké učení technické v Brně), p. 60-70), ISBN 978-80-214-6063-8
Předmětem této práce je analýza současného stavu vozového parku osobních automobilů s ohledem na vývoj jejich vnějších konstrukčních rozměrů. Byl stanoven obecný předpoklad, že vývoj velikosti jednotlivých modelů vozidel se v průběhu let značně mění, nicméně tato skutečnost není reflektována v aktuálně platných technických dokumentech, které se zabývají zejména projekčními návrhy dopravních staveb. Jedním z klíčových technických předpisů na posuzování dopravních staveb jsou technické podmínky (TP) č. 171 „Vlečné křivky pro ověřování průjezdnosti směrových prvků pozemních komunikací“. Tyto TP obsahují modely vozidel různých velikostních kategorií a definují tak jejich vlečné křivky, resp. šablony, sloužící k ověřování průjezdnosti vozidel, zejména v místech se stísněnými prostorovými nároky. Cílem práce bylo se zaměřit na skladbu vozového parku osobních automobilů v ČR a ověřit, zdali jsou rozměry směrodatného vozidla osobního automobilu, dle TP stále vyhovující, nebo si v současné době žádají tyto podmínky nutnou aktualizaci pro zachování adekvátnosti hodnocení bezpečnosti provozu i prostorových nároků těchto vozidel. Ze zjištěných poznatků je patrné, že se prostorové nároky většiny vozidel zvětšily a aktuálně používané modely jsou již nedostačující.
Stať ve sborníku z fakultní konference česky

Ing. Tomáš Kohout; Ing. Pavel Vrtal, Ph.D.; Ing. Jakub Nováček, Ph.D.; Ing. Gabriela Zikánová
2022, Sborník příspěvků konference Junior Forensic Science Brno 2022, Brno, Vysoké učení technické v Brně), p. 13-19), ISBN 978-80-214-6063-8
Pohyb účastníků provozu na pozemních komunikacích v dopravním prostoru za snížené viditelnosti, především v noci, je odlišný především v délce rozhledu. Obecně schopnost rozlišovat objekty, ale i rychlost jejich vnímání závisí na míře osvětlení a taktéž na kontrastu vnímaných prvků. Viditelnost pro účastníky v dopravním prostoru v noci je zajišťována primárně reflektory vozidla, resp. v intravilánu významně i pomocí svítidel veřejného osvětlení. Z dlouhodobých výsledků šetření dopravních nehod evidovaných v obdobích snížené viditelnosti vyplývá, že na vznik noční nehodové události má vliv nejen technický stav silnic, technický stav vozidla, chování řidičů, povětrnostní podmínky, ale z významné části i viditelnost v nočním silničním prostoru. Následující článek pojednává o definování sledovaných dopravně bezpečnostních závad pro provádění liniové noční bezpečnostní inspekce a současně přináší statistické výsledky pilotního projektu.
Stať ve sborníku z fakultní konference česky

Ing. Luboš Nouzovský, Ph.D.; Ing. Pavel Vrtal, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Kohout; Ing. Zdeněk Svatý, Ph.D.
2022, Applied Sciences, 12 (6795), ISSN 2076-3417
The paper focuses on road safety assessment. The main objective was to assess the impact of dif-ferent types and sizes of advertising devices as a potential distraction for drivers. Distraction of driver’s attention in real traffic was evaluated using the “Wiener Fahrprobe” structured observa-tion method. As a method for reliable data collection, the eye tracking method was used to accu-rately define the time delay caused by the observation of the advertising device. As part of the as-sessment of the direct impact on drivers, test runs were carried out with 40 drivers on a pre-defined section of road on which different types of advertising devices were present. As an additional, supporting measurement, a vehicle simulator was also used. From the obtained knowledge it was possible to create a unique classification system that can be used to assess the severity of any installed advertising device in general. In the case of distraction, it was found that dynamic advertising devices attract the most attention than conventional static devices and ap-pear to be a significant risk to road safety.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Luboš Nouzovský, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Kohout; Ing. Pavel Vrtal, Ph.D.; Ing. Bc. Karel Kocián, Ph.D.
2022, 2022 Smart City Symposium Prague, Piscataway, IEEE Signal Processing Society), ISBN 978-1-6654-7923-3
The contribution presents selected results of impact tests, based on which a comparison was made between data obtained from the EDR (Event Data Recorder) and data from an independent measuring device. The collection of data was carried out during crash tests from the years 2019 to 2020. The extraction of data recorded from different vehicle sensors was carried out using the CDR (Crash Data Retrieval) system. The aim of this paper is to focus on validating the functionality and usability of the CDR system and its outputs for forensic practice. This knowledge can help to gain significant pre-crash and post-crash information, the validity of which was verified in the presented tests by comparison with a reference independent measurement system. The comparison discussed post-crash car body acceleration, steering wheel angle, yaw rate and evaluation of pre-crash motion (e.g. driver steering intervention). The paper presents extended possibilities for accident analysis using obtained pre-collision data that were not used in the past.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Ing. Jakub Nováček, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Kohout; Ing. Pavel Vrtal, Ph.D.
2022, Sborník příspěvků konference Junior Forensic Science Brno 2022, Brno, Vysoké učení technické v Brně), p. 35-46), ISBN 978-80-214-6063-8
Cílem článku je představit výstupy vědeckého úkolu, v rámci kterého je vyvíjen metodický postup pro zajištění stejného hodnocení dopravně-bezpečnostních deficitů týkajících se silničních záchytných systémů. V současné době je míra závažnosti pro tyto závady hodnocena různými týmy auditorů bezpečnosti nejednotně. To ve výsledku značně ztěžuje práci správcům pozemních komunikací, kterým to neumožňuje se zaměřit na eliminaci nejrizikovějších závad, a tak efektivně využít ekonomické a lidské zdroje. Pro stanovení a následné ověření míry rizikovosti jednotlivých závad bezpečnostních systémů byl vytvořen matematický model. Funguje na principu klasifikace dat diskrétním modelem a jeho predikci. Silniční záchytné systémy jsou určeny k tomu, aby zachytily automobil, který z určitých příčin opustí vyhrazený prostor pozemní komunikace v místě, kde by mohlo dojít k vážným následkům na zdraví osob. Proto jsou na tyto prvky kladeny zvýšené nároky na správnou funkci a jejich vhodné umístění. Současně tato skutečnost znamená, že nelze míru rizikovosti kalkulovat pouze na základě evidovaných dopravních nehod. Stanovení závažnosti bylo realizováno na základě porovnání výsledků matematického modelu pro dva datové soubory. V prvním případě model vycházel z dat dopravních nehod korelovaných s evidovanými deficity silničních záchytných systémů. V druhém případě se pak jednalo o nehodové události se svodidly, kde v rámci bezpečnostní inspekce nebyla lokalizována žádná závada. Na základě porovnání výsledků matematického modelu, resp. stanovených pravděpodobností pro jednotlivé expozice deficitů došlo k ověření a upřesnění stanovených rizik
Stať ve sborníku z fakultní konference česky

Ing. Pavel Vrtal, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Kohout; Ing. Jakub Nováček, Ph.D.; Ing. Zdeněk Svatý, Ph.D.
2021, Applied Sciences, 11 (20), ISSN 2076-3417
The article focuses on the assessment and evaluation of the passability in densely populated parts of cities with multi-storey housing estates, in terms of the operation of the integrated rescue system (IRS) in the Czech Republic. The aim of the research is to minimize the arrival times to conduct the intervention as efficiently as possible. The presented problem is caused by unsystematic development of housing estates and the emergence of secondary problems in the form of inability to reach the place of intervention by the larger IRS vehicles. The vision presented in this document presents a systematic approach to improve the serviceability of individual blocks of flats. The main aim is to ensure passability, even for the largest equipment, such as fire engine ladders. Detailed mapping of the selected sites by drones, construction of their digital model, and subsequent virtual verification of the passability by specific vehicle models on identified access roads was performed. The results obtained by this procedure can then be implemented in the navigation of the fire safety forces and facilitate their arrival at the site of intervention. At the end, specific ways are presented in which the whole system can be modified to be able to intuitively change and choose individual access routes in real time, based on the current situation in the area.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Konrád, P.; Mára, M.; Fornůsek, J.; Ing. Luboš Nouzovský, Ph.D.; Zatloukal, J.; Ing. Tomáš Kohout; Ing. Pavel Vrtal, Ph.D.; Sovják, R.; Konvalinka, P.
2021, Advances in Structural Engineering, 24 (11), ISSN 2048-4011
The article presents a mobile anti-vehicle barrier created from a high-performance fibre-reinforced concrete, which resembles a historical design of the Czech Hedgehog barrier. The performance of this design when subjected to a moderate velocity vehicle impact was evaluated. A preliminary crash test provided basic data to perform an optimisation of the design using numerical simulations conducted in LS-DYNA. Several key observations were made regarding the crucial role of the barrier-surface interactions and overall barrier behaviour. Based on the simulations, improved geometry of the barrier was proposed and subjected to more full-scale crash tests with various barrier placements. The improved barrier design was able to stop an ordinary road vehicle weighing 1300 kg moving with a velocity of 48 km/h while retaining beneficial characteristics, most importantly low weight.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

2021, Transport for Today’s Society - Proceedings, Bitola, University St Kliment Ohridski Bitola), p. 222-225), ISBN 978-9989-786-63-1
Europe has committed to reduce the number of serious road traffic accidents. This requires building a safe infrastructure. Safety inspections are used to measure and increase the road safety. To fulfil the stated goals, the safety inspection must also be carried out at night, when specific road defects are encountered.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Tomáš Kohout; Ing. Pavel Vrtal, Ph.D.
2021, Transport for Today’s Society - Proceedings, Bitola, University St Kliment Ohridski Bitola), p. 214-217), ISBN 978-9989-786-63-1
This conference paper discusses a new analytical approach to the evaluation of traffic safety at the railway crossings. The new method is based on the use of ontological principles. The ontological tools present a comprehensive decision-making tool, will can be applied to any potential hazardous railway crossing on a road or rail network.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Tereza Šimková; Ing. Tomáš Kohout; Ing. Pavel Vrtal, Ph.D.; Ing. Jakub Nováček, Ph.D.
2020, Young Transportation Engineers Conference 2020, Praha, Fakulta dopravní), p. 158-163), ISBN 978-80-01-06793-2
Road safety systems are one of the elements of passive safety. Their purpose is to protect risky places in the surroundings of roads and to protect the vehicle crew and minimize the consequences of car accidents. The correct effectiveness of road safety systems occurs provided that they are designed correctly. Otherwise, the consequences of traffic accidents may be adversely affected. This article presents an analysis and evaluation of deficits and accidents related to road safety systems on I. class roads. The main purpose is to create catalog sheets of crash barriers, which include the basic parameters of individual types of barriers and thus facilitate the identification of deficits that could have an adverse effect on the consequences of traffic accidents.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Ing. Tomáš Kohout; Ing. Jakub Nováček, Ph.D.; Ing. Pavel Vrtal, Ph.D.
2020, Young Transportation Engineers Conference 2020, Praha, Fakulta dopravní), p. 151-157), ISBN 978-80-01-06793-2
The safety of the through roads within built-up areas is undoubtedly an important part of a comprehensive view of road safety. Right in these places, there are interactions between the road vehicle and the most vulnerable road user. For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention to the implementation of adequate infrastructure for all traffic participants in accordance with the safe formation of the roads which should segregate individual groups as much as possible. This conference paper presents a methodology developed by the author. The methodology complements useful tools such as road safety inspection and accident analysis, and is used to assess the safety of the transit section across continuously built-up areas. The assessment is based on the monitoring and evaluation of defined parameters influencing the level of safety. The aim is to calm down the traffic on the through roads within built-up areas and to ensure a socially acceptable level of road safety.
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Ing. Jakub Nováček, Ph.D.; Ing. Pavel Vrtal, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Kohout; Ing. Tereza Šimková
2020, Young Transportation Engineers Conference 2020, Praha, Fakulta dopravní), p. 164-170), ISBN 978-80-01-06793-2
Various modified safety tools are used in the Czech Republic, but also abroad to assess the level of road traffic safety at road, based on the principles of road safety inspection. Within the Czech Republic, the identified road safety deficits related to restraint devices are assigned a severity on a three-point scale, which is defined in the methodology certified by the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic. The specification of individual stages is very general. The reason can be seen in the need to include all types of possible defects while maintaining the required clarity of the description of the degree of risk. The aim of the topic is to inform about these problems and their consequences in determining the different severity of the same types of deficits and the presentation of their solutions.
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Ing. Pavel Vrtal, Ph.D.; Ing. Tereza Šimková; Ing. Tomáš Kohout; Ing. Jakub Nováček, Ph.D.
2020, Young Transportation Engineers Conference 2020, Praha, Fakulta dopravní), p. 195-201), ISBN 978-80-01-06793-2
Verification of the passability of fire trucks in cramped conditions, especially in densely built-up housing estates is one of the partial parts of the project which is implemented in the Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Czech Technical University in Prague in cooperation with the fire brigade of the Central Bohemian Region and the Capital City of Prague. Currently, the project is aimed at thoroughly mapping the situation in the densely populated areas of the city and finding a systematic solution to effectively implement the transit of fire-fighting vehicles. The study also aims at the implementation of new models of swepth paths used in the design activity.
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