2023, Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics, Praha, Česká společnost pro operační výzkum), p. 166-173), ISBN 978-80-11-04132-8, ISSN 2788-3965
Along with the development of the society, emphasis is placed on the moderniza-tion and development of quality transport infrastructure. Investing in infrastructure is implemented using investment projects, which are financed in the vast majority from public sources. The amount of the available budget is usually lower than the amount of funds needed to implement all the projects being prepared, and therefore it is necessary to select a portfolio of investment projects for implementation. Dur-ing the selection process, indicators representing the quantified societal benefits re-sulting from the implementation of projects, as well as their financial demands and the available budget, are assessed. However, the selection is carried out in the initial phase of the preparation of investment projects, and due to the preparation period of several years, the implementation takes place in a few years. The development of the economic situation has been very turbulent and fluctuating in recent years, while the situation at the time of project implementation often does not correspond to the expected market development in the initial phase of project preparation. As a result, the amount of financial indicators and the estimated available budget at the time of implementation are significantly different than what was assumed during the selection. This can have a negative effect on the output of the optimization of the selection of the project portfolio from the point of view of fulfilling the overall societal benefit. The aim of the article is to present an approach to optimizing the selection of a portfolio of transport infrastructure investment projects for implementation, includ-ing elements of uncertainty in the area of the available budget and the estimated amount of funds needed to implement individual investment projects. Uncertainty is modeled using fuzzy logic, and the goal of optimization is to maximize the cumu-lative value of social benefits represented by monitored indicators.
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