2023, PIARC XXVIIth World Road Congress Proceedings of the Congress, Paris La Défense cedex, World Road Association (PIARC) Technical Committee C.3.3), ISBN 978-2-84060-837-0
A number of Czech and European cities are dealing with growing volumes of traffic and the increasing degree of motorization. One of the important issues that cities must address in the future is sustainable urban mobility. There are many approaches to solving sustainable mobility, they can be measures of a construction, technological or organizational type. Based on current European and Czech trends, this paper summarizes research into the possibilities of applying new approaches to solving urban mobility with a focus on the use of intelligent transport systems, including C-ITS. On the basis of the research, quite specific possibilities of applying these approaches are proposed for the real identified problems of selected Czech cities, which in their localities are currently solving the problems of transit transport, electromobility, parking, the application of new trends in vehicle detection, the use of public transport and its preference. The goal of the paper is always to show the possibilities of applying new ITS technologies for sustainable mobility, depending on the safety and flow of traffic. Another trend in cities is autonomous mobility, where the use of C-ITS can be a suitable prerequisite for the application of autonomous systems. Last but not least, it is necessary to address the issue of cyber security and the continuity of other subsystems in the framework of design, implementation and evaluation in transport management and information. The issue of the paper is solved within the framework of research projects SGS22/079/OHK2/1T/16 and TAČR CK01000163, CK03000179, CK04000027, CK04000082, FW03010458
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