This project is aimed at creating educational content and organizing training activities that jointly contribute to the development of competences among postgraduate students in the field of sustainable and smart cities. We expect that the skills and knowledge to be provided to students through the planned blended learning mobility scheme (physical academic mobility combined with virtual mobility) will help in their transformation into active citizens who will be well prepared to deal with the challenges of next decades in the urban environment in the environmental, social and economic context. The management of the consortium will also encourage a synergy among the assigned lecturers so that they get the inspiration from each other to address in their respective subjects some increasingly important issues such as climate change mitigation and adaptation, energy efficiency, pollution reduction, waste minimization, among others. Other important aspects of a strategic approach towards sustainable and smart cities will be fostered through the educational content to be developed and provided to postgraduate students. These aspects include public safety, healthcare, investment, jobs, innovation, among others. The consortium will pursue the collaboration of enterprises from the private and public sector to ensure that the content to be created and provided to students will correspond to the relevant learning needs of the labour market and the wider society. The consortium will also encourage a trans-disciplinary approach with innovative teaching methods for the physical academic mobility to create student engagement and active learning as well as to develop critical thinking skills. Examples of innovastive teaching methods to be adopted are: cross over teaching, teaching through smart boards, teaching through flipped classrooms, teaching through collaboration (learn, study and work in groups) and research-based learning. The assigned lecturers will have the freedom of
2020 - 2023
Erasmus+ - KA203-2BDCB6E0