2017, Interdisciplinarity in Theory and Practice, 2017 (12), p. 7-10), ISSN 2344-2409
Air transportation has a non-negligible effect on the Earth’s atmosphere. Contrails are one of the factors causing changes in the atmosphere. Their global influence on the climate is not yet well understood, but there is a presumption that the dominating effect should be the greenhouse or the warming effect. Their formation depends on suitable atmospheric conditions and phenomena that create these conditions. Because their influence on the radiation balance is presumed to be positive, it is important to focus on the reduction of the formation of persistent contrails and to mitigate their effects. Methods and technologies that are needed to accomplish desired objective, however, require an increase in the economic, operational and technological capacities in the air transportation. We described global and operational changes to the operating methods such as shifting of cruise altitudes and spatial and temporal regulation of flights. From the technological viewpoint, we mentioned engine efficiency, alternative fuels and physical changes to airframes and their effect on the contrails formation. In this research, we identified the elements that contribute to the increase of the radiation forcing and the formation of contrails and contrail-cirrus and the relations between them. The conclusion outlines gaps, filling of which would improve the understanding of the formation of contrails.
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