The airlines diversion management entails a complex decision-making process that comes into action during the adverse events, preventing the execution of the regular flight operations. Diverting from the intended route can be caused by several reasons both when the safety of the flight or the well-being of the passengers is concerned. A flight diversion can severely disrupt the passenger's comfort, jeopardize the fleet or the crew planning and is generally accompanied with the significant expenses. The intention of every airline in a case of a diversion is to assure the fastest turnaround time and/or provide the passengers with the highest level of services to mitigate the negative effects. A wrong selection of an alternate airport, that is not having enough capacity, personnel or material resources to handle a flight diversion in a timely manner can negatively influence the airline in several ways. Both strategic and tactical diversion management process is a collaborative decision-making procedure, heavily dependent on the base of the information available, where the main actors are not only flight crew and the airline OCC but also the ATC, airport operators and the local service providers. Airline strategic diversion planning shall comprehend a well-defined data set and its data quality procedures shall ensure the information accuracy in the pre-tactical phase. The consequent real time data processing can enhance the decision-making process in a tactical phase of the flight diversion. The data and information required comprise of available airport capacities and other relevant ground resources needed to handle a diverted flight. As stated, such data and information are mostly tactically critical, therefore continuous monitoring and updating shall be ensured. This project shall examine the airport selection methodology based on the proposed real time data management. The results shall validate the data items collected from the airports in real time, the selectio
2021 - 2022
Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT - SGS21/136/OHK2/2T/16