
informace pocházejí z univerzitní databáze V3S

Ing. Peter Olexa; Ing. Miroslav Špák, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Ing. Bc. Sébastien Lán, Ph.D.; Ing. Marek Hamza
2022, 2022 New Trends in Civil Aviation (NTCA), Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 141-146), ISBN 978-80-01-06985-1, ISSN 2694-7854
This paper describes the elaboration of Enhanced diversion airport selection methodology, which can be used for the optimization of flight planning by airline operators and the better diversion decisions in the real time operations. The paper is based on the analysis of the problematics of flight diversion from different perspectives and determining the factors influencing the diversion recovery. Based on these factors an methodology is proposed for decision making in the process of alternate airports selection during the planning process and real time operations. The selection methodology incorporates operational and commercial factors determining the suitability of an airport as an alternate destination. Emphasis is put on the economic suitability of the airport in terms of minimizing costs in case of flight diversion. In the validation process the methodology was applied on selected airports using real data and compared with actual operations, and as such presented to the experts. The result of the work is an optimized system for selecting an alternate airport in case of diversion from the destination, with the possibility of wider application and further elaboration when using the real-time shared data.
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Ing. Lenka Hanáková, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Bc. Vladimír Socha, Ph.D.; Snížková, K.; Gavura, T.; Ing. Peter Olexa; Ing. Roman Matyáš, Ph.D.
2021, Proceedings of the “Transport Means 2021”, Kaunas, Kaunas University of Technology), p. 609-615), ISSN 1822-296X
Due to the characteristics of their profession, pilots are often exposed to fatigue. Irregular shifts, night flights, prolonged wakefulness, crossing multiple time zones and associated circadian rhythm disruptions are just some of the factors contributing to pilot fatigue. As a result of fatigue, cognitive and motor functions are affected, which could lead to reduced performance. If an emergency situation occurs when the pilot is fatigued, it may limit its correct and successful resolution, as evidenced by the accidents to which fatigue was a contributing factor. For these reasons, attention is paid to fatigue in aviation. Many of the negative effects that fatigue has on aircraft crew performance are now known, but the overall impact of fatigue is often underestimated. This is due to a low knowledge of the complexity of the effects of fatigue, as data are collected in the form of individual testimonies of crew members, and therefore the application of this subjective data to the entire population is inaccurate and can lead to errors. One of the characteristics that are affected by fatigue is motor skills. The pilot's movement in the cockpit is severely limited. Most of the physical activity is performed by the upper limbs and head, more precisely the eyes. Compared to the upper limbs, the load on the lower limbs during standard flight is much lower, as the pilot operates not only the control element for deflecting the control surfaces with the upper limbs, but also other on-board instruments....
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doc. Ing. Bc. Vladimír Socha, Ph.D.; Socha, L.; Ing. Lenka Hanáková, Ph.D.; Ing. Liana Karapetjan; Ing. Viktor Valenta, Ph.D.; Ing. Stanislav Kušmírek, Ph.D.; Ing. Terézia Pilmannová, MBA; Ing. Peter Olexa
2020, Transportation Research Procedia, Linz, Elsevier BV), p. 252-260), ISSN 2352-1465
There is a great emphasis on safety in the field of aviation. Advanced technologies open new possibilities and allow objective measurements of specific safety factors. One of these factors is undoubtedly human performance which is already a significant element within a training of aviation personnel. The area of the highest interest is focused on pilot training. The aim of this study is to examine whether a specific psychological training can be considered as a positive performance influencing factor. Subjects underwent an experimental training schedule which was designed for the purpose of this study. Subjects were divided into control (n=20) and experimental (n=20) groups. The experimental group underwent Jacobson progressive relaxation psychological training. Both groups were evaluated during the experimental training schedule; accuracy and precision of piloting was measured during the second and eleventh hour of training. This study focused on basic flight maneuvers, i.e. straight and level flight, 360° horizontal turn with 30° bank and 180° climbing/descending turn with 15° bank and vertical speed of ± 500 ft/min. For the purpose of maneuver identification, Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise algorithm was used. Each maneuver was evaluated for precision and accuracy and at the same time and used for a performance comparison between groups. Paired and between subject statistical testing were performed using appropriate statistical methods at the level of significance p<0.05. The results indicated that the implemented psychological training did not affect the performance of pilots in terms of precision and accuracy.
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Ing. Miroslav Špák, Ph.D.; Ing. Peter Olexa
2020, Transportation Research Procedia, Linz, Elsevier BV), p. 232-242), ISSN 2352-1465
The paper deals with the airlines diversion management as this entails a complex decision-making process that comes into action during the adverse events, preventing the execution of the regular flight operations. Diverting from the intended route can be caused by several reasons both when the safety of the flight or the wellbeing of the passengers is concerned. The most frequent reasons to divert a flight are the repugnant weather, medical emergency or the technical fault. A flight diversion can severely disrupt the passenger’s comfort, jeopardize the fleet or the crew planning and is generally accompanied with the significant expenses. The intention of every airline in a case of a diversion is to assure the fastest turnaround time and/or provide the passengers with the highest level of services to mitigate the negative effects. A wrong selection of an alternate airport, that is not having enough capacity, personnel or material resources to handle a flight diversion in a timely manner can negatively influence the airline in several ways. Both strategic and tactical diversion management process is a collaborative decision-making procedure, heavily dependent on the base of the information available, where the main actors are not only flight crew and the airline Operational Control Centre but also the Air Traffic Controller, airport operators and the local service providers. Airline strategic diversion planning shall comprehend a well-defined data set and its data quality procedures shall ensure the information accuracy in the pre-tactical phase. The consequent real time data processing can enhance the decision-making process in a tactical phase of the flight diversion. The data and information required comprise of available airport capacities and other relevant ground resources needed to handle a diverted flight. As stated, such data and information are mostly tactically critical, therefore continuous monitoring and updating shall be ensured.
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doc. Ing. Bc. Vladimír Socha, Ph.D.; Ing. Stanislav Kušmírek, Ph.D.; Ing. Lenka Hanáková, Ph.D.; Ing. Peter Olexa; Ing. Jakub Šimerka
2020, 2020 New Trends in Civil Aviation, Praha, IEEE Czechoslovakia Section), p. 135-138), ISBN 978-80-01-06726-0, ISSN 2694-7854
This paper is describing the prototype of a new patent of a Portable Reaction Time Measurement Device whose main assets in comparison to the conventional devices for the similar purposes are the portability, independence on the electrical power source, the absence of the personal computer and the immediate readiness for the usage once the device is turned on. The main contribution of this device is, that it allows to test the actual values of the reaction times at any given time and in any given situation without the necessity of the complicated hardware or software set-ups. It’s construction allows to be used in e.g. the pre-flight psycho-physiological assessment’s of the pilots directly short before the flight conduction or monitoring the daily fluctuation of the reactions readiness directly in the work environment of the concerned study subjects. The basic electrical scheme and the hardware and software components are presented. Furthermore, there was a successful experiment proposed and conducted to test the technical functionalities. Also the usability validation and comparison has been made with the positive outcomes.
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