Granty a projekty

informace pocházejí z univerzitní databáze V3S

prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.
MSc. Halil Cevik; Ing. Sergei Kozhevnikov; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.
The project aims to develop a concept of the Intelligent Transport System (ITS) based on the agent approach to address the traffic management process and transport services provision. The digital ITS opens up opportunities for a s trategic move toward Society 5.0 and creates a qualitatively new model in transport management. This approach allows a profound digital transformation of the Smart City and introduces the most advanced principles of management based on artificial intellige nce ( AI implementation.
2024 - 2024
Společné výzkumné projekty mezi ČVUT a TAIWAN TECH

doc. Ing. Tomáš Horák, Ph.D.
The Project ‘WeGenerate’ as signified by its name, seeks to infuse the elements of people and co-creation in the urban regeneration processes. It fully embraces the paradigm shift from building for the people to building with the people. We – cities, citizens, communities, businesses, researchers, and practitioners – take ownership of the urban regeneration processes and co-create together sustainable, people- centric, accessible, and beautiful neighbourhoods. This project is based on the stories of four neighbourhoods and their communities located in different parts of Europe. Although they are at different stages of development and are facing different urban challenges, but they share the same vision of positive change. WeGenerate will help them to reinvent themselves and in the process find new values and opportunities. WeGenerate sets out a journey to find the right ingredients and recipes for sustainable and inclusive urban regeneration that can create long-lasting positive impacts within the neighbourhoods and beyond. The process will be highly participatory with close collaboration with the city administrations as well as the citizens, local communities, and businesses. Advanced digital applications (such as Digital Twins, Metaverse and extended reality) will be implemented and experimented to support decision-making and stimulate citizen engagement. Expertise in Social Science and Humanities is called upon to foster social innovation and participatory actions across the project. In addition to technological and social interventions, the art and cultural dimensions will be drawn on in the co-creation processes. Four sustainable and people-centric neighbourhoods will be realised by the end of the project, the legacy will be upheld through replication by five Fellow Cities and others, who are inspired by the WeGeneration stories.
2023 - 2027
Horizon Europe

Mgr. Josef Urban, Ph.D.
Lasse Blaauwbroek, MSc.; Mgr. Karel Chvalovský, Ph.D.; Zarathustra Goertzel, MSc., Ph.D.; prof. Dr. Ing. Zdeněk Hanzálek; Mgr. Barbora Hudcová; Mgr. Mikoláš Janota, Ph.D.; Ing. Sergei Kozhevnikov; prof. Ing. Vladimír Kučera, DrSc., dr. h. c.; prof. Ing. Vladimír Mařík, DrSc., dr. h. c.; Ing. arch. Michal Postránecký; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; doc. Ing. Přemysl Šůcha, Ph.D.
Projekt přináší rozvoj informatického, robotického a kybernetického výzkumu na ČVUT. Díky expertovi dr. J. Urbanovi (nositeli ERC) a strategické spolupráci s Univ. of Innsbruck (UIBK) a Ramboud Univ. Nijmegen (RUN) se vybuduje nová skupina na ČVUT-CIIRC. Projekt z oblasti umělé inteligence, rozvrhování a uvažování přináší unikátní a oceněné metody do ČR. Projekt se opírá o 2 partnery: VŠB-TUO v Ostravě a ZČU v Plzni a přispívá k vytvoření jednotného prostoru příležitostí pro mladé talenty v ČR.
Oddělení inteligentních systémů
2017 - 2023
OPVVV - Operační program Výzkum, vývoj a vzdělávání - Strukturální fondy EU - CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000466