
informace pocházejí z univerzitní databáze V3S

Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Vlkovsky, M.; Polach, M.
2025, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 155, ISSN 0886-7798
The main objective of this article is to provide an evaluation of appropriate technologies for positioning in road tunnels. In tunnels, there are even more strict requirements for operation and safety compared to regular road infrastructure. The operation, traffic efficiency, and safety could be increased by using technological equipment, intelligent transport systems, smart traffic solutions, navigations, etc. However, these require location information to run smoothly with their proper functionality. Positioning is based mainly on the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) approach and is very common because of its availability. However, in tunnels, the GNSS signals are shielded by the tunnel structure, and thus the GNSS approach is inappropriate. The article points out that the alternative way of localization could have a profound impact and could be considered by policy makers, tunnel infrastructure directors, safety regulators, etc. In the article, the evaluation of alternative positioning approaches in the GNSS denied environment is presented. The evaluation was carried out using a comprehensive analysis with multi-criterial decisions based on the combination of the Saaty and Metfessel methods. According to the stated criteria, the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) based approach received the best overall evaluation score, and is 1.62 times more appropriate compared to other on average. The selection of BLE is caused mainly by its relatively low investment and operational costs, together with low requirements on its applicability in tunnels without any intervention or modification of existing or already deployed systems. The BLE based positioning is also available for a wide range of users. Therefore, the BLE based solution is proposed and presented by practical examples of experimental measurements in the Blanka tunnel.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Kafková, J.; Kuchár, P.; Pirník, R.; Skuba, M.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.
2024, Electronics, 13 (19), p. 1-33), ISSN 2079-9292
Detection of stress and the development of innovative platforms for stress monitoring have attracted significant attention in recent years due to the growing awareness of the harmful effects of stress on mental and physical health. Stress is a widespread issue affecting individuals and often goes unnoticed as a health concern. It can lead to various negative physiological conditions, including anxiety, depression, cardiovascular diseases and cognitive impairments. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of studies focusing on embedded devices for non-invasive stress detection, primarily in the form of a modified computer mouse or keyboard. This study not only fills a critical gap in the literature but also provides valuable insights into the design and implementation of hardware-based stress-detection methods. By focusing on embedded devices, specifically computer peripherals, this research highlights the potential for integrating stress monitoring into everyday workplace tools, thereby offering pract
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Ing. Miroslav Vaniš, Ph.D.; Ing. Matyáš Horák; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; doc. Ing. Zdeněk Lokaj, Ph.D., LL.M.; Ing. Michal Malý; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.
2024, 2024 Smart City Symposium Prague - IEEE PROCEEDINGS, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 979-8-3503-6095-0
In recent years, the concept of smart cities, along with autonomous transportation, has emerged as a significant focal point for researchers, urban planners, and technological innovators. This growing interest is driven not only by technological advancements but also by the pressing need to address current urban mobility challenges such as congestion, air pollution, and the necessity to enhance road safety. Autonomous trams, as a pivotal element of intelligent urban transportation systems, offer a promising pathway towards more efficient, safer, and sustainable urban mobility.
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Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; Angelakis, V.; Penttinen, M.; Schon, A.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA
2024, 2024 Smart City Symposium Prague - IEEE PROCEEDINGS, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 979-8-3503-6095-0
Urban mobility challenges since the COVID-19 pandemic crisis have gained added attention, with a focus on inclusivity of vulnerable citizens, safety and affordability. The EU-funded ELABORATOR project started in June 2023, aiming to deliver co-designed interventions in the urban fabric of 12 European cities. This paper introduces the project, focusing on the co-designed procedure of evaluation methodology comprising the evaluation plan and providing unified metrics suitable for knowledge transfer with outputs to measure and assess the impact of the co-designed city interventions.
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doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; Štencek, A.; Prokeš, R.; Šmerda, T.
2024, Tunel, 33. (1), p. 58-67), ISSN 1211-0728
Cílem článku je přiblížit metodiku, která se zabývá lokalizační infrastrukturou v tunelech na pozemních komunikacích a která byla schválena a certifikována v roce 2023 na Ministerstvu dopravy ČR. Jejím účelem je zabezpečení správného postupu pro zajištění lokalizace vozidel s využitím technologie Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), a to při výběru, návrhu, projektování a realizaci technologií lokalizační infrastruktury v tunelech na pozemních komunikacích a parkovištích, včetně jejího využití pro komunikaci kooperativních systémů (C-ITS). Článek by měl přiblížit dané téma, jeho uplatnitelnost a přenositelnost znalostí pro lokalizaci v tunelu zejména příslušným správcům tunelů, projektantům nebo komerčním subjektům. Nedílnou součástí článku je uvedení, kde a jak danou technologii umisťovat na dopravní infrastrukturu a jaké prvky používat tak, aby byla zajištěna přesná lokalizace vozidel v uzavřených prostorech tedy v tunelové troubě.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA
2024, IEEE Access, 12, p. 156694-156701), ISSN 2169-3536
Navigation services and other traffic applications are nowadays widespread, and their use is very common. These applications have an impact on traffic flow, driver awareness, and driver safety; however, a determination of the actual position of the end device is required. Most of such applications use Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), which cover a significant part of the transport infrastructure. However, in a GNSS-denied environment, these commonly used methods are either unavailable or significantly limited.For example, in road tunnels, signals are blocked by the tunnel structure itself. Nevertheless, tunnels are part of critical infrastructure and, in addition, have higher requirements to ensure safety compared to other transport routes. This article proposes an alternative method to determine position using data from additional Bluetooth Low Energy infrastructure. Furthermore, the localization approaches are presented together with the evaluation and its accuracy and stability assessment. The localization infrastructure was tested at various speeds during tunnel closure and during the real traffic scenario. The median positioning error ranges between 15-20m and decreases with distance, providing a stable, reliable, and cost-effective solution, particularly suited for long tunnels with varying curvatures. Therefore, it offers a practical use with significant impact on traffic safety and efficiency.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; Pirník, R.; Kuchár, P.; Vlkovský, M.; Novák, R.A.; Máša, P.
2024, Neural Network World, 34 (5), p. 293-315), ISSN 1210-0552
This article addresses the challenges operators face in decision-making during the operational management of tunnels and other transport systems. Operators of complex systems must process vast amounts of information and suggestions from various devices, subsystems, and both internal and external sources. In addition, they receive requests from multiple entities. This overwhelming influx of data and demands places significant pressure on operators to evaluate and respond swiftly and accurately, which is often crucial to ensuring smooth operation of the entire transport system. To assist operators in making better decisions, new approaches are being introduced, such as expert systems and artificial intelligence.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; Štencek, A.; Prokeš, R.; Šmerda, T.
2024, Analysis of Diagnostic Data of Tunnel Structures Control Systems, 33. (1), p. 58-67), ISSN 1211-0728
The goal of the article is to describe the methodology that deals with localization infrastructure in road tunnels and which was approved and certified in 2023 by the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic. Its purpose is to ensure the correct procedure for ensuring the localization of vehicles using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology, during the selection, design, projecting and implementation of localization infrastructure technologies in tunnels on roads and parking lots, including its use for communication of cooperative systems (C -ITS). The article should introduce the topic, its applicability and the transferability of knowledge for localization in the tunnel, especially to the relevant tunnel managers, designers or commercial entities. An integral part of the article is the indication of where and how to place the given technology on the transport infrastructure and what elements to use in order to ensure the accurate localization of vehicles in closed spaces, i.e. in the tunnel.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.
2024, Silniční obzor, 85 (12), p. 3-7), ISSN 0322-7154
Navigační služby a jiné dopravní aplikace, které vyžadují znalost polohy, jsou v dnešní době velmi rozšířeny a mají pozitivní dopad na plynulost dopravy, informovanost řidičů a jejich bezpečnost. Většina využívá pro stanovení polohy globální družicovou navigaci, která pokrývá významnou část dopravní infrastruktury, nicméně v tunelech dochází k její absenci nebo odrazu signálů a tím je jejich využití značně omezeno. Tento příspěvek shrnuje poznatky z disertační práce věnující se alternativnímu způsobu lokalizace a využití kooperativních systémů v tunelech.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; Šmerda, T.; Ing. Zuzana Bělinová, Ph.D.
2023, PIARC XXVIIth World Road Congress Proceedings of the Congress, Paris La Défense cedex, World Road Association (PIARC) Technical Committee C.3.3), ISBN 978-2-84060-837-0
This article focuses on the use of predictive diagnostics and maintenance of technological equipment and systems in tunnels. Based on data analysis and new conditions for equipping urban and highway tunnels with new ITS technology such as C-ITS, there are new methods of vehicle detection and deployment, and operation of already existing systems (ventilation, fire alarms, traffic signs, control systems), a range of requirements increase together with specifications for maintenance and tunnel inspections. Predictive diagnostics is required to ensure the reliability of data and information of the equipment and particularly systems implemented in the tunnels. The goal is to operate an effective and reliable maintenance with targeted service interventions. The maintenance requires a well-defined documentation which is being prepared and applied in a BIM approach and overall digitization that significantly helps with orientation in the tunnel and its technological systems. There are descriptive technical documents that pointedly specify proper equipment functions as well as detection of reliability and life cycle prediction based on the actual states of equipment. Using SCADA in the tunnel control system allows simulations of system behavior, including fault detection and alarms. The article analysis various inputs, data acquisition, combination of parameters, and information, furthermore a methodical approach for supplementary predictive maintenance of road tunnel technologies on highways or cities roads. The analysis of an essential contribution to the maintenance and refinement of the equipment life cycle will be presented on an example, including the prediction of future states. The article includes examples of potential failures that are being solved during the operation with an impact on the entire predictive maintenance system. For data transfer, its redistribution, including information from systems, the provision of information about the state of the device, and the calculation of the subsequent life cycle, it will represent the basis for new approaches ensuring secured data transfer, i.e., the application of cyber security and other new approaches, where the continuity and application of new trends will be indicated. The article was written with the support of TA CZ under number CK01000163, FW03010458, TH04010481, CK04000109
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doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří Štefan; Pirnik, R.
2023, Results in Engineering, 18, ISSN 2590-1230
The operation and maintenance of each technological system are essential parts of the life cycle. This article describes the result of the analysis of diagnostic data from tunnel equipment and its use. The analysis was carried out with the main objective of finding relations that could be further applied as a specific approach for the diagnostic procedure and possibly for future predictive maintenance of tunnel equipment. The article summarises the research of the project focused on the suitability of diagnostic data for potential use of predictive data-driven maintenance of technological parts in road tunnels. Data records were captured in the technological and tunnel control systems deployed in the Czech tunnels. The relations between warning and failure notifications were analysed together with the selected physical conditions of tunnel equipment during the operation by using measurements of technical parameters such as undervoltage, temperature, etc. Additionally, the impact of these parameters was monitored and evaluated according to the life cycle of the equipment. This resulted in a sequence analysis of states and events detected on particular equipment. In the article, the relations between measured technical parameters and failures are presented, together with the solution proposal that could be applied for failure prediction and enhancements of road tunnels operation and its technological systems by applying predictive maintenance of tunnel equipment. The presented outputs show that the cause of VMS failures can be the reaching of a critical device temperature or undervoltage, that are measurable, detectable even before the failure itself, which can be potentially predicted in this way.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Ing. Eva Hajčiarová; Ing. Zuzana Bělinová, Ph.D.; Ing. Jana Jíšová; Ing. Josef Filip, Ph.D.; Ing. Kristýna Navrátilová; Ivasienko, P.; Šmerda, T.
2023, 2023 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 979-8-3503-2162-3, ISSN 2691-3666
As part of the development of new technologies and approaches, there are innovative solutions for intermodal transport, especially at the interface between road and rail. Among the basic trends in the development of the transport system, with a focus mainly on progressive areas that complement each other and are also newly developing, such as the requirement to obtain data and information for information modelling. Information modelling can obtain data using various methods that are presented in the article, where in particular the HD mapping method seems to be a very progressive approach, as well as obtaining data from technologies and smart approaches using connectivity using optical cables, IoT or the future 5G network with cyber security. The mapping of objects using 3D, the use of BIM (building information modeling) in design for the precise description of a given object or device for the subsequent provision of a complex cycle of a given system, is also an essential input for information modelling. The article concentrates in a comprehensive manner on the development of the transport system with a focus on the road and railway interface from the point of view of providing data and information for the design, implementation, and subsequent maintenance. An important aspect of the transport system is its user, the passenger, who uses and provides data and is offered for multimodal and intermodal transport, especially the application of the so-called Mobility Hub with the prospective provision of autonomous mobility, which in the future can be an important connecting element in multimodal and intermodal transport at regional or city level.
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doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; Nováka, R.A.; Máša, P.; Šmerda, T.; Ing. Jiří Štefan
2023, SYSTEM AND ETHICAL APPROACHES 2023 PROCEEDINGS, Praha, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze), p. 5-6), ISBN 978-80-245-2508-2
This presentation focuses on the application of predictive diagnostics and maintenance of technological equipment and systems that are applied in traffic telematics systems. Examples of such systems include light-controlled intersections, tunnel systems, camera systems and other systems that can also be called intelligent transport systems (ITS). The requirement of administrators of transport and technological infrastructure is not only to ensure the correct functioning and operation of the quipment in the form of maintenance, but also its gradual renewal. Furthermore, last but not least, optimization of operating costs and service costs of ITS equipment.
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Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Prokeš, R.; Štencek, A.; Šmerda, T.
2023, SUSTAINABILITY (15(4)), ISSN 2071-1050
Smart cities and smart mobility necessitate the development of newly adapted approaches and applications that ensure data connection among their particular parts; thus, the complex systems of smart technologies can be applied. Especially in the field of transport, mobility, and smart solutions, many of these applications require precise localization. Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) localization is used mainly because of its availability, reliability, and sufficient precision. However, there are also blind spots in smart cities where the GNSS is not available, e.g., in tunnels. This article presents an approach to fixing the issue of localization in road tunnels based on telecommunications with Bluetooth low energy (BLE) based infrastructure equipment. This approach enables us to ensure sufficient data resources for localization, and thus, smart applications can also be applied in the tunnels. At the same time, this approach also allows the fulfillment of individual needs according to the specifications of each tunnel or smart application. The outputs from testing and measurements are presented and discussed.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Šmerda, T.; Ing. Zuzana Bělinová, Ph.D.
2023, PIARC XXVIIth World Road Congress Proceedings of the Congress, Paris La Défense cedex, World Road Association (PIARC) Technical Committee C.3.3), ISBN 978-2-84060-837-0
Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS) aim to increase safety, optimise traffic flow, reduce traffic congestion, improve economic efficiency of transportation, and operate the telematic systems implemented in the infrastructure. The main goal is to increase the awareness of road users. These aforementioned indicators are crucial not only on conventional transport infrastructure but especially in tunnels, which require even stricter criteria and requirements for traffic safety and especially response to unexpected emergency situations (accident, traffic jam, fire, movement of people, etc.). The article focusses on the application of C-ITS in urban and highway tunnels, which could significantly contribute to the ease of orientation and guidance of road users, the elimination of unsafe drivers' behaviour, fluidity of traffic, and integrity of the control system in relation to vehicles and other technological systems that are widely used in tunnels. However, a major limitation in tunnels, and especially in complex urban tunnels with junctions, is the absence of a GNSS signal, which is the common source of positional data for a significant part of traffic applications for drivers. This makes tunnels a blind spot in the transport infrastructure, although the use of C-ITS in tunnels would be justified and would make even more sense than on other transport routes such as common highways. However, C-ITS itself can also be used for positioning through communication between the infrastructure and equipped vehicles. This article reports on the possibilities of using C-ITS communication for automatic positioning and thus making C-ITS applications operational in tunnels, which can provide new use cases that meet the specific needs and requirements of tunnel structures. Some data are important for the tunnel control system and the determination of even potential faults and the link to the service and maintenance, where equipment fault behaviour may occur, tracking of maintenance vehicles and the transmission of information through the tunnel control system, and many other data and information that can lead to a reduction in the economic intensity of the operation and maintenance of the tunnel, the reduction of damage caused by traffic excesses, as well as the increase of traffic flow and its efficient use. This paper will focus on specific C-ITS solutions applicable in practice in road tunnels, including safe and secure data transmission
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Ing. Jiří Štefan; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.
2022, Analysis of Diagnostic Data of Tunnel Structures Control Systems, 31 (2), p. 42-48), ISSN 1211-0728
The aim of the article is to show the possibilities of a simple analysis of data obtained from the control system of a tunnel structure. The analysis has a great benefit for managing the maintenance of the tunnel system and specifying the life cycle of individual technological parts. The fundamental aspects of the topic are based on expert assessment during the main inspections of the technological equipment of motorway tunnels. Analysis of data and other operation records can provide a quick picture of the overall function of the tunnel’s technological equipment during the period under review. The text includes specific examples of tunnel technology failures, including an algorithm for approaching the issue.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

Ing. Jiří Štefan; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.
2022, Tunel, 31. (2), p. 42-48), ISSN 1211-0728
Cílem článku je ukázat možnosti jednoduché analýzy dat získaných z řídicího systému tunelové stavby. Analýza má velký přínos pro řízení údržby tunelového systému a zpřesnění životního cyklu jednotlivých technologických částí. Zásadní aspekty tématu vycházejí z expertního posuzovaní při hlavních prohlídkách technologického vybavení tunelů na pozemních komunikacích. Analýza dat a dalších provozních záznamů může poskytnout rychlý obraz o celkové funkci technologického vybavení tunelové stavby za posuzované období. Součástí textu jsou konkrétní ukázky poruch tunelové technologie včetně algoritmu přístupu k dané problematice.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku česky

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; Šmerda, T.; doc. Ing. Zdeněk Lokaj, Ph.D., LL.M.
2022, 2022 Smart City Symposium Prague, Piscataway, IEEE Signal Processing Society), ISBN 978-1-6654-7923-3
Today, several disciplines within the concept management of smart cities are challenging and are being solved. The focus is on new technologies, sustainability, social aspects, and complex solutions. It is based on the integration of particularities with the main goal of ensuring acceleration, a knowledge-based approach, future strategies, and sustainable evolution of the livable city. It lies in a proper functioning system, which is increasingly based on the data and connectivity of devices placed throughout the city. However, cybersecurity of data often lags behind. This paper provides outputs from the analysis of the systematic approach to ensure reliability and control over cyber threats and attacks with a focus on smart cities and telematics as well. Depending on the analysis, several recommendations are well described from perspective of process, technical and organizational aspects as well as regarding the specific telematics applications.
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Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Angelakis, V.; Ing. Zuzana Bělinová, Ph.D.
2022, Applied Sciences, 12 (9), p. 1-13), ISSN 2076-3417
Featured Application This article provides a general overview of technological aspects and limitations of tunnels with respect to smart technologies such as C-ITS. Many smart city applications work with calculated position and time using the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signals for enhanced precision. However, there are many places where the availability of GNSS is limited, e.g., road tunnels, which are an essential part of transport infrastructure. Tunnels also require greater attention and greater importance of approaches to ensure the safety and security aspects of traffic. The safety, distribution of information, awareness, and smooth traffic can also be ensured by V2X applications, but the current position is also needed. An experimental analysis of data connection and communication availability was performed in the Blanka tunnel (Prague) and its surroundings. The main objective of the work was to find and clearly describe the tunnel blind spots, with an emphasis on communication between cars and potentially between cars and infrastructure. This article summarizes the evaluation results of the V2X tunnel experimental test, the outputs from the analysis of these blind spots, and it provides a future perspective and suggestions that make tunnels smart by using advanced positioning approaches.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; Ing. Martin Šrotýř, Ph.D.; Ing. Mgr. Michal Jeřábek, Ph.D.
2022, Sustainable Management of Manufacturing Systems in Industry 4.0, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH), p. 15-29), ISBN 978-3-030-90461-6, ISSN 2522-8609
This overview chapter lists the various use cases where vehicle-to-vehicle communication or vehicle-to-infrastructure is used and also presents selected results of performed testing of the pilot project (C-ROADS) of C-ITS technology in the Czech Republic. Communication is important for different road situations. Currently, use cases for warning messages for drivers are being tested internationally, and the Czech Republic is also involved in this testing through the C-ROADS Czech Republic project. The below list of use cases is not exhaustive, but represents a comprehensive list of major situations in which dangerous situations may occur that endanger the lives of all road users. The chapter is divided into two basic parts. The first part contains a list of use cases for testing. The second part deals with the C-ITS testing in real traffic conditions within the C-ROADS CZ project. © 2022, The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
Kapitola v knize s nadnárodní působností

Ing. Mgr. Michal Jeřábek, Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.
2022, 5th EAI International Conference on Management of Manufacturing Systems, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH), p. 219-227), ISBN 978-3-030-67240-9, ISSN 2522-8595
Autonomous vehicles seem to be an integral part of future transport, both in passenger and freight transport. One of the cornerstones of autonomous vehicles is their mutual ability to communicate. In addition to mutual communication, communication with the infrastructure is also required, and general connectivity to the Internet for obtaining data from information systems is also important. So we are talking about CAV—Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. For communication, both the speed and security of communication and the trustworthiness of the source of the message are important. Communication is important for different road situations. Currently, use cases for warning messages for drivers are being tested internationally, and the Czech Republic is also involved in this testing through the C-ROADS Czech Republic project. This overview paper lists the various use cases where vehicle-to-vehicle communication or vehicle-to-infrastructure is used.
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doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; Ing. Zuzana Bělinová, Ph.D.; Pirnik, R.
2021, Sustainability — Open Access Journal, 13 (7), p. 1-17), ISSN 2071-1050
Smart and automated maintenance could make the system and its parts more sustainable by extending their lifecycle, failure detection, smart control of the equipment, and precise detection and reaction to unexpected circumstances. This article focuses on the analysis of data, particularly on logs captured in several Czech tunnel systems. The objective of the analysis is to find useful information in the logs for predicting upcoming situations, and furthermore, to check the possibilities of predictive diagnostics and to design the process of predictive maintenance. The main goal of the article is to summarize the possibilities of optimizing system maintenance that are based on data analysis as well as expert analysis based on the experience with the equipment in the tunnel. The results, findings, and conclusions could primarily be used in the tunnels; secondarily, these principles could be applied in telematics and lead to the optimization and improvement of system sustainability.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Zdeněk Lokaj, Ph.D., LL.M.; Ing. Martin Šrotýř, Ph.D.; Ing. Miroslav Vaniš, Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; Mlada, M.
2021, 2021 Smart City Symposium Prague, Piscataway, IEEE Signal Processing Society), ISBN 9780738131580
Nowadays, when new technologies are being developed and people are looking for smart solutions, the field of automation and digitization grows faster and faster. The demand on the telecommunications is increasing in economy, healthcare as well as in the transportation. The transportation systems are facing the challenge of smart infrastructure, autonomous vehicles, and its connectivity. The requirements for these systems lie mainly in safety, interoperability and sustainability, especially in the area of cooperative transport systems (C-ITS). This article focuses on a possible approach to test and evaluate C-ITS, threats that have to be ruled out in future, possibilities to ensure connectivity among the vehicles and infrastructure in C-ITS. For these purposes, Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) and its laboratory Certilab develop special procedures based mainly on the C-ITS SIM tool. This tool ensures validation and verification of C-ITS messages and its interoperability among all equipment. This paper also reviews the already developed applications and proposal of the functionalities that should be implemented for the testing as well as the examples of real usage of the developed tool in testing the communication of C-ITS messages.
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doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; Ing. Zuzana Bělinová, Ph.D.; Kouba, P.
2020, 2020 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-7281-6821-0
This paper describes predictive diagnostics used in a process of telematic systems maintenance focusing on the checkup and potencials for improvements in road tunnel constructions. For this we have chosen the tunnel constructions as the most suitable ones from the telematic systems as they contain huge amount of technologies, systems and subsystems. Tunnel constructions is from its nature complex system providing large amounts of data and many device status and other reports. Actual tunnel status is fundamentally influenced by the operation, the state of technological equipment and, last but not least, by the activity of the operators responding to emergencies, solving normal operation states and planned or operative maintenance. Each part of the tunnel technological equipment requires for its correct operation specific actions, which are planned as a coherent set of rules and operating regulations based on alarms from the technical equipment, evaluation of traffic data and operators' knowledge. This is also applicable to any telematics system that consists of several subsystems or is a larger system based on a distributed diagnostic system.
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doc. Ing. Zdeněk Lokaj, Ph.D., LL.M.; Ing. Martin Šrotýř, Ph.D.; Ing. Miroslav Vaniš, Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.
2020, 2020 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-7281-6821-0
Nowadays, when a traffic flow increases extremely and cities are more and more congested by vehicles, the information about unexpected events (use-cases) occurred during travels has a big added value. Some of the use-cases are currently defined and can be directly sent to a driver via C-ITS messages. This is crucial in the field of smart cities because there is an effort to reduce emissions, to decrease traffic accidents and make traffic safer, fluent and efficient. Before the whole C-ITS system will be deployed, there is a need to evaluate itself. This paper provides general information about a model of the system and its parts as well as methods for testing and technical evaluation primary based on the log-analysis of the C-ITS communication.
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Ing. Martin Langr, Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.
Studie analyzuje je popisuje aktuální stavu dopravní infrastruktury a souvisejících systémů v oblasti dopravy v klidu a následně hodnotí jejich připravenost a použitelnost pro asistenční systémy či možné systémy autonomních vozidel.
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