
informace pocházejí z univerzitní databáze V3S

2024, ISBN 979-8-3503-6095-0
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Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Eva Hajčiarová; Ing. Kristýna Navrátilová
2023, PIARC XXVIIth World Road Congress Proceedings of the Congress, Paris La Défense cedex, World Road Association (PIARC) Technical Committee C.3.3), ISBN 978-2-84060-837-0
A number of Czech and European cities are dealing with growing volumes of traffic and the increasing degree of motorization. One of the important issues that cities must address in the future is sustainable urban mobility. There are many approaches to solving sustainable mobility, they can be measures of a construction, technological or organizational type. Based on current European and Czech trends, this paper summarizes research into the possibilities of applying new approaches to solving urban mobility with a focus on the use of intelligent transport systems, including C-ITS. On the basis of the research, quite specific possibilities of applying these approaches are proposed for the real identified problems of selected Czech cities, which in their localities are currently solving the problems of transit transport, electromobility, parking, the application of new trends in vehicle detection, the use of public transport and its preference. The goal of the paper is always to show the possibilities of applying new ITS technologies for sustainable mobility, depending on the safety and flow of traffic. Another trend in cities is autonomous mobility, where the use of C-ITS can be a suitable prerequisite for the application of autonomous systems. Last but not least, it is necessary to address the issue of cyber security and the continuity of other subsystems in the framework of design, implementation and evaluation in transport management and information. The issue of the paper is solved within the framework of research projects SGS22/079/OHK2/1T/16 and TAČR CK01000163, CK03000179, CK04000027, CK04000082, FW03010458
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2023, 2023 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 979-8-3503-2162-3, ISSN 2691-3666
Crisis traffic management is one of the current topics that current cities are addressing within the Smart City concept, as a properly set-up system should serve to increase the safety and fluidity of traffic and reduce driver delays on the road network. This paper focuses on the investigation of the design of a new crisis management system using traffic lights in the simulation program AIMSUN NEXT by comparing three basic scenarios with similar inputs. Based on the evaluation of the measurable parameters, it can be concluded that the proposed crisis management system helps to reduce the total delay of vehicles in the network and also the total number of stops of individual vehicles in the network. However, the specific limits and expected inputs to the crisis management system need to be taken into account, which is discussed in this paper.
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doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Jiří Brož, MSc., Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Ing. Eva Hajčiarová; Ing. Zuzana Bělinová, Ph.D.; Ing. Jana Jíšová; Ing. Josef Filip, Ph.D.; Ing. Kristýna Navrátilová; Ivasienko, P.; Šmerda, T.
2023, 2023 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 979-8-3503-2162-3, ISSN 2691-3666
As part of the development of new technologies and approaches, there are innovative solutions for intermodal transport, especially at the interface between road and rail. Among the basic trends in the development of the transport system, with a focus mainly on progressive areas that complement each other and are also newly developing, such as the requirement to obtain data and information for information modelling. Information modelling can obtain data using various methods that are presented in the article, where in particular the HD mapping method seems to be a very progressive approach, as well as obtaining data from technologies and smart approaches using connectivity using optical cables, IoT or the future 5G network with cyber security. The mapping of objects using 3D, the use of BIM (building information modeling) in design for the precise description of a given object or device for the subsequent provision of a complex cycle of a given system, is also an essential input for information modelling. The article concentrates in a comprehensive manner on the development of the transport system with a focus on the road and railway interface from the point of view of providing data and information for the design, implementation, and subsequent maintenance. An important aspect of the transport system is its user, the passenger, who uses and provides data and is offered for multimodal and intermodal transport, especially the application of the so-called Mobility Hub with the prospective provision of autonomous mobility, which in the future can be an important connecting element in multimodal and intermodal transport at regional or city level.
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2023, Young Transportation Engineers Conference 2022, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 28-35), ISBN 978-80-01-07224-0, ISSN 2336-5382
The paper deals with the possibilities of implementing dynamic tariff regulation of on-street parking spaces in the capital city of Prague. Achieving optimal results is conditioned by the implementation of advanced technologies, but at the same time the dynamic tariff regulation must follow the applicable legislation and, above all, be accepted by drivers. For this reason, the paper briefly discusses the technical and legislative possibilities of implementation, and most attention is paid to the conducted survey of user needs. The survey investigates the impact of parking prices on drivers' motivation to park their vehicle in the area.
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Ing. Jana Jíšová; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Josef Filip, Ph.D.; Ivasienko, P.; Ing. Kristýna Navrátilová
2023, AIP Conference Proceedings, Melville, NY, AIP Publishing), ISSN 1551-7616
The article presents two significant localities in Prague, Czech Republic, where new complex approaches of urban and transport engineering in public space will be applied. The paper will present important urban planning measures and specific proposals for the solution and incorporation of transport into public spaces, which will lead to the calming of the automotive transport and also its fluidity will be maintained. Furthermore the requirement for public transport, bicycle transport and above all to necessary pedestrian relations will be reflected. Integral part of the basic preparation is the economic and transport-engineering analysis, which generally fits into urban planning in given localities. Results of these analyses would be projected to prepared plans and actual projects from praxis. The text of the article would be focused mainly on the localities in the phase of project studies in Prague, specifically in Vyton and Hlavka bridge. The Vyton area is a busy set of intersections and tram transport and adjoining public transport stops, as well as important transfer and pedestrian connections. The reconstruction of the railway bridge is being prepared in this territory and the construction of new railway station with transfer relation to tram transport and ferry is also related to it. There should be also a pedestrian zone, which will contribute to the urban character of the area and safer connections for pedestrian destinations and transfer relations. Within the project, it was necessary to address not only all the present means of transport – automotive, trams, railway, bicycle, ferry and pedestrian movement, but also static transport that has an impact on the character of the district. The second locality, which was dealt with from the economic and transportation point of view was northern forecourt of Hlavka bridge, which is significant traffic intersection. At the same moment, there is an important public transport hub with transfer relation between underground line C and the trams. Apart from the maintaining the transport function of this node, the challenge of the urban approach is to deal with pedestrian connections and bicycle transport in two height levels, which means elevation in very cramped conditions. In the future there should be built a new building of Philharmonic, which will completely change the transport functioning of the area. These new heavy relations would be essential to resolve with the complex point on view and with wider impacts to the closest surrounding of local roads, but even to the through road of the city from north to south and contrariwise according to the traffic requirements. The goal and focus of this article is to present issue of two significant localities from several points of view – from economic to transport-engineering and urban applications within public space, which has fundamental impact on the
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2023, ISBN 979-8-3503-2162-3, ISSN 2691-3666
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2022, 2022 Smart City Symposium Prague (SCSP), Vienna, IEEE Industrial Electronic Society), ISBN 978-1-6654-7923-3, ISSN 2691-3666
The simplest method of regulating on-street parking (in the cities) is a tariff regulation plan, changing the price of parking usually requires the least amount of money spent and is not contingent on the introduction of new technologies. Getting it right leads to a redistribution of demand and an important aspect is the relative price levels for off-street and on-street parking. The paper deals with the design of an algorithm for dynamic on-street parking control. It describes the process and results of a model implementation of the algorithm in a selected area. The proposed algorithm is intended primarily for cities or larger municipalities where parking regulation becomes a necessity and operates on the principle of real-time parking price adjustment. In conclusion, the possibilities of implementing the algorithm in real operation are evaluated and the possibility of further development and future research is outlined.
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Ing. Jana Jíšová; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Josef Filip, Ph.D.; Ivasienko, P.; Ing. Kristýna Navrátilová
Sborník z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Ing. Kristýna Navrátilová; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Fricke, A.; Woisetschläger, D.M.; Sedlák, J.; Ivasienko, P.
2021, 2021 Smart City Symposium Prague, Piscataway, IEEE Signal Processing Society), ISBN 9780738131580
Automatic parking services can make a significant contribution to saving time, reducing emissions, increasing safety and increasing the mental well-being of drivers. Thanks to automated parking, it is also possible to optimize the use of parking spaces. The article deals with the issue of automated parking in urban areas. The aim is to present a proposal for the application of smart solutions in the form of a Mobility Hub for parking, along with subsequent control and enforcement that falls within the areas within Smart City. Mobility Hub is an important attribute for the future functioning of mobility. An integral part of the verification of parking options is the users' own interest in automatic elements in the vehicle and thus the connection to mobile applications, other systems, and involvement in the Mobility Hub for the use and sharing of information. The survey, the results of which are reflected in this article, examines the interest of potential users.
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2021, PEFnet 2021 – European Scientific Conference of Doctoral Students, Brno, Mendelova univerzita v Brně), ISBN 978-80-7509-811-5
Almost every city deals with the problem of lack of parking spaces. Vehicles looking for a place to park cause noise and pollution. Appropriate parking regulation can increase safety for all residents, save drivers time and money, save the City funds, and have a positive impact on air quality in the City. There are many different approaches to parking management, one of the simplest is to adjust the amount of parking fees. This paper deals with a general proposal for dynamic parking regulation based on variable pricing and what it should be based on. The aim of real-time dynamic parking regulation is to evenly distribute vehicles. The main idea of the research is to propose the use of financial motivation of drivers to optimize parking. The aim of this paper is to present a proposal for real-time variable-price parking regulation.
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doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Josef Filip, Ph.D.; Ing. Jana Jíšová; Ing. Kristýna Navrátilová; Thomayer, L.
2021, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Bristol, IOP Institute of Physics), p. 1-11), ISSN 1755-1315
The paper is focused on the application of new approaches of designs in distric cities like Klatovy. The main part is description of the latest approaches and urban teritorial solution. The emphasis is put on the traffic in city centers, latest trends in parking, implementation of toll or support of all the means, of transport to ensure sustainable mobility including technical trends in traffic. The intention is mainly focused on the implementation of C-ITS, public transport preferences or the introduction of new concepts such as Mobility Hub, which can ensure economic returns on investment and especially sustainable mobility in historic parts of smaller and medium-sized cities.
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2021, ISBN 9780738131580
Sborník z mezinár. konf.

2020, 2020 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-7281-6821-0
Smart traffic management solution in the event of emergencies is a significant issue not only at national but also at urban level today. The degree of automation has been steadily increasing in recent years and this trend is not expected to stop. Therefore, traffic excesses and other incidents requiring efficient and intelligent solutions are more and more common in cities. Correctly set up crisis management system for the occurrence of these events can lead to increased safety of individual road users and their time savings. At the same time, crisis management is one of the tools of the state and cities, which can prevent unwanted spreading of events to a larger extent. The authors of the article are researching the possibilities of extending existing telematics technologies with other functionalities and technical elements so that it is possible to gradually introduce and build crisis management systems in cities. The main idea is to design an intelligent crisis management system for cities using existing traffic lights. First, an inductive approach was used for the research. Based on the analysis of existing approaches to crisis management systems and on the analysis of traffic lights in the Czech Republic, general conclusions were drawn that can serve as an input for any design of the crisis management system in cities in the future. The authors then made and verified the design on the basis of traffic engineering data and experience in the town of Uherské Hradiště. Due to the impracticability of practical verification in reality, the proposal was microsimulated. This article therefore briefly describes the whole mentioned research process, its results and also points out the complexity of implementing crisis management systems not only from the technological and functional point of view but also from the organizational and political point of view.
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Studie „Možnosti implementace krizového řízení dopravy v českých podmínkách“ si klade za cíle naplnění následujících bodů: • Sestavení stručného přehledu legislativy upravující problematiku krizového řízení na národní úrovni; • Sestavení přehledu legislativy upravující řízení dopravy pomocí SSZ, a to jak z pohledu technického, tak z pohledu organizačního, se zaměřením na podrobnější rozbor normy ČSN EN 73 6021 Umístění a použití návěstidel; • Návrh vhodných úprav legislativy upravující řízení dopravy pomocí SSZ zejména s ohledem na soulad s legislativou upravující problematiku krizového řízení na národní úrovni; • Zhodnocení možností implementace krizového řízení v menších oblastech řízených pomocí SSZ z dopravních ústředen.
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Ing. Kristýna Navrátilová; Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA
2020, Young Transportation Engineers Conference 2020, Praha, Fakulta dopravní), p. 185-194), ISBN 978-80-01-06793-2
Předmětem článku je popis průběhu a vyhodnocení rozsáhlého dopravního průzkumu parkování v Uherském Hradišti, v jehož historickém centru existuje řada specifických parkovacích stání, jako jsou vyhrazená místa u vybraných institucí, vyhrazená místa pro časově omezená stání zdarma atp. Díky opakování dopravního průzkumu s několikaměsíčním rozestupem mohly být porovnány výsledky a sledován vývoj obsazenosti vybraných parkovacích ploch. V článku jsou popsány získané zkušenosti z dopravních průzkumů zaměřených na parkování ve městě a následně navrhnuta opatření pro zlepšení stávajícího stavu z hlediska konceptu parkovaní jako součást Smart City řešení. Průzkumy probíhaly díky podpoře dotačního programu Aplikace MPO v rámci projektu E-parking.
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Dokument poskytuje návrh na implementaci krizového řízení dopravních uzlů v městských oblastech. Metodika je psána obecně s cílem její možné aplikace na městské oblasti různého charakteru s typově odlišnými SSZ. Základními funkcemi Souhrnné metodiky pro aplikaci krizového řízení v městských oblastech jsou následující: • Definuje funkce systému krizového řízení; • Vymezuje organizační aspekty implementace a aktivace krizového řízení; • Stanovuje podmínky nasazení krizového řízení; • Navrhuje možnosti použití prvků krizového řízení na vybraných křižovatkách SSZ.
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Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Ing. Kristýna Navrátilová; Smrž, V.
Studie navazuje na studii „Souhrnná metodika pro aplikaci krizového řízení v městských oblastech.“ Na základě metodiky podrobněji rozebírá již konkrétní návrh systému krizového řízení, a to v oblasti ve městě Uherské Hradiště. Oblast ve městě Uherské Hradiště byla vybrána na základě hlubší znalosti systému současného systému řízení ve městě, přijatelné velikosti a složitosti oblasti a dostupných dopravně-inženýrských dat z již proběhlých průzkumů (částečně realizovaných řešitelským týmem) nebo od jiných subjektů, se kterými bylo poskytnutí dat pro výzkumné účely předjednáno. Struktura studie se drží doporučeného postupu při návrhu systému krizového řízení v oblasti na základě předchozí metodiky, tedy nejprve je provedena analýza systému, kde dochází k vymezení řešené oblasti a jejího okolí, následuje stručný popis řízení dopravy v oblasti v běžném režimu, dále jsou analyzována dopravně-inženýrská data a další vstupy. Součástí analýzy systému je také identifikace klíčových komunikací z hlediska zajištění plynulosti dopravy a identifikace míst častých výskytů dopravních excesů s významným vlivem na dopravu ve městě. V druhé fázi pak následuje projekt systému, tedy jsou stanoveny objízdné trasy na základě připravených scénářů mimořádných, resp. krizových situací, následuje procesní návrh navedení vozidel na tyto objízdné trasy. Návrh je simulován v mikrosimulačním prostředí VISSIM a na základě simulace je optimalizován. V poslední fázi dochází ke zhodnocení výsledků testování a přínosů systému krizového řízení na základě simulačního modelu a k definování předpokladů nutných k implementaci. Samotná implementace není předmětem této Studie, neboť finančně daleko přesahuje rámec tohoto projektu.
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Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Ing. Kristýna Navrátilová; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA
2019, 2019 Modern Safety Technologies in Transportation (MOSATT), Prague, Czechoslovakia Section IEEE), p. 134-139), ISBN 978-1-7281-5083-3
The article deals with the current issue of road traffic management in the urban area during an emergency, which can be triggered in the event of traffic congestion, extraordinary events, or other unexpected situations in the area. If this situation arises in the city, the aim is to propose meaningful traffic management solutions to decrease the impact of society-wide losses. The main requirements are then early identification and classification of the cause of the emergency, finding and quick application of a suitable alternative control solution and rapid ability to resume operations in the area of congestion restricted. The main idea of the research is the use of traffic lights in crisis management of transport. First the article carries out a review of current foreign solutions in the event of emergencies, then it summarizes the methodological proposal for the use of traffic lights in the Czech Republic in the event of emergencies. The proposal also contains a list of necessary legislative adjustments and changes in technical solutions of currently installed traffic lights. Finally, the methodical procedure is applied to a specific example of the urban area in Uherské Hradiště.
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Ing. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D.; Ing. Kristýna Navrátilová; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA
2019, 2019 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-7281-0497-3
Problems of the stationary traffic are solved today by almost every larger town. Most of the towns suffer from an insufficient number of parking spots in the street network. It is at the same time very complicated and economically demanding to create new parking areas, so the towns try to use the existing parking areas as efficiently as possible. The objective is thus to apply systems and technologies for efficient use of existing parking spaces, and also to monitor parking occupancy, distribute information to drivers, and apply various payment systems (parking meters, SMS payments an mobile applications) in order to facilitate the collection of payments from drivers. Within Smart City applications, it is necessary to consider not only parking aspects but also organisational aspects. Installation of Smart parking components is senseless, unless these components are accepted by user/driver and unless continuous traffic surveys are performed oriented in parking checks in the town.This article monitors the course and results of an extensive traffic survey oriented mainly in respecting the parking rules. In the centre of Uherské Hradiště, there are many specific parking spaces, 3 major paid parking zones, designated spaces at selected institutions, designated spaces for time-limited free parking, etc. The article describes in details the experience from the traffic survey oriented in respecting the parking rules in the town and subsequently proposed measures and suggestions how to make the existing state in the town more efficient with respect to the Smart City concept.
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Studie „Vyhodnocení obrátkovosti, obsazenosti parkování v Uherském Hradišti – II etapa“ je hlavním výstupem dopravního průzkumu, který byl ve městě realizován v termínu od 11. 06. – 12. 06. 2019. Jedná se o komplexní dopravní průzkum parkování ve městě na vymezených parkovištích Palackého náměstí – sever, Palackého náměstí – jih, Stojanova, Nádražní, Komenského náměstí. Průzkum byl proveden zejména s ohledem na následné ověření funkčnosti nově nasazovaných parkovacích technologií na těchto parkovištích a dále z důvodu získání dopravně-inženýrských dat z parkování.
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Studie „Vyhodnocení obrátkovosti, obsazenosti a respektovanosti parkování v Uherském Hradišti – I etapa“ je hlavním výstupem dopravního průzkumu, který byl ve městě realizován v termínu od 15.10. – 18.10. Jedná se o komplexní dopravní průzkum parkování ve městě ve vymezené lokalitě rozdělené do sedmi stěžejních posuzovaných oblastí. Cílem této studie je udat čtenáři ucelený přehled o obsazenosti, obrátkovosti a respektovanosti parkování v Uherském Hradišti prostřednictvím komplexního statistického vyhodnocení při-praveného průzkumu s odborným komentářem. Studie může sloužit jako podklad pro strategii města v oblasti parkování v centru města.
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