2014, Driver-Car Interaction & Safety 2014 - Proceedings, Praha, Dopravní fakulta ČVUT v Praze, Ústav dopravních prostředků), p. 64-70), ISBN 978-80-01-05663-9
This contribution presents a research pilot project – Shortened analysis traffic accident cause and process, generally by using backward analysis of accident process or other methods. In total 170 accidents from year 2010 were evaluated with focus on the potential influence of the accident course by the road itself, a road malfunction or driver’s error. Studied section was part of the speedway R46 from 0.0 km to 39.0 km. The aim is to obtain a comprehensive classification of technical circumstances affecting the traffic accidents origin. Assess the relationship between accidents causes, parameters of the road, driving speeds, potential dazzle and atmospheric influences. Consequently, in accordance with the application of safety measures, the evaluation should lead to a significant decrease of accident rate and discover dangerous elements, either general or specific for particular places of the speedway R46. Thus, increase the traffic safety.
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