
informace pocházejí z univerzitní databáze V3S

Ing. Adam Kleczatský, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.
2024, New Trends in Civil Aviation: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on New Trends in Civil Aviation 2024, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 81-87), ISBN 978-80-01-07181-6, ISSN 2694-7854
This research paper focuses on comparing the definitions and duplication of different Unmanned Aircraft Traffic Management (UTM) services across different concepts around the world. The paper presents a comprehensive overview of the definitions of each UTM service and analyses how these concepts differ or are similar across regions and international contexts. In addition to the uniqueness of UTM services from the point of view of definitions, the paper tries to determine their influence on capacity from the point of view of defined parameters that emerged from the search of available publications. Based on the mentioned analysis, there were identified 114 UTM services, from which only 44 are unique.
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Ing. Adam Kleczatský, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.
2024, Drone Systems and Applications, 12 (1), p. 1-9), ISSN 2564-4939
The management of the operation of unmanned aircraft systems and their integration into the common airspace faces various challenges, among which those associated with determining the airspace capacity can also be included. This paper focuses on this challenge and proposes an approach to determine the airspace capacity through the utilization of mathematical modelling, algorithmization, and statistical methods. The constructed model accurately determines airspace capacity, considering factors such as aircraft size, control methods, and potential conflicts resolved at the strategic level of traffic management. Results from simulations demonstrate the model’s validity and effectiveness, highlighting its potential application in planning and evaluating services that are provided to unmanned aircraft.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus

Ing. Martina Hlavatá; doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.; Ing. Adam Kleczatský, Ph.D.
2024, 13th International Conference on Air Transport – INAIR 2024, Challenging the Status Quo in Aviation, Žilinská univerzita v Žilině), p. 360-371), ISSN 2352-1465
The paper is focused on ensuring fair access to airspace by defining priorities in the area of unmanned aviation. Besides that, we explore existing approaches and strategies and propose novelties to enhance safety and efficiency. By addressing these issues, fairness and prioritisation are essential enablers, to establish operations of a large number of drones, and thus to ensure a wide range of benefits of drone and U-space operations. To achieve this, a thorough analysis of existing approaches towards ensuring fair priorities has been conducted, taking the example of manned aviation and proposing a new approach. The outcome is a list of UTM priorities and defined limitations that still need to be overcome.
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doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.; Ing. Adam Kleczatský, Ph.D.; Ing. Michal Černý; Ing. Tomáš Tlučhoř; Ing. Šárka Václavíková; Hodač, R.; Sekyrová, K.; Böhm, A.
Cílem analýzy vhodného způsobu začlenění informací o provozu UAS do činností stanoviště služby řízení je popis konkrétní varianty, kterou lze zajistit bezpečnou integraci bezpilotního provozu a s tím spojené požadavky na letové provozní služby, je-li tento provoz prováděn ve vzdušném prostoru U-space a zároveň řízeném vzdušném prostoru. Jedná se o výsledek CK01000185-V3 a naplňuje popis: „Výsledkem bude analýza začlenění přehledových informací o UAS do procesů a činností stanovišť služby řízení letového provozu. Bude vyhodnocovat různé možnosti distribuce přehledové informace na stanovišti řízení. Analýza bude rovněž obsahovat návrh způsobu, jakým budou informace spojené s provozem UAS zobrazeny.“
Oponovaná výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Ing. Michal Černý; Ing. Adam Kleczatský, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Tlučhoř; prof. Ing. Milan Lánský, DrSc.; doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.
2023, Drones, 7 (12), ISSN 2504-446X
The operation of unmanned aircraft systems in shared airspace can serve as an accelerator for the global economy and a sensitive addition to the existing mix of transportation modes. For these reasons, concepts of Unmanned Traffic Management have been recently published, defining advanced rules for all potential participants in the operation of unmanned systems. Airspace primarily dedicated to automated unmanned system operations, referred to as U-space in Europe, needs to be designated with consideration for the surrounding airspace. This is especially important in cases where the airspace is controlled, and when declaring U-space airspace, it is necessary to pay particular attention to the density of surrounding air traffic. The goal of this article is to assess the suitability of establishing U-space airspace for Urban Air Mobility in terms of traffic density in a controlled area above the selected metropolis, which is Prague, Czech Republic. To achieve this goal, data on air traffic in the given area were analyzed to obtain precise information about the traffic distribution. Areas in which the establishment of U-space airspace is possible both without implementing dynamic reconfiguration and with the application of the dynamic reconfiguration concept were also selected. The result is the determination of whether it is possible to establish U-space in airspace, as in the analyzed case of the Ruzyne CTR, U-space can be introduced in 83 % of the territory.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Tomáš Tlučhoř; Ing. Michal Černý; Ing. Adam Kleczatský, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Milan Lánský, DrSc.
2023, Transportation Research Procedia - INAIR 2023, Linz, Elsevier BV), p. 142-150), ISSN 2352-1465
Unmanned aircraft systems are growing in popularity with both the general public and private entities. Not only are they expected to be used in the field of small consignment transport, but also for passenger transport. As a result, there is a growing interest in building the overall infrastructure to support the development of the implementation of unmanned aircraft systems into common operations. In this case, we are talking about possible support for the creation of Urban Air Mobility. However, it is not entirely obvious what Urban Air Mobility involves, with which entities it should cooperate or what links will be between the different elements of UAM. The objective of this paper is to create a first high-level model of the analysed environment - Urban Air Mobility - that comprehensively captures all elements and the links between them and can be used for further system analyses of the aviation environment. The result of the research is the model of UAM integrated into the aviation system. Based on this model, the elements that hold roles in the system and without which the UAM could not function are clearly defined and the model could be used for system theory analyses of possible issues in regulation or for setting up processes and rules.
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doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.; Ing. Adam Kleczatský, Ph.D.; Ing. Michal Černý; Ing. Tomáš Tlučhoř; Ing. Šárka Václavíková; Hodač, R.; Sekyrová, K.; Böhm, A.
Bezpilotní systémy rostou na popularitě a dostávají se čím dál více do povědomí veřejnosti. Pronikají do různých oblastí využitelnosti. Jejich počty se neustále zvyšují a plány s jejich využitím do budoucna rostou. Je tak nezbytné korigovat a regulovat jejich provoz. Zároveň se bezpilotní systémy pohybují ve velmi nízkém vzdušném prostoru, který je společným prostorem i pro letectví s pilotem na palubě, a tak zde může dojít k naplnění jeho kapacity. Plány pro jejich regulaci jsou tedy na místě a je nutné včas podchytit možné přehlcení vzdušného prostoru. Bezpilotní systémy by měly být provozovány v koexistenci s letectvím s pilotem na palubě ve stejném vzdušném prostoru a nemělo by docházet k jejich vzájemné segregaci. Je tedy zapotřebí využívat stejný vzdušný prostor se společnými pravidly provozu pro oba druhy subjektů. O jejich vzájemnou koordinaci by se v budoucnu mělo postarat evropské řešení uspořádání letového provozu – U-space. Právě tento dokument, který je výsledkem projektu s názvem Návrh řešení implementace U-space pro Českou republiku přináší inovativní postup pro návrhy prostorů U-Space ve vzdušném prostoru ČR, tedy možnost, jak určit kde by U-space měl být vytvořen a pro jaké případy provozu by byl komerčně vhodný.
Výsledky promítnuté do směrnic a nelegisl. předpisů

doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.; Ing. Adam Kleczatský, Ph.D.; Ing. Michal Černý; Ing. Tomáš Tlučhoř; Ing. Stanislav Kušmírek, Ph.D.; Ing. Šárka Václavíková; Hodač, R.; Sekyrová, K.; Böhm, A.
Cílem Provozní koncepce U-space pro ČR je komplexně definovat subjekty, procesy, data, vztahy a dopady implementace U-space v České republice. Provozní koncepce U-space pro ČR tak slouží jako generální dokument pro implementaci U-space v ČR ze systémového pohledu. Jedná se o výsledek CK01000185-V1 a naplňuje popis: „Celková provozní koncepce U-space pro ČR bude založena na nově připravované legislativě a bude zohledňovat budoucí požadavky na integraci UAS provozu. Koncepce bude rovněž reflektovat spektrum postupů a zkušeností, které zakomponuje při vytváření integračních zásad. Budou definovány role všech zainteresovaných stran a navrženy datové vazby mezi ŘLP, FIMS manažerem a poskytovatelem služeb U-space s definováním všech vstupů a datových toků pro zajištění dynamických informací o vzdušném prostoru.“
Výsledek promítnutý do schvál. strateg. a koncepčních dokumentů

Ing. Tomáš Tlučhoř; Ing. Adam Kleczatský, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.
2022, 2022 New Trends in Civil Aviation (NTCA), Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 171-176), ISBN 978-80-01-06985-1, ISSN 2694-7854
Unmanned aircraft systems are growing in popularity with both the public and private entities, penetrating various areas of human activity as they develop. Their numbers are steadily increasing. Plans are tremendous with unmanned aircraft systems, so it is important to correct and regulate their operations. The operations of the unmanned aircraft systems can fill the capacity of very low-level airspace, which is common airspace even for manned aviation. They need to be captured in time so as not to hinder the possible development of new technologies. The paper sets out a methodology that can be used to divide the very low-level airspace and assess it based on the potential risk associated with the operation of unmanned aircraft systems and based on the methodology, a final determination of U-space airspace creation for the Czech Republic is developed.
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Ing. Eva Milerová; Ing. Adam Kleczatský, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.
2022, Transportation Research Procedia, Amsterdam, Elsevier B.V.), p. 86-97), ISSN 2352-1457
The paper is focused on the safety of future traffic of unmanned aircraft systems in the U-space airspace. U-space is a European concept for the organization of unmanned traffic and as such must ensure an acceptable level of safety so that safety is not decreased by the gradual integration of unmanned traffic into the airspace. The aim of this paper is to identify, based on the application of the STAMP and FRAM system methods, whether all regulatory elements that could have an impact on safety are established. The result is the identification of a gap in the regulation in the training, where the procedure for unmanned aircraft is not exactly defined, which can mean a safety hazard.
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doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.; Ing. Adam Kleczatský, Ph.D.; Ing. Šárka Václavíková
Tento dokument je výstupem projektu TJ02000048. Jedná se o výsledek TJ02000048-V2 Výzkumná zpráva obsahující postup tvorby standardních scénářů a postup hodnocení bezpečnosti. Obsahuje současný stav oblasti bezpilotních systémů v ČR, aktuální provoz, evropskou harmonizovanou legislativu a klíčový prvek, hodnocení provozní bezpečnosti pro získání požadavků na sepsání ustanovení do standardních scénářů. Výsledek tvoří podklad zobrazující současné provozní prostředí a důvody vzniku definovaných sedmi scénářů ve výsledku TJ02000048-V1. Konkrétní popis výsledku dle závazných parametrů projektu TAČR zní: „Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva bude obsahovat podrobnou analýzu provozních podmínek v prostředí ČR, která bude dále využita k vytvoření konkrétních standardních scénářů (STS) a posouzení vlivu na bezpečnost provozu. Z této analýzy bude možné zjistit, jaké STS se jeví jako nejvhodnější k vytvoření a stanoví počet. Zpráva bude dále zamýšlet i provoz budoucí, pro který v tuto chvíli nejsou nastaveny vhodné provozní podmínky. Tato zpráva výrazně podpoří dosažení hlavního cíle projektu.“
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Ing. Adam Kleczatský, Ph.D.; Ing. Šárka Václavíková; doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.
2020, 2020 New Trends in Civil Aviation, Praha, IEEE Czechoslovakia Section), p. 75-79), ISBN 978-80-01-06726-0, ISSN 2694-7854
In accordance with harmonized European legislation and an innovative European approach to the integration of unmanned aircraft systems into the common airspace (U-space), it is necessary to address unauthorized operation in areas that prohibit or restrict the operation of unmanned aircraft. The aim of this paper is to determine the methodology and verify its functionality for intervening against the unauthorized intrusion of drones into the geographical zones for unmanned aircraft systems. Harmonized European rules set out the requirements for the regulation of traffic by means of geographical zones. Given the scale of operation and accessibility of drones on the market, it is objectively necessary to design procedures for taking appropriate action against potential intruders in these geographical areas. Possible types and specifications of unauthorized incursions are identified and the adequacy of the proposed interventions evaluated using the proposed scale.
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doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.; Ing. Adam Kleczatský, Ph.D.; Ing. Šárka Václavíková
2020, Transportation Research Procedia, Linz, Elsevier BV), p. 3-10), ISSN 2352-1465
Spreading the use of drones is seen as a fundamental step to exploit the economic potential of this new part of aviation and to support the further development of the economy. However, the expansion of the use of drones has many obstacles in its way that must first be overcome. This paper focuses on the development of drones and searches for ways to support them. The aim of the paper is to uncover the issues of spreading the use of drones. Considering new harmonized European legislation, it is possible to come across traditional airspace users, or even the general public, who may oppose the development. Based on the attitudes of all stakeholders in the current complex system of air transport operations, including its predicted future, it was possible to define three basic groups of issues of spreading the use of drones. These are social, technological, and systemic issues. Each group is defined by several issues that hinder the rapid development of the unmanned industry. The elimination of the identified issues could allow the spreading the use of drones one step further.
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Ing. Adam Kleczatský, Ph.D.; Ing. Šárka Václavíková; doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.
2020, MAD - Magazine of Aviation Development, 8 (2), p. 6-10), ISSN 1805-7578
The aim of this paper is to determine the role of Common Information Service (CIS) in the U-space environment. Ensuring the correct role of the CIS and all high-level connections is the first step to implementing U-space in specific airspace and as such needs to be finished as soon as possible. The paper is based on the current state-of-the-art in the field of drones and the development of the integration of drones’ operation into airspace. Options considered are based on analysing existing solutions in Europe and in the world, and the development of regulations leading to the current draft of U-space legislation. The paper presents two main possibilities of connections between U-space stakeholders and sets out eight criteria according to which both options are compared. This comparison results in considering feasibility for both options, but the one where the CIS plays a central role through which all information flows is evaluated as better.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

2019, TRANSPORT MEANS 2019 - PROCEEDINGS OF THE 23rd INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE, Kaunas, Kaunas University of Technology), p. 1464-1467), ISSN 1822-296X
This article makes use of a practical experiment to verify reliability of an unmanned aircraft failsafe system based on measured data and their evaluation. The practical part assesses the measured parameters, which by their nature are essential for evaluation, and creates a comprehensive view of overall reliability of the aircraft system. The paper declares that while maintaining certain security measures, the current operational reliability of the unmanned aircraft or its system, which was the subject of the experiment, at a high level.
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