
informace pocházejí z univerzitní databáze V3S

doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.; Ing. et Ing. Radim Dvořák; Ing. Jan Falta; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Ján Kopačka, Ph.D.; Ing. Jaromír Kylar; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.
2025, Measurement: Sensors, ISSN 2665-9174
Hopkinson pressure bar is a commonly used technique to test the response of a specimen to shock load under constant strain rate to determine its material parameters. In addition to that, we propose that the Hopkinson bar apparatus can be employed to test the response of the specimen in the sense of frequency analysis; that is, specimens made of a complex metamaterial could behave as a filter of specific frequencies. Here, several difficulties arise. The structure of the metamaterial affects only those waves that have a wave length comparable to the specific length in the metamaterial of the specimen. However, the bar geometry of the apparatus itself behaves as a low-pass filter, so the high frequencies are attenuated with distance traveled. Hence, here we have the situation that the longer the specimen is, we lose the ability to investigate high frequencies, and, at the same time, the shorter the specimen is, the higher the lowest affected frequency is. Our contribution is to find a compromise for the length of the sample and to design a high-frequency testing method for such an investigation of metamaterials.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. Jan Falta; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Jan Šleichrt, Ph.D.; Ing. Nela Krčmářová; Duarte, I.
2024, Materials Letters, 2024 (354), p. 1-4), ISSN 0167-577X
Processes of internal damage development during localized dynamic penetration represent a crucial mechanism important for relevant analysis of deformation and failure of plates and sandwich panels under high strain rate conditions. Soft cellular materials are of special importance as the internal damage defines mode of collapse and energy absorption capabilities. In this paper, a fast X-ray radiography is employed for in-situ analysis of the internal damage development in soft closed-cell aluminum foam subjected to a localized high strain rate penetration using an instrumented projectile in a direct impact Hopkinson bar apparatus. The process with a typical duration of a few milliseconds is visualized using four X-ray projections acquired using a flash X-ray system and a high-speed camera. Internal damage such as cracking, shear failure in the vicinity of the projectile, and compaction of the material is successfully identified. This unique method utilizing a laboratory based X-ray source allows for characterization of the penetration mechanism that has been usually analyzed only in post-mortem state.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Nela Krčmářová; Ing. Jan Šleichrt, Ph.D.; Ing. Jan Falta; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; Čítek, D.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.
2024, Emergent Materials, 2024, ISSN 2522-5731
Excellent mechanical properties of ultra high performance concrete make it suitable for use in special applications, where the material is subjected to dynamic phenomena such as impacts, explosions, or earthquakes. This paper presents a novel experimental approach that integrates a Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar with a flash X-ray system and high-speed optical imaging to investigate the dynamic behavior of steel fiber reinforced UHPC under high strain rate uni-axial compression. In-situ Flash X-ray radiography emerges as a particularly effective tool, providing clear visualization of deformation response and overcoming challenges associated with flying debris encountered in optical inspection. Moreover, computed tomography and scanning electron microscopy appear as a vital technique for analyzing micro-structure and fiber distribution and orientation. The combined approach offers a promising method to study the dynamic behavior of steel fiber reinforced ultra high performance concrete and also holds promise for analyzing more complex modes of deformation and material interactions, providing valuable insights for enhancing the design and performance of critical infrastructure subjected to dynamic loading events.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus

Ing. Jan Šleichrt, Ph.D.; Ing. Jan Falta; Ing. Michaela Jurko; Ing. Veronika Drechslerová; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Václav Rada; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.
2023, Advanced Engineering Materials, 25 (24), ISSN 1527-2648
The paper deals with the dynamic penetration of 3D printed panels with auxetic and conventional honeycomb unit cell-based cores. The geometry of the unit cells and their periodic assembly in the resulting lattices were selected to ensure the same relative density and overall weight of the individual sample types. Such a similarity of both specimen types allowed the evaluation of differences between conventional and auxetic lattices in terms of penetration characteristics and deformation energy mitigation properties. Dynamic penetration of the samples was performed using a fully strain-gauge instrumented Open Hopkinson Pressure Bar (OHPB) at three impact velocities resulting in three loading scenarios. All performed experiments were captured by two optical cameras for detailed observation and for tracking of an impactor movement using Digital Image Correlation (DIC). The force-penetration depth relation was used to evaluate the elastic and post-yield compression characteristics of the lattices together with their deformation energy mitigation capabilities. The results show that the main differences in the deformation response of lattices consist of lower overall stiffness and effective yielding of the auxetic lattices at higher penetration depth. Numerical simulation using an explicit solver was performed to analyze the deformation mechanism of the individual core types.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. Michaela Jurko; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Jan Falta; Ing. Jan Šleichrt, Ph.D.; Ing. Václav Rada; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.
2022, International Conference on Nonlinear Solid Mechanics, abstract book, International Research Center on Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems), p. 107-107)
Additively manufactured materials represent an advanced type of engineering material allowing for rapid building of parts with complex design. Additively manufactured metallic materials are particularly promising for application in high-tech industry, requiring optimized parts with complex shape and high performance mechanical properties. In this contribution, the cylindrical specimens manufactured from 316L powdered stainless steel built in different orientations to the printing platform are subjected to compression at high strain rates using split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB). The specimens are subjected to quasi- static and dynamic compression at strain rates ranging from 1500/s to 5000/s. Changes in damage development and failure mode are investigated through combination of high speed optical imaging with data of the SHPB instrumentation. For the testing, the SHPB with high strength aluminum alloy bars, soft copper pulse shapers and two sizes of the striker bar is used. The bars are instrumented with a set of foil strain-gauges. The experiments are observed by stateof-the-art high speed camera with frame rate of approximately 250kfps. The camera is time synchronized with the data acquisition system. Strain localization and changes in failure mode related to the printing orientation and strain rate, particularly occurrence of the fatal macroscopic crack and identification of the corresponding failure strain, are investigated using digital image correlation (DIC). It is found out that the failure mode changes dramatically with the increasing strain rate resulting in sudden and complete failure of the specimen during high strain rate compression. The failure is dependent on both the printing orientation and the strain rate.
Abstrakt ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Jan Šleichrt, Ph.D.; Ing. Jan Falta; Ing. Veronika Drechslerová; Ing. Michaela Jurko; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Václav Rada; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.
2022, International Conference on Nonlinear Solid Mechanics, abstract book, International Research Center on Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems), p. 104-104)
The mechanical response of sandwich panels tailored to specific applications investigated becomes an extensively topic for research teams. Sandwich panels typically consist of a lightweight core (porous materials, meta-materials structures) and covering shell (solid or composite layer). These materials can be used as, e.g., the main component of crumple zones in vehicles or low-velocity protection in many applications, due to their high specific energy absorption and low density. An unique loading mode in dynamic mechanical testing is a dynamic indentation where combining multi-directional stress distribution in sandwich panels is not an easy task for description. The main aim of this work is to compare sandwich panels with two different types of core (3D inverted honeycomb and conventional honeycomb structures with similar specific densities). Based material of the aforementioned cores is photopolymer resin which allows the manufacturing of complex shapes of cores by stereolithography technology. All specimens, equipped with a spreading thin layer of polyethylene shell, are subjected to dynamic penetration to evaluate the mechanical behavior, penetration resistance, and energy-absorbing capability at different impact velocities. An in-house developed direct impact Hopkinson bar is used for dynamic indentation experiments. The loading apparatus is equipped with strain gauges and the measured signals are used for the calculation of an applied force and impact velocity. A pair of highspeed cameras are used for optical inspection of the experiments. A targeted camera is used for evaluating the velocity of the projectile using the digital image correlation method (DIC) for comparison with strain-gauge measurement, and an overview camera is used for capturing the surroundings of the impact plane.
Abstrakt ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Michaela Jurko; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.
2022, ENGINEERING MECHANICS 2022, Prague, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, AS CR), p. 285-288), ISBN 978-80-86246-51-2, ISSN 1805-8256
Research into the mechanical behaviour of lattice structures and metal foams at high strain rates using experiments based on a direct impact Hopkinson bar (DIHB) method has been recently proposed to overcome several limitations of the conventional split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB). Especially, the socalled open Hopkinson pressure bar (OHPB), a modification of DIHB with strain measurement points on both bars, has been proved to be a suitable experimental technique for testing of materials with low mechanical impedance. However, experimental testing is usually limited in terms of resources and, hence, it is convenient to employ numerical methods to predict the results of experiments and, if necessary, adjust the parameters of the experimental procedure based on the preceding numerical analysis of the problem. Developing a numerical model of the whole experimental set-up is, thus, a key method to achieve a reliable analysis. In this paper, we present a numerical model of an OHPB apparatus and demonstrate its suitability for inverse numerical simulations of the closed-cell aluminium foam.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. et Ing. Radim Dvořák; Ing. Michaela Jurko; Ing. Jan Falta; Ing. Jan Šleichrt, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.
2022, Dynamic Behaviour of Additively Manufactured Structures & Materials, Freiburg im Breisgau, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg), p. 187-192)
We demonstrate numerical modelling of the mechanical response of auxetic structures sub- jected to dynamic uniaxial compressive load- ing in split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) at the strain rates of 1500 s−1 and 3000 s−1. The stress-strain characteristics as well as com- pressive strain dependent Poisson’s ratio of re-entrant honeycomb and missing-rib aux- etic lattices are assessed in LS-DYNA simula- tions with explicit time integration. Numer- ical results are supported by SHPB experi- ments utilized for both calibration of finite el- ement modeling and verification of the sim- ulations. The studied lattices were additively manufactured by laser powder bed fusion from 316L stainless steel. The numerical aspects of the simulations together with the influence of the 3D printing quality on the reliability of the results are discussed.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. Jan Falta; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Jan Šleichrt, Ph.D.; Ing. Michaela Jurko; Ing. Václav Rada; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.
2022, Dynamic Behaviour of Additively Manufactured Structures & Materials, Freiburg im Breisgau, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg), p. 103-110)
Open Hopkinson Pressure Bar (OHPB) appa- ratus is used, together with conventional split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB), for dynamic testing of additively manufactured cellular me- tamaterials at intermediate and high strain rates. Benefits of the OHPB testing method over standard established methods are dis- cussed. The investigated metamaterials in- clude various types of auxetic lattices manu- factured from powdered austenitic steel by powder bed fusion technology. It is found out that the investigated type of metamate- rials exhibits significant strain rate sensitivity of the stress-strain curves as well as of the apparent auxeticity. Moreover, its deforma- tion mechanism changes with the increasing impact velocity as the buckling of the individ- ual struts is reduced by the inertia effects.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Michaela Jurko; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. Jan Falta; Ing. Václav Rada; Ing. Jan Šleichrt, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.; Mauko, A.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.
2022, Materials, 15 (3), ISSN 1996-1944
The main aim of the study was to analyse the strain rate sensitivity of the compressive deformation response in bulk 3D-printed samples from 316L stainless steel according to the printing orientation. The laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) method of metal additive manufacturing was utilised for the production of the samples with three different printing orientations: 0◦, 45◦, and 90◦. The specimens were experimentally investigated during uni-axial quasi-static and dynamic loading. A split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) apparatus was used for the dynamic experiments. The experiments were observed using a high-resolution (quasi-static loading) or a high-speed visible-light camera and a high-speed thermographic camera (dynamic loading) to allow for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the deformation processes. Digital image correlation (DIC) software was used for the evaluation of displacement fields. To assess the deformation behaviour of the 3D-printed bulk samples and strain rate related properties, an analysis of the true stress–true strain diagrams from quasi-static and dynamic experiments as well as the thermograms captured during the dynamic loading was performed. The results revealed a strong strain rate effect on the mechanical response of the investigated material. Furthermore, a dependency of the strain-rate sensitivity on the printing orientation was identified.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Michaela Jurko; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Jan Falta; Ing. Václav Rada; Ing. Jan Šleichrt, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.
2021, Metals — Open Access Metallurgy Journal, 11 (8), ISSN 2075-4701
Compressive deformation behaviour of additively manufactured lattice structures based on re-entrant tetrakaidecahedral unit-cell geometry were experimentally investigated under quasi-static and dynamic loading conditions. Specimens of four different structures formed by three-dimensional periodical assembly of selected unit-cells were produced by a laser powder bed fusion technique from a powdered austenitic stainless steel SS316L. Quasi-static compression as well as dynamic tests using split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) apparatus at two strain-rates were conducted to evaluate the expected strain-rate sensitivity of the fundamental mechanical response of the structures. To evaluate the experiments, particularly the displacement fields of the deforming lattices, optical observation of the specimens using a high-resolution camera (quasi-static loading) and two synchronised high-speed cameras (SHPB experiments) was employed. An in-house digital image correlation algorithm was used in order to evaluate the anticipated auxetic nature of the investigated lattices. It was found that neither of the investigated structures exhibited auxetic behaviour although strain-rate sensitivity of the stress–strain characteristics was clearly identified for the majority of structures.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Mauko, A.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. Jan Falta; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Václav Rada; Ing. Michaela Jurko; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.; Vesenjak, M.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.; Ren, Z.
2021, Metals — Open Access Metallurgy Journal, 11 (1), ISSN 2075-4701
The mechanical behaviour of three different auxetic cellular structures, hexa-chiral 2D, tetra-chiral 2D and tetra-chiral 3D, was experimentally investigated in this study. The structures were produced with the powder bed fusion method (PBF) from an austenitic stainless steel alloy. The fundamental material mechanical properties of the sample structures were determined with classic quasi-static compressive tests, where the deformation process was captured by a high-resolution digital camera. The Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) apparatus was used for dynamic impact testing at two impact velocities to study the strain-rate dependency of the structures. Two synchronised high-speed cameras were used to observe the impact tests. The captured images from both quasi-static and dynamic experiments were processed using a custom digital image correlation (DIC) algorithm to evaluate the displacement/strain fields and the Poisson’s ratio. Predominant auxetic behaviour was observed in all three structures throughout most of the deformation process both under quasi-static and impact loading regimes. The tetra-chiral 2D structure showed the most significant auxetic behaviour. Significant stress enhancement in all tested structures was observed in dynamic testing. The Poisson’s ratio strain-rate dependency was confirmed for all three auxetic structures.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Jan Falta; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.; Ing. Václav Rada; Adorna, M.; Bronder, S.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.
2021, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 148, ISSN 0734-743X
Direct impact testing with a Hopkinson bar is, nowadays, a very popular experimental technique for investigating the behavior of cellular materials, e.g., lattice metamaterials, at high strain-rates as it overcomes several limitations of the conventional Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB). However, standard direct impact Hopkinson bars (DIHB) have only single-sided instrumentation complicating the analysis. In this paper, a DIHB apparatus instrumented with conventional strain-gauges on both bars (a so called Open Hopkinson Pressure Bar - OHPB) is used for dynamic impact experiments of cellular materials. Digital image correlation (DIC) is used as a tool for investigating the displacements and velocities at the faces of the bars. A straight-forward wave separation technique combining the data from the strain-gauges with the DIC is adopted to increase the experiment time window multiple times. The experimental method is successfully tested at impact velocities in a range of 5-30 m/s with both linear elastic and visco-elastic bars of a medium diameter. It is shown that, under certain circumstances, a simple linear elastic model is sufficient for the evaluation of the measurements with the visco-elastic bars, while no additional attenuation and phase-shift corrections are necessary. The applicability of the experimental method is demonstrated on various experiments with conventional metal foams, hybrid foams, and additively manufactured auxetic lattices subjected to dynamic compression.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Jan Šleichrt, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Adorna, M.; Ing. Jan Falta; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.; Glinz, J.; Ing. Michaela Jurko; Ing. Tomáš Doktor, Ph.D.; Mauko, A.; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; Vesenjak, M.; Duarte, I.; Ren, Z.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.
2021, Materials Science and Engineering A - Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing, 800, ISSN 0921-5093
Light-weight cellular solids, such as aluminium foams, are promising materials for use in ballistic impact mitigation applications for their high specific deformation energy absorption capabilities. In this study, three different types of aluminium alloy based in-house fabricated cellular materials were subjected to dynamic penetration using the in-house experimental setup to evaluate their deformation and microstructural response. Two-sided direct impact Hopkinson bar apparatus instrumented with two high-speed cameras observing the impact area and the penetrated surface of the specimens was used. Advanced wave separation technique was employed to process strain-gauge signals recorded during penetration. Images captured by one of the cameras were processed using an in-house Digital Image Correlation method with sub-pixel precision, that enabled validation of the wave separation results of the strain-gauge signals. The second camera was used to observe the penetration into the tested specimens for correct interpretation of the measured signals with respect to derived mechanical and microstructural properties at different impact velocities. Differential X-ray computed tomography of selected specimens was performed, which allowed for an advanced pre- and post-impact volumetric analysis. Results of performed experiments and elaborate analysis of the measured experimental data are shown in this study.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Bronder, S.; Adorna, M.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Jan Falta; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.; Jung, A.
2021, Advanced Engineering Materials, 23 (5), p. 1-15), ISSN 1438-1656
With their increased energy absorption capacity, auxetic materials are perfectly fit to develop new, enhanced lightweight crash absorbers for cars. Herein, the mass distribution along the struts is optimized via finite element analysis with a parameterized optimization. Four different auxetic unit cells are taken from the literature and their struts parameterize, the models simulate, and the mass specific energy absorption capacity optimizes. The two models with the highest energy absorption capacity are then selected for experimental investigation and produced by additive manufacturing from a polymer. To further enhance the mechanical properties, the specimens are electrochemically coated with nickel and the polymer molten out by pyrolysis. Those Ni/polymer hybrids are subjected to quasistatic and dynamic impact experiments. Only a small strain rate sensitivity can be detected under dynamic loading, namely, a higher plastic collapse and higher plateau stress. The hollow struts are folding instead of bending, which render them much weaker than predicted by the simulation. In conclusion, it is possible to improve existing crash absorber elements with tailored auxetic hybrid structures. They absorb higher amounts of energy without changing their stiffness under dynamic loading while saving mass and cost.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Jan Falta; Ing. Jan Šleichrt, Ph.D.; Adorna, M.; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.; Ing. Michaela Jurko; Mauko, A.; Valach, J.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.
2021, Advanced Engineering Materials, 23 (1), ISSN 1438-1656
Metamaterials produced using additive manufacturing represent advanced structures with tunable properties and deformation characteristics. However, the manufacturing process, imperfections in geometry, properties of the base material as well as the ambient and operating conditions often result in complex multiparametric dependence of the mechanical response. As the lattice structures are metamaterials that can be tailored for energy absorption applications and impact protection, the investigation of the coupled thermomechanical response and ambient temperature‐dependent properties is particularly important. Herein, the 2D re‐entrant honeycomb auxetic lattice structures additively manufactured from powdered stainless steel are subjected to high strain rate uniaxial compression using split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) at two different strain rates and three different temperatures. An in‐house developed cooling and heating stages are used to control the temperature of the specimen subjected to high strain rate impact loading. Thermal imaging and high‐speed cameras are used to inspect the specimens during the impact. It is shown that the stress–strain response as well as the crushing behavior of the investigated lattice structures are strongly dependent on both initial temperature and strain rate.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Keršner, Z.; Vesenjak, M.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.
The dissertation thesis is focused on the numerical modelling of the mechanical response of auxetic structures to uniaxial compressive loading. According to the primary application of auxetics in terms of deformation energy mitigation, where their unique characteristics arising from the negative Poisson’s ratio of the structure, high strain rate response is emphasised. Additionally, quasi-static characteristics are assessed to obtain reference data for the evaluation of the strain-rate dependency induced particularly by micro-inertia effects. Mechanical properties are studied using stress-strain characteristics, whereas the microstructural response is evaluated based on the function of Poisson’s ratio. In the thesis, three auxetic unit-cells having uni- or bi-axial auxetic characteristics are considered. The structures are developed by a periodic assembly of unit-cells in the respective spatial directions. Due to the complex deformation response of the auxetic structures, the reference data for the development of numerical simulations are obtained from the experiments with the samples of structures manufactured using 3D printing. Dynamic loading is performed using a Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) apparatus, while an approach to the numerical simulations consisting of the development of a full-scale virtual SHPB for an explicit time integration scheme in LS-DYNA was selected. In the dynamic simulations, geometrical models of the lattices precisely corresponding to the geometry of the structures for the 3D printing are used. The numerical aspects of the simulations together with the influence of the 3D printing quality on the reliability of the results are discussed. The ability of the numerical simulations to describe the deformation response of the investigated auxetic lattices is assessed based on the numerical stress-strain curves and the graphs of the strain-dependent Poisson’s ratio.
Disertační práce (PhD)

Ing. Tomáš Doktor, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.
2019, 17th YOUTH SYMPOSIUM ON EXPERIMENTAL SOLID MECHANICS, Praha, Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT), p. 17-20), ISBN 978-80-01-06670-6, ISSN 2336-5382
Presented paper deals with experimental study on compressive properties of auxetics with controlled stiffness of strut joints. The variable strut joints properties were simulated by adding extra amount of material in the struts’ intersection regions. Four groups of inverted honeycomb structures were prepared by multi-jet 3D printing and tested in quasi-static compression. The structure collapsed gradually, however after the first collapse, failure in entire cross-section occurred due to the brittle nature of the base material. The behavior up to the first collapse was consistent among the specimens within each group, while differed slightly subsequently. With higher reinforcement in the joints, results showed increasing stress at the first collapse (ultimate compressive stress) while the strain at the first collapse remained unchanged. The auxetic behaviour became less significant with increasing joints’ reinforcement.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.; Ing. Jan Falta; Adorna, M.; Ing. Michaela Jurko; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Luksch, J.; Felten, M.; Fries, M.; Jung, A.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.
2019, International Conference on Nonlinear Solid Mechanics - ICoNSoM2019, Palazzo Argiletum, Roma, Italy), p. 131-131)
Cellular solids, such as metal foams, hybrid foams, 3D printed lattices or additively manufactured auxetic structures are complex lightweight cellular materials with high energy absorption capabilities and possible functionally graded material properties. Engineering applications of such materials require optimization of their design, and thus their mechanical behavior under the representative loading conditions (i. e., dynamic impact, blast). The design and optimization procedures require a relevant material model based on the experimental investigation of the constructs. In this study, the application of the Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique on the cellular solids in quasi-static and dynamic compression is discussed and the representative results of the method in this application are presented. Here, digital image correlation is used as an advanced method for the complex experimental analysis of the displacement and strain fields of several cellular solids under quasi-static compression and high strain-rate loading using the Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) apparatus. The data from the experiments with the specimens of the selective laser sintered auxetic lattices, made of powdered austenitic steel, and with hybrid nickel-polyurethane aluminum foam were processed using a custom digital image correlation tool. Results covering the evaluation of the displacement and strain fields, different methods for evaluation of Poisson’s ratio, and the analysis of the digital image correlation reliability are presented in the study. The study is focused particularly on the application of the digital image correlation on the data captured by a high-speed camera during high strain-rate experiments and the analysis of the cellular solids during dynamic impact. Comparison of the digital image correlation results with the other methods, its limitations and the actual challenges in this field are also discussed in the study.
Abstrakt ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. Jan Falta; Bronder, S.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.; Adorna, M.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.; Jung, A.
2019, Temperature dependence of material behaviour at high strain-rate, Politecnico di Torino), ISBN 978-88-85745-27-8
Two types of the hybrid polymer-nickel auxetic specimens were subjected to the quasi-static compression and compressive impact loading using Open Hopkinson Pressure Bar. Two variants of the 3D re-entrant auxetic lattice were used: i) structures with rectangular struts and ii) structure with rounded struts. The specimens were numerically optimized, prepared using computer aided design, and the base constructs were 3D printed from VisiJet EX200 polymer. The constructs were then coated using the electrodeposition of the nanocrystalline nickel in two nominal thicknesses of the coating (60 μm and 120 μm). After the coating process, the core part of the constructs was removed by the burning-out of the polymer at elevated temperature. The structures were subjected to the quasi-static compression and simultaneously inspected using an CCD camera, while Hopkinson bar was used for the impact loading of the specimens at two different impact velocities (ca. 5 m/s and 26 m/s). Dynamic experiments were observed with a pair of high-speed cameras and an infrared camera. The high-speed camera images were processed using a custom digital image correlation algorithm. Mechanical as well as thermal behavior of the hybrid auxetic structures subjected to the different loading conditions was analyzed and summarized in this paper.
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Ing. Michaela Jurko; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. et Ing. Radim Dvořák; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.
2019, 10th International Conference Auxetics and other materials and models with ”negative” characteristics - abstract book, Poznań, Institute of Molecular Physics), ISBN 978-83-933663-8-5
Abstrakt ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Ing. et Ing. Radim Dvořák; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.
2019, 17th YOUTH SYMPOSIUM ON EXPERIMENTAL SOLID MECHANICS, Praha, Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT), p. 25-31), ISBN 978-80-01-06670-6, ISSN 2336-5382
The paper aims at the numerical simulation of the wave propagation in compressive Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) experiment. The paper deals with principles of SHPB measurement, optimisation of a numerical model and techniques of pulse shaping. The parametric model of the typical SHPB configuration developed for LS-DYNA environment is introduced and optimised (in terms of element size and distribution) using the sensitivity study. Then, a parametric analysis of a geometric properties of the pulse shaper is carried out to reveal their influence on a shape of the incident pulse. The analysis is algorithmized including the pre- and post-processing routines to enable automated processing of numerical results and comparison with the experimental data. Results of the parametric analysis and the influence of geometric properties of the pulse shaper (diameter, length) on the incident wave are demonstrated.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Adorna, M.; Ing. Michaela Jurko; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. Jan Falta; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.
2019, Engineering Mechanics 2019: Book of full texts, Prague, Institute of Thermomechanics, AS CR, v.v.i.), p. 29-33), ISBN 978-80-87012-71-0, ISSN 1805-8248
In this paper, digital image correlation method (DIC) is introduced as a tool for evaluation of high strain-rate experiments perfomed using Hopkinson Bar apparatus. Samples of advanced cellular materials with predefined periodic structure and negative Poisson’s ratio (auxetic structures) were investigated in this study. In-house Hopkinson Pressure Bar apparatus was used to perform the impact experiments and the experimental setup was observed using a pair of high-speed cameras. Custom DIC software tool was used to evaluate highspeed cameras records. Selected representative results of DIC applications on Hopkinson Bar experiments are provided in this paper.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.; Ing. Jan Falta; Adorna, M.; Luksch, J.; Ing. Michaela Jurko; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.
2019, Advanced Engineering Materials, 21 (8), ISSN 1438-1656
This paper deals with experimental investigation into a strain‐rate dependent function of Poisson's ratio of three auxetic structures subjected to compressive loading. The missing rib, the 2D re‐entrant honeycomb, and the 3D re‐entrant honeycomb lattices printed using selective laser sintering from powdered SS316L austenitic steel are investigated. The samples are subjected to uni‐axial compression under quasi‐static conditions and dynamic conditions using the Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB). The deforming specimens are optically observed in order to apply a digital image correlation for evaluation of the in‐plane displacement and strain fields. From the calculated strain fields, the function of Poisson's ratio is calculated for each experiment using different methods taking specific regions of interest of the specimen microstructures into account. The obtained functions of Poisson's ratio are plotted for each microstructure and strain‐rate. The analysis of the results shows that the strain‐rate has a significant influence on the deformation characteristics of all the investigated microstructures yielding differences in the magnitude of the minima of Poisson's ratio and the differences in the maximum overall compressive strain, where the lattices are still auxetic.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Michaela Jurko; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Jan Falta; Adorna, M.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.
2019, 17th YOUTH SYMPOSIUM ON EXPERIMENTAL SOLID MECHANICS, Praha, Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT), p. 68-72), ISBN 978-80-01-06670-6, ISSN 2336-5382
The paper is focused on evaluation of the relation between mechanical properties of 3D printed stainless steel 316L-0407 and printing direction (i.e. the orientation of the part which is being printed in the manufacturing device) subjected to compressive loading at different strain-rates. In order to evaluate the strain rate dependency of the 3D printed material’s compressive characteristics, dynamic and quasi-static experiments were performed. Three sets of bulk specimens were produced, each having a different printing orientation with respect to the powder bed plane (vertical, horizontal and tilted). To assess the deformation behaviour of the 3D printed material, compressive stress-strain diagrams and compressive yield strength and tangent modulus were evaluated.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.; Ing. Jan Falta; Adorna, M.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Michaela Jurko; Luksch, J.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.
2019, 10th International Conference Auxetics and other materials and models with ”negative” characteristics - abstract book, Poznań, Institute of Molecular Physics), p. 37-39), ISBN 978-83-933663-8-5
n this work, selective laser sintered (SLS) auxetic lattices printed from the powdered 316L–0407 austenitic steel were subjected to compressive loading at several strain-rates. Three types of the auxetic lattices were tested: i) 2D re-entrant honeycomb, ii) 2D missing rib, and iii) 3D re-entrant honeycomb. The structures were subjected to the quasi-static uni-axial compression using a standard electromechanical loading device. The experiments were observed using a CCD camera. In dynamic experiments, the specimens were compressed at four different strain-rates using two Hopkinson bar techniques. Data recorded by the strain-gauges mounted on the measurement bars were used for evaluation of the mechanical behavior of the specimen (e. g., stress-strain and strain-rate-strain diagrams). A custom digital image correlation (DIC) tool based on Lucas-Kanade tracking algorithm was used for the advanced analysis of the displacement and strain fields in the specimens of both quasi-static and dynamic experiments. At least 5 specimens of the each structure were tested per one strain-rate to ensure a sufficient statistics and relevancy of the results.
Abstrakt ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. Jan Falta; Ing. Jan Šleichrt, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.; Mauko, A.; Adorna, M.; Ing. Michaela Jurko; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.
2019, Temperature dependence of material behaviour at high strain-rate, Politecnico di Torino), ISBN 978-88-85745-27-8
Specimens based on re-entrant honeycomb auxetic lattice were printed from powdered austenitic steel using selective laser sintering and subjected to dynamic compression using Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB). To study the influence of strain-rate and temperature on mechanical properties of the lattices, heating and cooling devices integrated into the SHPB apparatus were developed and the experiments were performed at two different strain rates given by different striker impact velocities. As a result, the dynamic compression was performed at two strain rates and three temperature levels (reduced, room, and elevated temperature) with 5 specimens for each combination. The specimen were observed by a pair of high-speed CMOS optical cameras and a high-speed thermal imaging camera. Optical cameras were used for evaluation of strain fields of the compressed samples using digital image correlation and for inspection of experiment validity. Thermograms were used for qualitative evaluation of heat distribution within the sample microstructure during its deformation. It has been found out that increase of strain-rate results in increase of plateau stress together with decrease of densification strain. The difference in specimen temperature led to changes in the mechanical properties, the absolute temperature of the fully compressed sample and increase of maximum measured temperature during the experiment.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Václav Rada; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.
2018, 16th Youth Symposium On Experimental Solid Mechanics, Praha, Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT, ČVUT v Praze), p. 15-19), ISBN 978-80-01-06474-0, ISSN 2336-5382
In recent years, open-source applications have replaced proprietary software in many fields. Especially open-source software tools based on Linux operating system have wide range of utilization. In terms of CNC solutions, an open-source system LinuxCNC can be used. However, the LinuxCNC control software and the graphical user interface (GUI) could be developed only on top of Hardware Abstraction Layer. Nevertheless, the LinuxCNC community provided Python Interface, which allows for controlling CNC machine using Python programming language, therefore whole control software can be developed in Python. The paper focuses on a development of a multi-process control software mainly for in-house developed loading devices operated at our institute. The software tool is based on the LinuxCNC Python Interface and Qt framework, which gives the software an ability to be modular and effectively adapted for various devices.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Ing. Michaela Jurko; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.
2018, 16th Youth Symposium On Experimental Solid Mechanics, Praha, Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT, ČVUT v Praze), p. 38-43), ISBN 978-80-01-06474-0, ISSN 2336-5382
The paper is focused on numerical analysis of mechanical behaviour of auxetic structures with re-entrant tetrakaidecahedral unit cell subjected to uni-axial quasi-static compression. The mechanical behaviour was evaluated inversely with respect to selected geometrical parameters of the unit cell and two different loading modes. Finite element method was used for the numerical analysis of the problem. A set of fully parametric tools has been developed, which enabled automated execution and evaluation of virtual experiments. From results of the simulations, Young’s modulus, the characteristics of the Poisson’s ratio function, and the deformation energy density were estimated. The relation between these characteristics and geometry of the unit cell, particularly the re-entrant angle and the relative density, was evaluated. Results of the numerical simulations for the unit cell and representative volume element of its three-dimensional periodic assembly are presented.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Ing. et Ing. Radim Dvořák; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.
Předmětem této bakalářské práce je shrnutí poznatků a faktů o šíření vlnění jednorozměrným kontinuem, zejména v dlouhých tenkých tyčích, o principech měření metodou SHPB, o technikách tvarování pulzu a okrajově i o metodách numerické mechaniky. Z teoretického úvodu vychází část praktická, kde je vytvořen zdrojový kód pro tvorbu parametrického modelu typické sestavy SHPB pro prostředí LS-DYNA. Redukovaná sestava je pak metodou konečných prvků podrobena citlivostní studii. Nakonec je provedena parametrická studie tvarovače pulzu, která sleduje vliv geometrických vlastností tvarovače na tvar napěťového pulzu a která je včetně s procesů s ní spjatých algoritmizována, čímž je umožněno snadné zpracování výsledků a případné srovnání s experimentálními daty. Primárním výstupem práce jsou výsledky parametrické studie v podobě kvantifikované míry vlivu geometrie tvarovače na změnu tvaru pulzu a automatizační algoritmy pro tvorbu modelů, provedení simulací a vyhodnocení výsledků.
Diplomová práce

Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.; Ing. Jan Falta; Ing. Tomáš Doktor, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; Adorna, M.; Luksch, J.; Ing. Michaela Jurko; Valach, J.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.
2018, EPJ Web of Conferences - Volume 183 (2018) - DYMAT 2018 - 12th International Conference on the Mechanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials under Dynamic Loading, Les Ulis Cedex A, EDP Sciences - Web of Conferences), p. 1-6), ISBN 978-2-7598-9053-8, ISSN 2100-014X
In this paper, a split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) was used for impact loading of an auxetic lattice (structure with negative Poisson’s ratio) at a given strain-rate. High strength aluminum and polymethyl methacrylate bars instrumented with foil strain-gauges were used for compression of an additively manufactured missing-rib auxetic lattice. All experiments were observed using a high-speed camera with frame-rate set to approx. 135.000 fps. High-speed images were synchronized with the strain-gauge records. Dynamic equilibrium in the specimen was analyzed and optimized pulse-shaping was introduced in the selected experiments. Longitudinal and lateral in-plane displacements and strains were evaluated using digital image correlation (DIC) technique. DIC results were compared with results obtained from strain-gauges and were found to be in good agreement. Using DIC, it was possible to analyze in-plane strain distribution in the specimens and to evaluate strain dependent Poisson’s ratio of the auxetic structure.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Ing. Nela Krčmářová; Ing. Jan Šleichrt, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.
2017, ExNum 2016, Praha, CESKE VYSOKE UCENI TECHNICKE V PRAZE), p. 29-32), ISBN 978-80-01-06070-4, ISSN 2336-5382
The paper deals with investigation of deformation behaviour of gellan gum (GG) based structures prepared for regenerative medicine purposes. Investigated material was synthesized as porous spongy-like scaffold reinforced by bioactive glass (BAG) nano-particles in different concentrations. Deformation behavior was obtained employing custom designed experimental setup. This device equipped with bioreactor chamber allows to test the delivered samples under simulated physiological conditions with controlled flow and temperature. Cylindrical samples were subjected to uniaxial quasistatic loading in tension and compression. Material properties of plain GG scaffold and reinforced scaffold buffered by 50wt% and 70wt% BAG were derived from a set of tensile and compression tests. The results are represented in form of stress-strain curves calculated from the acquired force and displacement data.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; Ing. Nela Krčmářová; Ing. Jan Šleichrt, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Gantar, A; Novak, S
2017, Acta Polytechnica, 57 (1), p. 14-21), ISSN 1210-2709
This study is focuses on an investigation of the reinforcement effect of the bioactive glass nano-particles in the gellan gum (GG) scaffolds used in bone tissue engineering. The investigated material was synthesized as the porous spongy-like structure improved by the bioactive glass (BAG) nano-particles. Cylindrical samples were subjected to a uniaxial quasi-static loading in tension and compression. Very soft nature of the material, which makes the sample susceptible to damage, required employment of a custom designed experimental device for the mechanical testing. Moreover, as the mechanical properties are significantly influenced by testing conditions the experiment was performed using dry samples and also using samples immersed in the simulated body fluid. Material properties of the pure GG scaffold and the GG-BAG reinforced scaffold were derived from a set of tensile and compression tests under dry and simulated physiological conditions. The results are represented in the form of stress-strain curves calculated from the acquired force and displacement data.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus cizojaz.

Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.; Ing. Jan Falta; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Doktor, Ph.D.; Ing. Jaroslav Valach, Ph.D.
2017, Advanced Engineering Materials, 19 (10), ISSN 1438-1656
In this paper, impact testing of auxetic structures filled with strain rate sensitive material is presented. Two dimensional missing rib, 2D re-entrant honeycomb, and 3D re-entrant honeycomb lattices are investigated. Structures are divided into three groups according to type of filling: no filling, low expansion polyurethane foam, and ordnance gelatine. Samples from each group are tested under quasi-static loading and dynamic compression using Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar. Digital image correlation is used for assessment of in-plane displacement and strain fields. Ratios between quasi-static and dynamic results for plateau stresses and specific energy absorption in the plateau are calculated. It is found out that not only the manufactured structures, but also the wrought material exhibit strain rate dependent properties. Evaluation of influence of filling on mechanical properties shows that polyurethane increases specific absorbed energy by a factor of 1.05–1.4, whereas the effect of gelatine leads to increase of only 5–10%. Analysis of the Poisson's function reveals influence of filling on achievable (negative) values of Poisson's ratio, when compared to unfilled specimens. The results for the Poisson's function yielded apparently different values as the assessed minima of quasi-static Poisson's ratio in small deformations are constrained by a factor of 15.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.
The aim of the dissertation is investigation of mechanical behavior of auxetic materials using numerical modeling techniques. The studied auxetic constructs are intended to be used as a matrix in modular panels for ballistic protection and mitigation of deformation energy of blasts. Thus, the analyses will be primarily focused on development of modeling schemes for reliable prediction of the materials’ mechanical properties and their optimization in the given design domain according to required characteristics. Particular attention will be paid in the numerical studies to evaluation of influence of structural characteristics on overall mechanical characteristics including the Poisson’s function and specific absorbed deformation energy. According to analogy of the metal foams and beam-like discretization schemes of their microstructure in terms of mechanical properties, the same approach can be used for numerical modeling of auxetic structures, both produced by modification of an existing foam and auxetic constructs with directly controlled geometry. Hence, the methods developed for inverse estimation of the effective mechanical properties of metal foams will be used as a basis for development of prediction and optimization schemes for the auxetic structures. The analyses will be at first performed with structures exhibiting in-plane negative Poisson’s ratio and, only after verification of the used methods, fully 3D structures with volumetric negative Poisson’s ratio characteristics will be simulated. After verification of the quasi-static results, explicit dynamics simulations will be carried out in large deformation field and as a self-contact problem. Numerical simulations will be complemented by experimental tests at micro- and macroscale.
Kandidátské minimum

Ing. Tomáš Doktor, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.
2017, 25th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY - PROGRAM AND BOOK OF ABSTRACTS, Ljubljana, Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije), p. 52-52), ISBN 978-961-94088-1-0
In this study behavior of selected types of filling material were tested in compressive loading mode at high strain rates. Four types of filling material were tested, (i) ordnance gelatin, (ii) low expan sion polyurethane foam, (iii) thixotropic polyurethane putty and (iv) silicon putty. To evaluate their contribution to the impact energy absorption in IPC bulk samples of selected materials were subjected to high strain rate compression. The high strain ra te compressive loading was provided by Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) which was adjusted to be able to test cellular and soft materials. From the tests stress - strain diagrams of investigated materials were obtained, which provided relevant mechanical properties (plateau stress and strain, strain energy density).
Abstrakt ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; Ing. Nela Krčmářová; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.; Kumpová, I.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Gantar, A.; Novak, S.
2017, Materials and Technology, 51 (3), p. 397-402), ISSN 1580-2949
The presented work is aimed at a demonstration of modern radiological methods for an investigation of the deformation behaviour of bone scaffolds. Bone scaffold is an artificial structure used for the repairs of trabecular bones damaged by injuries or degenerative diseases. In bone-tissue engineering a proper description of its deformation behaviour is one of the most important characteristics for an assessment of the biocompatibility and bone-integration characteristics of the proposed structure intended to be used as a bone scaffold. According to recent studies bioactive-glass-reinforced gellan-gum (GG-BAG) is a promising material for bone-scaffold production. However, its low specific stiffness and simultaneous low attenuation to X-rays makes both the mechanical and imaging parts of the deformation experiments difficult. As a result a state-of-the-art experimental setup composed of high-precision micro-loading apparatus designed for the X-ray observation of deformation processes and an advanced radiographical device is required for such experiments. High-resolution time-lapse micro-focus X-ray computed tomography (micro CT) under loading in three different imaging modes was performed to obtain a precise structural and mechanical description of the observed deforming GG-BAG scaffolds.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Doktor, Ph.D.
2016, Materials and Technology, 50 (3), p. 311-317), ISSN 1580-2949
In the presented paper, three types of auxetic structures were produced with direct 3D printing and their compressive mechanical properties were tested. Samples were prepared from acrylic material suitable for high-resolution direct printing. Three different structures exhibiting in-plane and volumetric negative strain-dependent Poisson's ratio were selected for the analysis: two-dimensional missing-rib cut, two-dimensional inverted (re-entrant) honeycomb and three-dimensional inverted (re-entrant) honeycomb. The samples were subjected to quasi-static compression, from which stress-strain relationships were established. For a proper strain evaluation, digital-image correlation was applied to measure full-field displacements on the sample surfaces. From the displacement fields, true strain/true stress curves were derived for each sample. Furthermore, for each structure a three-dimensional FE model was developed using beam elements and subjected to identical loading conditions. Then, experimentally obtained stress-strain relationships were compared with numerically obtained results. For all the tested auxetic structures, the compressive behaviour was predicted well by the FE models. This demonstrates that parametric FE models can be used to tune the design parameters of the structures with a negative Poisson's ratio to optimize their overall properties.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; Hos, J.; Ing. Jan Šleichrt, Ph.D.
2016, Materials and Technology, 50 (3), p. 413-417), ISSN 1580-2949
Composite materials with a polymeric matrix reinforced by carbon fibres are nowadays widely used as high-tech structural materials with excellent mechanical properties (particularly their stiffness and strength). The application of this type of composite to structural parts exposed to thermal loading has recently been proposed. Such an application requires an investigation and analysis of the mechanical behaviour under long-term exposure to simultaneous thermal and mechanical loading. In this paper the measurements and results of the creep behaviour of a composite with a polyphenylene sulphide matrix reinforced with chopped poly-acrylonitrile carbon fibres (C/PPS) are presented. The measured compound is proposed for use as a structural material for a jet-engine frame in the aerospace industry and the internal parts of aircraft with possible thermal loading. A custom experimental device designed for the creep measurements of composite materials was used for measurements of the developing strain at a constant tensile stress and temperature. Short-term creep tests with continuous strain monitoring were performed at a constant stress level at several elevated temperatures below and above the glass-transition temperature of the matrix. The strain was measured using the digital image correlation (DIC) method. The measured data were processed to find the strain-to-time dependency and the creep-compliance-to-time dependency. The creep-compliance-to-time data were also fitted using Findley's creep law for polymers to evaluate the model parameters and to analyse the applicability of the model for a PPS polymer reinforced with chopped carbon fibres.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Doktor, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.
2016, Materials and Technology, 50 (3), p. 301-305), ISSN 1580-2949
The study aims at mechanical testing of an artificial bone structure in the form of a scaffold for the application in the repairs of trabecular bones after wounds or degenerative diseases. Such artificial construct has to conform to many requirements including biocompatibility, permeability properties and bone-integration characteristics. Recently, self-degradable bone scaffolds suitable for natural-bone-tissue ingrowth optimized with respect to mechanical properties and body-fluid flow have been considered as an alternative to allografts and autografts. Here, an analysis of deformation behaviour of a scaffold with a morphology identical to the natural bone is the first step in this task. In this work, the geometry and morphology of scaffold specimens produced with direct 3D printing were based on a 3D model derived from the X-ray-computed micro-tomography measurement of a real trabecular bone. The geometrical model was upscaled four times in order to achieve the optimum ratio between its resolution and the resolution of the 3D printer. For its biocompatibility and self-degradability, polylactic acid was used as the printing material. The mechanical characteristics were obtained from a series of uniaxial compression tests, with an optical evaluation of the strain field on the surfaces of the specimens. The acquired stress-strain curves were compared with the characteristics of a real trabecular bone obtained with time-lapse microtomography measurements, evaluated with the digital volumetric correlation method. The results show good correspondence of the stiffness values for both the natural and artificial bone specimens.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Michaela Jurko; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.
2016, Engineering Mechanics 2015, Zurich, TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD), p. 428-434), ISSN 1662-7482
In this work parametric modelling was utilized to design and produce two types of porous microarchitectures with auxetic compressive properties suitable for deformation energy mitigation applications such as blast and bullet protection. The samples were directly produced from acrylic amaterial using a high resolution 3D printer and their compressive mechanical characteristics were tested. Two different structures exhibiting in-plane negative strain dependent Poisson’s ratio were selected for the analysis: i) two-dimensional inverted (re-entrant) honeycomb and ii) two-dimensional cut missing-rib. Stress-strain relationships were established from a set of quasi-static compressional experiments where the strain fields were evaluated using digital image correlation applied to measure the full-field displacements on the samples' surface. From the displacement fields true strain – true stress curves were derived for each sample and relative elastic moduli were evaluated.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Nela Krčmářová; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; Ing. Jan Šleichrt, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.
2016, Book of Abstracts of International Symposium on Experimental Methods and Numerical Simulation in Engineering Sciences 2016, Praha, katedra mechaniky a materiálů), ISBN 978-80-01-06009-4
This study is focused on investigation of the reinforcement effect of the nano-particles in gellan gum (GG) scaffolds used in bone tissue engineering. This hydrophilic polysaccharide-based material is attractive for personalized design of implants thanks to its biocompatibility and wide range of available fabrication methods. Material properties of pure GG scaffold and GG-BAG reinforced scaffold were derived from set of tensile and compression tests under dry and simulated physiological conditions. The results are represented in form of stress-strain curves calculated from acquired force and displacement data. It can be concluded that significant reinforcement effect of BAG was observed only during the compressive loading.
Abstrakt ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Kumpová, I.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.; Vavřík, D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.; Jung, A.
2016, Journal of Instrumentation, 11 (1), ISSN 1748-0221
In this paper, we employ dual-energy X-ray microfocus tomography (DECT) measurement to develop high-resolution finite element (FE) models that can be used for the numerical assessment of the deformation behaviour of hybrid Ni/Al foam subjected to both quasi-static and dynamic compressive loading. Cubic samples of hybrid Ni/Al open-cell foam with an edge length of [15]mm were investigated by the DECT measurement. The material was prepared using AlSi7Mg0.3 aluminium foam with a mean pore size of [0.85]mm, coated with nanocrystalline nickel (crystallite size of approx. [50]nm) to form a surface layer with a theoretical thickness of [0.075]mm. CT imaging was carried out using state-of-the-art DSCT/DECT X-ray scanner developed at Centre of Excellence Telč. The device consists of a modular orthogonal assembly of two tube-detector imaging pairs, with an independent geometry setting and shared rotational stage mounted on a complex 16-axis CNC positioning system to enable unprecedented measurement variability for highly-detailed tomographical measurements. A sample of the metal foam was simultaneously irradiated using an XWT-240-SE reflection type X-ray tube and an XWT-160-TCHR transmission type X-ray tube. An enhanced dual-source sampling strategy was used for data acquisition. X-ray images were taken using XRD1622 large area GOS scintillator flat panel detectors with an active area of [410 × 410]mm and resolution [2048 × 2048]pixels. Tomographic scanning was performed in 1,200 projections with a 0.3 degree angular step to improve the accuracy of the generated models due to the very complex microstructure and high attenuation of the investigated material. Reconstructed data was processed using a dual-energy algorithm, and was used for the development of a 3D model and voxel model of the foam. The selected parameters of the models were compared with nominal parameters of the actual foam and showed good correlation.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Jan Šleichrt, Ph.D.; Ing. Nela Krčmářová; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.
2016, Book of Abstracts of International Symposium on Experimental Methods and Numerical Simulation in Engineering Sciences 2016, Praha, katedra mechaniky a materiálů), ISBN 978-80-01-06009-4
This work presents deformation behaviour of cost effective chopped fiber composites. Use of chopped fibre is advantageous for manufacturing however complex shape parts production technology could be challenging. Batches of samples with different fibres composition were subjected to uni-axial tensile loading to obtain overall materials properties and inspection of proper manufacturing based on local deformation inhomogeneities. Deformation behaviour of chopped fibre composites represented by stress-strain curves and strain maps was described based on optical measurement of standard tensile test. Local strain concentrations predicting failure area was identified.
Abstrakt ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; Ing. Nela Krčmářová; Šperl, M.
2016, XIVth Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, Praha, ČVUT v Praze, Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT), p. 35-38), ISBN 978-80-01-05885-5, ISSN 2336-5382
In this study high resolution thermography is used for identification of damaged zones in Carbon fiber/polyphenylene sulfide (C/PPS) long fiber composite specimens with induced impact damage subjected to tensile fatigue loading. Image processing techniques were applied on thermographs from all loading cases to obtain segmented images of the damaged location that were then used for calculation of the heated area. Results show that the considered method can be used to identify heated area in the vicinity of damage with high confidence at low number of cycles where no significant fatigue effect is present in the material.
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prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.
Bylo vypracováno odborné posouzení konstrukce nového železničního návěstidla s využitím analytických výpočtů dle platných norem a numerických výpočtů metodou konečných prvků.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Ing. Tomáš Doktor, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.
2015, Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Stirling, Civil-Comp Press Ltd), p. 1-12), ISBN 978-1-905088-63-8, ISSN 1759-3433
This paper deals with finite element modelling of auxetic cellular structures and nu- merical optimization of their effective mechanical properties. Three different auxetic structures (two-dimensional cut missing-rib, two-dimensional inverted (re-entrant) hon- eycomb and three-dimensional inverted honeycomb) were designed and produced by additive manufacturing. Fully parametric representations of the structures are devel- oped based on their geometric design and tested in a virtual finite element experiment to uncover the relationship between the overall properties and design parameters. Deformation behaviour of the selected auxetics assessed numerically is verified against experiments in which deformation is measured precisely in a large area using digital image correlation up to large strain values. Then the strain-stress curves are compared to the numerically obtained values. In the finite element analyses the geometries of the structures have been discre- tised either with three-dimensional solid elements (eight-node hexahedral elements) and with beam elements. The numerical model was equipped with the elasto-plastic material model with a von Mises yield criteria and bilinear isotropic work hardening. To inversely calculate the stress-strain relationship of the structures for large strain values both geometric and material nonlinearities were taken into account. The effects of selected structural parameters (both geometric given e.g. by relative density, rod thickness, internal angles, etc. and material given by elastic properties of the base material) are studied using parametric finite element modelling to obtain their effects on overall mechanical properties (stiffness and strength). Auxetic structures are then optimized using design parameter driven finite element models which are able to predict various effective mechanical properties such as elastic modulus, strength and Poisson’s ratio.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; Ing. Nela Krčmářová; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Doktor, Ph.D.; Šepitka, J.; Lukeš, J.
2015, Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Local Mechanical Properties, Uetikon-Zurich, Trans Tech Publications), p. 129-133), ISBN 978-3-03835-555-7, ISSN 1013-9826
This paper deals with evaluation of mechanical properties of human trabeculae in the interconnection area. Local changes in the trabecular connections were evaluated using both quasi-static nanoindenation and modulus mapping technique. Connecting point of two trabeculae was revealed by precise grinding and polishing. A rectangular region in the interconnection was selected and inspected by modulus mapping procedure. Moreover several quasi-static indentation measurements using cube-corner indenter were performed along distinct lamellae. The obtained elastic properties were then compared with the values of the rod-like trabeculae. The comparison does not indicate significant differences in elastic properties between the trabecular rods and interconnections.
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Ing. Michaela Jurko; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Jandejsek, I.; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.
Předkládaná bakalářská práce se zabývá vývojem experimentální metody pro studium deformačního chování auxetických struktur (porézních materiálů vykazujících záporné Poissonovo číslo) při kvazi-statickém zatěžování. Vzhledem k charakteru odezvy zkoumaných mikrostruktur na tlakové zatížení jsou mechanické charakteristiky odvozovány z vysoce přesného měření síly během experimentů a optického vyhodnocení deformace na povrchu vzorků s použitím metody digitální korelace obrazu (2D-DIC) se subpixelovou přesností. V práci byly zkoumány vzorky tří druhů auxetických mikrostruktur s analyticky dobře popsanou deformační odezvou a teoretickým průběhem Poissonovy funkce (závislosti Poissonova čísla na deformaci) v uspořádáních odpovídajících jak rovinnému, tak volumetrickému charakteru auxetických vlastností. Pro výrobu vzorků byl využit přímý 3D tisk metodou mnohatryskového modelování s vysokým rozlišením. Z naměřených dat byly s použitím vlastního softwarového nástroje vytvořeného v programovacím prostředí Matlab stanoveny závislosti skutečné napětí - skutečná deformace, Poissonovo číslo - skutečná deformace, poměrný Youngův modul pružnosti a hustota pohlcené deformační energie. Bylo ukázáno, že předkládaná metoda je vhodná pro studium mechanických vlastností auxetických materiálů na makroúrovni, což umožní verifikaci analytických a numerických optimalizačních procedur sloužících pro návrh auxetické mikrostruktury přizpůsobené pro konkrétní aplikaci.
Diplomová práce

Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Doktor, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; Ing. Nela Krčmářová; Šepitka, J.; Lukeš, J.
2015, Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Local Mechanical Properties, Uetikon-Zurich, Trans Tech Publications), p. 138-141), ISBN 978-3-03835-555-7, ISSN 1013-9826
Bone implants in form of artificial scaffolds manufactured from poly-lactic acid (PLA) represent an attractive alternative to traditional surgical treatments of defective bones (i.e. autografts and allografts). In this work factors influencing biocompatibility and primary stability of implants manufactured from PLA using direct 3D printing were assessed using nanoindentation. For this reason bulk sample of the PLA material and a printed object were subjected to nanomechanical measurement. Quasi-static nanoindentation was employed to identify elastic modulus and hardness distribution on surface and within volume of the samples. Moreover mechanical properties along scanning direction and interlayer characteristics were also assessed. Gradients in mechanical properties have been identified within volume of the material, within the printing layers and at contact between individual layers.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.
Nová koncepce nosné konstrukce světelného návěstidla byla předběžně posuzována z hlediska únosnosti pomocí FEM a analytického výpočtu podle normy, dále byla posuzována šroubová spojení a betonový základ.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Ing. Tomáš Doktor, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.
2015, Materials and Technology, 49 (4), p. 597-600), ISSN 1580-2949
This paper deals with an experimental study of deformation response of open-cell aluminium foams under a moderate strain-rate compressive loading. Generally, porous metals show a promising potential in energy-absorption applications. However, the low strength of open-cell metal foams is a limiting parameter for such applications. Furthermore, the strain-rate sensitivity of mechanical properties is typically observed in closed-cell metal foams. On the other hand, open-cell foams provide a better control over the morphological parameters of a cellular structure. To enhance the properties of an open-cell microstructure an aluminium open-cell foam cured with polymeric filling was comparatively tested against the deformation-energy-absorption capabilities of the šas-delivered’ foam under a moderate strain-rate compressive loading. Prismatic samples with square cross-sections were prepared from the open-cell aluminium foam and a selected set of the samples was then filled with the thixotropic polyurethane putty. The specimens were tested with quasi-static compression, using a custom drop tower at several levels of the impact energy. The drop tests were instrumented with a tri-axial accelerometer and a high-speed camera to measure the mechanical response and the strain evolution during the impact. The comparison of the quasi-static behaviour with the results of the dynamic tests showed insignificant changes in the deformation curves in the case of the šas-delivered’ open-cell foam and an increasing energy-absorption capacity in the case of the samples equipped with the polymeric filling.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Jung, A.; Larcher, M.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.; Solomos, G.
2015, 11th International Conference on the Mechanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials Under Dynamic Loading, Les Ulis, EDP Sciences), ISSN 2101-6275
Shock absorption often needs stiff but lightweight materials that exhibit a large kinetic energy absorption capability. Open-cell metal foams are artificial structures, which due to their plateau stress, including a strong hysteresis, can in principle absorb large amounts of energy. However, their plateau stress is too low for many applications. In this study, we use highly novel and promising Ni/Al hybrid foams which consist of standard, open-cell aluminium foams, where nanocrystalline nickel is deposited by electrodeposition as coating on the strut surface. The mechanical behaviour of cellular materials, including their behaviour under higher strain-rates, is governed by their microstructure due to the properties of the strut material, pore/strut geometry and mass distribution over the struts. Micro-inertia effects are strongly related to the microstructure. For a conclusive model, the exact real microstructure is needed. In this study a micro-focus computer tomography (μCT) system has been used for the analysis of the microstructure of the foam samples and for the development of a microstructural Finite Element (micro-FE) mesh. The microstructural FE models have been used to model the mechanical behaviour of the Ni/Al hybrid foams under dynamic loading conditions. The simulations are validated by quasi-static compression tests and dynamic split Hopkinson pressure bar tests.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

doc. Ing. Tomáš Mičunek, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.; Ing. Michal Frydrýn, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Drahomír Schmidt, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.; Ing. Zdeněk Svatý, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Doktor, Ph.D.; Ing. Luboš Nouzovský, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Lenková, A.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Bc. Kateřina Mičunková; Ing. Michaela Jurko; Hájková, B.; Ing. Jan Šleichrt, Ph.D.; Adorna, M.; Hos, J.; Ing. Jan Falta; Ing. Nela Krčmářová
Předmětem díla je porovnání neoriginálního náhradního dílu s originálním dílem kapoty Škoda Fabia II z pohledu bezpečnosti dopravy. Dále je předmětem díla zjištění zda neoriginální náhradní díly jednoho výrobce mají stejné mechanické vlastnosti.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Doktor, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Kumpová, I.; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.
2014, Book of abstract of 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, p. 597-597)
Micromechanical testing at the level of individual trabeculae is fundamental for proper description of deformation behaviour of a complex bone structure. This study is focused on influence of various X-ray microradiography procedures, loading procedures and tracking algorithms on accuracy of strain evaluation of loaded human trabeculae. Displacement controlled three-point bending test in both incremental and continual loading modes were carried out. To acquire best quality images two different X-ray imaging setups were used. Large area scintillator and high resolution single photon counting silicon detector WidePix with microfocus X-rays source were employed. Different voltages and target currents were tested to obtain optimal signal to noise ratio in the radiograms. Two different methods were used for displacement tracking: i) digital image correlation (DIC) and ii) tracking of artificial markers attached to the samples. In case of DIC sample inhomogeneity allowed for displacement measurement using Lucas-Kanade tracking algorithm. Gold coated borosilicate glass micro-spheres were used as the markers for displacement tracking in the second method. Here circular Hough transform was used to locate and track the positions of the markers in the loading sequence. Linearisation of the attenuation range was employed to improve contrast in the radiograms and to increase precision of the employed tracking algorithms. Stress-strain characteristics of individual trabeculae were obtained and reduction of thickness in loaded specimens correlating with strain localization was observed.
Abstrakt ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Ing. Jaroslav Valach, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; Ing. Nela Krčmářová; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Doktor, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.
2014, 9th International Conference on Local Mechanical Properties, Zürich, Transtech Publications), p. 257-260), ISBN 978-3-03785-876-9, ISSN 1013-9826
The paper presents application on digital image correlation (DIC) and microindentation for investigation of plastic flow under Brinell ball indenter applied on steel specimen made of two screwed together parts. Specimens in two different material state (a) as delivered (b) annealed were investigated. This approach enables internal surface to act as the external one and to be examined by mentioned methods. Results obtained by application of DIC on scanning electron microscope (SEM) images are compared to microhardness maps and agreement is demonstrated.
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Králík, V.; Němeček, J.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.
2014, Local Mechanical Properties X, Zurich, TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD), p. 11-14), ISBN 978-3-03835-062-0, ISSN 1013-9826
The aim of this paper is to identify, in addition to elastic properties, inelastic properties of tiny aluminium foam cell walls that can be directly deduced from the load–depth curves of spherical indentation tests using formulations of the representative strain and stress. Constitutive parameters related to plastic material with linear isotropic hardening, the yield point (122 ± 17 MPa) and tangent modulus (950 ± 377 MPa), were obtained in this work. Spherical indentation and uniaxial tension experiments were performed on a standard aluminium alloy EN AW 6060 to explore the accuracy of the analytical models used to predict the uniaxial stress–strain in wide strain ranges. Some deviations received from different tests arose and, therefore, their effect on the evaluation of inelastic properties is discussed.
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doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Doktor, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.; Králík, V.; Němeček, J.
2014, Local Mechanical Properties X, Zurich, TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD), p. 39-42), ISBN 978-3-03835-062-0, ISSN 1013-9826
This study is focused on detection and characterisation of influenced zones in micro-scale specimens of aluminium foam after thermal and mechanical loading induced by preparation process for three-point bending test. Two cell-wall specimens were prepared from a slab of aluminium foam and influences of preparation process (machining) and thermal load on local mechanical properties were investigated using nanoindentation. Although the nanoindentation is powerful method for investigation of material properties of small zones, it can be reliably used only to obtain information about elastic properties. Due to limitation of the nanoindentation for reliable measurement of inelastic properties, plastic properties were determined using a set of indirect finite element simulations of nanoindentation tests. The procedure is based on fitting numerical results to experimentally measured force-depth curves.
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Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Doktor, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; Ing. Jaroslav Valach, Ph.D.; Šepitka, J.; Lukeš, J.
2014, Local Mechanical Properties X, Zurich, TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD), p. 245-248), ISBN 978-3-03835-062-0, ISSN 1013-9826
This study is focused on inspection of damage extent induced into C/PPS composite material by fatigue and impact loading. Initial damage to specimens was induced by drop-weight out-of-plane impact damage. Several levels of damage states (intact specimen, fatigued and impacted specimen, ruptured specimen) were inspected using modulus mapping (MM) technique. Quantification of the damage level was based on comparison of results from MM obtained in distinct locations on the specimens. Regions of interest were selected in order to determine magnitude of damage after impact and to assess remaining loading capabilities of the material. For this purpose, material maps provided information about location where matrix had been inflicted by the damage. Results show that impact loading has no measurable influence on mechanical properties of the matrix. However, gradient in mechanical properties was detected in the vicinity of crack. Results were validated using quasi-static nanoindentation and constant strain rate continuous measurement that showed depth profile of mechanical properties.
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Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; Koudelková, V.; Lukeš, J.; Ing. Tomáš Doktor, Ph.D.; Ing. Jaroslav Valach, Ph.D.
2014, Key Engineering Materials, Zurich, TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD), p. 186-189), ISBN 978-3-03785-876-9, ISSN 1013-9826
In the case of material parameters required for evaluation of built heritage preservation state, knowledge of the least possible volume of removed sample is essential in order to minimize damage accumulation to the buildings. These requirements lead to determination of representative volume element (RVE) that was in this paper calculated using combination of image and signal processing techniques. Then, a detailed map of material properties was created using nanoindentation to evaluate local characteristics of the material. Furthermore, atomic composition of samples was quantified by energy dispersive spectrometry (EDX) detector for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) device. Presented method based on combination of SEM, EDX and nanoindentation techniques demonstrates possibility of effective testing in the field of historical buildings preservation.
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Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.
2014, Proceedings of 13th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta dopravní), p. 61-65), ISBN 978-80-01-05556-4
Porous metals and particularly aluminium foams are attractive materials for crash applications where constructional elements have to be able to absorb considerable amount of deformation energy while having as low weight as possible. Compressive behaviour for medium impact velocities can be experimentally assessed from a series of drop-tower impact tests instrumented with accelerometer and high-speed camera. However to predict such behaviour a proper modelling scheme has to be developed. In this paper drop-tower impact tests of Alporas aluminium foam were used for development of a material model for explicit finite element simulations of high-strain rate deformation process using LS-DYNA simulation environment. From the material models available low density foam, Fu-Chang’s foam, crushable foam and modified crushable foam models were selected for simulations using smoothed-particle hydrodynamics and solid formulations respectively. Numerical simulations were performed in order to assess constitutive parameters of these models and identify material model describing deformation behaviour of Alporas with the best accuracy.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Kumpová, I.; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Doktor, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.
2014, Proceedings of 13th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta dopravní), p. 32-35), ISBN 978-80-01-05556-4
In this paper, compact loading device for micro-CT measurements under applied load was used in a series of instrumented compressive test of bone sample. Tested bone samples were loaded in several deformation steps and micro-CT scanning was carried out in each step. Reconstructed three-dimensional data of intact bone sample were used to develop 3D model of the specimen. Data from each deformation step were processed by DVC method for identification of displacement and strain fields and thus for evaluation of deformation response of human trabecular bone sample.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Jandejsek, I.; Ing. Tomáš Doktor, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.; Drdácký, M.; Zíma, P.Z.
2014, Journal of Instrumentation (9), ISSN 1748-0221
In order to ensure sustainability if historic buildings their technical state has to be inspected on regular basis. Damage assessment has to be preferably carried out using non-destructive methods otherwise damage accumulation may occur during life-cycle of the constructions. According to character of detected damage appropriate intervention measures (i.e. strengthening, consolidation, etc.) have to be then efficiently applied. Among other factors significantly influencing life span of constructions weathering agents (rain, erosion, dissolution, etc.) may cause rapid degradation of mechanical properties. In this paper X-ray radiograhical imaging was used to describe fluid penetration process in porous Maastricht limestone that is commonly used for restoration purposes. The imaging was performed in custom radiography device simulating practical in-situ measurements using microtube device. This device is a modified Karsten tube capable of determining absorbed volume and its speed even on inclined surfaces. However actual fluid penetration process in terms of saturation depth/volume ratio and shape of fluid wave propagating through microstructure is indeterminable using microtube. For this purpose real-time radiography imaging of fluid saturation process was performed to investigate behaviour of fluid in the material. Furthermore X-ray computed microtomography was performed to develop finite element model for simulation of fluid flow in the porous microstructure. Using the real-time imaging relations between penetration speed, penetration depth and penetrated volume were assessed. These results can be used to validate results from microtube measurements including nonlinear regions present when semi-spherical wave propagates through the material. Using a set of finite element simulations of the microtube experiment fluid velocity distribution in the material together with effective Darcy's flux were calculated and results were compared to those from real-time imaging.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Doktor, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.; Kumpová, I.
2014, XIVth Bilateral German/Czech Symposium - Experimental Methods and Numerical Simulation in Engineering Sciences, Wuppertal, Bergische Universität), p. 66-69)
Deeper understanding of the relationship between morphology, micro-mechanical properties at the bone tissue level and overall mechanical properties of the bone is important for assessment of bone physiological and pathological behaviour. Modern radiological methods (e.g. computed micro-tomography) are powerful instruments for investigation of the internal structure. Using the time-lapse tomography enabled assessment of deformation response to the applied loading and monitoring of damage propagation. Different custom based set-ups of high resolution micro-focus X-ray computed tomography equipped with scintillator or single-photon counting detector were used for imaging at both meso and micro levels.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Doktor, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Jaroslav Valach, Ph.D.
2013, Proceedings of 12th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, Bari, Politecnico di Bari)
Evaluation of natural frequencies‘ shift during thermal loading of carbon fibre/polyphenylene sulphide (C/PPS) composites used in aircraft industry is described in this paper. Values of natural frequencies were chosen as indicators of changes in material properties. Custom-designed experimental device suitable for determination of specimen's natural frequencies was developed according to operation in thermal chamber. During the experiment steel pellets were dropped on specimen. Overall acoustic response of the impact was recorded by microphone. Two characteristic natural frequencies were evaluated using spectral analysis of recorded sound. Series of measurements at different temperatures were performed nearly up to the temperature of PPS glass-transition. Obtained results show strong correlation between natural frequency shift and temperature of the specimen’s surface.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Nela Krčmářová; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; Ing. Jaroslav Valach, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Doktor, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.
2013, Proceedings of 12th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, Bari, Politecnico di Bari)
Presented article is focused on plastic strain distribution assessed by microindentation technique. If the nature of the specimen is unsuitable for radiological inspection destructive sample preparation is inevitable to describe its inner state. Two mutually perpendicular planes in deformed zone were manufactured by electrical discharge machining and polishing. One of the planes was created prior the loading procedure and during the loading the parts were connected by screws. In the perpendicular plane the specimen was cut after the loading. Specimens prepared using this procedure were then subjected to microindentation testing. Each set of indents consisted of approximately 150 Vickers microindents covering area of 0.5 mm2. Images of imprint arrays on the specimens surface were acquired by scanning electron microscope. Diagonals of indents were determined and then Vickers hardness values were calculated. Map of hardness distribution was created using cubic interpolation method.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Doktor, Ph.D.; Ing. Jaroslav Valach, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.
2013, UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series D: Mechanical Engineering, 75 (1), p. 161-170), ISSN 1454-2358
During the last decades, there has been much effort on the determination of effective elastic properties of porous metals. In this paper, the overall elastic moduli of reference aluminium foam Alporas are assessed using predictive methods based on definition of compliance contribution tensor. Surface of the foam is captured using flatbed scanner and such data is subjected to image and signal processing routines in order to obtain dimensions of the sufficient representative volume element and calculation of structural characteristics for analytical homogenization. It is shown that from all considered homogenization models only the Mori-Tanaka scheme gives results reasonably close to nominal values.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus

Ing. Tomáš Doktor, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.
2013, Proceedings of 12th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, Bari, Politecnico di Bari)
This paper is focused on evaluation of the micro‐scale tests of isolated cell‐walls of aluminium foam. To derive mechanical properties at the level of single cells, three point bending tests were carried out. There are several ways to obtain mechanical properties from the measured data (i) manufacturing of prismatic beam, (ii) testing of a curved beam and simplification of the beam shape by an equation of a curve, (iii) indirect determination of mechanical properties using inverse finite element analysis (FEA). Due to the dimensions and complex shape of the cells there is a high risk of plastic deformation caused by specimen preparation as well as very low dimensions of resulting sample. Hence testing of a curved specimen was performed with a special attention paid to the specimen preparation. A volumetric model enabling utilization of inverse FEA was developed.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Tomáš Doktor, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.
2013, Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Stirling, Civil-Comp Press Ltd), ISBN 978-1-905088-57-7, ISSN 1759-3433
This paper describes the determination of the elasto-plastic properties of base material of aluminium foam Alporas. Three point bending experiments at the micro-scale level in conjunction with inverse finite element simulation were performed. In the cellular structure cell-walls with planar shape were identified and vicinity of such walls was extracted. Harvestedmaterial was embedded into transparent rosin to avoid plastic deformation during the manipulation and the selected wall was extracted. The specimens were finalized by grinding and polishing to achieve approximately rectangular shape. Three projections were acquired using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and a volumetric model of the samples was developed using a semiautomatic image processing tool. Amicro-scale three-point bending test of semi-prismatic specimens extracted from the cell-wall was performed using a custom designed loading device. Loading was provided using a preloaded lead screw with precise travel. Applied force was measured using a high-accuracy load cell with a loading capacity of 2.25N. Strains were measured optically using the digital image correlation method. The volumetric model developed from the set of SEM projections was discretised using tetrahedral elements with quadratic shape functions. In the simulated bending test the elasto-plastic material model with the von Misses yield criterion and bilinear isotropic hardening was used. Boundary conditions consistent with the experimental oneswere prescribed in the simulation. Themeasured force was sampled at 50Hz and applied to the finite elementmodel. Based on themeasured displacements, parameters of the material model were varied to obtain a best fit to the experimental data (load- deflection curve). Elastic and plasticmaterial constants of the constitutivemodel were identified: (i) Young’smodulus of elasticity, (ii) yield stress and (iii) tangentmodulus.
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prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Doktor, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Jandejsek, I.; Vavřík, D.
2013, Journal of Instrumentation, 8 (2), ISSN 1748-0221
Time-lapse X-ray computed microtomography was employed to quantify the deformation behaviour of closed-cell aluminium foam. The specimen was incrementally loaded and tomographically scanned using a custom X-ray tomographic device to capture the deforming microstructure. Because of the very small thickness of the cell walls and the high ratio between pore size and cell wall thickness cone-beam reconstruction procedure was applied. A finite element (FE) model was developed based on the reconstructed three-dimensional data. The FE model was used for two purposes: i) the nodal points were used for tracking the displacements of the deforming structure, ii) verification of the material model for description of the foam's deformational behaviour. Digital volumetric correlation (DVC) algorithm was used on data obtained from the time-lapse tomography to provide a detailed description of the evolution of deformation in the complex structure of aluminium foam. The results from DVC demonstrate the possibility to use the complex microstructure of the aluminium foam as a random pattern for the correlation algorithm. The underlying FE model enables easy comparison between experimental results and results obtained from numerical simulations used for evaluation of proposed constitutive models.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Doktor, Ph.D.; Ing. Jaroslav Valach, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.
2012, Proceedings of 11th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, Brašov, Universitate Transilvania Brasov), p. 244-250), ISBN 978-1-63439-432-1
During the last decades, there has been much effort on the determination of effective elastic properties of porous metals. In this paper, the overall elastic moduli of reference aluminium foam Alporas are assessed using predictive methods based on definition of compliance contribution tensor. Surface of the foam is captured using flatbed scanner and such data are subjected to image and signal processing routines in order to obtain dimensions of the sufficient representative volume element and calculation of structural characteristics for analytical homogenization. It is shown that only the Mori-Tanaka scheme gives results close to nominal values.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Ing. Jaroslav Valach, Ph.D.; Němeček, J.; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.
Thesis is aimed at the determination of effective mechanical properties of foam materials with concentration on metal foams. Elastic constants are investigated using numerical homogenization method. As a input data, 2-D macrostructure of the reference foam Alporas captured by high resolution flatbed scanner was used. The acquired image is segmented to binary one that is subjected to spectral analysis in order to assess dimensions of the representative volume element sufficient for characterization of the random microstructure of the foam. The real form of the microstructure is substituted by equivalent Voronoi diagram that is consequently transformed to finite element model. The model is used in a set of simulated mechanical tests in ANSYS software leading to determination of searched elastic constants. Obtained results are compared with the experimental ones assessed using tension test performed with the Alporas specimen.
Diplomová práce

doc. Ing. Petr Zlámal, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Fíla, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Ondřej Jiroušek, Ph.D.
2012, Proceedings of 11th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, Brašov, Universitate Transilvania Brasov), p. 263-266), ISBN 978-1-63439-432-1
From a mechanical point of view the most important ability of metal foam is absorption of large amounts of strain energy. This advantage is based on the cellular structure with high ratio of porosity (75-95%). The aim of this study is determination of stress-strain measurement protocol for closed-cell aluminium metal foam Alporas during a compression test using in-house loading device. Changes in structure were observed and strain was calculated based on Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique. For the assessment of overall compression elastic modulus a new software tool based on the Matlab toolkit was developed.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Petr Koudelka, Ph.D.; Jiroušek, O.; Ing. Jaroslav Valach, Ph.D.
2011, 10th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, Chemnitz, Technische Universität Chemnitz), p. 64-65), ISBN 978-1-63439-434-5
This paper is aimed at the study of mechanical behavior of aluminium metal foams by modeling their internal structure and analysis using finite element method. Alporas aluminium foam was selected as a reference material and the material characteristics are derived from tensile loading using numerical FEM analysis in ANSYS software. Internal structure is modeled by 2 different methods - using voxel model created on the basis of a series of CT scans and by discretization using Gibson-Ashby's cellular model. Mechanical behavior analysis is performed in both elastic and plastic fields. Investigated mechanical characteristics are particularly the evolution of overall Young's modulus according to different relative densities and in the plastic field tensional stress-strain diagram. The beam-only discretization is considered intentionally to investigate its suitability for modeling of closed cell foams. Finally, FEM numerical results are compared to Gibson-Ashby's mathematical model.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.