2019, International Conference on Nonlinear Solid Mechanics - ICoNSoM2019, Palazzo Argiletum, Roma, Italy), p. 131-131)
Cellular solids, such as metal foams, hybrid foams, 3D printed lattices or additively manufactured auxetic structures are complex lightweight cellular materials with high energy absorption capabilities and possible functionally graded material properties. Engineering applications of such materials require optimization of their design, and thus their mechanical behavior under the representative loading conditions (i. e., dynamic impact, blast). The design and optimization procedures require a relevant material model based on the experimental investigation of the constructs. In this study, the application of the Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique on the cellular solids in quasi-static and dynamic compression is discussed and the representative results of the method in this application are presented. Here, digital image correlation is used as an advanced method for the complex experimental analysis of the displacement and strain fields of several cellular solids under quasi-static compression and high strain-rate loading using the Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) apparatus. The data from the experiments with the specimens of the selective laser sintered auxetic lattices, made of powdered austenitic steel, and with hybrid nickel-polyurethane aluminum foam were processed using a custom digital image correlation tool. Results covering the evaluation of the displacement and strain fields, different methods for evaluation of Poisson’s ratio, and the analysis of the digital image correlation reliability are presented in the study. The study is focused particularly on the application of the digital image correlation on the data captured by a high-speed camera during high strain-rate experiments and the analysis of the cellular solids during dynamic impact. Comparison of the digital image correlation results with the other methods, its limitations and the actual challenges in this field are also discussed in the study.
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