
informace pocházejí z univerzitní databáze V3S

Ing. Petr Had; Ing. Petra Mihálová; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří Volt; Ing. Jana Kuklová, Ph.D.
2024, New Trends in Civil Aviation: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on New Trends in Civil Aviation 2024, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 287-293), ISBN 978-80-01-07181-6, ISSN 2694-7854
Air Traffic Control is a key element of Air Traffic Management that ensures safe and efficient operations in airspace and airports. This paper presents a study on the development and implementation of Air Traffic Control logic in an airport airside simulation model. This research focuses on the identification and resolution of potential aircraft conflicts within the airport movement area and uses an agent-based modelling approach to address these challenges. The agent-based approach facilitates the modelling of complex interactions between different entities, allowing for a detailed investigation of airport traffic dynamics and potential improvements. The study includes the identifi-cation of conflict areas in airport infrastructure, the creation of a fictional airport movement area, and the development and integration of control logic to resolve conflicts during simulation runs of the designed simulation scenarios. The results of the sim-ulations provide valuable insights into the impact of traffic volume, the use of bidirectional taxiway segments, and bay operations on the total time spent by aircraft in the infrastructure, the average number of clearances issued for particular aircraft, or the number of clearances required to traverse the created infrastructure.
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Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Ing. Tereza Dvořáková; Ing. Petr Had; doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.
2023, 2023 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 979-8-3503-2162-3, ISSN 2691-3666
The concept presented in this paper targets the issue of extensive passenger flows to the airport, which could strongly influence the overall on-time performance of various entities involved. The basic idea of the proposal is to better interconnect the airports' and Air Traffic Management infrastructure with the existing city's urban infrastructure. The goal of the concept is to utilize further available capacities, usable for absorbing certain passengers' flows, and that way enabling their better distribution, which is in line with the main industry stakeholders' interests. Virtual queueing represents the proposed principle, which opens the possibilities for improved guidance of the passengers from their point of origin to the airport (departure). According to the current operational situation, the passengers' guidance will target the most suitable journey options, which involve various points of interest within the city that passengers could visit and spend some time there. This creates additional capacity and places the passengers into the so-called virtual queues. The main beneficiaries of the proposed approach are passengers, with better planning and additional journey offers, airports, with better queueing management and on-time performance, and Air Navigation Service Providers, with reduced delays caused by passenger factors.
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Ing. Petr Had; Tolar, D.; Ing. Jiří Volt; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.
2023, 2023 New Trends in Aviation Development (NTAD), Praha, IEEE Czechoslovakia Section), p. 89-94), ISBN 979-8-3503-7042-3, ISSN 2836-2756
In this paper we investigate opportunities to enhance the existing operational procedures of airbridge operators. Prior to exploring potential improvements, a simulation model of the Prague Airport north apron infrastructure is developed using AnyLogic simulation software. The primary focus of optimization revolves around human resource allocation. The optimization of airbridge operator processes is achieved through various configurations of the developed simulation model. Comparative analysis with the current operational framework is conducted, followed by a thorough evaluation of the results. Furthermore, recommendations are provided on how to implement such processes in practice to ensure that airbridge operators and necessary equipment are always available in sufficient quantities, thereby achieving the desired quality of aircraft handling. Versatility of the model also allows for future improvement and its application to optimize the configuration of aircraft ground handling processes.
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Ing. Jiří Volt; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Had
2023, Transportation Research Procedia - INAIR 2023, Linz, Elsevier BV), p. 68-76), ISSN 2352-1465
The subject of this paper is to summarize current research in the area of aircraft departure delay prediction based on machine learning algorithms and to confirm the relevancy of the identified variables (factors) whose implementation into predictive models could improve their accuracy and thus the ability to accurately predict the Target Off Block Time (TOBT) at Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) airport. In order to predict delays, several prediction models have been developed. One of the large categories of mathematical models are machine learning methods. The article includes a comprehensive literature review focused on machine learning algorithms confirming that none of those approaches used data from aircraft ground handling to predict aircraft departure delays, mainly due to ground handling data availability and scope of the research. The paper describes variables that could extend the existing machine learning prediction models. This research is supported with the real operational data from Václav Havel Airport Prague. The case study at Prague airport verifies a correlation of proposed variables with TOBT time. In several cases, a strong correlation between the proposed variables and TOBT was confirmed.
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Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Had
2022, 2022 New Trends in Civil Aviation (NTCA), Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 129-134), ISBN 978-80-01-06985-1, ISSN 2694-7854
The capacity and throughput of the airport infrastructure represent the important parameters, used for operation planning, infrastructural changes, safety analysis, etc. A limitation of throughput can significantly influence the overall airport performance. For these reasons, having a precise information or prediction of the infrastructure usage is important input for planning or designing. This paper brings the analysis of the impact of a crucial taxiway infrastructure limitation, such as closed part of the infrastructure, at Prague Airport. For this purpose, the taxiway operations model was developed. In order to evaluate the changes in aircraft routing and surfaces usage, a realistic scenario with the closed taxiway segments was defined. The impact was evaluated in terms of recorded delays of arriving and departing aircraft, generated on the taxiway system; delays of the aircraft dispatched to different stand due to closure; and queuing of the aircraft at the taxiway segments due to limited throughput.
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Ing. Jiří Volt; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Had
2022, Transportation Research Procedia, Amsterdam, Elsevier B.V.), p. 246-255), ISSN 2352-1457
The subject of this paper is a development of the mathematical model for determining the number of airport equipment dedicated for the baggage loading and unloading. This model can predict the demand for the carts and loaders based on the input data. Based on this prediction, the optimal number of equipment is calculated. The ability to predict the required amount of the airport vehicles in advance could make the aircraft loading and unloading process more efficient. It would also allow better capacity planning of the ground handling system. In the first part, the current state and procedures for baggage loading and unloading are analysed. Based on the theory of linear programming, a mathematical model is created to predict a demand for equipment and calculate the optimal number needed to handle all flights. This model is subsequently implemented in the created software, which allows to perform experiments with the proposed mathematical model. Operation data from Václav Havel Airport Prague are used to verify the correct functioning of the model.
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doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; Ing. Tereza Dvořáková; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Had
2022, Transport Means 2022. Proceedings of the 26th International Scientific Conference, Kaunas, Kaunas University of Technology), p. 190-194), ISSN 1822-296X
Due to the effects of therecentglobal pandemic, reduced air traffic and passenger numbers, aviation is experiencing significant changes inairport business models.Aviation is recovering rapidlyin 2022and is facing many operational challenges. The mostsignificant disturbances are caused bythe shortage of airport and ground handling staffresulting in queueing and overcrowding in particular airport areas. To mitigate the negative effects of these factors, there is aneed for optimization ofthe departingpassenger flowleading to improved airport operations and airport on-time performance.In this paper, we propose a newSmart City –Smart Airport interconnectionconceptwith utilization of virtual queueing technology, that addresses the current issues at airports. The solution would providedepartingpassengers with useful information including the most suitable arrival time at the airport to avoid extreme queueing. The airport might use the proposed solution to affect the arrival times of passengers to prevent overcrowding and creation of queues in airport terminals. This concept aims to bring opportunities and benefits tothe participants, such as passengers, airports, ground handling companies, airlines,andoperators of alternative collectors shifted into the urban infrastructure.
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Ing. Peter Olexa; Ing. Miroslav Špák, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Ing. Bc. Sébastien Lán, Ph.D.; Ing. Marek Hamza
2022, 2022 New Trends in Civil Aviation (NTCA), Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 141-146), ISBN 978-80-01-06985-1, ISSN 2694-7854
This paper describes the elaboration of Enhanced diversion airport selection methodology, which can be used for the optimization of flight planning by airline operators and the better diversion decisions in the real time operations. The paper is based on the analysis of the problematics of flight diversion from different perspectives and determining the factors influencing the diversion recovery. Based on these factors an methodology is proposed for decision making in the process of alternate airports selection during the planning process and real time operations. The selection methodology incorporates operational and commercial factors determining the suitability of an airport as an alternate destination. Emphasis is put on the economic suitability of the airport in terms of minimizing costs in case of flight diversion. In the validation process the methodology was applied on selected airports using real data and compared with actual operations, and as such presented to the experts. The result of the work is an optimized system for selecting an alternate airport in case of diversion from the destination, with the possibility of wider application and further elaboration when using the real-time shared data.
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Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Kurzweil, L.; Řehoř, V.
2020, 2020 New Trends in Civil Aviation, Praha, IEEE Czechoslovakia Section), p. 105-110), ISBN 978-80-01-06726-0, ISSN 2694-7854
This paper focuses on the quality and potential utilization of the currently available airport operational data sources within specific Safety Management System (SMS) tools. It primarily evaluates the appropriateness of the operational data sources to serve as a valid input for the more automatized and real-time data collection and evaluation. This evaluation is primarily focused on possible utilization of such data sources within safety control structure, the core of the safety model STAMP. This represents one of the possible approaches that could be set as a main safety mechanism, bringing a potential for setting of the active control within the given system. Application of active control requires a system preparedness study. In order to set an active control, detailed understanding of the available data sources and their appropriateness for the safety evaluation process, are required. Such data are gathered from the various sources and their structure is not consistent, which could potentially lead to a misinterpretation and invalid safety analysis results. Therefore, the main goal of the paper is to bring a closer look to a several aspects of technical and operational preparedness of the aviation organizations to use real-time data within SMS. The research uses relevant sources of daily operational data.
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Vitteková, M.; doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; Stejskal, P.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Pezl, T.
2020, Supply Chain and Logistics Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Hershey, Information Resources Management Association), p. 1876-1906), ISBN 978-1-7998-0945-6
This chapter introduces a methodology on how to define a complex Security Index (SI) that brings the ability to measure the strength and the efficiency of the business entity´s security system. It describes how to provide an approach to the security performance measurement. In order to get SI it is necessary to develop a systematization of Security Index Determination Model (SIDM). SI describes Supply Chain Security Management (SCSM) performance. SCSM implements, facilitates and maintains Security barriers, which are formed by a confluence of properly chosen and efficiently implemented security measures. The presented methodology is based on the General Model developed by Gutiérrez and Hintsa that was expanded according to research needs. The expansion was based on adding the specified barriers for each of the Sub-categories stated in the previously mentioned General Model. For this purpose different security initiatives such as AEO, C-TPAT and TAPA were analysed. SIDM is based on Objectivized Methodology for Technical Systems Conditions Assessment developed by Lansky.
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Kurzweil, L.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.
2019, Safety & Security Conference Prague 2019, Praha, IRIS - Rudolf Valenta), p. 43-48), ISBN 978-80-907724-0-3
The aim of this paper is to highlight the current trends in aircraft ground handling operations and to underline the weaknesses that need to be addressed. Practically speaking, the main issue lies in the fact that existing procedures, determined for ground staff are too complex. Reading such documents is a challenging task, which negatively influences their proper understanding and following performance. The risk of a human error during such kind of operations increases accordingly. The article offers several approaches and improvement proposals to be considered. In order to keep safety at an acceptable level, firstly the increasing complexity of written procedures must be dealt with, ideally prevented. The main idea is that all involved parties must put the effort to simplify procedures and offer them to employees directly, on demand, right during the procedure performance. Such procedures must be simple and tailored to particular working position. According to the trends and authors expert forecast, the future of ground handling lies in automation and robotization. Such development in the industry will not just protect aviation from the growing issue of the work force shortage in the coming years, but, when mature enough, it will reduce the risks of aircraft damages and generally improve safety at the airports.
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doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.
2019, VII International Symposium NEW HORIZONS 2019 of Transport and Communications - proceedings, Doboj, University of East Sarajevo), p. 610-616), ISBN 978-99955-36-79-4
Safety management belongs to the newest and one of the fastest developing domains in the aviation. Since its invention from around the year 2000, there has been growing interest worldwide in getting more control over the negative aspects of risk in flight operations. Today, the achievement is remarkable given the safety records of modern aviation. However, past success cannot be guarantee of future safety due to fast pace of development and ever-increasing complexity of the aviation industry. Past methods and approaches do not indicate as great performance today and so has the approach to safety management deal with the new emerging challenges. This paper deals with potential implementation of the modern safety theory into the established framework of safety management system. It utilizes allcurrent safety models and methods and proposes how the framework could be updated in the aviation to achieve new generation of safety management. The results show how the theory can be integrated in the aviation with some remarks about the new concept. The paper shows the way forward to the future safety management and ground the future research in the domain.
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doc. Ing. Bc. Vladimír Socha, Ph.D.; Ing. Lenka Hanáková, Ph.D.; Freigang, M.; doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Socha, L.; Hanák, P.
2019, TRANSPORT PROBLEMS, 14 (2), p. 55-67), ISSN 1896-0596
Presented work is primarily oriented on the experimental verification of the influence of fatigue on the psychological condition of the flying personnel, using psychological and performance tests. For the evaluation of a pilot performance, the 24 hours experiment was conducted. In total, eight subjects participated in the experimental measurements. Eight participants went through several tests, including simulator flights, to investigate the effects of the fatigue on the results of psychological measurements. Measurements included workload evaluation, using NASA task load evaluation concept and performance testing, using the so-called OR-test. Significant statistical differences between measurements performed during 24 hours were not found in the case of NASA task load Scores. In the case of OR-test, Friedman ANOVA and subsequent post-hoc analysis show that the greatest decrease in performance was observed in approximately 22 hours of wakefulness, i.e. approximately in half of the measuring process. The concept of 24-hour measurements for the quantification of fatigue is not commonly used yet as well as objectivization using performance testing. As the apparent effect of fatigue is mainly on performance testing results, it can be argued that this work could serve as a basis for further studies on fatigue. Also, it could serve as a support for introducing new pilots' psychological testing procedures in the future, which could contribute to current efforts to improve aviation safety.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus

Ing. Markéta Šedivá Kafková; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.
2019, Safety & Security Conference Prague 2019, Praha, IRIS - Rudolf Valenta), p. 49-55), ISBN 978-80-907724-0-3
This article focuses on the issues related to hazard identification and risk evaluation in the safety studies. Specifically, the purpose of the paper is to describe reasons of deviation based assessment used in the new methodology developed by the Czech Technical University in Prague, in cooperation with Prague Airport. The methodology incorporates current safety management approach and modern safety theory principles. The main change is the modification of selected safety assessment processes, which are now based on the Systems-Theoretic Accident Model and Processes (STAMP) model theory. Practically speaking, the key steps of System-Theoretic Process Analysis that are based on the STAMP, were implemented. This article discusses the benefits of shifting attention to a more detailed look into the system, specifically into individual process steps. In these steps deviations are derived from the respective activities, i.e. a deviation from the expected behavior of the controlled system is observed. Monitoring and managing these deviations brings certain benefits for safety management.
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Duda, J.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.
2019, MAD - Magazine of Aviation Development, 7 (3), p. 10-14), ISSN 1805-7578
The following paper focuses on the operational safety issues in the aircraft ground handling process. Ground handling is a critical phase in terms of operational safety, however, severe injuries or even fatal accidents are rare. According to the available data, during a handling process a quite large number of incidents have as an outcome a damaged aircraft, which slows down the following processes and fluency of the relevant procedures. The financial costs in case of even the slightest damage are significantly high. In order to implement different approach to safety management of ground handling companies, firstly a process analysis was performed using the Systems-Theoretic Accident Model and Process (STAMP) model. The STAMP model offers a different approach to operational safety as opposed to a traditional approach. STAMP approaches failure as a control error. The individual processes are designed for possible future STPA analysis. The processes were modelled according to the publicly available sources, and further improved with the expertise and experience from a real operation. A list of potential deviations is added to the processes or individual activities. Coordination processes between the ground handling company and the airport were also discussed. An operational measure designed to increase operational safety is proposed for selected cases.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Pazdro, V.; Vokáč, R.
2019, MAD - Magazine of Aviation Development, 7 (1), p. 6-11), ISSN 1805-7578
The paper focuses on several possibilities of the mass public transport to the airport, including analyses of the expected impact on the various airport processes. Within the article, three main transportation system types will be described and compared. Firstly, the problem regarding current bus transfer system to the Václav Havel airport Prague will be analyzed. According to the analysis results the focus now turns to the description of the potential influence of the introduction of the new transfer systems, including the impact on the airport security and passport control process, and other procedures, which include some kind of a queuing process. This airport was chosen as the biggest airport in the Czech Republic, which in today and future business environment could expect problems related to the public transport of the passengers to and from the airport. Besides the description of the current structure, the paper tries to elaborate issues such as calculation of the queue waiting times and to propose a new system, more suitable for the given conditions. Results of the research include various calculations, such dependence of a modal split and intervals of the waiting times within a check-in process.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

Ing. Tomáš Malich; Ing. Lenka Hanáková, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Bc. Vladimír Socha, Ph.D.; Ing. Sarah Van Den Bergh; Ing. Michaela Kalivodová; Socha, L.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.
2019, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Military Technologies, Prague, Czechoslovakia Section IEEE), ISBN 978-1-7281-4593-8
The aim of the article is to present a software design for the design and adaptation of flight routes and spaces, or respectively, of the Air Traffic Control sectors. Presented system uses the means of virtual and augmented reality. The functional and non-functional requirements that led to the software design of the introduced system were defined. Functionality has been verified by a partial implementation in C# language. With regard to real visualization in 3D, the future use of the system in air traffic control training is intended. There are also several visions of the future that could fairly change the air traffic control rules. Therefore, it is also intended to make the system flexible enough to be expanded for further applications.
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doc. Ing. Bc. Vladimír Socha, Ph.D.; Ing. Lenka Hanáková, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Ing. Stanislav Kušmírek, Ph.D.; Socha, L.; Antoško, M.
2018, New Trends in Civil Aviation, Leiden, CRC Press/Balkema), p. 15-19), ISBN 978-0-8153-7602-6
Currently, the most erroneous element during the flight operation is a human. Regarding to continuous efforts spent on increase of the air transport safety level, a greater attention is now focused on human factors and comprehension of the factors having a negative impact on pilots and other crew members. The main goal of this study is to evaluate the fatigue effect on pilot performance during at least 24-hour measurements. The whole measurement consisted of two-hour time blocks, during which the pilot was flying, then the reaction time was measured and at the end psychological tests were conducted. The reaction time was chosen as an indicator of short-term performance. The study involved 4 pilots (men aged 21–27 years) with a given pre-flight regime. The results show that even though the pilots experienced a gradual fatigue during the measurements, it did not manifest in reaction times measurements. It can be stated, that despite the fatigue, the pilots are able to maintain short-term attention and maintain constant performance.
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doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.
2018, Ekonomika i upravlenie: problemy, resheniya, 2018 (3-4), p. 41-46), ISSN 2308-927X
This paper deals with the recent progress of research and development regarding safety management at Prague airport, Czech Republic. Safety remains the priority in civil aviation and with the progress of new technology and theory of safety engineering, new opportunities arise in terms of further advancement of tools used by safety management to infer knowledge about safety performance. Current project executed at Prague airport deals with implementation of the state of the art from safety, namely model STAMP by means of UFO ontology, to improve safety knowledge management at Prague airport regarding day to day operations. Basic concepts and methodology of the project are introduced, including preliminary results and conclusions. The results indicate that building the model provides sound support for improving the safety control structure at Prague airport and that the model has great potential to improve occurrence reporting and investigation processes at the airport.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.; Ing. Vladimír Plos, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Věra Voštová, CSc.
2018, New Trends in Civil Aviation, Leiden, CRC Press/Balkema), p. 139-143), ISBN 978-0-8153-7602-6
In this paper, we introduce a new concept of improved safety data management, with the focus on data collected on a daily bases in the aviation industry. The given concept is developed as a component of the wider airport safety data management system, dealing with data from continuous process monitoring or performed audits. Availability of airport safety data enabled a development of the concept within airport environment that respects all relevant particularities typical for airport operations. Because of slight differences between various aviation industry organizations, the final solution is supposed to be tailored according to given conditions and needs of individual organizations. However, general concept represents a common starting foundation applicable without a need for extensive concept modification. Here, we aim to discuss the compatibility and internal implementation of such component into a previously developed safety data management system. It also takes into consideration an impact on daily operation performance, influenced by a change in the proposed system.
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2018, Young Transportation Engineers Conference 2018, Praha, Fakulta dopravní), ISBN 978-80-01-06464-1
The paper aims to analyze and justify a need for more proactive airport safety data management. A numerous operations produce daily a large amount of operational data. Adequate data collection processes and understanding of their potential is currently a stumbling block for many airports. A concept of integrated airport management is not a new one however, modern trends brought a concept of wider data exploitation and analysis. It is an assumption that current airport management systems lack a structural application and utilization of such operational data, enabling on site decision making and proper immediate reactions to operational deviations.
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Průcha, J.; doc. Ing. Bc. Vladimír Socha, Ph.D.; Sochová, V.; Ing. Lenka Hanáková, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.
2018, Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2018, p. 1-8), ISSN 2040-2295
Nowadays, a high-induction magnetic stimulation is starting to be increasingly applied as a biophysical stimulation in the conservative treatment of the degenerative locomotor system diseases. These are mainly in correlation with the changes in soft tissue elasticity, which should be positively influenced by the flow-induced electrical currents of high current density during high-induction magnetic stimulation. This assumption was verified within the interventional and prospective study using the ultrasound elastography. The group consisted of 6 volunteers, whose elasticity of the patellar tendons was measured using the 2D shear-wave ultrasound elastography. The volunteers were then exposed to a 20-minute high-induction magnetic stimulation session with a frequency of 20 Hz, in 2 s package intervals, with a 5 s pause, and a induced electric current density of 100Am^-2 in the tendons area. A tendon tension was measured five times for all volunteers, where mean tension at the marked area of the tendon, as well as the highest point tension indicated by the Q-Box, was monitored. The measurement results show that high-induction magnetic stimulation has an influence on the patellar tendon tension change, which occurred in the case of all involved volunteers when the patellar tension was decreased.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.; Červená, V.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.
2018, Proceedings of New Trends in Aviation Development 2018. The XIII. International Scientific Conference, Prague, Czechoslovakia Section IEEE), p. 87-90), ISBN 978-1-5386-7918-0
Investment into safety is often seen as cost with little benefit; an obligation to meet standards rather than effort to truly improve on safety. Aviation industry of today already achieved excellent safety record and so it is hard to justify such investment in apparently resilient system. This study works with the assumption that safety and overall efficiency of operations are dependent. It analyzes data from safety occurrences in the aviation industry and provides mapping to relevant costs, both considering the remedy and possible prevention. It further provides base methodology for evaluation of current safety investments in the industry. In conclusion, the significant difference between costs related to remedy and prevention is used to justify trial of new technologies and measures to further improve on safety.
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Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Havíř, R.
2018, Safety & Security Conference Prague 2018, Praha, IRIS - Rudolf Valenta), p. 65-69), ISBN 978-80-904317-5-1
The paper is focused on the issues related to safety event known as runway incursion and its understanding. This kind of safety issue is well known at Prague airport, which is trying to find adequate ways for their prevention. Due to a fact that airport is not the only entity in the operational processes, reaching a satisfactory solution is sometimes really hard task. The research deals with issues of airport infrastructure, ATC clearances, behaviour and stress level of the crew members, surrounding conditions and other factors. Measurement of crew physiological state, as well as their behaviour during prepared critical scenarios is expected to show whether there are some correlations among these factors.
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Ing. Markéta Šedivá Kafková; Socha, L.; Ing. Oldřich Štumbauer, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.
2018, Safety & Security Conference Prague 2018, Praha, IRIS - Rudolf Valenta), p. 71-77), ISBN 978-80-904317-5-1
Paper aims to provide brief view of risk assessment as an essential part of safety domain. Although safety studies are required by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) at this time for each new proposal and for each change with a possible impact of safety it is debatable whether there is currently a suitable tool for safety risk assessment of new proposals. Safety risk management is still permeated by simplistic methods based on risk matrices. Within this paper we will illustrate the issue of using risk matrix when considering a new proposal. This will be illustrated on the example of two specific safety studies from Prague Airport. Finally we will summarize the complete set of arguments and findings as an input to the research of a new approach to risk assessment in the context of safety studies.
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Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.; Ing. Vladimír Plos, Ph.D.
2018, TRANSPORT MEANS 2018 - PROCEEDINGS OF THE 22nd INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE, Kaunas, Kaunas University of Technology), p. 709-713), ISSN 1822-296X
The paper focuses on the issues concerning enhancement of the safety data management through understanding of the internal data structure and system behaviour. To build a strong system foundation based on safety knowledge, and to find a system on how to gather such knowledge are the key issues in modern safety engineering. Systematic data collection is not a new concept, however, the focus was always on quantity, while data quality was often misunderstood or hard to understand and be dealt with. A research topic was therefore focused on quality and content of the available data, covering the state of the incoming data, their wider classification, analytics and utilization through instruments creating safety intelligence. Having a large amount of data, means having an ability for potential system behavioural pattern identification. This is however strongly influenced by data structure and applied analytical methods. Identifying behavioural pattern in other words means articulating a certain signal generated through system, carrying information regarding system state, functioning and potential deviations. Due to a fact that such system manifests as a stochastic one, it is highly influenced by certain level of internal or external noise. The goal of the research is to examine system abilities for behavioural deviations detection and elimination of the negative, unnecessary and inadequate structures in data gathering process.
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Ing. Eva Endrizalová, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Ing. Markéta Šedivá Kafková
Cílem tohoto dokumentu je popsat současný stav řešení a souhrn prací na vznikající metodice, která poskytne základní návod pro analýzu a vyhodnocování rizika v procesech letecké dopravy, se zaměřením se na organizace typu letiště. Nově vzniklá metoda je součástí procesu řízení rizik a její novost vychází ze začlenění aktuálních znalostí bezpečnostního inženýrství, resp. teorie bezpečnosti. Navrhovaná metodika je plně v souladu s mezinárodními standardy a doporučeními v letecké dopravě, především s dokumentem Mezinárodní organizace pro civilní letectví ICAO, Doc 9859 Safety Management Manual. Metodika vychází ze současných postupů realizace bezpečnostních studií v letectví, které jsou implementovány v leteckém průmyslu nejčastěji jako variace metodiky SAM (Safety Assessment Methodology) publikované Evropskou organizací pro bezpečnost leteckého provozu EUROCONTROL (European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation), a které upravuje v několika ohledech. Hlavní změnou je úprava vybraných částí postupů metodiky SAM v souladu s teorií systémového modelu bezpečnosti STAMP (Systems-Theoretic Accident Model and Processes), zejména doplnění o klíčové kroky analýzy nebezpečí STPA (System-Theoretic Process Analysis), která je založena na systémovém modelu bezpečnosti STAMP. Další změnou je doplnění kvantitativního hodnocení a úprava některých postupů studií bezpečnosti za účelem zvýšení objektivity celkové realizace studií, zejména v kontextu hodnocení úrovně rizika.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.; Ing. Vladimír Plos, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.
2018, Transportation Research Procedia, Amsterdam, Elsevier B.V.), p. 35-43), ISSN 2352-1465
This paper deals with utilization of ontologies and conceptual structural models for improving safety data management in civil aviation maintenance, repair and overhaul organizations. It provides an overview of existing safety data management and identifies its shortcomings. Current approach to safety data management is based on global standards and regional regulations, which stem from long-term experience but recent development of advanced technologies and the demand for their versatile application creates new potential for further improvements of aviation safety. One of the technologies which have strong potential for application in aviation are ontologies and conceptual models. Ontologies deal with philosophy-motivated description of reality and conceptual models are ontology and object-oriented tools for building concrete description, the so-called conceptualization. Their value is recognized especially with regard to data management, such as data collection and processing. This is of extreme importance in modern knowledge management systems, such as safety management system, to optimize control mechanisms or to support research and development activities, which are highly sensitive to data quality, such as Safety-II concept. This paper explores the capabilities of the models with regard to current state-of-the-art in aviation maintenance and identifies strong points for domain application. Subsequently, framework for the technology deployment to the industry is outlined. Due to the non-existence of safety management requirements for aviation maintenance organizations and with regard to the current development of aviation safety in other aviation organization types, there exists strong willingness for such framework application and, according to the analysis performed, it represents one of the desired solutions for aviation industry.
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Ing. Lenka Hanáková, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Ing. Markéta Šedivá Kafková; Kostov, B.
Výstupem je soubor technických možností, koncepčních prvků dle současné teorie a zdrojů provozních dat, které jsou použity jako vstup do modelovací části projektu.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Ing. Eva Endrizalová, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Ing. Markéta Šedivá Kafková
V rámci řešeného projektu Výzkum kvantitativních metod pro analýzu a vyhodnocování rizik studií bezpečnosti byla v kalendářním roce 2017 provedena analýza aktuálních poznatků bezpečnostního inženýrství založeném na systémové teorii. Řešitelský tým se nejvíce zaměřil na analýzu techniky STPA (System-Theoretic Process Analysis), která je založena na modelu STAMP (Systems-Theoretic Accident Model and Processes). Cílem provedené analýzy bylo nalézt teoretické základy pro systémový přístup k tvorbě studií bezpečnosti v doméně civilního letectví a to v souladu se světovým standardy a doporučeními Mezinárodní organizace pro civilní letectví ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization). Dále se řešitelský tým zaměřil na identifikaci kvalitativních postupů při tvorbě současných studií bezpečnosti, s možností zavedení kvantifikace. Obsahem zprávy je podrobný popis výsledků analýzy.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Křemen, P.; Kostov, B.; Blaško, M.; Ahmad, J.; Ing. Vladimír Plos, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.
2017, Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, 14 (5), p. 279-292), ISSN 1940-3151
European Coordination Centre for Accident and Incident Reporting Systems (EC- CAIRS) develops an information system for reporting aviation occurrences on the European scale. The system makes use of various taxonomies, like the taxonomy of event types, or a taxonomy of descriptive factors. However, the ECCAIRS data model and associated taxonomies are complex and difficult to understand, which reduces interpretability of the records. In this paper, we discuss problems ECCAIRS users face during occurrence reporting as well as subsequent search in reported occurrences. Next, we show how proper conceptual modeling with ontological foundations could leverage quality of occurrence categorization and thus better exploitability of the EC- CAIRS system. We demonstrate our ontological model on the Aviation Vocabulary Explorer, our new prototypical tool for exploring ECCAIRS.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Bc. Vladimír Socha, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.
2017, Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Military Technologies (ICMT), Brno, Ministerstvo obrany, Univerzita obrany), p. 392-396), ISBN 978-1-5386-1988-9
This paper deals with research of safety performance predictions to allow improved risk control in military. Safety performance is identified as appropriate tool to establish system-wide information on safety which can serve the decision making process on how to manage safety. The information contributes to better understanding of behavioural patterns in the controlled system and the ability to foresee short-term future can provide key elements for justification of remedial measures. Aviation safety data served the research due to confidentiality restrictions in military. Data deficiencies were addressed by the means of developed simulator. Suitable mathematical models were identified and autoregressive model was selected and applied to predict computed safety performance. At the end, it was possible to validate the model. Remarks on its potential application into real military environment conclude this work.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.
2017, TRANSPORT MEANS 2017 - PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE, Kaunas, Technical University), p. 346-350), ISSN 1822-296X
The idea of integrated aviation industry-wide safety (risk) management system and control mechanism require a common development level of the relevant sectors of included stakeholders. To construct such a system the three structural layers must be well defined, understood and functional. These are intra organizational, inter organizational and industry layer. As the name suggests, intra organizational layer include individual aviation organizations, subjects, their structure and systems. Inter organizational layer focuses on mutual relations between individual organizations or subjects, while industry layer includes a high-level mechanism controlling current state of safety and leading a strategic development. This paper focuses on the intra and inter organizational level by bringing a closer look into individual organizations’ processes and mechanisms used as a tool for a creation of the path leading to integrated safety (risk) management system, described in more detail in previous articles. It introduces a new approach and systematic changes needed for gathering more valuable safety related data, required for proactive management of the internal processes. Airports and other systems closely connected to them are taken as a main subject for the analysis. The main goal is to provide an explanation on how such internal structure should be set in order to become an efficient element of the proposed system.
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Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Szabo, S.; Němec, V.
2016, 10. ročník medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie - BEZPEČNÉ SLOVENSKO A EURÓPSKA ÚNIA zborník abstraktov, Košice, Vysoká škola bezpečnostného manažérstva v Košiciach), p. 24-24), ISSN 1338-4880
Contemporary systems, due to their structure and purposes require more sophisticated solutions in terms of management. As expected, safety is not an exception in any case. Industry is not satisfied anymore with a simple stating of safety related issues and implementation of corrective measures that solve a symptoms but do not cover an essence of the issue. Proactivity is a clear direction for improvement of safety management, ensuring effective mechanisms for reaching a better safety performance. The paper introduces an approach to more proactive safety management based on better interpretation of the safety related events, contributing factors analysis and understanding of safety events chains. An assumption is that these contributing factors create a common patterns whose on time detection opens a manoeuvring space for safety management to plan and perform correction measures more effectively. Article introduces particular steps of the proposed approach, including creation of the monitoring system based on safety performance indicators.
Abstrakt ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Szabo, S.; Němec, V.
2016, Košická bezpečnostná revue, 6 (2), p. 387-391), ISSN 1338-4880
Contemporary systems, due to their structure and purposes require more sophisticated solutions interms of management. As expected, safety is not an exception in any case. Industry is not satisfiedanymore witha simple stating of safety related issues and implementation of corrective measures that solve a symptoms but donot cover an essence of the issue. Proactivity is a clear direction for improvement of safety management,ensuring effective mechanisms for reaching a better safety performance. The paperintroduces an approach tomore proactive safety management based on better interpretation of the safety related events, contributing factorsanalysis and understanding of safety events chains. An assumption is that these contributing factorscreate acommon patterns whose on time detection opens a manoeuvring space for safety management to plan andperform correction measures more effectively. Article introduces particular steps of the proposed approach,including creation of the monitoring system based onsafety performance indicators.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Janáček, M.
2016, MAD - Magazine of Aviation Development, 4 (19), p. 14-18), ISSN 1805-7578
This paper brings a relatively new approach to air transport safety. This approach introduces the safety indicators whose application’s primer goal is to reduce the number of aviation safety events and to search for their causes. These causes are defined as factors contributing to safety event realisation. These are supposed to be adequately identified and then prevented or at least mitigated. Defined safety indicators are focused on airport processes and subjects.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

Vitteková, M.; doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; Stejskal, P.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Pezl, T.
2016, Sustainable Logistics and Strategic Transportation Planning, Hershey, IGI Global Disseminator of Knowledge), p. 46-75), ISBN 978-1-5225-0001-8
This chapter introduces a methodology on how to define a complex Security Index (SI) that brings the ability to measure the strength and the efficiency of the business entity´s security system. It describes how to provide an approach to the security performance measurement. In order to get SI it is necessary to develop a systematization of Security Index Determination Model (SIDM). SI describes Supply Chain Security Management (SCSM) performance. SCSM implements, facilitates and maintains Security barriers, which are formed by a confluence of properly chosen and efficiently implemented security measures. The presented methodology is based on the General Model developed by Gutiérrez and Hintsa that was expanded according to research needs. The expansion was based on adding the specified barriers for each of the Sub-categories stated in the previously mentioned General Model. For this purpose different security initiatives such as AEO, C-TPAT and TAPA were analysed. SIDM is based on Objectivized Methodology for Technical Systems Conditions Assessment developed by Lansky.
Kapitola v vědecké knize

doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Ing. Vladimír Plos, Ph.D.
2016, Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web - 7th International Conference, Basel, Springer), p. 316-327), ISBN 978-3-319-45879-3, ISSN 1865-0929
This paper introduces practical issues of implementing and deploying safety knowledge management software to aviation safety. Domain specific intangible nature of the issues concerned is described and all factors which prevent successful application of any knowledge management system are documented. Aviation organizations are struggling to find any effective solution which would on one hand allow timely tracking of the dynamic knowledge and on the other to not limit or bias reporters or investigators within the knowledge gathering process. The article deals mainly with practical issues concerning the deployment of reporting software, which constitutes the interface between humans and ontology model behind the software, capable to address trade-offs between various conflicting design criteria as well as many aviation organization types, as the aviation safety knowledge is to be gathered in cooperation with the industry.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Štumper, M.; Komínek, T.; doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.; Němec, V.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.
2016, Safety a Security konference Praha 2016 - Sborník příspěvků, Praha, Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze, o. p. s.), p. 29-39), ISBN 978-80-86841-65-6
This article focuses on the current options for improving Helicopter Emergency Medical Services flights. This can be achieved through the use of new techniques and appropriate combination of VFR and IFR flying. The benefits of helicopter and its use for HEMS are described in the article. Also there are shown examples of IFR helicopter routes and proposed solutions for the Czech Republic.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Křemen, P.; doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.
2016, Proceedings of 20th International Conference Transport Means 2016, Kaunas, Kauno technologijos universitetas), p. 292-296), ISSN 1822-296X
The primer focus of the paper is to introduce a new concept of aviation industry approach to the risk management issues and following control activities. Due to its size, complexity and dynamic changes, which take place almost continuously, a platform was developed with one important goal, to help in creation of the industry-wide approach to the field of safety management. The approach is recognised as potentially beneficial for many entities involved. Such integration would enable a definition of the three aspects, which were introduced and further analysed - intra organizational, inter organizational and holistic aviation data approach. Each covers different layers or structure parts whose relations and definitions are both relevant and logical. All aspects represent different points of view, starting from the organisation level and leading to the field of the mutual activities involving various industry stakeholders and relevant authorities. Expected solution should ensure standardised approach to the reporting and following investigation. Ontological modelling would support an integration and development of the mutual risk assessment and control mechanisms. Building standardised aviation ontology, developed through one mutual system emerges as potentially powerful for application of various analytics instruments, e.g. business intelligence.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Milan Lánský, DrSc.
2016, Risks of business and territorial processes, Ústí nad Labem, Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem), p. 135-140), ISBN 978-80-7561-021-8
A current researches and development in the area of safety management introduce a transition to more proactive approach to the related issues. However, not all aviation organizations are in position to follow dynamic operational changes. The number of materialised safety events, as well as their basic statistical analyses, represents the primary focus of airport safety management. The main issue here lies in inability of particular organizations to understand safety events in more detail. With such approach, guidance to event prevention, risk mitigation or corrective measures targeting and application are not always ensured. The following article is an introduction to more informative safety events interpretation, event chains analysis, and modelling of contributing factors leading to a safety event. The core of the approach is dependencies and internal relations between individual contributing factors. The article also introduces and describes possibilities for setting of safety performance indicators. Their implementation is based on an assumption that common behaviour of contributing factors exists and that it could be defined.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Němec, V.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Szabo, S.
2016, Zeszyty Naukowe, 4 (31), p. 63-70), ISSN 1641-9723
It is widely known that airports due to their character of everyday operations constitute a suitable environment for performing various safety related events. A large number of objects conducting series of operations within a limited space and time, increases potential for a particular accident or incident realisation. According to their structure, accidents or incidents typical for airports in most cases combine a mixture of mutually related negative influences that create preconditions and precursors (factors) for particular safety events. The aim of this paper is to provide a clear view on the organizational factors, which represent integral elements of airport safety management and also to offer the solution for their better utilization for more effective identification and prevention of risk at the airport. The study takes into account different aspects of airport operations, management, decision-making processes, process monitoring, etc.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Ing. Vladimír Plos, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Milan Lánský, DrSc.; Szabo, S.; Němec, V.; Křemen, P.; Kostov, B.; Blaško, M.; Ledvinka, M.; Ahmad, J.
Výzkumná zpráva za rok 2016 obsahuje shrnutí práce na 5 pracovních balíčcích projektu. Ke každému z balíčků je popsán průběh řešení a výstupy.
Oponovaná výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Ing. Vladimír Plos, Ph.D.
2016, Production Management and Engineering Sciences: Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Science and Production Management (ESPM 2015), Tatranská Štrba, High Tatras Mountains, Slovak Republic, 16th-17th April 2015, Bratislava, University of Economics in Bratislava), p. 321-326), ISBN 978-1-138-02856-2
According to the relevant sources, aviation industry as a whole is detecting a long-lasting safety improvement trend. This is true for all industry stakeholders such as airports, air carriers, handling agents, air traffic service providers and maintenance organizations. Extensive legislation and internal operational rules supported the establishment of the high standard system as well as efficient oversight for civil aviation authorities. Actual level of safety is often expressed as a ratio of the total number of accidents to the number of realized operational cycles. However, in today’s world, accidents are generally rare, hence authors integrate innovative approach to safety which enables safety performance evaluation. The approach utilizes safety performance indicators as fundamental tool in the process of evaluation. Nevertheless, the process is quite challenging due to the aviation complexity. This paper focuses on Runway Incursion, one of the major phenomenon in aviation safety. It has great potential to seriously affect safety during the most critical phases of flight – during takeoff and landing. Additionally, this paper presents results of descriptive and explanatory factors analysis. It outlines their implementation into the model, which will enable future safety performance quantification of the corrective measurements preventing Runway Incursion.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Ing. Vladimír Plos, Ph.D.; Soušek, R.; doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.
2016, Proceedings of 20th International Conference Transport Means 2016, Kaunas, Kauno technologijos universitetas), p. 213-215), ISSN 1822-296X
The article describes the possibilities of using new advanced capability how to measure safety by air carrier using a group of safety indicators, called risk-based indicators. It describes the functionality of the risk-based indicators, description how to implement risk-based indicators and how to collect appropriate data by the air carrier and finally gives some examples of the risk-based indicators usage.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Milan Lánský, DrSc.
2015, Aeronautika 15, Lublin, Lublin University of Technology), p. 59-63), ISBN 978-83-7947-149-2
The paper focuses on the possibilities for ADREP taxonomyutilization in the process of safety indicators evaluation, particularlythose indicators related to the large international airport’soperations. ADREP taxonomy categorises the safety related eventsand factors directly involved in the certain event realization. Eventsor factors categorisation is recognised as a powerful and helpful toolin a process of determining a comprehensive set of safety indicators,in our study case primarily focused on the airport’s needs. Thepaper brings a description of ADREP taxonomy and the way on howthe individual events and factors are divided into defined categories.A possible application of the taxonomy in unwanted occurrencesmonitoring is illustrated as well.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.
2015, GEO Spatial Visions, Žilina, EDIS - vydavatelstvo Žilinské univerzity), p. 59-60), ISBN 978-80-554-1113-2
Abstrakt ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Vitteková, M.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.
2015, Drive your knowledge be a scientist 2015 Conference proceedings, Zlín, Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně, Fakulta managementu a ekonomiky), p. 321-330), ISBN 978-80-7454-475-0
The paperaims to bring an overview ofthe new approach to supply chain security involvingapplication of the purposelychosen and adjustedsecurity barriers. These are based on thesupply chain security general model representing a set of structured and aggregated elementsdirectly influencingsecurity. General model was recognized as usefulresearch baseprimarilydue to the fact that it focuses on supply chain security as a whole, including all essentialelements. Barriers definitions derive from long-lasting researches and analysis of currentlyused security programmes. Thefocusof the researchis placed onbarriersdefinition, propercomprehension and finding relations betweenthemandrelevantcategories of the generalmodel.Beside the establishment of the different barrier sets foreachelement of the generalmodelemphases are also placed onfinding a way for makingbarriersmore resistant. In thatmatter,theyshould not be taken as a rigid and fixed elements but a subject of the constantimprovement.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Ing. Miloš Strouhal, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; Křemen, P.; Ing. Vladimír Plos, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Milan Lánský, DrSc.; Szabo, S.; Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D.; Ing. Eva Endrizalová, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Štumper, M.; Kostov, B.; Ledvinka, M.; Holubec, J.; Kasl, T.; Zavřel, L.
Odborná zpráva obsahuje shrnutí prací vykonaných na prjektu v rámci roku 2015. Seznamuje s provedenými pracemi na 7 pracovních balíčcích. Zpráva obsahuje průběh řešení jednotlivých balíčků a výstupy řešení.
Oponovaná výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Ing. Vladimír Plos, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Milan Lánský, DrSc.; Szabo, S.; Němec, V.; Křemen, P.; Kostov, B.; Ledvinka, M.
Výzkumná zpráva za rok 2015 obsahuje shrnutí práce na 7 pracovních balíčcích projektu. Ke každému z balíčků je popsán průběh řešení a výstupy.
Oponovaná výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.
2015, Quality and Leading Innovation, Bratislava, University of Economics in Bratislava), p. 30-31), ISBN 978-617-589-103-2
Data quality is one of the modern issues in civil aviation safety. Today‘s accidents complexity requires painstaking analysis and in order to prevent the accidents it is necessary to collect and process operational data of adequate quality. That equals storing data in a form which allows their effective filtration and traceability for the need of their further processing and evaluation in time. This paper describes data quality improvement possibilities taking into account global aviation trends and also the needs and possibilities of civil aviation authorities, corporations and organizations. To this end, it utilizes several unified taxonomies, e.g. ICAO ADREP taxonomy and its European subset in preparation – RIT taxonomy, and HEIDI taxonomy by EUROCONTROL. Taxonomies are merged into a data collection and processing model which owing to the classification allows higher quality data storing. At thesame time, this article demonstrates how it is possible to set safety performance indicators utilizing stored high quality data within the organizations’ safety management system or state’s safety plan for the civil aviation safety oversight.
Abstrakt ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Ing. Vladimír Plos, Ph.D.
2015, Engineering Sciences and Production Management 2015, Košice, Podnikovohospodráska fakulta so sídlom v Košiciach, EU v Bratislave), p. 146-146), ISBN 978-80-971555-4-4
According to the relevant sources, aviation industry as a whole is detecting a long-lasting safety improvement trend. This is true for all industry stakeholders such as airports, air carriers, handling agents, air traffic service providers and maintenance organizations. Extensive legislation and internal operational rules supported the establishment of the high standard system as well as efficient oversight for civil aviation authorities. Actual level of safety is often expressed as a ratio of the total number of accidents to the number of realized operational cycles. However, in today’s world, accidents are generally rare, hence authors integrate innovative approach to safety which enables safety performance evaluation. The approach utilizes safety performance indicators as fundamental tool in the process of evaluation. Nevertheless, the process is quite challenging due to the aviation complexity. This paper focuses on Runway Incursion, one of the major phenomenon in aviation safety. It has great potential to seriously affect safety during the most critical phases of flight – during takeoff and landing. Additionally, this paper presents results of descriptive and explanatory factors analysis. It outlines their implementation into the model, which will enable future safety performance quantification of the corrective measurements preventing Runway Incursion.
Abstrakt ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Ing. Vladimír Plos, Ph.D.
2015, MAD - Magazine of Aviation Development, 3 (13), p. 10-13), ISSN 1805-7578
The aim of this article is to bring a closer look on the various state approaches to the State Safety Programme (SSP) and plan implementation and realization. Therefore, article describes and compares French, the United Kingdom, Finland, Belgium and Ireland approaches. Besides that, it also focuses on the differences between the old and newly issued French safety plan. The article brings an overview of the specific risks, defined in the individual state safety plans, and their classification into particular categories.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně

Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; Ing. Vladimír Plos, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.
2015, eXclusive e-JOURNAL, 3 (1), ISSN 1339-4509
The paper focuses on the taxonomies widely applied in the aviation industry. Beside the general view on the subject, article brings a description and mutual aspects identification of the presented taxonomies. Purpose, adequate comprehension and taxonomy application, together with the identification of the subjects to whom the taxonomy are dedicated were considered as the essential facts in taxonomy description. The human factor was recognised as a critical element in aviation and in that matter, several taxonomies specialised exclusively on that issue were mentioned. The new trends in the taxonomy development, their implementation in the particular systems together with benefits they could bring to the particular processes represent the important aspects of modern approach to the issue. The paper places emphasis on the common taxonomy, development supported by ICAO, and other hazard taxonomies.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; Navrátil, P.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.; Ing. Vladimír Plos, Ph.D.
2014, INAIR 2014 - International Conference on Air Transport, Žilina, EDIS), p. 91-94), ISBN 978-80-554-0944-3
All ICAO member States are currently implementing safety indicators in aviation. Requirements for their operation are contained in many legal documents, standards, and regulations, such as Annex 19 to the Chicago Convention, ICAO Doc. 9859, and regualtion (EC) 376/2014. Safety indicators for EU conditions are based on events data stored in the ECCAIRS database. High-level Safety Objectives that reflect a current need for improvement of the safety of the individual characteristics of the operation of the country can be also considered subject of safety indicators. For the operations with the indicators, the systems such as SDCPS (safety Data Collection and processing System) and SDTOS (safety Oversight Data Targeting System) need further development. The Basic principles for determining state-level safety indicators and operating principles of SDCPS and SDTOS are the content of this article.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.; Ing. Vladimír Plos, Ph.D.
2014, Rizika podnikových procesů, Ústí nad Labem, UJEP v Ústí nad labem, Fakulta výrobních technologií a managementu), p. 38-41), ISBN 978-80-7414-766-1
This paper is focused on safety management and evaluation of its performance in organizations throughout utilization of key performance indicators regarding their operational efficiency. The efficiency is evaluated based on accepted safety measures and their application. The evaluation is ultimately possible due to improved occurrence reporting established via improved perception of safety by operation personnel; i.e. better perception of Safety culture. This paper describes safety management system principles applied within aviation organizations, moreover being required by European legislation. Key elements of safety management systems will be described and subsequently used for possible key performance indicators application for evaluation of their operational efficiency measurement. Even though this paper is based on application in aviation, it is not limited to it.
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doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; Ing. Vladimír Plos, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Štumper, M.
Řízení jakékoliv charakteristiky systému vyžaduje možnost provedení měření jeho kvantitativních i kvalitativních veličin. Analogicky vyplývá, že pro případ řízení letecké bezpečnosti musíme stanovit takové veličiny, abychom je byly schopni měřit a pomocí nich i řídit bezpečnost. Veličinami pro měření a řízení bezpečnosti jsou bezpečnostní indikátory, které mají v anglické literatuře zkratku SPIs (Safety Performance Indicators). V oblasti průmyslu existuje mnoho společností, které vykazují vyšší míru rizikovosti provozních procesů. Mezi takovéto společnosti patří například chemické továrny a jaderné elektrárny. V odborné literatuře se pro jejich pojmenování ustálil výraz „High-risk Industry“. Mezi takovéto společnosti ze své povahy patří i všechny organizace provozující leteckou dopravu. Pro dosažení akceptovatelné úrovně bezpečnosti zmiňovaných odvětví byly vyvinuty speciální systémy hodnocení založeny na indikátorech bezpečnosti zaměřených na problémové oblasti. Stejný trend v současnosti zaznamenáváme v oblasti letectví. Jelikož je bezpečnost podle nových metod možné řídit (zvyšovat) v reálném čase, upouští se od reaktivního sledování statistik nehodovosti. Bezpečnost je zvyšována preventivně a proaktivně – pomocí vyhodnocování indikátorů bezpečnosti, které umožňují bezpečnost měřit, její trendy porovnávat a na vhodné místo adresně směřovat nápravná opatření. Indikátor bezpečnosti je tedy pro organizace užitečným nástrojem, který stanovuje, zda jsou provozní procesy společnosti uvnitř tzv. bezpečnostního prostoru. Pro národního regulátora můžeme vytvořit také systém indikátorů. Takovýto systém musí poskytovat reálný pohled na současnou situaci. Z pohledu regulátora je patrně dobré vědět, které typy leteckých činností vykazují nejvyšší rizikovost, které typy provozních činností a událostí vykazují vzestupní trendy s nastupující letní sezonou.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Ing. Vladimír Plos, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Milan Lánský, DrSc.; Szabo, S.; Němec, V.; Křemen, P.; Kostov, B.; Ledvinka, M.
Výzkumná zpráva za rok 2014 obsahuje shrnutí práce na prvních 4 pracovních balíčcích projektu. Ke každému z balíčků je popsán průběh řešení a výstupy. Na základě sběru relevantních informací byly definovány první sety indikátorů pro několik leteckých organizací které jsou ve shodě s ohlašovacím systémem ECCAIRS a jsou založeny na taxonomii ADREP ICAO.
Oponovaná výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; Vokáč, R.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.; Ing. Vladimír Plos, Ph.D.
2014, Air Transport Security 2014, Praha, Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze, o. p. s.), p. 131-136), ISBN 978-80-86841-51-9
Passengers’ requirements within the air transport continue to evolve and airports must therefore flexibly respond, because the current requirements significantly differ from the previous ones. The current concept of security checks has its roots in the 70s of the 20th century and took continuous changes with the arrival of new technologies and social security requirements. In addition, conditions in a number of areas changed for virtually all European airports over the last few years. Many of them have lost the advantage of monopoly and had to enter competitive environment of surrounding countries. Extinction of flag carriers as state-sponsored companies has only strengthened competition for customers. With the onset of the economic crisis in 2008, the seriousness of the service quality and price (costs) issue have increased. This article is focused on addressing current issues in the process of passenger and their cabin baggage security screening.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; Ing. Vladimír Plos, Ph.D.
2014, AIR TRANSPORT 2014, Košice, Technická Univerzita), p. 185-187), ISBN 978-80-553-1867-7
Tento článok popisuje súčasný prístup k bezpečnosti leteckej dopravy na úrovni štátov. O zjednotenie tohto prístupu sa snaží ako medzinárodná organizácia pre civilné letectvo (ICAO) tak Európska únia. Štátna úroveň tomuto podlieha, ale vďaka ešte stále pomerne nerozvinutému prístupu na globálnej úrovni, táto umožňuje jednotlivým štátom problematiku rozvíjať individuálne na miestnej úrovni. Článok popisuje všeobecne platné požiadavky na uchopenie bezpečnosti leteckej dopravy prostredníctvom tvorby štátnych programov bezpečnosti (SSP) a ich kľúčových elementov daných od ICAO. Popisuje jednotlivé trendy riadenia bezpečnosti na úrovni štátu ako aj ďalší predpokladaný vývoj problematiky.
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf. česky

doc. Ing. Peter Vittek, Ph.D.; Ing. Slobodan Stojić, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Andrej Lališ, Ph.D.; Ing. Vladimír Plos, Ph.D.
2014, MAD - Magazine of Aviation Development, 2 (12), p. 10-14), ISSN 1805-7578
State Safety Programme and plan are considered the main instruments in safety management. In that matter, this paper focuses on their description and simultaneously tries to clarify a need and significance of their establishment and implementation within respective state. All elements, defined in ICAO doc. 9859 as State Safety Programme (SSP) fundamentals, are separately described. These elements are divided into four groups, further detailed in individual chapters – State Safety Policy and objectives, State Safety Risk management, State safety assurance, State Safety Promotion.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku cizojazyčně