
informace pocházejí z univerzitní databáze V3S

Ing. Michal Cenkner; Ing. Josef Svoboda; Ing. Přemysl Toman; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2023, 2023 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), p. 1-7), ISBN 979-8-3503-2162-3, ISSN 2691-3666
The world is gradually moving towards green solutions in all industries. This is the case in the automotive industry as well and it is logical that vehicle simulators must follow this trend and functionally approach the increasingly widespread battery electric vehicles (BEVs). The differences in the parameters of vehicle simulators with alternative powertrains have already been covered. This paper deals with the modification of both the simulator hardware and software to improve the behavior of the physical vehicle model, representing all functions through a programmable human machine interface (HMI) and providing an approximation of the driving experience of a real vehicle. The topic of this paper first describes the functional scheme and physical model of the simulator adapted for HMI simulations of BEVs and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs). A prototype design of the virtual cockpit is also described. Then, the design of the experiment is explained to validate the displayed and recorded values through a qualitative study by pilot testing on a vehicle simulator. A discussion of the measured results is concluded.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

El Hamdani, S.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Ing. Tereza Kunclová, MSc.; Ing. Přemysl Toman; Ing. Josef Svoboda; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.
2023, Sensors, 23 (12), p. 1-16), ISSN 1424-8220
The present paper focuses on vehicle simulator fidelity, particularly the effect of motion cues intensity on driver performance. The 6-DOF motion platform was used in the experiment; however, we mainly focused on one characteristic of driving behavior. The braking performance of 24 participants in a car simulator was recorded and analyzed. The experiment scenario was composed of acceleration to 120 km/h followed by smooth deceleration to a stop line with prior warning signs at distances of 240, 160, and 80 m to the finish line. To assess the effect of the motion cues, each driver performed the run three times with different motion platform settings-no motion, moderate motion, and maximal possible response and range. The results from the driving simulator were compared with data acquired in an equivalent driving scenario performed in real conditions on a polygon track and taken as reference data. The driving simulator and real car accelerations were recorded using the Xsens MTi-G sensor. The outcomes confirmed the hypothesis that driving with a higher level of motion cues in the driving simulator brought more natural braking behavior of the experimental drivers, better correlated with the real car driving test data, although exceptions were found.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Josef Svoboda; Ing. Přemysl Toman; Abraham, D.; Zeman, J.; Ing. Jolana Heřmanová; Ing. Jan Vyčichl, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Jan Válek, DiS.; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.; Ing. Vojtěch Thums; Ing. Tomáš Kotvald; Derner, T.; Plášek, J.; Malec, Š.
In the scope of the Motostudent 2023/24 competition there was created complex project of the whole motorcycle in the category of Electro bikes. Report contains conceptual design, detailed design, prototyping and development.
Oponovaná technická zpráva cizojazyčně

Ing. Josef Svoboda; Ing. Přemysl Toman; Jan Válek, DiS.; Ing. Adam Orlický, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
In the research report we focus on the state of the art of the propossed innovation, moreover there is declared the research process, proof of concept, market viability and discussion of the proposed innovation of methodology of HMI testing and validation together with the possibility of effective rider training. In the report there are mentioned functional schemes, implementation proccedures as well as drawings.
Oponovaná výzkumná zpráva cizojazyčně

In the scope of the Motostudent competition there was created complex project of the whole motorcycle in the category of Electro bikes. Report economical assessemen, industrial production plan and mannagement plan of the team.
Oponovaná technická zpráva cizojazyčně

El Hamdani, S.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Ing. Tereza Kunclová, MSc.; Ing. David Lehet
2023, SENSORS, 23 (1), ISSN 1424-8220
Driving simulators are increasingly being incorporated by driving schools into a training process for a variety of vehicles. The motion platform is a major component integrated into simulators to enhance the sense of presence and fidelity of the driving simulator. However, less effort has been devoted to assessing the motion cues feedback on trainee performance in simulators. To address this gap, we thoroughly study the impact of motion cues on braking at a target point as an elementary behavior that reflects the overall driver's performance. In this paper, we use an eye-tracking device to evaluate driver behavior in addition to evaluating data from a driving simulator and considering participants' feedback. Furthermore, we compare the effect of different motion levels ("No motion", "Mild motion", and "Full motion") in two road scenarios: with and without the pre-braking warning signs with the speed feedback given by the speedometer. The results showed that a full level of motion cues had a positive effect on braking smoothness and gaze fixation on the track. In particular, the presence of full motion cues helped the participants to gradually decelerate from 5 to 0 ms(-1) in the last 240 m before the stop line in both scenarios, without and with warning signs, compared to the hardest braking from 25 to 0 ms(-1) produced under the no motion cues conditions. Moreover, the results showed that a combination of the mild motion conditions and warning signs led to an underestimation of the actual speed and a greater fixation of the gaze on the speedometer. Questionnaire data revealed that 95% of the participants did not suffer from motion sickness symptoms, yet participants' preferences did not indicate that they were aware of the impact of simulator conditions on their driving behavior.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.; Ing. Luboš Nouzovský, Ph.D.; Ing. Alina Mashko, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; Matoušek, V.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Vít Fábera, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Zuzana Radová, Ph.D.; Smrčka, P.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Ing. Milan Sliacky, Ph.D.
2022, ISBN 978-80-01-07105-2, ISSN 2336-5382
Sborník z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Ing. Josef Svoboda; Ing. Přemysl Toman; Zeman, J.; Abraham, D.; Ing. Jolana Heřmanová; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.; Ing. Jan Vyčichl, Ph.D.; Skarolek, P.
Technical report describing tech details of the motorcycle EVO 2.0 Electric for the competition Moto Engineering Italy in 2022 according to the regulations of Motorsport Engineering Society.
Technická zpráva cizojazyčně

Snášel, V.; Platoš, J.; Kröner, P.; Šimoník, P.; Mrověc, T.; Klein, T.; Harach, T.; Sobek, M.; Ligori, J.J.; Radecký, M.; Olivka, P.; Gaura, J.; Fusek, R.; Krumnikl, M.; Nowaková, J.; Hasal, M.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Ing. Alina Mashko, Ph.D.; Paprčka, O.; Machan, J.; Šesták, V.; Barcal, P.
Předmětem výsledku je vyvinutý Proof of Concept (hardwarová a softwarová část) asistenčního systému „Follow the Vehicle“, založený na principu dvou vozidel a jednoho řidiče. Nadřízený vůz (Master), který je řízen člověkem určuje parametry jízdy, kterými jsou rychlost, zrychlení, směr, trasa (dráha) a cílová destinace. Data týkající se pohybů volantu, akcelerace a brzdění získává podřízený vůz (Follower) bezdrátovým přenosem z vozu nadřízeného. Follower jede za nadřízeným vozidlem ve vzdálenosti až 10 m. Před zahájením jízdy jsou oba vozy navzájem identifikovány prostřednictvím digitálního kódu. Testovací vozy ŠKODA SUPERB iV, které byly využity, jsou vybaveny přídavnými hardwarovými a softwarovými prostředky pro řízení, regulaci, komunikaci a zobrazování provozních parametrů. Vozidla sledují dopravní infrastrukturu a předávají si data a informace prostřednictvím Car2Car komunikace. Samotná výměna dat probíhá prostřednictvím standardu IEEE 802.11p, ETSI ITS-G5. K rozpoznávání obrazu a identifikaci 3D objektů vozy ŠKODA SUPERB iV využívají senzorické systémy v podobě kamerového systému, radaru a komunikační jednotky. Systémy sledují okolí vozu a aktuální provoz v reálném čase. Experimentální vozy „Follow the Vehicle“ pracují s celou řadou dat, např. aktuální polohou vozidla a dalšími parametry související s řízením. Součástí výsledku je i nástroj pro analýzu existujícího rozhraní vozidel umožňující analýzu existující rozhraní, jeho návrh nebo tvorbu jeho funkční kopie, která je implementována do vozidlového simulátoru s cílem hlubšího porozumění a možnosti zlepšit tak další návrhy těchto rozhraní. Zjištěné informace jsou pak interpretovány v kontextu experimentu a dále slouží jako vstup pro iterace návrhu rozhraní, či jako detekce provozně problematických prvků produkčních systémů. V rámci výzkumného úkolu vznikla sada specificky zaměřených scénářů pro použití na vyvinutých pokročilých simulátorech ČVUT.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; BALTABEKOVA, A.; KASSENOV, A.; ABISHEV, K.
2022, Университет еңбектері – Труды университета, 2022 (87), p. 195-202), ISSN 2710-3382
The article analyzes the accident rate and causes of road accidents. It has been found that in most cases traffic accidents occur due to drivers' fault. This is due to the low level of professional training and limited psychophysiological condition of the driver of the vehicle. The project of an interactive simulator is proposed. The analysis of existing designs of car simulators is carried out. The concept of a car simulator is substantiated based on the analysis. The use of the described driving simulator will allow identifying and weeding out potential traffic violators at the very stage of training.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

El Hamdani, S.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2021, 2021 3rd IEEE Middle East and North Africa COMMunications Conference (MENACOMM), Piscataway, NJ, IEEE), p. 147-151), ISBN 978-1-6654-3443-0
Autonomous Traffic Management (ATM) systems empowered with Machine Learning (ML) technics are a promising solution for eliminating traffic light and decreasing traffic congestion in the future. However, few efforts have focused on integrating pedestrians in ATM, namely the static programming-based cooperative protocol called Autonomous Pedestrian Crossing (APC). In this paper, we model a Markov Decision Process (MDP) to enable a Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL)-based version of APC protocol that is able to dynamically achieve the same objectives (i.e. decreasing traffic delay at the crossing area). Using concrete state space, action set and reward functions, our model forces the Autonomous Vehicle (AV) to "think"and behave according to APC architecture. Compared to the traditional programming APC system, our approach permits the AV to learn from its previous experiences in non-signalized crossing and optimize the distance and the velocity parameters accordingly.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

Ing. Alina Mashko, Ph.D.; Ing. Přemysl Toman; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA
2021, 2021 Smart City Symposium Prague, Piscataway, IEEE Signal Processing Society), ISBN 9780738131580
Urban comfort and safety go along with travel and traffic management for the cities. Facing automatization of transport brings necessity for the ITS solutions to provide efficient communication between vehicles, infrastructure and other traffic participants. Parking in the cities is a daily travel related task. Efficient automated parking solutions can contribute to individual time management as well as to reduction of traffic flow that is connected with parking spot search - especially in big cities. User acceptance of new technologies that arise with automated driving depends on their usability and interface. This paper presents a pilot demonstration of automated parking function with a mobile app interface. Observation of visual behavior (eye tracking) provide analyses of automated parking function and mobile app of modified electric prototype of e-vehicle "Skoda Rapid".
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf. (Scopus)

Ing. Jiří First; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.; Jan Válek, DiS.; Ing. Jolana Heřmanová
2021, ISBN 978-80-01-06894-6
Kniha České vozy velkých cen se věnuje historii automobilových soutěží a závodů a strojům, které se těchto klání účastnily, se zaměřením na vozy vyvinuté a postavené na území České republiky. První část knihy je věnována historii velkých cen obecně, evoluci pravidel a technických a bezpečnostních omezení. Druhá část knihy se zabývá známými i zapomenutými závodními vozy, které vznikly na českém území, ať jde o tovární speciály, či prototypy nadšenců. Třetí častí je katalog českých vozů velkých cen, které byly vystaveny na stejnojmenné výstavě pořádané Fakultou dopravní ČVUT v roce 2017, včetně jejich popisu a závodních úspěchů.
Vědecká kniha česky

Ing. Alina Mashko, Ph.D.; Jan Válek, DiS.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
Sborník z lokální konf. cizojazyčně

Ing. Jan Novotný; Ing. Přemysl Toman; doc. Ing. Jaroslav Machan, CSc.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
HMI Value study. Eye tracking implementation to vehicle interior analysis. Experiment with use of subjective and objective (ET) method.
Výzkumná zpráva cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2020, Neural Network World, 30 (2), p. 77-78), ISSN 1210-0552
On March 10th, 2020 an outstanding man, scientist, teacher visionary, creator, friend, and founder of Neural Network World, prof. Ing. Mirko Nov´ak, DrSc. departed from our lives.
Editorství speciálního čísla časopisu excerp. SCI Expanded

Ing. Přemysl Toman; Ing. Josef Svoboda; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Ing. Šárka Jozová, Ph.D.; Ing. Jolana Heřmanová; Ing. Alina Mashko, Ph.D.; Jan Válek, DiS.
In the scope of the Motostudent competition there was created complex project of the whole motorcycle in the category of Electro bikes. Report economical assessemen, industrial production plan
Technická zpráva cizojazyčně

Ing. Josef Svoboda; Ing. Přemysl Toman; Zeman, J.; Abraham, D.; Ing. Jan Vyčichl, Ph.D.; Ing. Jolana Heřmanová; Ing. Adam Orlický, Ph.D.; Malínský, V.; Dáňa, R.; Jan Válek, DiS.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.
In the scope of the Motostudent competition there was created complex project of the whole motorcycle in the category of Electro bikes. Report contains conceptual design, detailed design, prototyping and development.
Technická zpráva cizojazyčně

Ing. Přemysl Toman; Ing. Josef Svoboda; Ing. Jan Vyčichl, Ph.D.; Malínský, V.; Abraham, D.; Zeman, J.; Dáňa, R.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří First
In the research report we focus on the state of the art of the propossed innovation, moreover there is declared the research process, proof of concept, market viability and discussion of the proposed innovation of variable geometry of the racing motorcycle. In the repoert there are as well mentioned results of the topological and structural optimizations of the whole assembly as well as mannufacturing drawings.
Výzkumná zpráva cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Undisclosed Author, U.A.; Undisclosed Author, U.A.
This document defines key terms and parameters applied in the analysis of driver visual behaviour focused on glance and glance-related measures. It provides guidelines and minimum requirements on equipment and procedures for analysing driver visual behaviour including assessment of TICS to: — plan evaluation trials; — specify (and install) data capture equipment; and — validate, analyse, interpret and report visual-behaviour metrics (standards of measurement). The parameters and definitions described below provide a common source of reference for driver visual behaviour data. It is applicable to on-road trials (e.g. field operational tests or naturalistic studies), and laboratory-based driving studies. The procedures described in this document can also apply to more general assessments of driver visual behaviour. Data collected and analysed according to this document will allow comparisons to be performed across different TICS applications and experimental scenarios.
Výsledky promítnuté do směrnic a nelegisl. předpisů

Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2020, 2020 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-7281-6821-0
The contribution deals with problems of a passive safety of autonomous vehicles, focused on specifics of car-crash accident. The paper describes a non-standard side crash test of two passenger cars, during which the interior equipment and placement of test figurines inside car were accommodated to simulate an expected arrangement of future autonomous cars. Motion of the equipment inside the car interior was tracked during the test with the focus on its possible impact on passenger's safety. The contribution further deals with specifics of autonomous vehicle crew protection from the point of view of passive and integrated safety.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Paprčka, O.; Ing. Jan Novotný; doc. Ing. Jaroslav Machan, CSc.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
Tato zpráva se zabývá problematikou standardizace a parametrizace zkušebních drah, a to virtuálních zkušebních drah a také reálných zkušebních drah.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Ing. Přemysl Toman; Ing. Jan Novotný; Ing. Alina Mashko, Ph.D.; Ing. Michal Malý; Jan Válek, DiS.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Ing. et Ing. Naďa Tylová
Hlavním cílem studie bylo vytvoření systému měření HMI různých vozidel za použití objektivní a subjektivních metrik a analyzačních nástrojů, který je kompatibilní se systémy měření ve Škoda Auto. Stávající metodika byla obohacena o metody vyhodnocování pohledu a vizuální zátěže uživatele (eye tracking). Funkce systému byly ověřeny na reálném experimentu se zaměřením na řidičovu distrakci. Z výsledku vyplynou doporučení pro budoucí podobu uživatelských rozhraní HMI.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Ing. Jan Novotný; Ing. Přemysl Toman; doc. Ing. Jaroslav Machan, CSc.; Ing. David Lehet; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
Cílem studie je získat zákaznické kvalitativní posouzení designových prvků dvou vozů a tím vytvoření a ověření inovativní metodiky.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Paprčka, O.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
Využití sofistikovaných modelů jednotlivých agregátů vozidla (HIL) a jejich zapojení do simulace při provádění experimentů (HMI).
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Ing. Přemysl Toman; Ing. Alina Mashko, Ph.D.; Jan Válek, DiS.; doc. Ing. Jaroslav Machan, CSc.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
The report answer following questions. Does the user prefer the help of one general or multiple specialized assistants to solve a task? Are there differences in communication strategies/behavior in the interaction with one general or multiple specialized assistants while solving a task Are there differences in assigned limitations or capabilities between a general or multiple specialized assistant? Are there differences in trust towards one general or multiple specialized assistants?
Výzkumná zpráva cizojazyčně

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Novák, M.; Michal Kovaljov; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Chalupová, R.
2019, Neural Network World, 29 (6), p. 427-445), ISSN 1210-0552
There is no methodical approach suitable for definition of the periodical or non-periodical, stationary or nonstationary curves of brain signals with a help of amplitude, frequency, phase etc. values. It is difficult to determinate the wave shape, i.e. the problem is how to solve the respective pattern recognition. Therefore, we tried to propose a simple method for praxis by help of measurement two main wave time components, interpreting a sinusoidal alpha wave as a triangle, where there is an anterior and a posterior part of wave ascending and descending abscissas in a hope that the sufficient measure are presented by the "legs" only or distances between upper and bottom peak of the wave. All the values of total ascendants are divided by all values of total descendants. For the method validity estimation it was made for this computation separately in two different psychical states - the relaxation and the calculation activity, both with eyes closed. Results are presented as quotient (quotus alpha) which means alpha waves symmetry. If the quotient is equal to 1, or is near to 1, is the alpha wave full or almost symmetrical. When the quotient is lower than 1 the ascendant is shorter than descendent, then alpha wave is asymmetric and has inclination to the left side. In contrary if the quotient is higher than 1 the ascendant is longer than descendent, alpha wave is again asymmetrical, but inclination is oriented to the right side. During mentation is usually quotient lower one and the ascendant is still more lover, alpha waves are sheer, the inclination to the left is more expressive.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Novák, M.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.
2019, Neural Network World, 29 (6), p. 373-379), ISSN 1210-0552
Artificial systems play an extremely important role in human life. Each day, almost all people on the Earth have to interact with various complex systems, which are of a very different nature and target application. These all system structures and their whole sets can be of various degrees of complexity and can be discriminated into many categories. These three can be considered as their main kinds: • artificial systems, • living systems, • natural systems. All of them could have very various behaviours but some aspects – as well as their theoretical backgrounds – are universal. Artificial systems are those created by the human, so mostly by human will and decisions.
Editorství speciálního čísla časopisu excerp. SCI Expanded

Sovreski, Z.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Dzidrov, M.; Hristovska, E.
The paper provides overview of challenges of drivercar interaction in modern electric vehicles. Different aspects of human-machine interaction are reviewed. Analysis of method of driver-vehicle interaction through in-vehicle display and its influence on using eco driving modes is provided on the example of experimental studies in the field.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Přemysl Toman; Bc. Daniel Folprecht; doc. Ing. Jaroslav Machan, CSc.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
Posouzení komfortu ve vozidle během autonomní jízdy při různých intenzitách zatemnění. Nalezení nejvhodnější úrovně zatemnění pro autonomní jízdu. Zjištění potřeb zákazníků v kontextu autonomní jízdy. Zjištění reakcí zákazníků na autonomní jízdu.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Ing. Přemysl Toman; Ing. David Lehet; Ing. Alina Mashko, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Jaroslav Machan, CSc.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
Usability testing of UIs in car with seniors. How can we improve two user interfaces on the middle display in car from senior‘s point of view?
Výzkumná zpráva cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Ing. Alina Mashko, Ph.D.; Jan Válek, DiS.
Sborník z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Ing. Josef Svoboda; Ing. Jolana Heřmanová; Ing. Přemysl Toman; Ing. Šárka Jozová, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří First; Plomer, J.; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.; Skarolek, P.; Ira, L.; Růžička, M.; Jan Válek, DiS.; Ing. Dmitrij Rožděstvenský, Ph.D.
In the scope of the Motostudent competition there was created complex project of the whole motorcycle in the category of Electro bikes. Report contains conceptual design, detailed design, prototyping, economical assessemen, industrialproduction plan and technological innovation.
Oponovaná technická zpráva cizojazyčně

Ing. Přemysl Toman; Ing. Josef Svoboda; Ing. Jolana Heřmanová; Ing. Šárka Jozová, Ph.D.; Ing. Adam Orlický, Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří First; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Plomer, J.; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.; Růžička, M.; Paprčka, O.; Jan Válek, DiS.; Ing. Dmitrij Rožděstvenský, Ph.D.
In the scope of the Motostudent competition there was created complex project of the whole motorcycle in the category of Petrol bikes. Report contains conceptual design, detailed design, prototyping, economical assessemen, industrialproduction plan and technological innovation.
Oponovaná technická zpráva cizojazyčně

Ing. Dmitrij Rožděstvenský, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Cvetković, M.
2018, 2018 Smart City Symposium Prague, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-5386-5017-2
The aim of this work is to present Real-Time Driver Advisory System (RTDAS) for improving energy economy of Electric Vehicles (EV) and Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV). System relies on a road map data provided in accordance with the second version of Advance Driver Assistant Systems Interface Specification (ADASIS v2) Protocol. Road map data is then transformed into Electronic Horizon (EH). The Electronic Horizon provides a preview of the road characteristics ahead of the vehicle, which is used for development of a predictive energy economy algorithms. The system is focused on static characteristics of the road ahead such as road slope, curvature, superelevation, speed limits and the traffic signs. Based on this data and vehicle parameters, the system is using algorithms to define if and when to send a message to the driver to release the gas pedal and to achieve higher energy economy, comfort and safety of driving. The releasing of gas pedal triggers an algorithm to adjust the speed using controlled regenerative braking without using mechanical brakes that leads to optimization of vehicle kinetic energy recuperation.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

doc. Ing. Jaroslav Machan, CSc.; Ing. Přemysl Toman; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
Vyhledání a definice problematických stavů při užívání různých systémů Lane Assist. Vyhledání nekonzistentních, nejednoznačných a špatně pochopitelných sdělení a kontrolních zásahů. Návrhy na optimalizaci provedení.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Ing. Jiří First; Jan Válek, DiS.; Ing. Jolana Heřmanová; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2017, ISBN 978-80-01-06367-5
The book presents basic information about all exhibits on display and brings a lot of new information, often have not been published before. The first part of the book deals with car body types, especially roofless (cabriolets, phaetons etc.) presented in its historical view. It discusses the topics like design, aesthetics and engineering and relation of all of them to the vehicle safety. There is also unique list of Czechoslovak car and coachwork manufacturers. The second part is the catalogue of exhibited vehicles, their photos and their brief history (from manufacture through renovation to present usage).
Vědecká kniha cizojazyčně

Ing. Jiří First; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Jan Válek, DiS.; Ing. Jolana Heřmanová
2017, ISBN 978-80-01-06082-7
Kniha Český kabriolet a kupé v průběhu století, katalog výstavy r. 2016 podává základní informace o jednotlivých vystavených exponátech a přidává k nim další, často zatím nepublikované informace. V první části publikace je rozebrán historický vývoj všech typů karoserií osobních automobilů s důrazem zejména na otázky bezpečnosti. Kniha nabízí unikátní seznam československých výrobců vozů a karoserií v průběhu sta let. Dále se věnuje tématům konstrukce kabrioletů a designu. Druhou část tvoří samotný katalog - kompletní seznam vystavených exponátů s fotografiemi a historií jednotlivých vozů.
Vědecká kniha česky

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Ing. Alina Mashko, Ph.D.
2017, ISBN 978-80-01-06336-1, ISSN 2336-5382
Sborník z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Ing. Alina Mashko, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.
2017, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe Chapter 2016 Annual Conference. ISSN 2333-4959 (online), Groningen, The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Europe Chapter), ISSN 2333-4959
The article provides a study of driver fatigue experimental research on interactive driver simulator. Visually available face features, movements of eyes and facial expression are followed with the help of distant eye tracker. The driver behaviour of sleep deprived participants is observed and compared to that of the rested drivers. This research targets sparing the key features of driver behaviour for further implementation in detection methods of driver fatigue in the human-machine interface of modern and future cars.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Jaroslav Machan, CSc.; Ing. Přemysl Toman; Ing. David Lehet; Vacek, J.; Ing. Jan Novotný; Splítek, J.; Paprčka, O.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
This technical report presents evaluation of the Questionnaire study of the project Easy Driving focused on controlling of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems from the point of view of the Human-Machine Interface with the focus on age groups. In the second part we in genral focus on anylsis of ADAS HMI in practise and further the report analyze problematic elements of controlling the Automatic parking system during practical experiment.
Výzkumná zpráva cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Jaroslav Machan, CSc.; Ing. Přemysl Toman; Ing. David Lehet; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
Identifikovat a ověřit s uživateli informace, které by pro ně mohly být užitečné v kontextu navigace. Prozkoumat a ověřit s uživateli možnosti integrace hlasových zpráv s infotainmentem.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Ing. Dmitrij Rožděstvenský, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2017, 2017 Smart Cities Symposium Prague (SCSP) - IEEE PROCEEDINGS, New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-5386-3825-5
This article states a set of problems associated with Human Machine Interface of future vehicles based on the technological and social trends of modern society. Smart Cities, Connected Cars, and new propulsion systems bring a new set of questions and problems for the HMI studies. This article tries to state these questions based on the history of the development and analysis of the modern in vehicle HMI from three layer Driver Vehicle interaction model. Additionally, future trends and technologies are considered and described.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

doc. Ing. Jaroslav Machan, CSc.; Ing. Přemysl Toman; Ing. David Lehet; Ing. Jaroslav Pinkas; Ing. Jan Novotný; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
Zákaznické posouzení funkčních vlastností pilotní mobilní aplikace.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

de Waard, D.; Toffetti, A.; Wiczorek, R.; Sonderegger, A.; Röttger, S.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Franke, T.; Fairclough, S.; Noordzij, M.; Brookhuis, K.
2017, ISSN 2333-4959
Sborník z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Dmitrij Rožděstvenský, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Ing. Adam Orlický, Ph.D.; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.
This document describes the evaluation of the platform for studying problems associated with HMI for vehicles with alternative propulsion developed as a part of the grand Advanced assisting systems and their UI for future EV and HEV. This evaluation is based on design and analysis of two experiments on interactive vehicle simulator. First experiment deals with the evaluation of user acceptance of the HMI for EV based on the VW eGolf concept, including regenerative braking and second experiment evaluates user acceptance and practical benefit of the Driver Advisory System which aim is to increase EV range by advising driver when to release an acceleration pedal to reduce the speed before next limitation, with heavy usage of regenerative braking. Both subjective and objective data were used to evaluate not only particular experiments but also the platform as a whole.
Výroční zpráva cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Jaroslav Machan, CSc.; Ing. Přemysl Toman; Ing. David Lehet; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
Hodnocení použitelnosti infotainmentu a spokojenosti uživatelů s jeho hlavními funkcemi
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.
2016, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 1, p. 18-22), ISSN 2367-8968
The paper deals with problems of aggressive behavior of cars and motorcycles drivers. It describes an evaluation of such behavior from recordings obtained with use of so-called floating cars. It offers basic statistical analyzes based on almost 300 recordings from 11 thousand kilometers driven on various types of Czech roads. The paper presents some of the most interesting (and from a point of safety the most important) results.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří First; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.; Ing. Alina Mashko, Ph.D.; Ing. Petra Skolilová, Ph.D.
Sborník z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Ing. Dmitrij Rožděstvenský, Ph.D.; Ing. Alina Mashko, Ph.D.; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
This research is aimed to study available measure and methodology for evaluation of IVIS an ADAS HMI in terms of workload distraction, user efficiency and acceptance, which are suitable for evaluation of HMI interfaces related to Electric and Hybrids vehicles, and to design set of measures to evaluate EV and HEV efficiency in terms of energy consumption and emission minimization. Second part is dedicated for design of experiments to validate proposed methods and measure. First experiment aiming to study user acceptance of digital HMI solution and second aims to study prototype predictive efficiency assistant system
Výzkumná zpráva cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2016, international journal of systems applications, engineering & development, 2016 (10), p. 179-188), ISSN 2074-1308
The paper brings a comprehensive view on the topic of interactive driving simulators. Starting with history of interactive simulation it covers the problems of different simulation technologies and the simulator of various vehicles used for research tasks and training purposes. The further text is focused mainly on driving simulators construction and their use. In the next part there is described in detail an architecture of driving simulators and recently used technologies (including those, which were developed within our laboratories). This is illustrated on examples of the simulator systems developed and used within the research work of our institute and laboratories - Institute of Vehicles, Driving Simulation Research Group and Laboratory of Systems Reliability at the Faculty of Transportation Sciences of Czech Technical University in Prague.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.
2016, Zborník zo 7. medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie CMDTUR 2016, Žilina, Žilinská univerzita v Žilině Fakulta prevádzky a ekonomiky dopravy a spojov), p. 293-301), ISBN 978-80-554-1265-8
Příspěvek se zabývá popisem různých typů interaktivních simulátorů vozidel a možnostmi jejich využití v oblasti zkoumání HMI vozidel a sledování chování řidičů v různých běžných io zátěžových stavech. V příspěvku jsou dále popsány některé praktické příklady využití vozidlových simulátorů na Ústavu dopravních prostředků FD ČVUT v Praze.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. česky

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Novák, M.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Ing. Alina Mashko, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.
2016, international journal of systems applications, engineering & development, 2016 (10), p. 205-210), ISSN 2074-1308
Individual human behavior makes a significant impact to the road and traffic safety. The necessity of minimizing the human factor influence is rather obvious. A detailed study of different aspects of human-machine interaction shall make it possible to determine reasons of faulty human behavior and develop methods for its prevention. Complex approach for problem solution is suggested. A truck simulator laboratory described in this article shall suggest wide range of possibilities for the relevant research. Observation of various aspects of faulty driver behavior using different methods, namely combination of brain activity observations (EEG) together with data obtained from readings of other tools such as ocular movements, heartbeat, mimics, muscular activity, gestures, driving behavior and vehicle behavior is to be run for data collection and its further analysis. A set of pilot experiments has been relevant research of both electroencephalographic (EEG) and near infra-red (NIRS) signals analysis of drivers, exposed to influence of various kinds of attention load on adaptive driving simulator is presented. The results are expected to be a basis for recommendation for further deeper and wide scale analyses of various load influences on driver brain.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.; Ing. Alina Mashko, Ph.D.; Jan Válek, DiS.
Výzkumná zpráva obsahuje výsledky dotazníkového šetření, klinické studie a jejich následnou analýzu. Výsledky podléhají obchodnímu tajemství.
Oponovaná výzkumná zpráva v češtině

prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Michal Matowicki, Ph.D.
2016, Proceedings of 11th international Conference ELEKTRO 2016, Praha, Československá sekce IEEE), p. 423-428), ISBN 978-1-4673-8697-5
In the last 30 years, there is visible trend of performing traffic experiments with use of Driving Simulator. As an example of such studies we can name researches focused on driver behavior in various traffic situations where safety and economic concerns significantly limit use of naturalistic driving studies. An inherent part of such experiments is proper design and implementation of experiment scenario, including surrounding traffic. In the following paper, the authors describe and compare the key properties of three most common approaches to the generation of surrounding vehicles for the needs of driving simulator experiments.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.
Jedná se o závěrečnou zprávu obsahující sumarizaci výsledků řešeného projektu TA0403175 - "Působení rušivých vizuálních vlivů na bezpečnost jízdy". Dále se zpráva podrobněji zabývá výsledky v rok 2016, kterými byly G - Malý simulátor pro potřeby ověření vizuálních schopností řidičů, Z - Poloprovoz malého simulátoru a R – Simulátorové scénáře.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Spurný, P.; Andrš, J.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Pučelík, J.; Rokyta, R.
2016, Lékař a technika, 46 (2), p. 51-54), ISSN 0301-5491
An instrument to objectively measure driver’s fatigue and to monitor approaching micro-sleep was designed, manufactured and tested. The instrument is based on a simple infrared sensor, which consists of an emitter and detector and is based on the different reflectivity of the eye and the skin of the eyelid. The instrument records eyelid activity as the number of blinks. The device has been put into practice in the form of lensless glasses and tested in an automobile simulator at the Faculty of Transport, Czech Technical University in Prague. The results show that the system was reasonably efficient at detecting fatigue, and therefore potentially micro-sleep. However, currently it is not possible to measure the effectiveness of the system and evaluate the results in real-time.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus cizojaz.

Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.; Kadlecová, J.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2016, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 1, p. 23-26), ISSN 2367-8968
The article deals with parameter verification for an eCall unit Black box type that can be further used to estimate the consequences of a traffic accident. As the unit is mainly designed to be installed into older types of vehicles, it only uses an internal accelerometer located on a printed circuit to identify the moment of collision, but this can affect the resulting acceleration measurement. A series of measurements is described in the article (crash test and a test on acceleration unit) during which the acceleration signal from an eCall unit is compared with the external accelerometer signal and the correlation analysis of both signals was performed afterwards.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

Ing. Alina Mashko, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Ing. Dmitrij Rožděstvenský, Ph.D.
2016, Advances in Transportation Studies, 2016 (1), p. 37-50), ISSN 1824-5463
The paper analyzes available approaches for assessment of in-vehicle navigation systems with visual display. A system with an alternative representation of traffic signs on in-vehicle display aimed to help driver better orient at road sections loaded with information has been assessed during experiment on real car cockpit driver simulator.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Jan Válek, DiS.; Ing. Adam Orlický, Ph.D.
Výzkumná zpráva obsahuje popis vývoje virtuálního jízdního okruhu pro simulátor Porsche. Zpráva podláhá obchodnímu tajemství.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Ing. Dmitrij Rožděstvenský, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2015, Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, p. 40-44)
The project aims to study a problem of Human Machine Interaction related to Hybrid and Electric vehicles (EV) and issues associated with them, such as range anxiety phenomena, charging related problems, and other problems that are slowing down an adaptation of EV among potential users / buyers. The project address these issues not only by developing a new dynamic human machine interface (HMI), but also by development and implementation of a special methodology for validation of any kind of HMI for EV at early stage of development. This methodology is based on heavy usage of automobile simulators and virtual prototyping.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Novák, M.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Barnet, Z.
2015, RECENT ADVANCES on SYSTEMS, SIGNALS, CONTROL, COMMUNICATIONS and COMPUTERS, Budapest, WSEAS), p. 149-154), ISBN 978-1-61804-355-9, ISSN 1790-5117
This paper deals with problems of driver aggressive behavior influenced often by various stress factors and discusses the possibilities of its prevention and compensation. The knowledge used to discuss and assess such incidents is based on evaluation of several tens of thousands of kilometers recorded by a GPS FHD cameras placed in floating cars. These cars have been continually driving on roads of Czech Republic since 2007 and their records are still being analyzed and scanned for various symptoms of aggressive driving behavior.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Jiří First; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Kadlecová, J.; Jan Válek, DiS.; Straka, M.
2015, ISBN 978-80-01-05827-5
Český motocykl exhibition catalogue, related to the exhibition held in FTS CTU in Prague in 2014. The catalogue shows the exhibited items and its short history with novel information on motorbike production, design, sport and link between science and these fields. It introduces the CTU relation to all the frequent problems as well.
Vědecká kniha cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Nádeník, D.; Jan Válek, DiS.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Kadlecová, J.
2015, Recent Research in Mechanical and Transportation Systems, Salerno, WSEAS), p. 27-31), ISBN 978-1-61804-316-0, ISSN 2227-4588
Study on driver's attention split by roadside billboards and advertisement and their result on driving performance; simulator study on different billboard effect on the attention.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2015, Recent Research in Mechanical and Transportation Systems, Salerno, WSEAS), p. 97-105), ISBN 978-1-61804-316-0, ISSN 2227-4588
The paper covers the topic of the simulation technologies used for research tasks solved by the Laboratory of Systems Reliability at Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Czech Technical University in Prague. It introduces research area of Human-Machine Interaction (HMI) and the field of interactive simulators. The further text is focused mainly on driving simulators construction and their use. In the next part there is described in detail the architecture of driving simulators and recently used technologies (including those, which were developed within our laboratories). There are research driving simulators developed in our laboratories described in the last chapters.
Vyzvaná předn. uvedená ve sborníku z mezinárodní konf.

Ing. Dmitrij Rožděstvenský, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Ing. Alina Mashko, Ph.D.; Abishev, K.; Mukanov, R.
2015, 2015 Smart Cities Symposium Prague (SCSP), New York, IEEE Press), ISBN 978-1-4673-6727-1
This article deals with a Human Machine Interface of Electric vehicles starting from the history of Electric Vehicles HMI, describes currently used system elements and provide evaluation of their advantages and disadvantages. A new concept of Dynamic HMI for Electric Vehicles is introduced to improve EV efficiency in terms of energy consumption and range distance, and consequently increase their popularity among users. This interface is capable to adapt itself to user or system needs and changes dynamically based on EV battery State of Charge or reachability of desired destination. Such implementation of HMI address one of the main reason why users still prefer conventional vehicles with internal combustion engine to EV – range anxiety phenomena.This article aims to be a guideline for a design of new concept of HMI for EV, studies user requirements and propose a methodology of system development including concept definition and user acceptance validation methodology on vehicle driving simulator.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Novák, M.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Ing. Alina Mashko, Ph.D.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Kadlecová, J.; Ing. Dmitrij Rožděstvenský, Ph.D.
2015, ISBN 978-80-01-05872-5
The driver behavior is a complex problem of the road traffic safety. It is influenced by numerous factors. Drowsiness, fatigue, health issues, influence of alcohol, irritated or aggressive behavior , arrogance etc. - all contribute to dangerous behavior of drivers on the roads and lead to traffic excesses. Driver faults happen all the time, so their prevention and mitigation of unwanted consequences is a necessary step in improving road traffic safety. The book covers analysis of different aspects of dangerous driving behavior, from drivers' faults due to lack of experience, the influence of drugs (in a general sense), driver's age etc., up to intentional offensive and aggressive driving.
Vědecká kniha cizojazyčně

Svoboda, P.; Toman, P.; Kment, T.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
Studie diskutuje možnosti integrace komunikačních rozhraní třetích stran při nasazení systému ASLAN. Autoři si dali za cíl již při realizaci, aby navržený systém umožňoval nejen budoucí napojení do národních telematických uzlů jako je např. Dispečink NDIC a bylo ho tedy možno využít jako součást národního a nadnárodního monitoringu a řízení dopravy, ale aby odpovídal i progresívním trendům v oblasti rozvoje IT a Dopravní Telematiky. Systém automatické videodetekce byl z tohoto důvodu navržen a připraven tak, aby ho bylo možno využít jako součást celku a zapadl do konceptu IoT an Smart City.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.
2015, Prostředky virtuální reality pro oblast návrhu a vizualizace v dopravě a průmyslu (Virtuelle Realität Werkzeuge in Design und Visualisierung für Verkehr und Industrie), Praha, Dopravní fakulta ČVUT v Praze, Ústav dopravních prostředků), ISBN 978-80-01-05871-8
Článek se zabývá počítačovou grafikou a virtuální realitou. V článku jsou tyto pojmy vysvětleny v historickém kontextu a jsou vysvětleny možnosti využití především v aplikacích dopravy.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.; Ing. Alina Mashko, Ph.D.; Jan Válek, DiS.
Výzkumná zpráva obsahuje výsledky dotazníkového šetření, klinické studie a jejich následnou analýzu. Výsledky podléhají obchodnímu tajemství.
Oponovaná výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Ing. Alina Mashko, Ph.D.; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.
Výzkumná zpráva obsahuje výsledky dotazníkového šetření a jejich následnou analýzu. Výsledky podléhají obchodnímu tajemství.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2015, Prostředky virtuální reality pro oblast návrhu a vizualizace v dopravě a průmyslu (Virtuelle Realität Werkzeuge in Design und Visualisierung für Verkehr und Industrie), Praha, Dopravní fakulta ČVUT v Praze, Ústav dopravních prostředků), ISBN 978-80-01-05871-8
Článek se zabývá problematikou interakce člověk - stroj (HMI) se zaměřením na problematikou interakce řidič - vozidlo, jakožto podoboru této vědní disciplíny. Další část článku se zabývá interaktivními vozidlovými simulátory, které představují velice efektivní nástroj pro výzkumy, při kterých je řidič zkoumán v různých standardní i zátěžových situacích, a to v podmínkách naprosto bezpečných pro něj i pro okolí.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Novák, M.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.
2015, Recent Research in Mechanical and Transportation Systems, Salerno, WSEAS), p. 78-82), ISBN 978-1-61804-316-0, ISSN 2227-4588
Analyzing the reliability and safety of transportation, one can find that the activity of human being is the weakest point. Technical reliability of almost all transportation tools has improved quite a lot in recent years, however the human subject interacting with them has not changed too much, as concerns his/her reliability and safety of the respective necessary interaction. All driver faults, without respect to their seriousness project themselves on driver brain signals, before all on those, which are of electromagnetic nature. For minimizing the danger of such human caused accidental events appearance, a deeper analysis of those signals is to be considered as very important tool. In this contribution a set of pilot experimental results reached at simultaneous analysis of both electroencephalographic (EEG) and near infra-red (NIRS) signals analysis of drivers, exposed to influence of various kinds of attention load on adaptive driving simulator is presented. These results are expected to be a basis for recommendation for further deeper and wide scale analyses of various load influences on driver brain.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Ing. Ondřej Smíšek
2015, ISBN 978-80-01-05871-8
Sborník z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.
Hlavním tématem prací v období 2015 bylo dle původního plánu "Stanovení typů vizuálních polí a jejich rozložení a vytvoření metodik". V tomto období proběhla řada měření na vozidlovém simulátoru. Ze sebraných dat byly určeny typy a rozložení vizuálních polí řidiče, a na tomto základě byly vytvořeny příslušné metodiky. Tyto metodiky byly dále ověřeny na interaktivních vozidlových simulátorech, jimiž pracoviště disponuje.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Novák, M.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Emil Pelikán, CSc.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.
2015, RECENT ADVANCES on SYSTEMS, SIGNALS, CONTROL, COMMUNICATIONS and COMPUTERS, Budapest, WSEAS), p. 55-64), ISBN 978-1-61804-355-9, ISSN 1790-5117
In this paper a theoretical approach to problems of reliability in uncertain systems is discussed. These problems appear not only in many technical areas, among them the transportation has very significant position, but also in many others, namely those where the interaction with human subjects has to be respected. Also the impacts of environmental, namely weather conditions and development has to be respected.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Dmitrij Rožděstvenský, Ph.D.; Ing. Alina Mashko, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Šumelda, A.; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.
This document contains result of the research on problems associated with HMI of EV and HEV. Covering history and description of electric and hybrid electric vehicle technology, description of main HMI elements used in modern EV and HEV, and description of HMI of modern EV available on the market. A methodology for the research in this area with a vehicle simulator is proposed, and an example of possible HMI enhancement is described. Additionally the description of the mathematical-physical model applicable for the simulation of EV or HEV energy consumption, suitable for research associated with of EV HMI problematics, is described, This model can be used in a vehicle simulator to simulate behavior of Electric motor, and battery state of charge
Výzkumná zpráva cizojazyčně

Ing. Alina Mashko, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Ing. Dmitrij Rožděstvenský, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.
2015, 2015 Road Safety & Simulation International Conference PROCEEDINGS, Orlando, FL, University of Central Florida), p. 593-605), ISBN 978-1-4951-7445-2
This paper provides the assessment of in-vehicle information system of virtual traffic lights. The measurements on steady simulator, based on a cockpit of personal car, were obtained for two groups of drivers (either with or without assistance device provided). During the experiment on a simulator the driver behavior was investigated with a help of head mounted eye-tracking device (focus and eye behavior was analyzed) and video camera. The driver performance was analyzed from simulator outputs (based on analyses of actual speed, lane keeping and lane position, brake pedal depression and derived reaction times) and appropriate reactions to scenario events and situations (following directions given by traffic signs). Technical data of drivers’ performance - following traffic sign instructions, the reasons in case of not following those in real road situations as well as driver acceptance of the system collected during surveys are analyzed.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Ing. Alina Mashko, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2015, RECENT ADVANCES on SYSTEMS, SIGNALS, CONTROL, COMMUNICATIONS and COMPUTERS, Budapest, WSEAS), p. 72-76), ISBN 978-1-61804-355-9, ISSN 1790-5117
In an attempt to observe and analyze driver behavior in sleepy state (after 48 hours sleep deprivation) a series of experiments on personal car indoor simulator have been performed. A video registration of driver front and side profiles, as well as scenery record from the driver position have been made during the experiments. Video records were given a comprehensive analysis of visually available features of driver behavior against vehicle control (position in lane and steering). As the result of evaluation it was possible to outline characteristic patterns of driver behavior before doing to state of sleep. This is an exploratory research with a purpose to identify human behavior in pre-accident situations.
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doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Martin Leso, Ph.D.; Matlafus, A.; Ing. Dmitrij Rožděstvenský, Ph.D.; Ing. Bc. Dušan Kamenický, Ph.D.; Kadlecová, J.; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.
2014, Latest Trends in Energy, Enviromental and Development, Salerno, WSEAS), p. 127-131), ISBN 978-960-474-375-9, ISSN 2227-4359
This article deals with the vehicle warning system which task is to warn driver of a possible collision. with a train. The system architecture consisting of vehicle on board unit, train unit, server and communication interfaces is described subsequently. Whereas knowing the location of not only the vehicle and also of the train is crucial for the system functionality, the models of theoretical location of vehicle and train are implemented to this system. The paper provides design of the whole system and its particular realizations as well as its testing runs.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Ing. Dmitrij Rožděstvenský, Ph.D.; Čechová, A.; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.; Kadlecová, J.; Jan Válek, DiS.
Zpráva řeší výzkum v oblasti bezpečnosti silničního provozu. V první části je rozebrán současný stav řešené problematiky a popsány aktuální domácí a evropské dokumenty, které se problematikou bezpečnosti silničního provozu zabývají. Další část zprávy obsahuje vize budoucího stavu v roce 2030 a nástin obsahu a zaměření hlavních výzkumných témat.
Výzkumná zpráva cizojazyčně

Ing. Jiří First; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Jan Válek, DiS.; Straka, M.
2014, ISBN 978-80-01-05661-5
Jedná se o katalog výstavy Český motocykl konané na FD ČVUT v Praze v roce 2014. Katalog zobrazuje vystavené exponáty se stručnou historií, je doplněn o nové informace týkající se motocyklové výroby, konstrukce, sportu a propojení vědy s těmito obory. Seznamuje rovněž se vztahem FD ČVUT k nejfrekventovanějším problémům motocyklové dopravy, kterými jsou bezpečnost, ekologie a energetická náročnost.
Vědecká kniha česky

Jayakumar, A.; Novák, M.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2014, Latest Trends in Energy, Enviromental and Development, Salerno, WSEAS), p. 251-256), ISBN 978-960-474-375-9, ISSN 2227-4359
This paper studied the vigilance level of a fatigued driver in a long tunnel. The vigilance of the driver is monitored using Electroencephalography (EEG) in a driving simulator under different scenarios namely Normal road and Tunnel road. The hypnagogic, relaxation and vigilant phase of each driver is analyzed from their EEG data. The experiments projected a negative impact on driver vigilance in long tunnels. A comparative study on the driver vigilance inside the tunnel and to that of a normal road is presented. In addition, the impact of colored tunnel to that of a regular tunnel was also studied and results are presented.
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doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Zuzana Radová, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Jayakumar, A.
2014, ISBN 978-80-01-05663-9
Sborník z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Ing. Dmitrij Rožděstvenský, Ph.D.; Kadlecová, J.; Čechová, A.; Suchánek, J.; Florián, J.
2014, Latest Trends in Energy, Enviromental and Development, Salerno, WSEAS), p. 148-153), ISBN 978-960-474-375-9, ISSN 2227-4359
In 2013 a series of experiments was performed using the vehicle simulators available in the DSRG laboratory (Driving Simulation Research Group at Department of vehicles, Faculty of transportation sciences, CTU in Prague) to reveal the aggressive behavior stimuli at driving motorized vehicle principles Scenes in scenarios were designed to continuously initiate a situation to provoke aggressive, inadequate or offensive behavior of drivers, the scenes from real scenery were used as well. The verification was performed on a group of drivers tending to behave aggressively.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Martin Leso, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Konopáč, T.; Ing. Bc. Dušan Kamenický, Ph.D.; Ing. Dmitrij Rožděstvenský, Ph.D.; Jayakumar, A.
2014, ISBN 978-80-01-05662-2
The book deals with possibilities how to reduce risk of a road and rail vehicle collision on level crossings. There are several reasons making the solution of this matter urgent nowadays. One of the reasons is the increase in traffic intensity and rising cruising speed of cars. As well the rising railway traffic, mainly caused by regional and local lines in the urban areas, calls for higher cruising speeds of trains. Such elements can increase the coincidence of factors leading, under unfavorable circumstances, to fatal effects mostly for road users. The book presents historical view on R-R level crossing safeguard and its development mainly within the Central Europe area, worldwide activities which should lead to safer situation at level crossings, recommendations for safer design and risk analysis and finally the lessons learn from the real pilot project realized in the scope of national grant which members the book authors were.
Vědecká kniha cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Ing. Alina Mashko, Ph.D.; Ing. Dmitrij Rožděstvenský, Ph.D.
Příprava simulačního prostředku, uskutečnění série měření. Výsledky podléhají obchodnímu tajemství.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2014, Latest Trends in Energy, Enviromental and Development, Salerno, WSEAS), p. 12-12), ISBN 978-960-474-375-9, ISSN 2227-4359
Problems of reliability and safety of interaction between the human operator (driver) and him/her controlled artificial system (machine, vehicle) are the crucial research tasks within the scope of safety in transport. Most of the accidents happened due to the failure of a human factor. It can either happen when controlling (driving) the machine (vehicle) but also when maintaining it or even sooner when it is manufactured or designed. A failure is often caused either by a bad design of the system or an insufficient or unsuitable training of the human operators. Since the only communication between the operator and artificial systems is realized via the interfaces, just the field of interfaces is the topic of our contemporary research performed in our laboratories. The lecture introduces problems of the Human-Machine Interaction (HMI) research field as well as problems of user interfaces in systemic point of view. These will be discussed in general, seamlessly moving towards the field of drivervehicle interaction reliability and safety. The objective approaches and measures to investigate in the reliability of operator-machine interaction are discussed as well as mathematical modeling tools. Beside those general approaches, the lecture introduces in more detail our main research focus - ergonomics and human factors in vehicle control. The presentation shows and explains main principles of the research tools – the advanced interactive ground vehicle simulators, which are continuously being developed by the Driving Simulation Research Group at Czech Tech Univ. It encompasses passenger cars, two-wheelers, trucks and/or rail engines. This field of R&D deals with simulation technology but also scenario and experiment design and mainly measurement tools and methods, which are fitted for particular experiment types. Indisputable role in this area is played by measuring devices, especially those which work with so called psychophysiological measures....
Abstrakt ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.; Kadlecová, J.; Jan Válek, DiS.
Zpráva je zaměřena na problematiku bezpečnostního výzkumu v oblasti silničního provozu a jeho implementační fázi. V první části zprávy jsou popsány dlouhodobé cíle dle návrhu strategické výzkumné agendy, dokumentů evropských technologických platforem a dokumentů EU. Dále je popsán současný stav ve vědě a výzkumu a rozebrány návrhy na změnu prostředí a podmínek pro podporu výzkumu, vývoje a inovací na národní a případně i na evropské úrovni. V poslední části této zprávy jsou uvedeny návrhy výzkumných projektů se zaměřením na bezpečnost silničního provozu.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Novák, M.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2014, Driver-Car Interaction & Safety 2014 - Proceedings, Praha, Dopravní fakulta ČVUT v Praze, Ústav dopravních prostředků), ISBN 978-80-01-05663-9
In this contribution the main problems caused by road vehicle drivers attention decreases are discussed. The interest is given especially to analysis of the driver with vehicle as the system with uncertain parameters.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.
První období činnosti projektu je zaměřeno na analýzu a třídění dostupných dat z předchozích projektů a jejich úpravu do formy, použitelné pro tvorbu scénářů. Přestože data byla již dříve zpracována, jedná se obvykle o záznamy z plovoucích vozidel a další obrazový materiál, který si vyžaduje převod do vhodné formy, kterou bude možno klasifikovat pro účely zobecnění různých typů reakcí na podněty. Zpracovaná data jsou vhodným základem pro sestavení experimentů na vozidlovém simulátoru v laboratoři Dopravní fakulty ČVUT v Praze. Dokument mj. sumarizuje výsledky rešeršních studií zpracovaných v rámci první fáze projektu.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Čechová, A.; Šumelda, A.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
Vzhledem ke skutečnosti že vizuální vjemy tvoří 90% přijímaných informací je vizuální pozornost a a zátěž velmi významný faktor pro bezpečnou jízdu. Během řízení na nás působí nejrůznější podněty jak uvnitř vozidla (přístrojová deska, rádio, navigace, mobilní telefon...) a vně vozidla (dopravní značení, provoz, dopravní situace, billboardy, stavby...)Úkolem tohoto projektu je určit do jaké míry na řidiče tyto vlivy působí, jak odvádějí jeho pozornost od řízení a vytvořit metodiku jak tyto vlivy měřit.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Novák, M.
2013, Dopravní nehodovost a rizikové chování řidičů motorových vozidel, Praha, Vyšší policejní škola MV v Praze), p. 49-59), ISBN 978-80-260-5466-5
Článek se zabývá problematikou agresivních projevů řidičů motorových vozidel, zejména z hlediska rozboru takových projevů, jejich klasifikace, základního statistického rozboru a pravděpodobnosti jejich výskytu. Za použití tzv. plovoucích vozidel byla vytvořena datová báze o téměř 300 videozáznamech. To představuje více než 11 tisíc projetých kilometrů na různých silničních komunikacích v ČR (tato báze se i nadále rozšiřuje). Článek obsahuje ukázky nejzajímavějších výsledků analýz provedených na těchto datech.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. česky

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Kadlecová, J.; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.; Ing. Jiří First; Jan Válek, DiS.; Čechová, A.; Lapáčková, M.; Šumelda, A.; Řada, J.; Šlapák, M.; Ing. Adam Orlický, Ph.D.
Tato zpráva monitoruje stav a možný vývoj alternativních pohonů,energetických zdrojů, paliv a dopravních prostředků v oblasti silniční dopravy. Její detailní obsah podléhá utajení vyžadované zadavatelem.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.
Dílčí analýzy pro podporu kategorizace zákazníků - detaily zprávy podléhají utajení zadavatelem.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Ing. Dmitrij Rožděstvenský, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2013, 20th Anniversary of the Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Czech Technical University in Prague - Selected Papers, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta dopravní), p. 231-241), ISBN 978-80-01-05320-1
This paper considers a problem of introduction car sharing systems for electric vehicles into metropolises and deals with simulation of such systems which can bring benefits in the early stage of development. In contrast to standard simulation technics, this project deals with simulation through introduction of a virtual online system and using real consumer’s opinions instead of Human Behavior Model. In addition, natural landscape characteristics of the city, like elevation profile and real weather forecast, are considered in Electric Vehicle Consumption model. Simulation software can be found on a web page
Stať ve sborníku z fakultní konference cizojazyčně

Ing. Dmitrij Rožděstvenský, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2013, ERCIM News, 2013 (94), p. 22-23), ISSN 0926-4981
We address the problem of the introduction of car sharing systems for electric vehicles within big cities through simulation of such systems. Simulation is an important step in the early stages of the development of new technologies. In contrast to standard simulation techniques, this project deals with simulation through introduction of a virtual online system and building up a model of real consumers' behaviour based on their opinions from "pseudo real" experience.
Článek v odborném recenzovaném periodiku

Ing. Petr Bureš, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
Vypracování Implementačního akčního plánu v návaznosti na předchozí zakázku Portfolio projektů 5. Etapa. Těžiště této práce je v prozkoumání aktuálních projektů vědy a výzkumu v ČR a podrobného rozpracování 3 navržených projektů v oblasti ITS v silniční dopravě. ITS neboli „Inteligentními dopravními systémy“ se rozumí uplatňování informačních a komunikačních technologií v dopravě. Tyto aplikace se vyvíjejí pro různé druhy dopravy a jejich interakci (včetně intermodálních uzlů).
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Ing. Dmitrij Rožděstvenský, Ph.D.; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.; Čechová, A.
Tato zpráva popisuje možnosti měření různých parametrů elektrických vozidel. Dále jsou ve zprávě uvedeny analýzy dat získaných v rámci měření na elektromobilech provedených Fakultou dopravní, ČVUT.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Thöndel, E.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2013, The 2013 European Simulation and Modelling Conference, Ghent, EUROSIS - ETI), p. 188-192), ISBN 978-90-77381-79-3
The paper looks at the possibilities of applying a model predictive control (MPC) algorithm to control and optimize the motion cueing algorithm (MCA) employed in the state-of-the-art simulators for the purposes of reproducing motion effects.
Stať ve sborníku z prestižní konf.

Ing. Petr Bureš, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
Zpracování strategické výzkumné agendy pro TSPD v oblasti Inteligentních dopravních systémů, navržení cílů a priorit výzkumu a nalezení kritických míst a návrh jejich odstranění. Návrh výzkumných témat v této oblasti.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Došek, J.; Janda, M.; Kadlecová, J.; Novák, M.; Ing. Dmitrij Rožděstvenský, Ph.D.; Thöndel, E.
2013, ISBN 978-80-01-05421-5
This book covers a comprehensive summary of the simulation technology and tools especially those used for training of professional truck drivers. The problems of development of simulation systems, their components and measuring devices are described within several chapters as well as problems and methodic of professional drivers training, its evaluation and research activities in this area. The text is accompanied with theory on topic of system reliability applied on driver-vehicle interaction.
Vědecká kniha cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Ing. Dmitrij Rožděstvenský, Ph.D.; Čechová, A.; Jan Válek, DiS.
This report describes a set of experiments performed on driving simulator and summarizes results. All details are confidential and covered by NDA.
Výzkumná zpráva

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.
2013, Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Roma, Roma Tre University)
Experiments performed in an HMI laboratory of Faculty of Transportation Sciences are nowadays mostly performed with use of advanced driving simulators because of their safety and ability to perform repeatable experiments under more less same conditions for all the drivers with in the experiment. The simulator systems supply the tested driver with maximum of available cues to offer maximally real perception of driving. Before others these are visuals ones –all around projection, which allows to perform experiments investigation in driver’s gaze and visual attention on specific tasks. Methodology of evaluation of the experiments (so called HMI focused) performed with use of our driving simulators is mostly based on objectively evaluable measures (i.e. outputs from the driving, reaction times on various stimuli or in certain cases psychophysiological measures like EEG, ECG, sweating etc.) Driver’s eye gaze analysis – eye-tracking - can be used to help to better understand and evaluate the driver's attention distraction from primary driving tasks. As further seen its use can quite successfully increase the effectiveness of evaluation of such a type of experiments and make the results more reliable. A main objective of this study was to examine possibilities of usage of head mounted eye-tracking system for experiments focused on secondary driving tasks assessment (distraction while driving with IVIS, ADAS, navigation systems, infotainment systems etc.) and to determine benefits of incorporating this device for more accurate analyses results. On the other hand there are certain drawbacks and limitations of utilization of different eye-tracking devices, which are also discussed in this paper.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Čechová, A.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Šumelda, A.
2013, 11th European Transport Congress, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta dopravní), p. 220-226), ISBN 978-80-01-05321-8
The theory of the drowsiness and drop of driver’s attention of the driver is described in the first part of the article. Additionally, the methods of microsleep and drop of attention detection are described. Next part describes the measuring equipment, used to get or enlarge the set of objective data. The aim of the task was to propose and perform the experiment finding out to what extent can a driver evaluate the safety of the driving and what way does the sleep deprivation driving skills. It was found out that the self-evaluating capability of drivers is generally very low.
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf. cizojazyčně

Ing. Petr Bureš, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
Detailní vypracování tří návrhů projektů (k podání) uvedených ve studii proveditelnosti projektu TP silniční doprava a to DATEX II – zavedení evropského standardu poskytování dopravních informací do praxe v ČR, Analýza agresivního chování řidičů silniční vozidel, Působení rušivých vizuálních vlivů na bezpečnost jízdy.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Sýkora, O.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2012, Advances in Sensors, Signals, Visualization, Imaging and Simulation, Athens, WSEAS Press), p. 259-263), ISBN 978-1-61804-119-7, ISSN 1790-5117
In the Laboratory of Systems Reliability at the Faculty of Transportation of the Czech Technical University in Prague and Department of Informatics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, there has been ten years long experimental activity in the research of human operator and controlled device interaction reliability. Recently, mainly the experiments aimed at the fatigue and changes in driver's concentration are performed. The driver is examined in various regular and stressful situations as are the disturbance or overload caused by secondary tasks (using phones, the control of auxiliary devices during driving that deviate the concentration away from driving and others). The article is aimed at the description of the various ways of fatigue aspects research using objective methods. The main objective is focused on the interactive driving simulators that act as the key tool to perform safe repeatable experiments with tired drivers. At the end, there is the discussion of possible use of the individual approaches
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Novák, M.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2012, Sustainable Automotive Technologies 2012, Berlin, Springer-Verlag), p. 373-380), ISBN 978-3-642-24144-4
In this contribution are discussed the main problems appearing in development of tools for decreasing the negative impacts of human faults when driving the road vehicle.
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doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Ing. Dmitrij Rožděstvenský, Ph.D.; Čechová, A.
This report describes measurement procedure and summarizes results of the experimental work. Details of the study are covered by NDA.
Výzkumná zpráva

Novák, M.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.
2012, Parlamentní magazín, 2012 (1), p. 27-29), ISSN 1804-9729
Článek se zabývá otázkou spolehlivosti interakce řidiče s vozidlem.
Článek v odborném nerecenzovaném periodiku česky

Vysoký, P.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2012, Advances in Sensors, Signals, Visualization, Imaging and Simulation, Athens, WSEAS Press), p. 264-268), ISBN 978-1-61804-119-7, ISSN 1790-5117
The paper deals with the progress of our laboratories in development of objective methodology of assessment of possibly dangerous drivers, who suffer from Parkinson disease in different state and/or different phase of medication. In the beginning there are main theoretical principles and models of driver-car control described. Further, in following chapters two experiments performed on Parkinson disease suffering drivers (and control group of healthy drivers for comparison) are described. The first type of measurements were done with use of a simple trajectory following simulator composed from a steering wheel and PC set, meanwhile the second type of experiment was performed with use of a light car driving simulator. These two approaches had to lead both to an objective methodology which should tell us whether the driver is capable of safe and reliable driving.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.
2012, Advances in Sensors, Signals, Visualization, Imaging and Simulation, Athens, WSEAS Press), p. 269-273), ISBN 978-1-61804-119-7, ISSN 1790-5117
The Driving Simulation Research Group (DSRG) deals with investigation in driver's behavior under normal and marginal conditions, and the influence of in-car devices on driving safety and comfort. The paper describes an investigation in possibilities of measurements of Driver-Car Interaction in real cars in real traffic - our approach for future development of so called "instrumented vehicle". The experiments described here were focused to obtain data for development of driving simulators. Their aim was to collect and analyze data from different testing scenarios which would be used for development and tuning of physical model and motion cuing modules of driving simulators, especially the light driving simulator for basic and advanced training of novice drivers of passenger cars, which is nowadays being developed in our laboratory.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Ing. Dmitrij Rožděstvenský, Ph.D.
Vytvoření metodiky pro vyhodnocování dat z jízdního simulátoru při měření poklesu pozornosti řidiče vlivem ovládání zařízení v kokpitu vozidla. Detaily studie jsou kryty smlouvou o utajení se zadavatelem.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Kadlecová, J.; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.; Lukš, R.
Výzkumná zpráva řeší využívání elektromobilů různými typy firem a organizací v CZ. Uvádí zde přehled aktivních organizací, které se zabývají problematikou elektromobilů a s nimiž FD ČVUT v rámci dosavadní spolupráce navázala kontakt.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Opava, J.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Kadlecová, J.; Ing. Dmitrij Rožděstvenský, Ph.D.; Kučera, T.; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.; Lapáčková, M.; Čechová, A.; Visch, M.; Dirks, J.
Zpráva se zabývá současným a budoucím vývojem elektromobility na území EU. Dokument obsahuje popis situace u vybraných evropských zemí a Ruska, u kterých byl předpoklad výrazného rozvoje v oblasti elektromobility.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Martin Leso, Ph.D.; Ing. Jindřich Sadil, Ph.D.; Lapáčková, M.; Lukš, R.
Výzkumná zpráva popisuje měření provedená Fakultou dopravní, ČVUT na elektromobilech a analyzuje získaná data. Dále jsou zde uvedeny data z dotazníků týkajících se užívání elektromobilů.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Kadlecová, J.; Ing. Josef Mík, Ph.D.; Lukš, R.
V tomto dokumentu jsou porovnány parametry ovládání a údržby vybraných elektromobilů a jsou zde popsány odlišnosti od běžných vozidel se spalovacím motorem.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Sýkora, O.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.
2011, Proceedings of 2nd Conference on Circuits, Systems, Control, Signals, Athens, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society), p. 179-183), ISBN 978-1-61804-035-0
Abstract- Behavior of road users on railway crossings has still not been investigated enough. This paper presents the recent results of a study focused on road users' behavior at level crossings. The study was performed on our driving simulators, equipped with a full car mockup and 360° horizontal field of view. On the virtual track, six different level crossing warnings and traffic signs were tested. This includes an alternative signalization with common road traffic semaphore lights. The paper describes the whole procedure of experiment and measured data. Finally, the paper presents the results of data analyses and discussion based on eye-tracking measurements.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.
2011, Recent Researches in Applied Informatics, Athens, WSEAS Press), p. 285-289), ISBN 978-1-61804-034-3
Software equipment of interactive vehicle simulators consists of two main parts; a generator of virtual reality (generating 3D graphics and surrounding sound) and a mathematical model of vehicle dynamics. The basic elements of mathematical dynamics model of the vehicle consists first of a physics of an engine and a set of parameterization files that define the current values of the parameters of the vehicle, second of the world which with each particular vehicle can interact. The paper describes the development, implementation and testing of such a mathematical software model, which was subsequently used in the latest driving simulator in the laboratories at the Faculty of Transportation Sciences of the Czech Technical University in Prague.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.
2011, Proceedings of 2nd Conference on Circuits, Systems, Control, Signals, Athens, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society), p. 170-174), ISBN 978-1-61804-035-0
The paper presents a summary of the requirements on the system of active feedback on the steering wheel of the driving simulator in combination with feedback on the brake pedal. Those results were derived from the experience based on hundreds of experiments performed on faculty driving simulators. A functional design of an electronically controlled servo system which is used for experimental simulators is presented. The functions of the feedback described in the paper are derived from the measurements of "Car-Driver Interaction" in a real car on real roads. The procedure and some interesting results of data analysis from those experiments are presented in the paper, too. To be able to develop control algorithms for these feedback simulator subsystems, their functions had to be primarily simulated. The paper depicts, among others, the interconnection of the feedback system with the physical model of the car simulator.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2011, Advances in Transportation Studies (24), p. 23-32), ISSN 1824-5463
The paper presents results from measurements focused on use of IVIS (especially in-car navigation systems) by elderly drivers. The whole set of analysis presented in the paper covers the outputs from the series of eight experiment sets each performed on 25 tested drivers (elderly drivers and a control group). Besides subjective measures, mainly objective ones were analyzed - reaction times - and were considered. In this paper the results of analysis of outputs from the set of the simulator experiments described above are shown. From the results it is possible to derive parameters of such devices which should fit the elderly driver population best in means of safe manipulation during driving.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus

Novák, M.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.; Pěkný, J.
2011, Reliability of Driver Car Interaction, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta dopravní), p. 97-109), ISBN 978-80-87136-12-6
For many years the car constructors and manufacturers try to furnish cars by systems which allow warning the driver against his/her eventual lost to drive reliably and safely. These systems are focused on monitoring the driver's level of attention (for example, they should warn against the coming of the so-called micro-sleep). These considerably short deep decreases of vehicle driver vigilance causes of course a lot of road accidents and are worth to be diminished. The article deals with the results of years of research in this area.
Kapitola v jiné knize cizojazyčně

Novák, M.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2011, Reliability of Driver Car Interaction, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta dopravní), p. 213-216), ISBN 978-80-87136-12-6
This article summarizes the perspectives in the interaction of drivers and vehicles and their reliability in the coming years.
Kapitola v jiné knize cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2011, ISBN 978-80-01-04830-6
This presentation covers the topic of the simulation technologies used for research tasks and training purposes. It provides a reader with overview of the important milestones and important examples of simulators (and mainly driving simulators) over the world. A special focus is on those devices, which were developed in the Laboratory of Systems Reliability at Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Czech Technical University in Prague. In the next part there is described in detail the architecture of driving simulators and recently used technologies. It concerns all necessary subsystems of interactive simulators, such as visual, audio and motion cueing system, mathematical model of car dynamics, interconnection module and others. A separate chapter is devoted to a unique approach to enhance the visual system with dynamic interior lighting, which is author‟s original contribution to the interactive simulator technology.
Habilitační přednáška

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Lefter, I.; Rothkrantz, L.J.M.; Wiggers, P.
2010, Driver - Car Interaction & Interface 2010 - The Book of Proceedings, Praha, Ústav Informatiky AV ČR, v.v.i.), ISBN 978-80-87136-10-2
The goal of our ongoing project is to develop an automated surveillance system that protects military areas against intruders and suspicious behavior. The system is based on a network of multimodal cameras, installed at the gate, along the roads and the buildings. By employing two types of information, namely audio and video, the system is bound to assure an increased level of situation awareness and assessemnt of the level of threat. Our system is confrunted with a wide range of scenarios. A car entering the area can be recognized by its license plate. Unknown car license plates or even licence plates on a list are suspicious. At the barrier the driver has to use an ID card to open the gate or to contact the guard. A car which is suddenly returning or tries to sneak in by following closely an entering car is suspicious. A car driving in the area has to obey the normal traffic rules, keep to the right, obey of the traffic lights and have limited speed. Violation of these rules makes the driver suspicious. Furthermore, a car stopping at forbidden places, a driver who takes pictures, or a car driving around without specific goal is a suspicious object. A car driving too fast or making extreme maneuvers generates specific sounds and track patterns. A guard trying to stop a car using specific commands, or shotguns from a car are signs of aggression. These types of behavior are the object of our surveillance system....
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Sýkora, O.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.
2010, ISBN 978-80-87136-10-2
Sborník z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Jiřina, M.
2010, Neural Network World, 20 (6), p. 773-791), ISSN 1210-0552
The paper summarizes the first results of an identification of sleepy state of drivers using a complex set of outputs from simulated driving. The driving information such as deviation from the centerline of road and the steering wheel position as well as two-point EEG was used. The process consists of preprocessing of data, in fact a transformation into form proper for classification, and a classification into one of two classes i.e. wakefulness and drowsiness. There were two groups of drivers submitted to tests, the wakeful ones, and the drivers after serious sleep deprivation. We found that it is possible to distinguish these groups using an appropriate classifier with some rather substantial error, which possibly can be tackled by the use of apt methodology.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.
2010, Driver - Car Interaction & Interface 2010 - The Book of Proceedings, Praha, Ústav Informatiky AV ČR, v.v.i.), ISBN 978-80-87136-10-2
Software equipment of interactive vehicle simulators consists of two main parts; a generator of virtual reality (generating 3D graphics and surround sound) and a mathematical model of vehicle dynamics. The basic elements of mathematical dynamics model of the vehicle consists first of a physics engine and a set of parameterization files that define the current values of the parameters of the vehicle, second of the world which with each particular vehicle can interact. The paper describes development, implementation and testing of such a mathematical software model, which was subsequently used in the latest driving simulator system (Octavia II 3D) in the laboratories at the Faculty of Transportation Sciences of Czech Technical University in Prague.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Ambrožová, Z.; Novák, M.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Sýkora, O.; Piekník, R.; Pěkný, J.
2010, Bezpečná dopravní infrastruktura, Praha, CityPlan s.r.o.), p. 1-7)
V tomto článku je diskutována problematika agresivních projevů řidičů motorových vozidel, zejména z hlediska rozboru takových projevů na silničních komunikacích ČR, pravděpodobnosti jejich výskytu, jejich klasifikace, základního statistického rozboru a výběru typických význačných případů. Byla vytvořena datová báze cca 270 videozáznamů, pořízených kamerami umístěnými na tzv. plovoucích vozidlech při snímání situací za projíždění cca 10700 km různých silničních komunikací ČR a byly vybrány příklady dopravních situací, při nichž se některý z účastníků silničního provozu choval způsobem, který je možno klasifikovat jako agresivní. Článek obsahuje ukázky nejzajímavějších výsledků analýz provedených na těchto datech.
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf. česky

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Ambrožová, Z.; Novák, M.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Sýkora, O.; Piekník, R.; Pěkný, J.
2010, Bezpečná dopravní infrastruktura, Praha, CityPlan s.r.o.), p. 1-7)
V tomto článku je diskutována problematika agresivních projevů řidičů motorových vozidel, zejména z hlediska rozboru takových projevů na silničních komunikacích ČR, pravděpodobnosti jejich výskytu, jejich klasifikace, základního statistického rozboru a výběru typických význačných případů. Byla vytvořena datová báze cca 270 videozáznamů, pořízených kamerami umístěnými na tzv. plovoucích vozidlech při snímání situací za projíždění cca 10700 km různých silničních komunikací ČR a byly vybrány příklady dopravních situací, při nichž se některý z účastníků silničního provozu choval způsobem, který je možno klasifikovat jako agresivní. Článek obsahuje ukázky nejzajímavějších výsledků analýz provedených na těchto datech.
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf. česky

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Sýkora, O.
2010, Sborník konference BRNOSAFETY 2010, Brno, BVV), p. 10-17), ISBN 978-80-7293-270-2
V laboratořích FD ČVUT je řidič zkoumán v různých standardních i zátěţových situacích, jako je únava, rušení či nadměrná zátěţ způsobená pouţíváním různých zařízení během jízdy, které odvádí řidičovu pozornost. Článek souhrnně popisuje způsob vyšetřování aspektů únavy za pomoci objektivních metod. Zvláštní pozornost je věnována interaktivním vozidlovým simulátorům, které slouţí jako základní nástroj pro bezpečné opakovatelné experimenty s unavenými řidiči. Závěrem je provedena diskuze nad moţnostmi vyuţití jednotlivých přístupů.
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf. česky

Sýkora, O.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.
2010, Driver - Car Interaction & Interface 2010 - The Book of Proceedings, Praha, Ústav Informatiky AV ČR, v.v.i.), p. 1-6), ISBN 978-80-87136-10-2
Driving is a complex process in which the driver performs a number of different tasks (eg: car driving - correct the direction and position of the vehicle in the lane, navigating, the car device controlling, recognizing of surround etc.). Majority of these tasks reduce the driver's attention level moreover combined with other factors as e.g. fatigue, long time shifts etc. can lead to driver's failures. This article deals with possibilities of improvement of commonly used experiment methodologies with use of eyetracker (E.T.) device which can quite accurately define point of driver's sight and his visual field. This contribution is supported by GA102/07/1191.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; doc. Ing. Pavel Hrubeš, Ph.D.; Matoušek, V.; Novák, M.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Pěkný, J.; Piekník, R.; Přenosil, V.; Svoboda, P.; Sýkora, O.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.
2010, ISBN 978-88-548-3550-4
This book involves description and discussion of knowledge and results reached in 2008 and 2009 by members of considerably large consortium of people in the Czech Republic, taking part on solution of problems concerning the methods and tools for limitation of the probability and frequency of accidents of vehicles moving on road.
Jiná kniha

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Novák, M.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.
2010, Deterioration, Dependability, Diagnostics, Brno, Univerzita obrany, Fakulta vojenských technologií), p. 51-62), ISBN 978-80-254-8377-0
Human brain can be considered as very specific, complicated and both in its structure and in its operation very variable alliance of many partials systems. More- over, it has to be considered as the complex of many such system alliances. Though the theory of system alliances, usually considered as alliances of artificial systems was developed significantly in last several years, our present knowledge is still not at that level, which is necessary for modeling the whole human brain. Nevertheless, as concerns some specific parts of brain, especially the visual tract, something can be done. Such attempts are of course stimulated also by the need of better understanding the problems of the reliability of interactions between human subject and transportation vehicles, namely the cars. These are in the focus of our interest within the range of both mentioned projects.
Krátká kapitola v vědecké knize cizojazyčně

prof. Ing. Tomáš Zelinka, CSc.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2010, Intelligent Information Processing, Moskva, MAKS Press), p. 528-531), ISBN 978-5-317-03409-2
Intelligent Transportation Systems solutions require wireless telecommunications data access solutions provided on selectable level of well dened service quality. Selection of private solutions guarantee reasonable service quality levels, but within limited areas only. Available mobile wireless services can o(R)er acceptable service coverage, but with no guarantee of preferable data quality level. Authors describe mobile solution reaching reasonable quality level which is based on the dynamical selection of the best possible service from the set of accessible alternatives.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Pěkný, J.; Piekník, R.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Novák, M.; Faber, V.
2010, Neural Network World, 20 (4), p. 539-557), ISSN 1210-0552
Electric and metabolic brain activities were controlled for 49 persons by means of EEG and NIRS different physiological and psychological states, e.g. eyes open or closed, hyperpnoea or apnoea and during calculation or Raven's test - set A or more difficult set C or TAT. Both diagnostic methods confirm one another. But sometimes there are more expressive changes in one method than in another, e.g. during HV it is a more prominent deoxyhemoglobin increase than an alpha frequency band increase in EEG curves. On the other side, very marked alpha frequency decreasing in EEG during eyes open is followed by only a weak oxyhemoglobin rise. Synchronous activities are clearly visible during psychic test: increasing O2Hb in NIRS and increasing delta frequency band in EEG spectrum. Decreasing alpha with increasing theta activity during relaxation and somnolence is accompanied by decreasing O2Hb and prominent increasing CO2Hb. Inter individually differences are often but not big.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Novák, M.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.
2010, Sborník přednášek z konference 30. září 2010, Zámecká sýpka, Děčín, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 1-6)
V tomto příspěvku jsou diskutovány hlavní možnosti, jak dosáhnout významného snížení počtu a závažnosti nehod v silniční dopravě. Výběr z doporučených způsobů pro dosažení tohoto cíle je proveden s ohledem na situaci na českých silnicích.
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf. česky

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Strušková, K.; Doskočil, P.; Formanová, P.; Řeháková, A.
2010, Driver - Car Interaction & Interface 2010 - The Book of Proceedings, Praha, Ústav Informatiky AV ČR, v.v.i.), ISBN 978-80-87136-10-2
Advertisements along roads and highways are an issue that is often overlooked. But they surly significantly affect the driver's attention while driving. Distribution density of advertising space is still high, even after seven years of the new law to regulate it - but unfortunately it only applies to new origin advertising space and so the old ones can still take effect to the drivers. First, therefore, look at the kinds of advertising space, with which we can meet and then the results of our observations.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Novák, M.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Sýkora, O.; Piekník, R.; Pěkný, J.; Ing. Ivan Poláček
V této výzkumné zprávě je diskutována problematika agresivních projevů řidičů motorových vozidel, zejména z hlediska: rozboru takových projevů na silničních komunikacích ČR, pravděpodobnosti jejich výskytu, jejich klasifikace, základního statistického rozboru a výběru typických (význačných) případů. Její součástí je datová báze cca 270 videozáznamů, pořízených kamerami umístěnými na tzv. plovoucích vozidlech při snímání situací za projíždění cca 10900 km různých silničních komunikací ČR, a soubor 24 videozáznamů příkladů dopravních situací, při nichž se některý z účastníků silničního provozu choval způsobem, který je možno klasifikovat jako agresivní.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Novák, M.
2009, ISBN 978-80-87136-05-8
Sborník z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA
2009, Neural Network World, 19 (1), p. 109-118), ISSN 1210-0552
The paper technically describes the principles of incorporation of the biofeedback system into the system of a driving simulator. After a brief introduction of the basic features of EEG biofeedback, the most important scenarios where such simulator enhancement can be successfully used are described. The system is introduced with the use of an analysis of the major technical and construction aspects, such as the software design, hardware realization and its incorporation into the driving simulator system. Finally, the paper sketches pilot experiments which were performed using EEG biofeedback incorporated into the driving simulator.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Pěkný, J.; Piekník, R.
2009, EURISBIS' 09, Book of Abstracts, Bacoli, TILAPIA), p. 78-79), ISBN 978-88-89744-13-0
A vehicle driver needs constant vigilance to work reliably and safely (Novák et al. 2004). Unfortunately, humans cannot usually reliably classify their state, mainly when they are extremely drowsy. One of very promising methods, which could be successfully used for drowsiness detection (prediction), involves psycho-physiological measures, mainly the analysis of driver's ECG and EEG signals. Since the psycho-physiological measures are highly individual, they are usually accompanied with technical data analysis and sometimes subjective assessments.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Novák, M.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.
2009, Proceedings of the 2009 Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems: New Opportunities to increase Digital Citizenship, New York, ACM), ISBN 978-1-60558-398-3
In this contribution are discussed the following questions, related also to presentation [1]: a) which kinds of human decision are most important when he/she interacts with artificial system, b) how the parameters of such decisions can be improved as concerns the reliability of human subject interaction with artificial system. Some of the presented ideas, measured results and proposed approaches are based on results obtained in 2008 and few past years in the range of project ME 949 of the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic, of the project 1F84B042520 of the Ministry of Transportation of the Czech Republic, of the project 102/07/1191 of the Grant agency of Czech Republic and of the project IAA201240701 of the grant agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. This concerns also both the PhD. Theses [2] and [3].
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Jiřina, M.
2009, Driver-Car Interaction & Interface - Book of Proceedings 2009, Praha, Ústav Informatiky AV ČR, v.v.i.), p. 11-19), ISBN 978-80-87136-05-8
This report summarizes the first results with identification of sleepy state in drivers. The driving information as the deviation from the centerline of road and the steering wheel position as well as two-point EEG was used. The process consists of preprocessing data, in fact a transformation into form proper for classification, and a classification into one of two classes, wakefulness and drowsiness. Results show that it is possible to distinguish these two states with relatively large error, which possibly can be tackled by the use of proper methodology.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Menglerová, K.; Ing. Jindřich Sadil, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Pavel Hrubeš, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2009, ISBN 978-80-01-04502-2
Tato skripta podávají čtenáři základní znalosti v oblasti informatiky, elementární gramotnosti práce na PC, základních principů elektrotechniky a elektroniky a teorie obvodů. Skripta vznikla v rámci aktivity A901 projektu SAFETUN, který systémově řeší koncept výuky a dalšího vzdělávání obsluh tunelů.
Vysokoškolské skriptum v češtině

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.; Pěkný, J.; Sýkora, O.
2009, Driver-Car Interaction & Interface - Book of Proceedings 2009, Praha, Ústav Informatiky AV ČR, v.v.i.), p. 88-92), ISBN 978-80-87136-05-8
Behavior of road users on railway crossings is still not investigated enough. The paper presents recent results of the study focused on road users' behavior at level crossings. The study was performed on our driving simulators, equipped with full car mockup and 360° horizontal field of view. On the virtual track, six different level crossing warnings and traffic signs were tested. This includes an alternative signalization with common road traffic semaphore lights. The paper describes the whole procedure of experiment and measured data. Finally, the paper presents results of data analyses and discussion based on eye-tracking measurements.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Sýkora, O.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Pěkný, J.
Zpráva se zabývá možnostmi využití systému Eyetrackingu pro experimenty prováděné na vozidlových simulátorech, zejména pak jeho přínosem pro vylepšení metodiky experimentu.
Oponovaná výzkumná zpráva v češtině

prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Brodský, M.; Ing. Jiří First; Kovanda, J.; Novák, M.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.
Ve studii se diskutují motivy současné renesance alternativních pohonů osobních automobilů a hlavní směry jejich vývoje. Příčiny spočívají v (a.) nutnosti zajistit energetickou bezpečnost regionu, (b.) potřebě zajistit dlouhodobou perspektivu (včetně ekonomie) osobní automobilové dopravy při rostoucích cenách ropných produktů a postupném vyčerpávání zásob fosilních paliv (c.) povinnosti snižovat nepříznivé environmentální impakty osobní automobilní dopravy. Analyzují se možné přístupy k dalšímu vývoji pohonů. Podrobněji, jako prioritní, se rozebírá varianta elektrického a hybridního vozidla (EV, HEV) a dále varianta pohonu s využitím vodíkových spalovacích článků. Pozornost se věnuje klíčovým komponentám těchto vozidel. Je presentován přehled současných významných výrobků a výrobců. Je představen progresivní přístup ke konstrukci dílů karoserie. Studie zahrnuje diskusi relevantní legislativy a standardizace.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Roubal, T.
2009, Driver-Car Interaction & Interface - Book of Proceedings 2009, Praha, Ústav Informatiky AV ČR, v.v.i.), p. 114-118), ISBN 978-80-87136-05-8
Providing a complex tunnel safety is a very demanding job and it requires high standard of cooperation between the control systems and the dispatcher as well as between individual dispatchers. In this regard, new simulators for continuous training and exercising need to be developed. This leads to necessity to develop such simulators, where dispatchers have an opportunity to practice real-life situations which they encounter in their every day professional life.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; Novák, M.; doc. Dr. Ing. Tomáš Brandejský; doc. Ing. Vít Fábera, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Zelenka, J.; Vysoký, P.; Ing. Zuzana Bělinová, Ph.D.; Ing. Jindřich Sadil, Ph.D.
2009, ISBN 978-80-87136-08-9
The book summarizes the knowledge reached during 7 years of research in the area of system alliances, which originally has been spread in several research reports, conference presentations up to now. The field of system alliances is quite wide and to reach compact form of the text, the coordinators made necessary modifications of the individual contributions, which concern the following topics: Transformation of pair of FSMs sharing input symbols Sensitivity of Alliances Alliance approach to the driver-car simulator synthesis Hybrid intelligent vehicle architecture - Systems alliance approach Alliance and Information Power Time dynamics of system alliances Functional properties of system alliances Reliability aspects Prediction diagnostics in system alliances Models of mental alliances Problems of alliances in railway traction systems Identification of self-organizing alliances in car stream Multilingual approach to system alliances Alliances identification
Jjiná kniha cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.
2009, CD Proceedings of the 2009 International Simulation Multiconference (ISMc'09), San Diego, The Society for Modelling and Simulation International), p. 193-199), ISBN 1-56555-328-4
The paper presents a systemic view of a structure of the system which allows illumination of the car simulator cockpit interior dynamically and describes recent features of its third generation. Besides enhancements and refinements of already described functions, the paper depicts new features of the system. First, it is a unified approach for handling shadowlight world, joining together the previously separated static and dynamic interpretation. Such architecture allows us to bind 3D definition of projected virtual scenery with our shadow-light world generation, consequently with a possibility for automation of its creation process. Finally, the paper introduces incorporation of weather simulation into the shadow-light world, which indisputably affects the inner-car light conditions and also a look of patterns, which are projected onto the cockpit parts and the driver as well.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2009, Driver-Car Interaction & Interface - Book of Proceedings 2009, Praha, Ústav Informatiky AV ČR, v.v.i.), p. 130-135), ISBN 978-80-87136-05-8
The paper describes specifics of various (and different) scenarios, in which in-car light conditions plays important role and their simulation could be positively affected by the use of Dynamic In-Cockpit Lighting System (DYICOLIS). A specially designed experiment was performed on the simulator equipped with DYICOLIS, with a goal to compare driving simulation fidelity with and without use of this system and also to compare it to driving in a real car in similar but real environments. Finally the paper presents discussion on the results.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2008, Proceedings of the 8th WSEAS International Conference on Systems Theory and Scientific Computation (ISTAC'08) - New Aspects of Systems Theory and Scientific Computation, Athens, World Scientific and Engineering Society Press), p. 160-165), ISBN 978-960-6766-96-1
This paper presents experiences from several hundred measurements and analysis of experiments performed on our driving simulators. Besides the experiment setup, it describes several different methods used for the classification of driver behavior based mainly on analysis of technical outputs from simulated driving. Our goal is to find out the objective methodology for evaluation of driver's actual state and for assessment of IVIS (or further any HMI devices used in the cars) with respect to drivers' skills and personalities. Such methodology, if successfully found, could serve in future as a comprehensive compound of automobile development process.
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf.

doc. Ing. Vít Fábera, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2008, Driver Car Interaction & Interface 2008, Praha, AV ČR, Ústav informatiky), p. 42-48), ISBN 978-80-87136-04-1
The placement of elements on car dash-board, their size, color and etc. can affect the attention of drivers and the safety of traffic indirectly. Our paper presents an experiment to optimize the car cockpit with genetic algorithm. Several parameters as the distance between elements, angle of driver's view, time to touch of elements are coded as real-value chromosomes. Three types of fitness function are tested and the best one is selected by the human expert analysis.
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doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2008, Driver Car Interaction & Interface 2008, Praha, AV ČR, Ústav informatiky), p. 169-177), ISBN 978-80-87136-04-1
The Driving Simulation Research Group (DSRG) deals with investigation in driver's behavior under normal and marginal conditions, and influence of in-car devices on driving safety and comfort. The aim of this work is divided into three parts: First part presents an investigation in possibilities of measurements of Driver-Car interaction in real cars in real traffic, first approach for future development of so called "instrumented vehicle". The experiments described here were originally focused to obtain data for development of driving simulators. Their aim was to obtain data from different testing scenarios which would be used for development and tuning of physical model and motion cuing modules of our driving simulators.
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doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Novák, M.
2008, ISBN 978-80-87136-04-1
Sborník z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.
2008, Huntsville Simulation Conference 2008, San Diego, The Society for Modelling and Simulation International)
The paper presents a systemic view on a structure of the system which allows to lit the car simulator cockpit interior dynamically and describes recent features of its third generation. The core of the presented system is the generator of appropriate "shadow-light world", therefore also the issues of creation of this "secondary" virtual environment are discussed. The paper also deals with associated problems, like an ambient component of the light which is reflected from the projection, incorporation of weather simulation which strongly affects the inner-car light conditions, and several others. DYICOLIS is designed to simulate dynamically most of light and shadow elements acting on the driver and its immediate surroundings and through these means to increase driver's immersion into virtual environments, and consequently to increase an overall fidelity of the driving simulators as well.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.; Pěkný, J.; Kozumplík, M.; Jirkovský, V.
2008, Proceedings of the Driving Simulation Conference Europe 2008, Monaco, Imagina), p. 16-26)
In our previous work we introduced principles and realization of a system which provides a realistic lighting of the car cockpit which interactively reacts on the actual situation in which the simulated car appears. This paper tracks a development of the system and its enhancements realized until now. It describes both, the theoretical background for new features and their software and hardware realization. Besides refinements of already defined elements, we focused mainly on dynamic features of the "light-shadow" world. The paper analyses mainly following new features; the dynamical and moving lights, moving shadows, incorporation of the virtual cockpit coulisse which allows realistic projection of the car cockpit shadows cast by close light sources while moving. The drivers of our simulators are now exposed to the majority of visual cues which they expect from their real car driving experience.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Moos, P.; Novák, M.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2008, IMETI 2008: INTERNATIONAL MULTI-CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION, VOL I, PROCEEDINGS, Orlando, Florida, International Institute of Informatics and Systemics), p. 163-167), ISBN 978-1-934272-43-5
In this contribution the problems of transportation systems alliances reliability and safety are discussed, with special regard to their safety and security against the negative impacts caused either by natural traffic circumstances or by accidental situations. Four approaches to the task of improving the operation reliability and safety of transportation - within the frame of Theory of Systems Alliances - are overviewed. Major attention is paid to the approaches utilizing sensitivity functions, predictive diagnostics and the fusion of them.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Novák, M.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
The research report describes influence of interaction with assistance systems on driver behavior.
Výzkumná zpráva cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Barnet, J.; Brodský, M.; Květ, J.; Poupa, P.; Zeman, P.; Vondra, L.; Roubal, T.
Výzkumná zpráva popisuje postup návrhu dotykového displeje určeného k ovládání prvků automobilů.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Novák, M.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA
2008, Driver Car Interaction & Interface 2008, Praha, AV ČR, Ústav informatiky), p. 83-89), ISBN 978-80-87136-04-1
At present, there are known the following main ways for diminishing the danger of traffic accident caused by the unsatisfactory level of driver attention: - Improvement of the car cockpit arrangement with respect to the driver comfort and to the reliability of driver interaction with cockpit furnishing driving tools and assistance systems, - Optimization of the alliance of assistance systems installed in the car cockpit so that their negative influence on driver attention splitting from stimuli functional for driving activity is minimal, - Development and in car installing of warning systems, continuously testing the level of driver attention and warning him/her (in case that that level fall down below certain limit, - Improvement of driver training for better resistance to attention decrease and/or other disturbing factors like the influence of alcohol or other drugs and the conversion from tolerant to aggressive character of driver behavior.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

Novák, M.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Pěkný, J.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; Kozumplík, M.
2008, ISBN 978-80-87136-02-7
Poklesy pozornosti řidičů motorových vozidel působí obecně velmi vysoké ztráty ekonomické i zdravotní. Podle údajů EU je to každoročně na silnicích států EU asi 100 miliard Euro a 20000 mrtvých. V ČR lze hovořit asi o 40 miliardách Kč a 450-500 mrtvých ročně. Tyto poklesy pozornosti jsou ovlivněny radou faktorů. Jedním z nich je věk řidiče. V knize je diskutována otázka uplatnění věku řidiče na spolehlivost a bezpečnost jeho interakce s vozidlem a nároky, které věk řidiče klade na jeho řidičské schopnosti, vybavení vozidla a možnosti a metody tréninku.
Vědecká kniha česky

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Pavel Hrubeš, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.; Pěkný, J.; Brodský, M.; Roubal, T.
Studie se zabývá popisem simulátoru tunelového dispečinku pro operátory (-STUDIO-).
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Barnet, J.; Brodský, M.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Květ, J.; Poupa, P.
Studie zkoumá využití technologie dotykových displejů v oblasti ovládacích prvků automobilů.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Jirkovský, V.
2008, Driving Simulation Conference Asia-Pacific 2008, Soul, KSAE - The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers)
The paper presents a systemic view on a structure of the system which allows illumination of the car simulator cockpit interior dynamically and describes recent features of its third generation. The core of the presented system is the generator of appropriate "shadow-light world". Besides enhancements and refinements of already described functions, the paper depicts new features of the system. First, it is a unified approach for handling shadow-light world, joining together the previously separated static and dynamic interpretation. Such architecture allows us to bind 3D definition of projected virtual scenery with our shadow-light world generation, consequently with a possibility for automation of its creation process. Finally, the paper introduces incorporation of weather simulation into the shadow-light world, which indisputably affects the inner-car light conditions and also a look of patterns, which are projected onto the cockpit parts and the driver as well.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Pěkný, J.; Brodský, M.
2008, Driving Simulation Conference Asia-Pacific 2008, Soul, KSAE - The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers)
The paper describes specifics of various (and different) scenarios, in which in-car light conditions plays important role and their simulation could be positively affected by the use of Dynamic In-Cockpit Lighting System (DYICOLIS). A specially designed experiment was performed on the simulator equipped with DYICOLIS, with a goal to compare driving simulation fidelity with and without use of this system and also to compare it to driving in a real car in similar but real environments. Besides subjective drivers' evaluation questionnaires, also the objective methods for assessment were involved - in this case the eye-tracking device analysis. Finally the paper presents discussion on the results of both, subjective and objective measures.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Pěkný, J.; Derbek, P.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.; Sýkora, O.
Zpráva se zabývá možnostmi využití systému Eyetrackingu pro experimenty prováděné na vozidlových simulátorech.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2007, СОН - ОКНО В МИР БОДРСТВОВАНИЯ, Moscow, Russian Academy of Sciences), p. 64-79)
The paper offers several approaches, which we used for analyzing of the driver's actual state. The experiments is performed on our driving simulators.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.; Radoň, T.; Kozumplík, M.
2007, Proceedings of the International Conference TRANSTEC, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 254-261), ISBN 978-80-01-03782-9
The paper presents results form se of experiemts performed with a car focused on investigation of main aspects of car-driver interaction while driving.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2007, Neuroinformatic Databases and Mining of Knowledge of them (Third book on Micro-sleeps), Praha, ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta dopravní, Ústav řidicí techniky a telematiky), p. 20-32), ISBN 978-80-87136-01-0
Drowsiness and consequent serious momentous attention decrease of human operators is one of the most common causes of accidents. The paper offers several approaches, which we used for analyzing of the driver's actual vigilance. The classification is done from technical outputs (like is trajectory analysis, speed variability, steering wheel movements and so on) and the biological outputs (heartbeat frequency and variability, EEG -electroencephalography etc.). The research approaches in this topic goes several ways with more or less success. The paper depicts scenarios and procedure, which could reliably give evidence of the driver's actual state. The paper also gives a short description of our driving simulator, which have been continuously developed in our laboratory and describes the possible problems and other issues of usage of the driving simulators for the investigation in driver's drowsiness and fatigue.
Kapitola v jiné knize cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.
2007, Proceedings of the International Conference TRANSTEC, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 322-332), ISBN 978-80-01-03782-9
The paper prsents recent results in mcrosleeps experiments performed on driving simulators focused on monitoring of driver vigilance.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
This work presents a compact view on the discipline of driving simulation. It introduces some of world-class research driving simulators and problems of their design and construction as well. A validation of the simulator functions and validation of the experiments to be preformed on the driving simulator are described here. Then the requirements on such a device are analyzed and different approaches to visual, audio and motion cueing are discussed. The thesis in its second part describes using the driving simulators for research purposes. A complex system which involves a simulator incorporated into a set of measuring devices is described in detail, ways of data collection and analysis are shown. The last and most comprehensive chapter illustrates the possibilities of the driving simulator use through the mediation of the complex analyses of four experiments (which concurrently follows main ways of our investigation); the two experiments concerning driver’s fatigue, summation of a set of HMI related measurements and the experiment focused on influence of an outer environment on driving.
Disertační práce (PhD)

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.
2007, Neuroinformatic Databases and Mining of Knowledge of them (Third book on Micro-sleeps), Praha, ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta dopravní, Ústav řidicí techniky a telematiky), p. 11-19), ISBN 978-80-87136-01-0
When driving inside the road tunnel, the driver is usually loaded with differently than in the case of the open country road. Driving simulators are very suitable devices for the investigation of driver's behavior when driving in tunnels, mainly thanks to the fact that they can be easily reconfigured for any tunnel design. Not all of the stimuli acting on the driver in the real traffic can be simulated exactly using the driving simulator. Therefore, all the simulator experiments are done with certain limited degree of reality only. The complex analysis, which takes into account different indirect measurements can overcome the problems with the uncertainty of results of each of the separately used methods. Moreover, involving the EEG into the final evaluation procedure gives us a very direct view on the actual driver's state. The measurements show some interesting differences in the driver behavior; however, these are influenced significantly by the driver individuality.
Kapitola v jiné knize cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.
2007, Proceedings of the International Conference TRANSTEC, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 262-269), ISBN 978-80-01-03782-9
The paper presents set of results from simulated driving in road tunnels. It deals with differences between in-tunnel driving and driving on an open air roads.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Pěkný, J.; Piekník, R.; Kozumplík, M.
2007, COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE, MAN-MACHINE SYSTEMS and CYBERNETICS, Athens, WSEAS Press), p. 310-315), ISBN 978-960-6766-21-3, ISSN 1790-5117
The paper introduces technology of so called hybrid mirrors incorporated in the system of car driving simulator.
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf.

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.
2007, Proceedings of the Driving Simulation Conference 2007, Ames, Iowa, Iowa State University), p. 29-37)
The paper describes a design and realization of the system DYICOLIS (Dynamic in-Cockpit Lighting System) which allows dynamical illumination projected on the driver and the cockpit of a driving simulator and its incorporation into the driving simulator systems.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.
2007, Proceedings of the International Conference TRANSTEC, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 333-344), ISBN 978-80-01-03782-9
The paper describes measurements of driver's distraction by simulated assistant systems during simulated driving.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf. cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.
2007, Proceedings of the 4th International Driving Symposium on Human Factors, Ames, Iowa, Iowa State University), p. 153-159), ISBN 978-0-87414-158-0
The paper presents a big set of experiments performed on our driving simulators focused on assessments of in-car devices (IVIS in this case) . The main objective of this experiments is to evaluate objectively their influence on safety and comfort of driving.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Piekník, R.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2007, New Advances in Simulation, Modeling and Optimization, Athens, WSEAS Press), p. 509-513), ISBN 978-960-6766-05-3, ISSN 1790-5117
The paper presents a set of experiments focused on objective methods used for detection of driving impairment caused by influence of different level of alcohol in blood.
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf.

Novák, M.; doc. Ing. Pavel Hrubeš, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Pěkný, J.; Kozumplík, M.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2007, TecniCall, 1 (2), p. 24-25)
Simulátory na Fakultě dopravní ČVUT zvyšují bezpečnost vozidel Laboratoř spolehlivosti systémů byla vytvořena na základě spolupráce Ústavu řídicí techniky a telematiky Fakulty dopravní ČVUT (FD) a Ústavu informatiky AV České republiky.
Článek v odborném nerecenzovaném periodiku česky

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2006, WSEAS Transactions on Systems, 5 (1), p. 84-91), ISSN 1109-2777
Our laboratory investigates in actual driver's state mainly using the means of brain activity measurements (EEG analysis) and other additional biological signals. The EEG measurements are very sensitive to environmental influences. On the other hand it is necessary to put the experimenting person into the environment which is as close to reality as possible. Using of car simulation devices appears to be a good compromise. The paper describes design of the experiments and scenarios and tracks, based on knowledge obtained from a big set of performed measurements. The paper also shows results form the analysis of biological signals (mainly EEG and ECG) correlated with analysis of the drive and subjective ratings. In the end, the problems and further experiments are discussed and a basic concept of the warning system is sketched.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Hajný, M.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.; Pěkný, J.; Valtrová, K.
2006, Proceedings of Driving Simulation Konference Asia/Pacific, Tsukuba, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)), p. 176-188)
Drowsiness, fatigue and consequent serious momentous attention decrease of human operators is one of the most common causes of accidents. The research in this topic goes several ways with more or less success. One of the promising ways is to analyze biological signals arising from the driver's body while driving. The paper gives an overview of several approaches, which we used for the analysis and classification of the driver's actual mental state. The classification is done from technical outputs (like is trajectory analysis, speed variability, steering wheel movements and so on) and the biological outputs (heartbeat frequency and variability and EEG - electroencephalography). The EEG analysis seems to be very promising tool for evaluation of the actual driver's condition. A reliable classification tool requires considerably good knowledge about each one's particular and subjective behavior, also the appearance of the brain waves is very individual.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.; Pěkný, J.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Novák, M.; Valtrová, K.
Problematika ovládání asistenčních systémů, jimiž jsou pokročilá vozidla nyní poměrně široce vybavována, řidičem za jízdy je předmětem intenzivního zájmu mnohých výrobců automobilů již poměrně dlouho. To je zcela pochopitelné, protože požadavek na vybavení vozidla navigačními a jinými asistenčními systémy se postupně přenáší od uživatelů vozidel vyšších tříd i na vozidla tříd středních. Na trhu jsou v současné době k dispozici již poměrně vyspělá řešení různých vozových asistenčních systémů. U některých vozů VW jsou již instalovány asistenční systémy Climatronic. Otevřeným problémem zůstává zadávání požadavků do těchto systémů za jízdy. To je, jak bylo konstatováno ve výzkumné zprávě LSS 263/06 markantní zejména u navigačních systémů, u nichž zadávání cílových dat je za současného stavu za jízdy téměř nemožné, nemá-li dojít k závažnému ohrožení bezpečnosti jízdy.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Pěkný, J.; Piekník, R.; Novák, M.; Valtrová, K.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
Výzkumná zpráva se zabývá měřením několika sérií vlivů různých způsobů obsluhy navigačních systémů za jízdy na bezpečnost a spolehlivost interakce řidiče s vozidlem.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.; Pěkný, J.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Novák, M.
V této výzkumné zprávě jsou shrnuty výsledky analýzy vlivů ovládání asistenčního vozového systému typu tempomatu na pozornost řidiče za jízdy na adaptivním vozovém simulátoru. Problematika ovládání asistenčních systémů, jimiž jsou pokročilá vozidla nyní poměrně široce vybavována, řidičem za jízdy je předmětem intenzivního zájmu mnohých výrobců automobilů již poměrně dlouho. To je zcela pochopitelné, protože požadavek na vybavení vozidla navigačními a jinými asistenčními systémy se postupně přenáší od uživatelů vozidel vyšších tříd i na vozidla tříd středních.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.; Pěkný, J.; Hajný, M.; Borzová, C.
2006, Proceedings of the WSEAS International Conferences: 6th International Conference on Power Systems, on Simulation, modelling and Optimalization, on Signal, Speech and Image Processing, on Multimedia, Internet and Video Technologies, on Distance learning, Athens, WSEAS Press), p. 727-732), ISBN 960-8457-53-X, ISSN 1790-5117
The paper discusses the problem of drowsiness and phenomenon of microsleeps of healthy drivers. It describes our experiments done on our driving simulators. First there is a brief description of simulator which was used for the experiments, its capabilities and necessary changes which we did so that it fits best the needs of such experiments. The paper presents requirements on the overall design of experiments performed on driving simulators. It describes requirements on the design of the testing tracks and our experiences with measurements. The results of classification based on EEG, video record expert analysis, steering wheel correction movements, lateral position and average velocity change trends and weaving and drive out from the lane are presented. Finally discussion on analysis methods used for investigation in driver’s drowsiness is done.
Stať ve sborníku z lokální konf.

Novák, M.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2006, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, New York, IEEE - Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society), ISBN 1-4244-0100-3
Decreases of driver attention causes daily serious road accidents. This concerns not only the drivers of passenger cars, but especially the drivers of trucks and busses. Some nonstandard approaches to the problem how to improve the reliability and safety of the driver - vehicle interactions are discussed in this paper. Some exemplary results from experiments done on driving simulators are shown. Some novel methods and tools, based on the combined application of telematics, informatics, neurology and transportation sciences are proposed.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Novák, M.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
In this report are discussed some nonstandard approaches to the problem how to improve the reliability and safety of transportation of some important vehicles, like are busses and large trucks, especially if they carry very valuable or dangerous goods. A special interest is given to the influence of human factor, which namely as the decrease of driver attention level appearing during the driver service can cause very serious faults and accidents. In this respect, the safety of driving in road tunnels is of high importance. Some novel methods and tools, based on the combined application of telematics, informatics, neurology and transportation sciences are proposed.
Výzkumná zpráva cizojazyčně

Novák, M.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
Analýza možností měření vlivu asistenčních systémů na bezpečnost jízdy
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Novák, M.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.
V této výzkumné zprávě jsou shrnuty poznatky o problematice verifikace a validace funkcí při vývoji adaptivních vozových simulátorů a při měření na nich.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Novák, M.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.; Sýkora, O.; Vysoký, P.
Optimalizace silničních tunelů vzhledem k jejich bezpečnosti a provozní spolehlivosti
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Novák, M.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.
Zpětná projekce u adaptivních vozových simulátorů s virtuální realitou
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Novák, M.; Ing. Ivan Poláček; Sýkora, O.; Vysoký, P.
The idea of development of a special database, oriented to the storing, processing and analysis of data, obtained in the area of neuroinformatics when solving the problems related to the improvement of the realibility of interactions between human subject (driver) and artificial system (car) was proposed already in 2001 as Czech contribution to the neuroinformatic activities of Global Science Forum OECD (see[1] and [2] e.g.). In this report the presented basic structure of this database, called "Micro-Sleep Base (MSB)" is further developed and its presented state is described.
Výzkumná zpráva cizojazyčně

Novák, M.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.; Pěkný, J.; Sýkora, O.; Možná, J.; Ing. Ivan Poláček; Vysoký, P.
Optimalizace silničních tunelů vzhledem k jejich bezpečnosti a provozní spolehlivosti. Výzkumná zpráva byla vydána ku příložitosti řešení projektu OPTUN.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Mgr. Jakub Rajnoch; Ing. Zuzana Bělinová, Ph.D.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Ing. Jindřich Sadil, Ph.D.; Krása, J.; Vodrážka, V.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2005, Kybernetika a společnost na prahu XXI.století, Brno, VUT v Brně), p. 121-127), ISBN 80-214-3058-3
Paper presents Calm-Gentle introduction to standard...................................
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Mgr. Jakub Rajnoch; Ing. Zuzana Bělinová, Ph.D.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Ing. Jindřich Sadil, Ph.D.; Krása, J.; Vodrážka, V.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2005, ISEP 2005 - zbornik referatov - proceedings, Ljubljana, EC), p. 41-46), ISBN 961-6187-34-1
Prime object of Captive project is to formulate policy-oriented recommandations and proposals.
Vyzvaná předn. uvedená ve sborníku z mezinárodní konf.

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Hajný, M.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.; Sojka, J.
2005, Neural Network World, 15 (2), p. 149-163), ISSN 1210-0552
The paper introduces a cooperation of a car simulator realized in the virtual reality (VR) environments and measurements of "human driver behavior" focused mainly on the aspects of HMI and drivers' attention decrease.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Hajný, M.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.; Sojka, J.
2005, 7th WSEAS Int. Conf. On Automatic Control, Modeling Simulation, Athens, WSEAS), p. 523-530)
The paper introduces a cooperation of a car simulator realized in virtual reality (VR) environments and measurements of "human driver behavior" focused mainly on aspects of HMI and drivers' attention decrease. In the first part a conception and a development of our VR car simulation devices is described. During the development of car simulators many problems need to be solved. One of these problems is represented by a simplification and a partial automation of a scenery creation. The first part is dedicated to algorithms used in our tools, which help to automate the creation of virtual scenes. For simpler and faster generation of virtual sceneries it is suitable to store the models within a hierarchical database 3D object. The audio section of this article deals with simulating a sound of a car engine as a most significant audio stimulant for the driver. A validation measurements and consequent results are shown at the end of this section.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2005, Neurodynamic and Neuroinformatics Studies, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta dopravní), p. 81-99), ISBN 80-903298-3-7
The chapter gives an overview of the driving simulation technology which is used for the experiments focused on classification of driver behavior and which is continuously developed in our laboratory. Three different approaches to the driving simulator construction are discussed. The chapter introduces possibilities and drawbacks of each particular solution. The sketch of the laboratory equipped with driving simulator device and its interconnection with other necessary measuring device is proposed. The second part of the article is dedicated to the ways, which we use for the extraction of the information about the actual drives state and his/her ability of safe and reliable driving. Each of the methods is illustrated on examples of classification done on data from accomplished experiments.
Kapitola v jiné knize cizojazyčně

Ing. Zuzana Bělinová, Ph.D.; Mgr. Jakub Rajnoch; Krása, J.; Ing. Jindřich Sadil, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2005, Transport Systems Telematics 5th International Conference Proceedings, Ustron, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Slaskiej), p. 23-29), ISSN 0209-3324
ETNITE, EC-supported project, aims to improve the quality and amount of ITS training and education in Europe. ETNITE endeavors to create an educational network formed of various organizations dealing with Intelligent Transport Systems sharing together their knowledge and experience and providing first-rate expert ITS courses both for ITS professionals and students.
Vyzvaná předn. uvedená ve sborníku z mezinárodní konf.

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Krása, J.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Ing. Jindřich Sadil, Ph.D.; Ing. Zuzana Bělinová, Ph.D.; Mgr. Jakub Rajnoch; Vodrážka, V.
2005, Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference: Automatic Control, Modelling and Simullation (ACMOS '05), Athens, WSEAS Press), p. 83-94), ISBN 960-8457-12-2
Paper presents general aspect of driver-car interaction
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.; Hajný, M.; Novák, M.
For solving the problems of the reliability of interactions between the driver and car the adaptive driver-car simulators represent the tool of primary importance. Such simulators have often the form of whole special laboratory, equipped with considerably complicated hardware and software systems. The development and construction of such simulator laboratories, and also its practical application requires the knowledge of many areas, including the neurology, psychology, electronics, informatics, control engineering, mechanical engineering and transportation sciences. In this report are described our experiences with development and use of the laboratory adaptive car-driver simulator system at Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Technical University, Prague, reached in the period 2002 - 2005.
Výzkumná zpráva cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.
2005, WSEAS Transactions on Systems, Athens, WSEAS Press), p. 287-293), ISBN 960-8457-29-7
Tasks of Human Machine Interface (HMI) are on the top level of interest when studying the reliability of the human operators. The first part of this paper gives an overview of requirement on design of such an experimental laboratory equipped with driving simulator. Our research is mainly focused on the reliability of the interaction processes between the driver and vehicles so main part of the article deals with examples of usage and development of the methodology which we apply on experimentations on vehicle simulators.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2005, Neurodynamic and Neuroinformatics Studies, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta dopravní), ISBN 80-903298-3-7
Kapitola v jiné knize cizojazyčně

Novák, M.; prof. Ing. Pavel Přibyl, CSc.; doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Vysoký, P.
This report deals with the problems of the reliability and safety analysis of the problem of the of road tunnels operation with respect to human behavior aspects. After general analysis the attention is given dominantly to the differences of the driver behavior in the tunnel and on the open road, and to the splitting of driver attention by internal and external stimuli. Open problems and recommendations for further research are discussed.
Výzkumná zpráva cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.; Novák, M.; Nedoma, P.; Hajný, M.; Vasil, J.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; Borzová, C.
V této výzkumné zprávě je popsána vypracovaná metodika pro analýza vlivů použití dotykových panelů na spolehlivost interakce řidiče s vozidlem, jsou uvedeny výsledky úvodních měření na vozovém simulátoru a je provedena diskuze dosud získaných poznatků a doporučení dalšího postupu.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2004, Neural Network World, 14 (1), p. 3-15), ISSN 1210-0552
This paper introduces the cooperation of a virtual car simulator and EEG measurements to test a human driver's behavior in demanding situations.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném databází Scopus cizojaz.

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2004, SSGRR - 2004, NNW 14, Piacenta, ICS UNIDO), p. 3-15)
The Article solves problems of driver´s micro-sleeps detection using virtual simulation.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Borzová, C.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; doc. Ing. Pavel Hrubeš, Ph.D.; Machan, J.; Nedoma, P.; Novák, M.; Vasil, J.
In the report the problems of the influence of so called marginal stimuli on the driver attention level was discussed. Here also the respective methodology was proposed, which can be used for both quantitative and qualitative analysis of the impact of such stimuli on human subject driving activity. On the base of this the series of experimental measurements was realized in the course of March 2004 on the request of Š-A Co., the main aim of which was to classify the three possible location of window control buttons for the new model of Šk. Superb car with respect to their impact to driving safety. Though the formulation of the problem was stimulated by the very practical needs of the Š-A Co. constructors, the actuality of which was underlined by the strong requirements on the date in which the results were requested, the application of considerably new methodology leads to the necessity to solve a while set of very interesting questions of both fundamental and practical significance.
Výzkumná zpráva cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.; Novák, M.; Nedoma, P.; Borzová, C.; Vasil, J.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.
Cílem prací, jejichž výsledky jsou shrnuty v této výzkumné zprávě bylo prodloužit poznatky získané na předchozím vzorku pokusných osob při měření vlivu umístění okenních tlačítek v osobním automobilu (viz výzkumná zpráva č. LSS 192/04) metodikou, popsanou ve zprávě č. LSS 191/04 na dalším vzorku pokusných osob (s jiným věkovým rozvrstvením) a pokusit se najít v příslušných indikátorech vyplývajících ze zaznamenaných EEG signálů korelát změny vigility řidičů na simulátoru při jízdě zvolenou trasou při řízení a zátěží.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Pavel Hrubeš, Ph.D.; Machan, J.; Nedoma, P.; Novák, M.
This report deals with the problems of car driver attention splitting into the part focused to stimuli Sf corresponding direct to driving activity and into the part, corresponding to the stimuli Sm of marginal significance. The recommended measuring methodology is presented and verified on two examples. Open problems and recommendations for further research are discussed.
Výzkumná zpráva cizojazyčně

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; doc. Ing. Stanislav Novotný, Ph.D.; Piekník, R.; Novák, M.; Nedoma, P.; Hajný, M.; Vasil, J.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.
V této výzkumné zprávě je nejprve proveden rozbor problematiky vlivu použití mobilního telefonu řidičem za jízdy na spolehlivost a bezpečnost jeho řízení, je popsána vypracovaná metodika pro analýzu vlivu telefonních hovorů uskutečňovaných řidičem automobilu mobilními telefony za jízdy a jsou uvedeny výsledky úvodních měření. Dále je uveden návrh postupu pro další soustavné experimenty v této oblasti. Tento výzkum byl prováděn v r. 2004 na základě požadavku Škoda-Auto a.s. s použitím poznatků, získaných při řešení výzkumného záměru MŠMT ČR č. VZ 21000024 a projektů MŠMT ČR č. ME 478 a ME 701.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.; Novák, M.; Ing. Ivan Poláček; Sýkora, O.; Vysoký, P.
Zde uvedeme některé přístupy k vývoji metod pro analýzu spolehlivosti řidiče s vozidlem, jedoucím v silničním tunelu. Zkoumané metody vycházejí jednak z analýzy elektroencefalografických (EEG) signálů, dále pak ze sledování střední trajektorie vozidla a též z rozboru reflexních pohybů rukou řidiče na volantu.
Výzkumná zpráva v češtině

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2004, TRANSTEC 2004 The Transport Science & Technology Congress, Athens, Ministerstvo turismu Řecko), p. 65-72)
Majority of today's technical devices operates with a help of human operators. The operator is required to be constantly vigilant and even more attentive when operating the device. An attention decrease and a possible micro-sleep mean a very dangerous state in the driving process.
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
2002, Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics, Wien, Technische Universität), p. 96-103)
The paper describes a methodology and procedure of acquisition of data for creation of virtual models for the project "Virtual Old Prague"
Stať ve sborníku z mezinár. konf.

Novák, M.; prof. MUDr. Josef Faber, DrSc.; prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.; prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svítek, dr. h. c.; Kovanda, J.; Svoboda, P.; Tatarinov, V.; doc. Ing. Petr Bouchner, Ph.D.
In this report the problems of the design and construction of the laboratory for human - vehicle interaction reliability investigation are discussed. The concept of this laboratory is based on implementation of the hardware and software tools for EEG based analysis of human subject (driver) interaction reliability with the car control and telematic tools, involved in the car cockpit simulator.
Výzkumná zpráva cizojazyčně