
informace pocházejí z univerzitní databáze V3S

2024, New Trends in Civil Aviation: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on New Trends in Civil Aviation 2024, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 47-51), ISBN 978-80-01-07181-6, ISSN 2694-7854
The current development of unmanned operations in the airspace poses several challenges. One of them is the need to ensure an acceptable level of safety for all participants, even with the increasing capacity of operations. The solution is the system of U -space, which brings new possibilities for the coordination of UAS and traditional aviation in a single airspace, an efficient way of operations management, and an advanced level of automation and digitalization of its services. However, to implement U -space, it is necessary to conduct a safety analysis of such operations. This paper aims to verify whether U -space airspace allows wider possibilities for UAS operations by ensuring a higher level of safety. For this purpose, the MEDUSA method was used, which is designed for safety analysis in U -space airspace. The method was applied to a model operational scenario, which was previously used for the application of the SORA analysis, which is not designed for a higher density of air traffic and, therefore, wider usage of U -space. This enabled a direct comparison of the results of both methods, based on which the benefits and risks associated with the implementation of U -space were described. During processing, it was found that the purely qualitative nature of the MEDUSA method, in combination with limited documentation, strongly limits the conclusions. However, the results show that U -space allows for an increase in air traffic while maintaining the required level of safety.
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2024, New Trends in Civil Aviation: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on New Trends in Civil Aviation 2024, Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 207-212), ISBN 978-80-01-07181-6, ISSN 2694-7854
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are a key source of position, navigation, and timing for Unmanned Aircraft Systems. This holds true for the new e-ID technology as well, which is compulsory for drones operating in the SPECIFIC category since 2024. Both portable and embedded e-ID devices are a new addition to the market as a reaction to the new legislation. However, these electronic visibility enablers may be susceptible to GNSS interference, possibly leading to denial of service or false position and time information being reported. To assess the vulnerability of these newly introduced e-ID devices, two of them were subjected to a series of GNSS interference attacks. The testing included jamming-only attacks, spoofing-only attacks and attacks combining jamming with subsequent spoofing. The results show the impact of all these attacks on the position and time information, the number of satellites in view and other parameters. Additionally, the results highlight the differences between a GNSS-only e-ID device and an e-ID device with both GNSS and inertia sensors. Finally, the potential of using accuracy indicators in e-ID messages for GNSS interference detection is discussed.
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doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.; Ing. Adam Kleczatský, Ph.D.; Ing. Michal Černý; Ing. Tomáš Tlučhoř; Ing. Šárka Václavíková; Hodač, R.; Sekyrová, K.; Böhm, A.
Cílem analýzy vhodného způsobu začlenění informací o provozu UAS do činností stanoviště služby řízení je popis konkrétní varianty, kterou lze zajistit bezpečnou integraci bezpilotního provozu a s tím spojené požadavky na letové provozní služby, je-li tento provoz prováděn ve vzdušném prostoru U-space a zároveň řízeném vzdušném prostoru. Jedná se o výsledek CK01000185-V3 a naplňuje popis: „Výsledkem bude analýza začlenění přehledových informací o UAS do procesů a činností stanovišť služby řízení letového provozu. Bude vyhodnocovat různé možnosti distribuce přehledové informace na stanovišti řízení. Analýza bude rovněž obsahovat návrh způsobu, jakým budou informace spojené s provozem UAS zobrazeny.“
Oponovaná výzkumná zpráva v češtině

Ing. Michal Černý; Ing. Adam Kleczatský, Ph.D.; Ing. Tomáš Tlučhoř; prof. Ing. Milan Lánský, DrSc.; doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.
2023, Drones, 7 (12), ISSN 2504-446X
The operation of unmanned aircraft systems in shared airspace can serve as an accelerator for the global economy and a sensitive addition to the existing mix of transportation modes. For these reasons, concepts of Unmanned Traffic Management have been recently published, defining advanced rules for all potential participants in the operation of unmanned systems. Airspace primarily dedicated to automated unmanned system operations, referred to as U-space in Europe, needs to be designated with consideration for the surrounding airspace. This is especially important in cases where the airspace is controlled, and when declaring U-space airspace, it is necessary to pay particular attention to the density of surrounding air traffic. The goal of this article is to assess the suitability of establishing U-space airspace for Urban Air Mobility in terms of traffic density in a controlled area above the selected metropolis, which is Prague, Czech Republic. To achieve this goal, data on air traffic in the given area were analyzed to obtain precise information about the traffic distribution. Areas in which the establishment of U-space airspace is possible both without implementing dynamic reconfiguration and with the application of the dynamic reconfiguration concept were also selected. The result is the determination of whether it is possible to establish U-space in airspace, as in the analyzed case of the Ruzyne CTR, U-space can be introduced in 83 % of the territory.
Článek v periodiku excerpovaném SCI Expanded

Ing. Tomáš Tlučhoř; Ing. Michal Černý; Ing. Adam Kleczatský, Ph.D.; prof. Ing. Milan Lánský, DrSc.
2023, Transportation Research Procedia - INAIR 2023, Linz, Elsevier BV), p. 142-150), ISSN 2352-1465
Unmanned aircraft systems are growing in popularity with both the general public and private entities. Not only are they expected to be used in the field of small consignment transport, but also for passenger transport. As a result, there is a growing interest in building the overall infrastructure to support the development of the implementation of unmanned aircraft systems into common operations. In this case, we are talking about possible support for the creation of Urban Air Mobility. However, it is not entirely obvious what Urban Air Mobility involves, with which entities it should cooperate or what links will be between the different elements of UAM. The objective of this paper is to create a first high-level model of the analysed environment - Urban Air Mobility - that comprehensively captures all elements and the links between them and can be used for further system analyses of the aviation environment. The result of the research is the model of UAM integrated into the aviation system. Based on this model, the elements that hold roles in the system and without which the UAM could not function are clearly defined and the model could be used for system theory analyses of possible issues in regulation or for setting up processes and rules.
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Ing. Michal Černý; Ing. Tomáš Tlučhoř; prof. Ing. Milan Lánský, DrSc.
2023, Transportation Research Procedia - INAIR 2023, Linz, Elsevier BV), p. 126-133), ISSN 2352-1465
The vast majority of unmanned aircraft systems nowadays rely on satellite navigation to determine their position and altitude. These systems already achieve sufficient accuracy to be used for navigation during flights beyond the visual line of sight of a remote pilot. However, it is necessary to note that these systems are susceptible to reduced signal quality, which can pose a challenge, especially when operating within urban areas. This paper presents the results of experiments that aimed to simulate reduced GNSS signal quality through jamming and spoofing. Both static and dynamic tests were conducted using three specific categories of UAS. Successful jamming of GNSS signals was achieved across all selected UAS categories. The spoofing was successful with only one UAS category.
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doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.; Ing. Adam Kleczatský, Ph.D.; Ing. Michal Černý; Ing. Tomáš Tlučhoř; Ing. Šárka Václavíková; Hodač, R.; Sekyrová, K.; Böhm, A.
Bezpilotní systémy rostou na popularitě a dostávají se čím dál více do povědomí veřejnosti. Pronikají do různých oblastí využitelnosti. Jejich počty se neustále zvyšují a plány s jejich využitím do budoucna rostou. Je tak nezbytné korigovat a regulovat jejich provoz. Zároveň se bezpilotní systémy pohybují ve velmi nízkém vzdušném prostoru, který je společným prostorem i pro letectví s pilotem na palubě, a tak zde může dojít k naplnění jeho kapacity. Plány pro jejich regulaci jsou tedy na místě a je nutné včas podchytit možné přehlcení vzdušného prostoru. Bezpilotní systémy by měly být provozovány v koexistenci s letectvím s pilotem na palubě ve stejném vzdušném prostoru a nemělo by docházet k jejich vzájemné segregaci. Je tedy zapotřebí využívat stejný vzdušný prostor se společnými pravidly provozu pro oba druhy subjektů. O jejich vzájemnou koordinaci by se v budoucnu mělo postarat evropské řešení uspořádání letového provozu – U-space. Právě tento dokument, který je výsledkem projektu s názvem Návrh řešení implementace U-space pro Českou republiku přináší inovativní postup pro návrhy prostorů U-Space ve vzdušném prostoru ČR, tedy možnost, jak určit kde by U-space měl být vytvořen a pro jaké případy provozu by byl komerčně vhodný.
Výsledky promítnuté do směrnic a nelegisl. předpisů

doc. Ing. Jakub Kraus, Ph.D.; Ing. Adam Kleczatský, Ph.D.; Ing. Michal Černý; Ing. Tomáš Tlučhoř; Ing. Stanislav Kušmírek, Ph.D.; Ing. Šárka Václavíková; Hodač, R.; Sekyrová, K.; Böhm, A.
Cílem Provozní koncepce U-space pro ČR je komplexně definovat subjekty, procesy, data, vztahy a dopady implementace U-space v České republice. Provozní koncepce U-space pro ČR tak slouží jako generální dokument pro implementaci U-space v ČR ze systémového pohledu. Jedná se o výsledek CK01000185-V1 a naplňuje popis: „Celková provozní koncepce U-space pro ČR bude založena na nově připravované legislativě a bude zohledňovat budoucí požadavky na integraci UAS provozu. Koncepce bude rovněž reflektovat spektrum postupů a zkušeností, které zakomponuje při vytváření integračních zásad. Budou definovány role všech zainteresovaných stran a navrženy datové vazby mezi ŘLP, FIMS manažerem a poskytovatelem služeb U-space s definováním všech vstupů a datových toků pro zajištění dynamických informací o vzdušném prostoru.“
Výsledek promítnutý do schvál. strateg. a koncepčních dokumentů

2022, 2022 New Trends in Aviation Development (NTAD), Prague, Czechoslovakia Section IEEE), p. 32-36), ISBN 979-8-3503-2036-7
This paper deals with the use of unmanned aircraft systems for inspecting the correctness of the function of airport lighting systems. These days, inspections are typically done using so-called flying labs, but unmanned aircraft systems are showing that they can be significantly more effective in these tasks. In this paper, commercially available unmanned aircraft systems were used for the inspection of lighting systems at the small uncontrolled airport Vysoké Mýto. The inspection results in an acceptable accuracy of it, which leads to the possibility of significant savings for this task in the future.
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2022, 2022 New Trends in Civil Aviation (NTCA), Praha, České vysoké učení technické v Praze), p. 161-169), ISBN 978-80-01-06985-1, ISSN 2694-7854
Unmanned aircraft systems have undergone rapid development in the last decade. This technological advancement allows their use in industry and other sectors of human activity. However, in order to increase their area of deployment there is a need for safe and effective way of harmonizing this type of operation with other current airspace users. Within the European Union this concept has been designated as U-space airspace. Through the provision of U-space services, the combination of unmanned and manned operations in the same part of the airspace is possible. The required technology for creation of U -space airspace is ready. Nevertheless, at this moment there is no tool through which it would be possible to determine the suitability of introducing U -space airspace in the selected areas. This is the area that this paper focuses on. Purposefulness of four scenarios was evaluated and general method determining the suitability of the creation of U -space airspace was created.
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2021, Proceedings of the “Transport Means 2021”, Kaunas, Kaunas University of Technology), p. 826-830), ISSN 1822-296X
The aim of this paper is to propose a defence strategy of Vaclav Havel airport Prague against UAS. The first part addresses the importance of the largest airport in the Czech Republic and the resulting need for its protection. The following section defines the CUAS and explains the different approaches towards the cooperative and noncooperative drones concerning safety and security. The paper also divides individual CUAS systems according to the technologies they use and determines if they are suitable for use at a public international airport. Afterward the defence strategy was created from suitable options including both active and passive surveillance systems. In the end, the evaluation of the proposal was done in terms of range, scalability, and economy.
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